The Outsiders - Chapters 9 Reading Comprehension Task

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Chapter 9

Match the vocabulary words on the left to the definitions on the right. Place the correct letter
on each line.

H 1. amplifier A. from this place; away from here

M 2. awed B. wary; suspicious

O 3. bolted C. person accompanying another to guide, protect, or honor

N 4. conformity D. interrupted; repressed

K 5. contempt E. a possible danger; a threat

C 6. escort F. changed position

J 7. grimacing G. showing signs of repressed anger or hatred

A 8. hence H. a device that makes larger or more powerful

B 9. leery I. sadly; regretfully

E 10. menace J. making a face expressive of disgust or pain

L 11. mortal K. extreme dislike; scorn; disdainpo

I 12. ruefully L. dire; of great intensity

G 13. smoldering M. inspired with a mixture of respect and dread

D 14. stifled N. behavior in correspondence with current styles

F 15. stirred O. ran away suddenly

Comprehension and Discussion
Chapter 9

Answer the following questions in complete sentence form. Give examples from the
story to support your response.

1. Compare the greasers with Tim Shepard’s gang and the gang from Brumly.

Tim Shepard's gang and the boys from Brumly were hardened criminals who usually carried
weapons. The greasers were a gang of friends who stuck together No one was really the leader.

2. Why did Darry feel hatred for Paul Holden? How did Ponyboy react to that hatred?

Ponyboy mentions that Darry wasn't only jealous of Paul Holden; he was also ashamed to be
representing the Greasers.

3. Who won the rumble? How was the winner determined?

Despite the fact that members of both gangs are seriously injured, the Greasers win
the rumble because they did not retreat from the scene of the fight and were the last
ones standing.
4. Just before he died, Johnny said, “Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold…” What did he mean?

“Stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem that Ponyboy recites to Johnny
when the two hide out in the Windrixville Church. One line in the poem reads,
“Nothing gold perro stay,” meaning that all good things must ingiere to an end.

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