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Project Guidelines for the subject HRM BM 2022-2024

Date: 11-02-2023
Dear Students,
As per the course outline one of the evaluation components for the subject
HRM is a group project which carries a weightage of 15 marks out of a total of
100 marks. The students are supposed to work in groups made in the class and
shared by CRs with me. The following are the guidelines for the submission of
the project report:

1. Each group has to select one topic studied in the HRM course.
2. Group has to identify one MNC with not less than 200 employees.
3. Not more than one group can select the same organization across BM
2022- 24 batch (not section-wise).
4. Each group has to identify one point of contact in the company selected
and interact with the concerned person.
5. Group has to discuss with the concerned person and get awareness about
the HR practices of the topic selected.
6. The group has to submit a report about the HR practices on the topic
and submit a detailed report (minimum pages 8 maximum pages 10)
excluding the pages such as title page, table of content, List of tables
and figures, and references.
7. The report should have a brief introduction about the company selected,
statistics about employees, budget allocation for HR practices, and the
8. Groups can use tables and figures to visualize the information.
9. Groups have to give the concerned person’s official mail id and contact
number along with the report.
10. Each group has to check the project report for plagiarism. Similarity
beyond 15 percent will lead to a penalty of 5 marks.
11. The deadline for project submission is March 10th, 20234 pm.
12. Reports submitted after the deadline will not be considered for evaluation.
13.Format for the report:
Font: Times new roman
Font size: Title 14, content 12.
Line spacing: 1.5
14. At the end of the report, a table summarising the contribution of each
member in percentage terms should be given.

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