CVE 3rd PT

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CVE 3rd PT

1. Preferential Option for the poor
2. Common Good and Solidarity
3. Valuing Human Work
4. Nurturing God’s Love in the Family

Preferential Option for the poor

● It is a choice to commit oneself to opposing the injustice, exploitation, oppression,
marginalization of the least members of our community.
● It is also a commitment to work against poverty and it upholds the dignity of all human

Forms of Poverty
1. Economic Impoverishment - deprivation of even basic means to sustain life.
2. Poor Self-Esteem - inability to develop skills and confidence to improve their conditions.
3. Powerlessness - the inability of the poor to rise above their situation and reasonably
assert themselves and their rights.
4. Discrimination/Marginalization - the poor are sometimes relegated or confined to a
lower or outer limit in community. The “marginalized” is a term we use to refer to the
poor. Sometimes or oftentimes, the poor are neglected, overlooked, or oppressed.

Causes of Poverty
1. High Birth Rate of the Poor
2. The poor are lazy
3. Graft and Corruption in the government

CFC 1187
The Church obviously desires to bring the message of salvation to every human being, to
every culture, and social environment, but in the first place, to those who are most in need.

Church of the Poor (CFC 1428)

● Embrace and practice the spirit of the evangelical poverty
● Show special love for the poor.
● Defend the rights of the poor
● Have leaders who can be with, work with, and learn from the poor
● Recognize the potentials of the poor as evangelizers

Common Good and Solidarity

Common Good
● We are obligated to participate in promoting the common good
○ By taking care of areas that assumes personal responsibility
○ By participating actively in public life in accordance with one's culture and a
climate of genuine freedom
● Less fortunate people in society need to receive greater attention
● Elements: Respect, Social wellbeing and development of the group, Peace and Justice

- God created the earth and everything on it for it to be shared fairly by all under the
guidance of justice tempered by justice

● It is manifested in the first place by the distribution of goods and remuneration for work
● It stands for a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the good of all

○ Articulated in terms of friendship or social charity.

○ Socio-economic problems can be resolved only with the help of all forms of
solidarity of the poor among themselves.

Valuing Human Work

Classification of Jobs
● Blue-Collar Workers - who perform manual labor
laborers, workers in factories, farmers, Fishermen, etc.
● White-Collar Workers - who have completed college education
doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.

Aspect of Human Work

● Objective Dimension
○ Output or product of intellect, talents and strength
● Subjective Dimension
○ The goal of work is to help humans
○ Work = human dignity
○ Work = build relationships
○ Work = promotes responsibility
○ Work = common good
○ Labor > Capital

Basic Value of Work developed in spheres

1. Personal sphere - person achieves a sense of fulfillment through work.
2. Family sphere - family is the place where we learn how to work.
3. Community sphere - we can share or contribute for the welfare of our community.

Right of Workers
1. Right to Work
a. Right to Employment - to work according to their own giftedness
b. Right to decent work environment - moral well being and improve their
2. Right to just share in the fruits of work
a. Right to a just wage - to just wages to support their basic needs
b. Right to social benefits - social benefits should be given (health assistance,
pension, insurance)
c. Right to rest - God said not to become slaves of work (holidays, vacation leave,
regular weekly rest)
3. Right to organize
a. Right to organize unions - to form organizations or trade unions
b. Right to strike - to work stoppage without facing personal penalties for
participating in the strike

Nurturing God’s Love in the Family

● Where life and values are taught (seedbed)
● The beginning of a life of society (natural society)
○ practices the foundation of freedom, security and fraternity

- Conflicts or gaps will always arise (strengthen the bonds within the family)

Christian family
● Domestic church
○ Church communion of faith, hope, and love
○ Mission: evangelize in charity (Daily prayers, reading God’s word, doing
charitable activities)

- Children must respect their parents (4th commandment)

● Values, traditions, and belief get passed down thru: written documents, stories, daily
tasks, and objects
○ Society changes = values changes (Roles and expectations changes)
Family values
● Communication - a strong base for healthy relationships
● Love and Respect - “family cohesion”
● Honesty and Forgiveness - to get rid of negative energy
● Flexibility - balance, can make stressful situations less chaotic

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Academic Team! We are more than happy to help <3

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