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Estimation and Costing

CE 659
1. Introduction [3 hours]
2. Types of Estimates [3 hours]
3. Analysis of Rates [6 hours]
4. Valuation [6 hours]
5. Detailed Estimate [8 hours]
6. Computer Application [4 hours]
Syllabus Contd..
Chapters Hours Marks Distributions*

1 3 4

2 3 4

3 6 8

4 6 8

5 8 12

6 4 4
Total 30 40

• A.K. Upadhyaya, “Civil Estimating, Quantity Surveying and

Valuation” , Kaston Publishing House, Ludhiana

• M. Chakraborti, “Estimatng and Costing”

• B.N Dutta, “Estimating and Costing”

6. Computer Application (4 hours)

6.1 Estimates for one room building

6.2 Valuation of property
6.3 Rate Analysis
• The computer is most effective in reducing time and labour when a number of
repetitive calculations are required to be done.
• Such a situation is often encountered in estimating and costing and computerized
approach to such problem can save time not sacrificing accuracy at the same time.
• The engineers, for most of their purposes, use the FORTRAN code to develop their
programs and the knowledge of above language is a prerequisite of computerized
Computer Programme
A programmer accesses a digital computer to solve a
particular problem with the help of programming
language which is translated by the computer to
machine language.

A computer programme is basically a series of

statements meaning certain instructions.
Any quantity within the programme which can assume different
values at different places is called a variable.

A variable is expressed in terms of alphanumeric characters not

exceeding six in number of which the first one must be an alphabet.

Variables beginning with letter I to N denote integers and those

beginning with other letters denote real variables(may contain
decimal points)
Library Functions
Any computer compiler (program which translates the programming
language to machine language ) contains a list of inbuilt functions called
LIBRARY FUNCTIONS. The argument of these functions may be variable
or numerical constants. Some of those are tabulated below.
Function Fortran Equivalent Function Fortran Equivalent
sinx SIN(X) |x| ABS(X)
cosx COS(X) 𝑒𝑥 EXP(X)
Tanx TAN(X) logex ALOG(X)
sin-1x ASIN(X) log10x ASLOG10(X)
cos-1x ACOS(X)
tan-1x ATAN(X)
Any data is entered within a program through READ statement and any
calculated result is obtained through WRITE statement.

I- format is used for integer variables. It is one of the form Iw where w

denotes the field width (number of columns) within which variable is
specified with sign.

Example READ (5, 10) I, J, K

10 FORMA T (I2, I3, 14)
Here 5 denotes the input file number and in this file the value of I is to be
typed within the first 2 columns, J and K are to be typed within the next 3
and 4 columns respectively.
F-format is used for real variables and is specified as Fw.d where w
denotes the field width and d is the number of digits after decimal
Example WRITE (6, 20) A,B

20 FORMAT (F10.2, F8.1)

Here A is printed within the first 10 columns and with 2 places after
the decimal point (after rounding off) and B is printed within the
next 8 columns with one place after decimal point
Control Statements
A programmer uses a number of CONTROL STATEMENTS within the
program of which GO TO, IF and DO are the most common ones.

The above statement may appear anywhere within the program
where: n denotes a statement number. When the above statement is
encountered the statement numbered n is executed skipping all other
intermediate statements.
Sometimes a GO TO statement may be conditional and associated with
an IF statement and has the form,
IF (Iogical condition) GO TO n
In this case the control is transferred to the statement numbered n only
when the logical condition inside the IF parenthesis is true.
24-7. Salient points to develop a computer
The following points may be noted during developing a computer
program .
a) The input parameters must be clearly identified.
b) The input options must be incorporated by using proper flags e.g.
one may use the number 1 to denote mild steel and the number 2 to
denote for steel.
c) The formulae which are involved must be expressed in terms of the
variables and preferable be written down in rough first.
d) The variable names are to be selected carefully so that integer and
real variables are not mixed
e) The programmer must get all the input parameters through READ
statements and must display all the required outputs through
WRITE statements.

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