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Senior High School

Grade 11

Computer Systems Servicing NCII

Learning Area: Computer System Servicing 101

Target Day/Week: Week 2

Grading Period: First Semester – Quarter 2

Learning Competency 13: Identify different kinds of technical drawings

(TLE_IACSS9- 12PITD-IIf-g-13)
Learning Competency 14: Interpret technical drawing
(TLE_IACSS9- 12PITD-IIg-h-14)


Technical drawing is a precised drawing of an object, as employed in architecture or

engineering. It shows information about communication for engineering and architecture

Schematic Diagram
Circuit or schematic diagrams consist of symbols
representing physical components and lines representing
wires or electrical conductors. To learn how to read a circuit
diagram, it is necessary to learn what the schematic symbol
of a component looks like. It is also necessary to
understand how the components are connected in the circuit.
Each electronic or electrical component is represented by a symbol as can be seen in this simple
circuit diagram. Lines used to connect the symbols represent conductors or wires. Each symbol
represents a physical component that may look as follows.

Component References
Components in a circuit should always have
references, also called reference designators,
used to identify the components in the circuit.
This allows the components to easily be referenced
in text or a component list. A battery may have the reference designator "BAT" and a
light bulb may have a reference "L".Because there could be more than one battery or
light bulb in a circuit, reference designators will usually always end with a number, e.g.
BAT1 and L1 as shown in the circuit below. A second light bulb in the circuit would then
have the reference designator L2.
Parallel Circuit Example
In the circuit below, two light bulbs are connected in
parallel to a battery power source. It can be seen
that the top terminals of the two light bulbs are connected
and to the positive terminal of the battery. We know this
because the three terminals or connection points have a node where they intersect. The bottom
terminals of the bulbs are connected and the negative terminal of the battery because the second
node shows these connections.
Series Circuit Example
In the series circuit below, two light bulbs are connected
in series. No nodes are necessary in this circuit to show the
bulbs connecting and the battery because single wires are
connecting straight to each other. Nodes are only placed if three
or more wires are connected.
Common Electrical/Electronic Circuit Symbols
Logic Gate Symbols

Directions: Draw a circuit symbol of the following electrical/electronic components below.
Identify the differents

1. Capacitator 6. Push switch

2. Resistor 7. Battery
3. Diode 8. NAND Gate
4. Transformer 9 Potentiometer
5. NPN Transistor 10. DC Supply


Directions: 1. Trace the following circuit diagram below and fill in the missing circuit
symbol to complete the circuit.
2. Identify the different typees of technical drawing shown in each
3. Interpret each diagram and disscusss concisely in 3 – 5 sentences


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