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Define terms below

a. Information technology
⁃ Information technology is a broad subject concerned with technology and other aspects of
managing and processing information. Information technology (IT) plays an important role to
support information agencies carry out its mission. IT is a subset of information systems (Boahane
and Ditsa, 2001). Refers to both the hardware and software that are used to store, retrieve and
manipulate information.

Zati Atiqah Mohamad Tanuri. (2023, March 21). Information Technology [PowerPoint Slides]. pptx.

b. Information agencies
⁃ There are seven information agencies which is library, archive, museum, record center, gallery,
memorial, data administration and office environment. The three information agencies that will be
discussed in detail are library, archive and museum. The system that library use is OPAC, while
archive and museum they use COMPASS System and EmbARK System.

Zati Atiqah Mohamad Tanuri. (2023, March 21). Information Technology [PowerPoint Slides]. pptx.

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