MH 370

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-Darren Gillespie

Coit Garrison


21 March 2022

Is MH370 Missing?

According to Annex 13 of the International Civil Aviation Organization

aircraft is considered to be missing "when the official search has been terminated and the

wreckage has not been located". Given this information in my opinion I will discuss why

Malaysia Flight 370 and why the plane is not a missing aircraft. Remember that all planes carry a

transponder system that continuously sends signals from the craft to air traffic control.

When a transponder sends information, it relays things such as altitude, and also the planes

identification number which in this case is flight MH 370. The first MH370 part to be found was

this large piece of the aircraft that was found washed up on the shore of Réunion Island by a

local man who was identified as Johnny Begue. This comes just a little more than a couple of

months after the one-year anniversary after the plane disappeared. The flaperon is a 2.7-meter-

long moveable part on the trailing edge of the wing, used to increase drag for takeoff and

landing, and to bank the aircraft. The only flaperon that has ever been missing off of a Boeing

777 was from that of MH370. Having evidence that this wreckage that was recovered should

have rendered the plane not missing, yet every article and bulletin say the flight is missing,

Annex 13 says otherwise. More wreckage would be discovered.

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The Fairing from the wing flap was also recovered adding to the total wight in debris

belonging to Malaysia Airlines. Certain test was run to analyze whether the part was actually

from the craft. That test confirmed the fairing to be from a Boeing 777, also with Malaysia

stencil font and color. The lives of 239 non crew passengers and crew members were brought to

a tragic end. Upon boarding the plane, they thought things would be smooth and routine. The

destination was set for Beijing but the flight would never make it. My heart goes out to the

family of those who perished. I wonder how they feel knowing they have so much evidence and

still won't fund a new search for the craft. The original search started in the South China Sea

somewhere between Malaysia and Vietnam. It consisted of 34 ships in the ocean and 28 craft

combined from seven different countries. Still no sight of the plane, instead research recovered

from radars from the controllers and confidential Malaysia air force data found that after the

disappearance that the flight turned southwest and backtracked over the Malay Peninsula, and

swung around the island of Penang. The flight path was reconstructed also revealed other

coordinates tracked by the radar that strengthened evidence that it wasn’t hijacked or a pilot

suicide situation not that of the norm at least.

Emelia Earheart’s disappearance incorporated several methods to prevent these types of

disappearances from happening. Her remains were discovered and identified down to 1 percent

error ratio. The craft flew hours after sending the signal that their normal flight path was not the

one being traveled. With large planes being equipped with underwater detectors I believe the

plane should have been found even if it went under. Those detectors send signals for 30 days
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from the moment they go down. These facts make it hard to accept the outcome given, and that is

why I believe that flight MH370 Is not missing.

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