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Motivational factors involving Aircraft Maintenance Technology amidst the pandemic

A Research Paper presented to

The College Faculty
Indiana Aerospace University
Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Philippines

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science
Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Liquit, Jessa Maria (4-5PM MWF)
Arreza, Dave Eisenlois L. (2-3PM MWF)
Bongbonga, Jade Vincent G. (2-3PM MWF)
Dayon, Leanne Reign M. (2-3PM MWF)
Hornido, Miles Gerard P. (2-3PM MWF)
Lao, Vincent Nichole S. (3-4PM MWF)
Pino, Francis Earl (4-5:30PM TTH)
Sy, Trisha Kaye S. (2-3 MWF)
Ybañez, Sheena Ericka A. (3-4PM MWF)


The primary source of educating future aircraft maintenance technicians is Aircraft Maintenance
Technology (AMT) education. This research not only helps to improve student learning, but it
also helps to ensure safe air travel. This study focuses on motivational factors involving AMT
students admitted to the pandemic that may affect their performance, narrowing down the factors
that help us eliminate and recommend assistance to avoid such behavior from occurring in the
future. On-the-job training (OJT) must be matched to the workplace environment. Therefore,
there is an immense need for research conducted in this field to enhance the performance of
AMT students admist pandemic and determine these motivational factors that can help students
with their academic performance.
The study illuminates on the Covid-19 pandemic-era AMT students' online learning motivation
at Indiana Aerospace University. Some recent research found that students' motivation for online
learning was impacted both intrinsically and extrinsically as a result of the abrupt transition from
the traditional face-to-face learning strategy to remotely digital learning. A theoretical construct
used to explain the initiation, direction, intensity, persistence, and quality of behavior, especially
behavior that is goal-directed, is called motivation (Brophy, 2010:3). According to contextual
and social elements acting as enablers or barriers, it is connected to individual cognitive and
affective processes on situated and interactive interaction between learners and their learning
environment (Schuck et al., 2014). According to Ryan and Decci (2000), Intrinsic motivation is
defined as the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfactions rather than for some separable
consequence while extrinsic motivation construct that pertains whenever an activity is done in
order to attain some separable outcome.
Millions of children worldwide are now compelled to learn at home due to the COVID-19
pandemic. Recent studies revealed that this has a detrimental effect on children' motivation to
learn. Being motivated in a class is vital considering that it is an important predictor of learning
and achievement. Students who are more motivated to learn do better in class and on
standardized tests, endure longer, and put up higher-quality effort. According to certain studies,
students who took online courses exhibited poor levels of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
The lack of motivation was further explored, and it was suggested that it may have resulted from
a lack of in-person engagement with teachers and classmates.
The goal of this study is to shed light on AMT students' motivational factors for online learning
during the Covid-19 pandemic. Related studies revealed that students' motivation in online
learning was affected both intrinsically and extrinsically as a result of the abrupt transition from
traditional face-to-face learning to remotely digital learning.
The theory that supports this research is McClelland’s Theory motivation. The theory states that
humans are motivated by their following internal and external goals. With that, students are
empowered to finish their activities if they are given affiliation and praise or how satisfied they
are with their performance.
The researchers intend to conduct a study to identify the Motivational Factors Involving AMT
Students Admist Pandnemic in Lapu-Lapu City, specifically at Indiana Aerospace University,
which includes their self-determination, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and experiences
during the pandemic.

Aims of the study

The study aims to assess the motivational factors involving aircraft maintenance technology
students amidst the pandemic in Indiana Aerospace University for the academic year 2020-2022.
Specifically, it aims to answer the following sub-problems.

1. Determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age and year level.
2. Determine the motivational factors involving Aircraft Maintenance Technology students
amidst the pandemic in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factor.
3. Rank the problems encountered by the Aircraft Maintenance Technology students and parents.
4. Propose an action plan based on the results of the study.
Research Method

The qualitative and quantitative methods of research were used to analyze how the AMT
students handles all the factors much more the motivational factor during the pandemic. It
establishes how the AMT students enhanced their skill when it comes in pursuing their dreams
and career in life. The pandemic seems to be a threat because it causes the students to stop
studying, not pursuing their dreams. However, there are some factors that could help the AMT
students measured their abilities on how to handle the situation. The qualitative method enables
the students to collect data and analyze the situation. It also explores the real world and how the
people react and understand the situation in the society. The AMT students will have the
opportunity and understand how the other students handled their self, amidst the pandemic.
Quantitative method emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or
numerical analysis of data collected through questionnaires and surveys. This study is a
quantitative research that used the correlational method in order to determine the motivational
factors involving Aircraft Maintenance Technology students amidst the pandemic.

Research Environment

Students in this study came from Indiana Aerospace University currently located at Kagudoy,
Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, the first aerospace university in the Philippines with a population of 500
plus aircraft maintenance technology students,

Research Respondents

The Indiana Aerospace University's selected students are the focus of the research's proponent.
There are 25 2nd year students, 25 3rd years students and 25 parents from each year level are
chosen to be the respondents for the said research. These student were enrolled in the academic
year 2020-2022. This study attempted to look into how the pandemic affected students while
they were participating in online learning. In order to collect the data necessary for this research,
the study will distribute questionnaires to the following respondents.
Respondents of study


Subjects Frequency Rate Actual Frequency

Amt students 2nd year 344 26.9% 25

Amt students 3rd year 295 23.08% 25

2nd Year AMT Parents 344 26.9% 25
3 Year AMT Parents
295 23.08% 25
Total 1278 100% 100
Data Gathering Instruments

The data regarding the AMT students’ motivational factors amidst the pandemic were
collected using self-made survey questionnaires and interview questions. Through this survey we
are able to receive unbiased responses that can help us grasp a better sense of AMT
students’ thoughts and motivations to learning especially amidst the pandemic. The first part
elicited data on the respondents’ (Indiana Aerospace University AMT Students) profile in terms
of age and year. The second part dealt with determining the motivational factors involving AMT
students amidst the pandemic. The questions were rated using the scale: 4- strongly agree; 3-
agree; 2- disagree; 1-strongly disagree. The third part dealt with ranking the problems
encountered by the AMT students and parents. The questions were rated using the scale: 4-
strongly agree; 3- agree; 2- disagree; 1-strongly disagree.
Another instrument will be used in the study which is the interview schedules. It will
contain questions about motivational factors involving AMT students amidst the pandemic
Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical treatment of data used five-point scale with numerical range, descriptive

equivalent and interpretation are used in evaluating the AMT students with their Motivational
factors amidst the pandemic.

Scale Range Descriptive Equivalent Interpretation

4 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree All cases
3 3.61-4.20 Agree Most cases
2 2.81-3.60 Disagree Few cases
1 1.00-2.80 Strongly Disagree Do not agree

The Aircraft Maintenance Technology students agreed that the motivational factors affected their
performance amidst the pandemic in Scale 4; 4.21-5.00; strongly agree in all cases. Scale 3;
3.61-4.20; Agree in Most cases. Scale 2; 2.81-3.60; Disagree in few cases and Scale 1; 1.00-2.80;
strongly disagree for those do not agree.

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