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From, Christian García,

June 1,


Agency Holidays Baires

Subject: Confirmation of my holidays

Dear Richard

This communication is to confirm my trip to Buenos Aires, I appreciate the attention

and the package that was offered to me to accept this trip.

My flight would be no later than July 10 of the current year at the airport that best
suits my address. My return would be around July 15.

My destination to visit would be the city of Buenos Aires and some of its
surroundings, such as the Boca Juniors stadium.

I will dedicate myself mainly to learning a little more about cultures and getting to
know some music and sports references.

The things that I will need during my trip, is a stay in a hotel that suits my needs, as
well as some comfortable clothes for the hot days that are expected in those days.

Without further ado, I say goodbye.

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