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Trauma is part of the pathology. Trauma comes from the Greek word which means

"wound". theoretically trauma can be interpreted as damage that occurs in human tissue or

organs as a result of the transfer of energy from the environment to the human self itself (video).

Trauma is not limited solely to the traumatic situation, but is better defined as a socio-

psychological process which can be completed in the course of time (Vedat & Erdinc, 2006).

 Summarize any personal history of trauma.

The trauma story from Evi. Czech woman and 36 years old, have an car accident in the

traffic . Evi is undergoing her convalescent period at St George's Hospital. She didn't have

anyone at that time except people around him in the hospital. She is far from home and just able

to make a short video calls to his family in Czech. Even so, the supports that Evi gets from

around her makes her feel more positives. The doctor, the nurses , even the cleaners, always give

positive values to Evi which makes Evi more better in dealing with her trauma. After two

months, Evi finally would able to go home, but she felt depressed in her current environment

because she feel alone, far from her family. Then, she decided to return to her home in the Czech

Republic. After that she was diagnosed with PTSD and had to undergo several more surgeries in

her recovery process. After 1 year, finally Evi would able to stand up without feeling pain. After

that incident, Evi started to participate in various projects that help the healing process of trauma

patients and now Evi feels alive. She is very grateful to the doctors, nurses, and people around

her who have supported him in the past. And she hopes her story will be an inspiration to others

(“Evi’s Story After Trauma”, n.d.)


 Reflect from the different type of trauma in the video

No. Variety of Trauma Reflect

1. Mechanical Trauma that caused by mechanical movement such as crash, falls, etc.

2. Thermal Trauma that caused by excessive increase or decrease in temperature.

3. Chemical Trauma that caused by accidental exposure or consumption of any

chemical substances.

4. Electrical Trauma that caused by electric power such as being struck by lightning

or electrocuted.

5. Radiant Trauma caused by excessive sunburn.

Trauma can be caused by several things. these things come from our environment. based

on (Grantham University, 2010) various kinds of trauma are shown in the table above.

Table 1

Reflect From Various Trauma

 Create a list of -10 different types of trauma

Several types of trauma will be shown in the following table (Grantham University,

Table 2

Varieties of Trauma
No. Variety of Trauma examples of causes

1. Mechanical Crashes, falls, transport

2. Thermal Heat

3. Chemical Chemical substances

4. Electrical Lightning strikes, electrocuted

5. Radiant Excessive sunburn


6. Water Drowning

7. Sport Injuries during sports

8. Peoples Struck against,cut/pierce

 Safety precautions to avoid being a victim of trauma, along with what to do to

encounter the trauma (what to do, and what not to do)

Among the tips for avoiding trauma is knowing your own capacities (Grantham

University, 2010). Trauma is usually caused because not knowing our’s limits. For example

when we want to help someone who is drowning without think about the causes of why he is

drowning, maybe he drowned because of the hugh waves on the beach. If we know our capacity,

then we will not try to save the person directly, but do EMS and wait for help from the

professionals. Another way of prevention of being a victim of trauma is to get used to

maintaining our’s personal safety, such as using a safety belt when driving or using a helmet. To

deal with traumas, you need professionals treatment. go to a psychiatrist near you and tell them

what you are experiencing (Vedat & Erdinc, 2006). Don't let your yourself keep it alone, hang

out with other people, and feel alives.



Vedat, S, MD., & Erdinc, O. (2006). Journal of Trauma Practice. What Is Trauma and

Dissociation ?, 4:1-2, 7-20. DOI: 10.1300/J189v04n01_02

Evi’s Story After Trauma. (n.d). Retrieved from


Grantham University (producers). (2019, Sep 26). BIO116 : Week 7 Trauma Assignment [Video

File]. Retrieved from

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