Synopsis K.A.Sajetha 730617251041

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A tool for self-understanding
and self-development

The center for youth project established to provide young people aged between 6 and 18 years’
old a safe and healthy environment for creative, innovative, physical, and intellectual after-
school activities; this is a space that promotes positive values and community integration
through play, art, and learning."

"After-school time is critical for children’s comprehensive development. In marginalized areas, many
children are left without adult supervision when classes finish, a situation that poses a risk to their
health, safety and general wellbeing. In these areas, the lack of safe spaces for recreation means that
violence, drug and alcohol use, and insecurity hinder healthy development and lead to the weakening
of the social fabric. This situation perpetuates negative cycles that generate inequality, among many
other serious consequences for the community.


The center for youth provides Mentoring, Education and Therapeutic Treatmentto
prepare youth for a Fresh Start when they re-enter their communities.
Youth Development Programmes seek to improve the lives of children and adolescents
by meeting their basic physical, development and social needs and by helping them to build
the competencies needed to become successful adult. Examples of youth development
programs include community service, mentoring programs and neighbourhood youth


A Youth Center serves the dual purpose of accommodating unstructured social
interaction among different age groups and providing instructional classes all in a safe,
supervised environment. This drives the facility layout and functional space adjacencies.
• Create a homelike environment
• Encourage creativity
• Encourage autonomy
• Include appropriate space for staff
• Maintain a safe and healthy environment
• Develop skills to relate effectively with others and to be effective members of
groups in which they live and work.
• Develop a responsibility towards and sympathetic concern for other people
especially for those who are disadvantaged.
• Develop decision-making skills and political awareness.
• Adapt and respond to change in themselves and their social and physical
• Develop confidence and an ability to express their own reasoned opinions.
• Develop an awareness of their own strengths, weaknesses and aptitudes.
• Develop awareness of their feelings, attitudes and values of themselves and others.
• Develop desired negotiation and social skills.
A youth center or often called youth club, is a place where young people can meet and
participate in a variety of activities, for example table football, association football,
basketball, table tennis, video games, occupational therapy and religious activities. Youth
clubs and centres vary in their activities across the globe, and have diverse histories based
on shifting cultural, political and social contexts and relative levels of state funding or
voluntary action.
This project is to create a space for young people to explore many sides of themselves,
It is built only with this positive aspect for developing the Future Leaders.

• Music Studio
• Photography Studio (Large & Small)
• Dark Room for Photography
• Art & Graphics Studio
• Paint Workshop
• Build Workshop
• Dance Studio
• Fashion Studio
• Collaborative Spaces
• Exhibition Spaces
• Event Space
• Social Space
• Restroom
• Office
• Storage
• Classrooms for separate Courses
• Digital Library
• Games and events
• Display areas
• Martial art
• Landsacpe area
• Software and information
• Yoga hall
• Mentoring hall
This Youth Centers are widely introduced in our state to Make a existing City into a
Smart City and They are mostly Area based Developments which comes under Institutional
Buildings and Professions for educational Research. The major Programme activities to be
held primarily is Learning and developing Skills in extra-curricular activitiesother than the
basic education. The people who are benefitted here are mainly juveniles.
These are widely established in the cities to make a wider path for the creative minds.

Site is Located in coimbatore District.
It is easily accessible for people from various places to approach and been benifitted.

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