Neurolinguistic Approach

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Neurolinguistic Approach

By Daniela Díaz

It is concerning the way in which the learning of a second language has been managed
through time. From my experience, at the beginning I just started to study english, there were
not any reason or motivation to do it, that was very frustrating, but one day I found that love
videogames and music in english, now I had reasons and motivations to learn english, and all
the process got better. However reading this article I notice that this lack of motivation
happens because it does not matter the effort that people make in practice english at school,
it's almost impossible to develop oral competence in English because the classes are focus to
work only in the explicit competence that is managed from declarative memory but, to
develop oral competence it is necessary work from procedural memory the implicit

When a person will learn a language it is better if exists a complete immersion in the context
of that language, but usually just a partial exposure happens. Probably I will be part of that
partial exposure, so I must know how to manage my class in the best way in order to improve
the process of learning of my students.

The article is very useful to know the process of knowing and learning a second language.
Before it was thought that explicit knowledge plus practice is equal to implicit knowledge ( if
you know how the language works and you practice, you will learn how to communicate).
Usually the process of teaching a language is in that way, so the students know the structures
and rules of the language but it is very difficult to use the language to communicate correctly.
Neuroscience it is also important in the neurolinguistic approach, it explains that the
declarative memory which is in charge of the explicit knowledge, and procedural memory
that is responsible for the implicit knowledge are located in different parts of the brain. if
someone develops the explicit knowledge that does not mean that the implicit knowledge is
developed. For that reason I as teacher will follow the recommendations given by this article
in order to help my students to activate both implicit and explicit competence and teaching
them how works and how to train their brains in the process of second language learning.


Netten, J. Germain, C. (2012). A new paradigm for the learning of a second or foreign
language; the neurolinguistic approach. Neuroeducation.

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