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Q. 1 As per the discussion conducted in the last week lectures, managers paly an important
role in the over all functioning of the organization. Without a competent knowledgeable
manager,management cannot achieve its desired efficiency and effectiveness in
organizational goal.describe the functions,role and skills of managers. Support your answer
by using approprite example from the market?

➢ Managerial functions
Managerial functions refer to the roles and responsibilities of managers and to perform these
functions effectively managers need certain skills. Management is a creative process which
integrates and uses various available resources effectively to accomplish certain goals. For
this, an individual is responsible to develop ideas and get things done through others. This
individual is called manager. So, any person who performs the functions of planning,
organizing, staffing, directing and controlling for the accomplishment of pre-determined
organization goals is called as manager. Manager is not actually to do the work but guide
others to do things correctly.
It is the duty of every manager to educate, train and develop people below him so that they
may use their potentialities and abilities to perform the work allocated to them. He has also
helped them in satisfying their needs and aspirations through incentives and other things. He
must provide proper working environment to the subordinates so that they work to the
optimum level. So, the job of the manager is very complex and requires some extra-ordinary
qualities to get the desired results.

➢ Basic managerial functions

● Planning
Planning: In planning a manager performs informational and decisional roles he makes
decisions on the basis of information, which he collects earlier.
● Organizing
In organisation,he performs decisional role by allocating duties and resources
to organizational units and makes way for the coordinating of these units.
● Directing /leading
In directing, the manager performs interpersonal and informational roles by
interacting with his subordinates, leading, motivating and communicating them.
● Controlling
In controlling, he shares informational role. Manager must ensure that performance is
accordance with the plans adopted, the instructions issued and the principles established.

The staffing function has not been included in role approach as this function tends to be
in human resource management area though every manager is involved in some aspects of
staffing like performance appraisal, on the job training etc.

➢ Managerial skills

Skill is the ability of a manager to utilize managerial knowledge to get better results, more
efficiency, and overall prosperity to the organization. The following are the essential skills
managers need to carry out their responsibilities efficiently and effectively:

1. Technical Skills
2. Human Relations Skills (behavioral Skills)
3. Conceptual Skills

● Technical skills

A technical skill is the ability to understand and perform a specific kind of activity. It refers to
specialized knowledge and proficiency in using various methods, procedures and techniques
for doing specific jobs. In a production department, this would mean an understanding of the
technicalities of the process of production.

● Human relations skills

Human relations skill is needed to interact with the people at all levels. In simple words, it is
the ability of a manager to work with, motivate and counsel people. This skill develops in the
manger ability to recognize the feeling and sentiments of others, to judge the possible
reactions to, to examine his own concepts and values which may enable him to develop
more useful attitudes about himself.Human relations skills are needed not only to deal with
subordinates but also during interactions with superiors, peers, and outsiders. Managers can
develop human skills by intensive and extensive interactions with people, listening to their
viewpoints, empathizing with their feeling and extending a helping hand in situation of crisis.
● Conceptual skills
It refers to the ability to take a broad and far-sighted view of the
organization and its future, his ability to think in abstract, his ability to analyze the
forces working in a situation, his creative and innovative ability and his ability to
assess the environment, the organization, and his own job, so that he can set appropriate
goals for his organization, for himself and for his team. Conceptual skills
utilize analytical and decision making abilities of managers in increasing organizational

➢ Managerial roles
Managerial roles are the organized set of behavior that is associated with the position of
manager. The work of managers at all level is extremely complex and open minded, at times
more artistic than scientific. Although the specific activities of managers at different levels
vary, they have important elements in common.These roles are briefly explained in the
following diagram.

1. Interpersonal roles
2. Informational roles
3. Decisional roles

>Now we will discuss in details

★ Interpersonal roles;
The need for interpersonal roles arises because of the constant interactions that a manager
has with people, both inside and outside of an organization. In this the manager is
responsible for managing relationships within and outside the organization. In other words,
interpersonal roles are those roles that allow a manager to interact with his or her employees
for the purpose of achieving organizational goals.Three of the manager's roles involve basic
interpersonal relationships:

A.Figurehead role: In figurehead role manager performs symbolic legal or social duties
such as greeting visitors, signing legal documents, attending the wedding of an employee,
taking an important customer to lunch and so on. All social, inspiration, legal and ceremonial
obligations are performed by the managers in this role. In this light, the manager is seen as a
symbol of status and authority.

B.Leader role: As a leader role managers motivate the subordinates and leading them in the
direction of goal accomplishment. In simple words, this role describes the manager’s
relationship with subordinates. As a leader, the manager must bring the needs of the
subordinates in accord with those of his organization.

C.liasion role: In a liaison role, a manager acts as a link to integrate the organization,
internally as well as externally. Within the organization manager integrates different
units and individuals of the organization and outside the organization, a manager
integrates the organization with its environment to assess the state of competition, social
changes, government polices and legislative enactments, etc. in other words, amanager
serves as a liaison between the organization and outside contracts such as customers,
suppliers, community and others

★ Informational role
The second category of managerial roles is informational roles. The informational roles
include those roles in which a manager must generate and share knowledge to successfully
achieve organizational goals. Basically the need for
informational roles arises because a manager has to constantly receive and pass on useful
information to the relevant people and institutions. Under informational roles, a manager has
to perform three roles i.e as a monitor, disseminator and spokesperson.

A.Monitor role : It refers to the managers continually seeking and receiving relevant
information in order to be well informed. In simple words, in this role a manager acts
as a monitor and receives information from various sources such as journals, magazines,
newspapers etc. This information is monitored so that it becomes useful for the information.

B.Disseminator role: As disseminator, a manager transmits information to those who need

it through memorandum, phone calls, meetings, notices, circulars, manuals etc. in simple
words, the manager passes on important information to subordinates. Some of this is factual
information but some is based on the manager’s analysis and interpretation of events. In
either case, it is manager’s responsibility to ensure that
subordinates have the information they need to carry out their duties.

C.Spokesperson role: Managers act as a spokesperson or representative of the

organization. They transmit information to people outside their units which have some stake
in the organization. These stakeholders can be government officials, labour unions, financial
institutions, suppliers, customers, etc. The manager must win their support by effectively
managing the social impact of his organization. Thus, a manager performs the role of a
spokesperson by representing his organization to outside world and explaining the plans,
policies, actions, and results of the organizational activities

★ Decisional role
The need of decisional roles arises because a manager has to solve organizational
problems with a view to providing it with the necessary strength to
withstand internal and external pressure. Information is the basic input to decision
making for managers.

Thank you

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