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Chapter III


This chapter discusses the research design, research locale, population and sampling

procedure, research instrument, respondents, validity and reliability of research instrument, data

gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study was a descriptive – quantitative and qualitative (mixed method) research

design focusing on determining the status and challenges towards the implementation of the

technical vocational and livelihood courses/programs among Senior High School (SHS) of

selected National High Schools (NHS) in the district of Zamboanga.

Creswell, Clark, Gutmann, and Hanson (2003) explained that descriptive research design

was utilized to and structured the study based on the premises that primarily focuses on

describing the nature a particular phenomenon in particularly the status and challenges on TVL

describing the extent of the different component affecting its implementation. Creswell et al.,

(2003) also explained that the used of provide specific direction for procedures in a research

design. Others have called them approaches to inquiry.

The study utilized the quantitative research design to gather empirical data to interpret

and analyze the responses of the respondents. This approach wassuitable for associating one

variable (independent variable) to another (dependent variable). Creswell et al., (2003) explained

that primarily describes the demographic profile of the SHS students in terms of simple

percentage and determined the extent of each component using descriptive statistics.

Hence, the study also utilized the qualitative research design focusing on the narratives and/or

subjective aspects of the data gathered during the interview. The researcher has gathered views
and opinions on the impact of the students readiness for employability. These responses were

recorded using transcripts for the development of codes, patterns and themes to generalize the

analysis of the study.

Research Locale

The study was conducted among selected National High School in Zamboanga City


School A1 was located 23 kilometers east of Zamboanga City, the school site is along

rice field and with a total number of two hundred sixty six SHS students. The school is headed

by a female principal. It was considered as one of the best National High School in the City

known for its full engagement in sports and music.

School A2 was located 6.2 kilometers east of Zamboanga City. Currently with three

hundred eighty - four SHS students and headed by a female principal. The school is comprised of

eighty - seven teachers. The school was located and named after the most beloved Mayor and

Congresswoman of Zamboanga City.

School B1 is with an area of 6.5 hectares and located 4 kilometers from the city proper.

This school is the biggest in terms of land area. Currently, the population of its SHS students are

six hundred forty-two with forty-eight teachers on senior high school and the school is headed by

a male principal. The school was considered by many as the Best NHS in Zamboanga City. It

was known for its development and th a progressive sport venue such as its Track and Field

(oval), Baseball and Softball diamond and other sporting events can be held within the campus.

Athletes like GodieApolinario awarded as the Best Pitcher for the University of Sto.

Thomas and Lawrence Amper as one of the prospect of the Philippine Badminton team and multi

– awarded player along with Ellen Atilano to name a few.

School B2 is near at the center of the city with 1.5 kilometers away from the city proper.

It is a stand-alone Senior High School, headed by a male principal with forty - eight teachers.

The population of the SHS students is one thousand seventy two. Popularly known for its state of

the art buildings and other school facilities, and its progressive Science and Math classes with

students annually competing in the Math Olympiad held in this city.

School C1 is located 9.0 kilometers western part of the city. The school cite is on top of a

hill with one hundred forty-two SHS students and headed by a male principal. Known for its

beautiful scenery and talented drum and lyre band as well as its continuous expansion of its

buildings and/or school facilities for science laboratories.

School C2 was also located on the western part of the city. The school was situated along

the national highway with a population of seven hundred three SHS students with thirtynine

teachers in senior high school and one hundred fifty on SHS. The school is headed by female

principal known for her leadership and one of the most talk about campus in terms of increasing

its prominence in Information Communication Technology (ICT) one the best science project

last 2007 held in this city during the infamous Fiesta del Pilar celebration.

Population and Sampling Procedure

The target populations of this study will be the teachers and the SHS students among the

selected schools of Zamboanga City Division. The combined population of the teachers among

SHS were 287.

In determining sample size for the pupil-respondents, the Slovin’s formula will be

utilized. Slovin's formula will be used to calculate the sample size (n) given the population size

(N) and a margin of error (e). It is computed as n = N / (1+Ne2). - If a sample is taken from a

population, a formula must be used to take into account confidence levels and margins of error.
Table 1

Population and Sample by school and track

School Teachers Senior High School n1 n2


School A1 39 266 4 28
School A2 37 384 4 40
School B1 48 672 5 67
School B2 48 1072 5 112
School C1 17 142 2 14
School C2 39 703 4 74
Total 228 3, 209 24 335

Research Instrument of the Study

The research instrument was adapted from the study conducted by Atienza , R. M.,

Silvestre, J. D., Tacsay, H.T., Micah, A. F. (2009) The Effects of Parents’ Occupation On The

Course Preference of The Fourth Year Students Of Rogationist College high School Department

School Year 2009 -2010. The items were modified base on its applicability to the study. The

researcher would like to acknowledge the authors for their study, which served as a guide.

The part I of the questionnaire includes the respondent’s name, address, gender, ethnicity,

course preferred, parent’s monthly income and educational attainment. The part II of the

questionnaire is centered on the external factors influencing the career choice of the students,

followed by the part III which is on the internal factors or the students’ personal views on their

course preference.

The 4 point Liker’s Scale on the other hand was intended to note the respondents’
perception on the factors that influenced them in selecting their current course with the following

indicators; 4 – Strongly Agree, 3 – Moderately Agree, 2 – Fairly Agree, 1 – Disagree.

Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument

The research instruments were developed by the researcher and will be referred to the

adviser for comments and suggestions. The instruments will be evaluated in terms of content,

sequence and purpose. For reliability test, copies of the questionnaire will be administered to

non-participants and their responses will be computed using the cronbach’s alpha refer to

appendix D.

Data Gathering Procedure

Letter of permission will be requested from the Schools’ Division Superintendent of

Zamboanga City to conduct the gathering of data. Upon approval, the researcher presented the

letter to the school principals of the six selected secondary school in Zamboanga City.

The researcher will seek the assistance of the teachers in giving the list of the students

enrolled and time to their students to accomplished the questionnaire. The data that will be

obtained from the pupil-respondents will be tabulated, computed and analyzed.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To facilitate the analysis of data, the following statistical measures using the Statistical

Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was employed:

To answer question number 1 the study utilized the Frequency determination to

determine the empirical probability of an event or number of cases in an absolute frequency

normalized by the total number of recurrence or responses. Also, the simple percentage was

utilized to present the total number "per hundred" and the symbol used to express percentage was

To answer question number 2the use of weighted mean to be able to multiply the

weight (or probability) associated with the components affecting the implementation of the TVL

programs and then summing all the products together.

The results will be interpreted using the arbitrary four - point scale as shown in table 1

Table 1

Descriptive Equivalent

Scale Range Description Interpretation

4 3.26- Strongly The components towards the implementation of the
4.00 Agree TVL program and the students’ manipulative and
critical thinking skills were observed to be Very High
3 2.51- Moderately The components towards the implementation of the
3.25 Agree TVL program and the students’ manipulative and
critical thinking skills were observed to be High
2 1.81- Fairly Agree The components towards the implementation of the
2.50 TVL program and the students’ manipulative and
critical thinking skills were observed to be Average
1 1.0 – Disagree The components towards the implementation of the
1.80 TVL program and the students’ manipulative and
critical thinking skills were observed to be Low

To answer question number 3 the researcher utilized the pearson r product moment

correlation to determine the students’ manipulative and critical thinking skills have influenced

(correlation) on the components towards the implementation of the TVL programs.

To answer question number 4 the study utilized the thematic analysis to investigate

different challenges and difficulties on the implementation of the TVL program. the processing

of data derive in the conduct of the study, the researcher utilize the thematic analysis of using

similar experiences, drawing out patterns and codes to develop themes to analyze the data.

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