Poem Analysis

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Dacanay 1

Drew Dacanay

Ms. Foster

English 7-8


Analysis of Surprised by Joy

Written by Wordsworth in 1815, “Surprised by Joy” is a deeply personal reflection on the

sudden and unexpected moments of joy that can occur in life, and the way that these moments

can be tinged with sadness when we remember loved ones who are no longer with us.

The poem begins with Wordsworth expressing his surprise at the sudden appearance of

joy in his life. He describes this joy as a "wild surmise," something that he never expected to feel

again. The joy is so intense that it feels like a physical force, lifting him up and filling him with a

sense of wonder. However, as the poem progresses, the speaker reveals that this joy is also


He realizes that it is connected to memories of his past, particularly his experiences with

a loved one who has since passed away. He describes this loved one as a "visionary gleam," a

reminder of a time when he was filled with hope and optimism.

The poem concludes with the speaker acknowledging the fleeting nature of joy and the

inevitability of loss. He says that he is grateful for the moments of joy that he has experienced,

even if they are tinged with sadness. He concludes by saying that he will hold onto these

memories and cherish them, even as they slip away from him.

Overall, "Surprised by Joy" is a powerful meditation on the nature of joy and the way that

it can be connected to memories of loved ones who are no longer with us. It is a deeply personal
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poem, but one that resonates with readers who have also experienced the sudden, intense joy that

can arise in life.

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