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Hi! My name is Suryono.

I am an elephant keeper or a
mahout. I work in Taman Satwa Taru Jurug, Solo. I
keep elephants in this park healthy and happy. I feed
the elephants. Did you know? An elephant needs 150
kg of grass a day and 180 littres of water.

1. What does Suryono do in Taman Satwa Taru Jurug, Solo?

A. He keeps the elephants healthy
B. He keeps the elephants happy
C. He rides the elephants
D. He trains the elephants
2. The statements are acorrect based on the text above:
A. Suryono needs 300 kg of grass a day for two elephants
B. Suryono needs 350 kg of grass a day for three elephants
C. Suryono needs 160 littres of water a day for two elephants
D. Suryono needs 300 littres of water a day for rwo elephants

SMP Elang Nusantara

Library Card

Name : Jim Ananta

Palce & date of Birth : Bogor, 7 July 2010
Class : VII-2
Sudent Number : 452

Library Policy:
Every student of SMP Elang Nusantara is automativally part of the library member.
Each member of the school library can borrow a maximum of 3 books each visit. The
books that are borrowed should be returned a maximum of 2 weeks after the borrowing
date. The members can extend their borrowing period up to one week. However, they
must report it to the librarian. If you exceed the due date to return the book, you have to
pay a fee of Rp3000 per day for each book.

1. From the text we know that . . . .

A. Jim is the students of SMP Elang Nusantara
B. Jim pays Rp3000 per day for each book
C. Jim borrows 3 books
D. Jim is the member of school library
2. The correct statement based on the text above are:
A. Every student in the school has two library card
B. Students can borrow books for a week
C. Students should not see the librarian to exend the borrowing period
D. Penalty applies when the students fail to return the book on time
3. What should he students do if they are late on returning the book?
A. They can return the book on the next day
B. They can borrow the other books
C. They should pay the fee Rp3000 per day for each book
D. They should see the librarian

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