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- Be in your own natural frequency and energy source, you located trough stillness,

be still and listen to your body, listen to your frequency that shines through.
- Allow things to come trough
- I don’t have to like everybody, and everybody doesn’t have to like me
- Be true to my own frequency, my job is to like my self
- Do an inventory for the things that don’t work for me anymore
- Focus on my breathing and let the stillness guide me
- Levels of recognition: angry, cynical, bitter, JOY dot take things to seriously because
everything is an illusion
- Ignore my ego wanting me to take things seriously
- Identify where the negative voices come from, parents, friends, and our ego choses
to believe that, today I have the opportunity to change those voices, to fortify my
own positive voice, recognize where do the negative voices come from
- Why do I entertain that voice? What is the payoff of listening that voice? Why I let
that voice to live in my mind?
- Use a popstar to locate an inner part of my own personality, they represent my
secret self, different parts of me and helps me to motivate me an be an inspiration.
- Exemplifies who I want to be
- Fake it until you make it
- If you don’t know where to go, just copy what someone else is doing
- We want to find that place in us, the one that we find by imitating pop stars

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