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1. Watch the video called "The Signs".

Use chapter 5 to highlight different

warning signs of an abusive relationship portrayed in the video.  How can
you help yourself or someone else who is in an abusive relationship? Do you
believe an abuser can be rehabilitated? Explain your answer. Please let's get
into the habit of using the language "survivor" instead of "victim". 

The warning signs of an abusive relationship, according to the video "The Signs," include
extreme jealousy or insecurity, attempts to control all facets of a partner's life, attempts to
isolate the partner from family and friends, invasions of privacy, mistreatment by blaming,
shaming, and putting you down, making false assumptions, destroying your personal
belongings, an inability to show compassion towards anyone, but especially you, and pressure
to engage in harmful behaviour. You know you're in trouble when someone demands your
undivided attention and time constantly and becomes irate and demanding when you spend
time with anyone else. It becomes customary to request a time report. The abused partner
experiences the feeling of being a possession rather than a free individual. I will ask for
assistance from my family or organisations that can help me avoid or end an abusive
relationship if I notice or feel the warning indications that will result in one. I will come
forward as a victim of an abusive relationship and report the abuser. I'll also dial the 1-800-
942-6906 toll-free number for the New York State Hotline for Sexual Assault and Domestic
Violence. I can get information and crisis counselling over the phone from the professional
victim advocates who staff this free, confidential hotline around-the-clock. I think it could be
challenging to alter the abuser's conduct. The abuser himself must undergo true reform.
Nothing you do will make him different.

2. Give an example of a personal experience with one of the modalities of

Complementary and Integrative Medicine (Chapter 15A on pages 488-497). Cite
info from the book along with your personal observations. Did you think the
experience was beneficial and would you recommend it to someone else?
Many Americans seek medical care from sources other than conventional medicine. These
treatments could be referred to be complementary and integrative medicine if you use them. In
addition to conventional medical treatment, complementary medicine is used. One illustration is
the use of acupuncture to lessen the effects of cancer treatment. Integrative medicine refers to the
delivery of both forms of care by healthcare organisations and providers. Those who experience
symptoms such as exhaustion, worry, or discomfort can benefit from integrative medicine. It can
aid patients in managing ailments like fibromyalgia, headaches, and cancer. Acupuncture,
animal-assisted therapy, aromatherapy, dietary and herbal supplements, massage therapy, music
therapy, meditation, resilience training, Tai chi or yoga, Ayurveda, and other common practises
are examples of complementary medicines.

I had a chest infection, severe cough, and acute bronchitis during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Since I was having breathing problems, a ventilator had to be used on me (oxygen support). I
was gradually getting better after receiving standard medical care for the dangerous viral illness.
I employed ayurvedic herbal decoctions, hot water, and regular breathing exercises, including
yoga positions, in addition to allopathic medications. These complementing medications
significantly aid my recovery from the fatal COVID-19 pandemic. Utilizing an integrative
approach has greatly accelerated my recovery. As a result of my experience, I would strongly
advise using integrative medications in addition to conventional therapies for conditions like
cancer, COVID-19, bone fractures, pain, and other conditions where therapy can aid in recovery.

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