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Do not = don’t
Does not = doesn’t
Can not = can’t
Will not = won’t
Should not = shouldn’t
Could not = couldn’t
Have not = haven’t
Has not = hasn’t
Had not = hadn’t
Was not = wasn’t
Were not = weren’t
Are not = aren’t

Have (Only auxiliar)

I have = I’ve
You have = you’ve
She has = she’s
He has = he’s
It has = it’s
We have = we’ve
They have = they’ve
Could have = could’ve
Should have = should’ve
Would have = would’ve
Might have = might’ve
Must have = must’ve
How have = how’ve
Might have = might’ve
What have = what’ve
Where have = where’ve

Had (auxiliar)
I had = I’d
You had = you’d
She had = she’d
He had = he’d
They had = they’d
We had = we’d

It is = it’s
He is = he’s
She is = she’s
Mine is = mine’s
That is = that’s
Somebody is = somebody’s
There is = there’s
What is = what’s
Where is = where’s
Who is = who’s
Why is = why’s

I am = I’m

You are = you’re
They are = they’re
We are = we’re
How are = how’re
That are = that’re
There are = there’re
These are = these’re
What are = what’re
Who are = who’re
Why are = why’re

I will = I’ll
You will = you’ll
He will = he’ll
She will = she’ll
They will = they’ll
We will = we’ll
That will = that’ll
There will = there’ll
What will = what’ll
Who will = who’ll

Who did = who’d
What did = what’d
When did = when’d
Where did = where’d
Why did = why’d
How did = how’d
What did = what’d
Where did = where’d
Why did = why’d

I would = I’d
You would = you’d
She would = she’d
He would = he’d
It would = it’d
They would = they’d
We would = we’d
That would = that’d
There would = there’d

Let us = let’s
Because = cause
Them = em
Kind of = kinda
O’clock = of the clock

I would have: I’d’ve

Next to him = Nextoo’um

Next to her = Nextoo’er
Ask him = ask’im
Ask her = ask’er
Find him = find’im
Find her = find’er
I don’t know where he’s gone. = I dono wherees gone.

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