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Marcella M.


Define SBM. Enumerate the four different components School-Based Management.

Why SBM is significant in managing the school?

● School-based management(SMB) is the process to enhance education by

transferring significant decision-making power from state and district offices to
specific schools.SBM gives principals, teachers, students, and parents more say over
how the educational procedure goes out by trusting them with making decisions on
the budget, personnel, and curriculum. SBM may improve the learning environments
for children by involving teachers, parents, and other community members in this
opportunity to get involved.
● A. Leadership and Governance.
● B. Curriculum and Instruction.
● C. Accountability and Continuous Improvement.
● D. Management of Resources.
● The significant of SBM is to Provide the school leaders the authority to guide their
teachers and students through changes that will improve learning outcomes.

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