Pearson - 2.3 - Momentum and Impulse

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a ee ee ee Ea ete) en ge ME Aa ees 29. A bail of mass 200g travelling at 10m=" bounces off a wall 2s in Figure: 2.62 iF after hitting the wall it travels at Sms‘, what is the impulse? 30 aR Age comes of the racket ata velocity of SOms-!, 32 The helium in a balloon causes ar upthnast of 0.1 N- if the mass of the balloon and helium is 6g, calculate the acceleration of the balloon. ‘A rope is used to pulls felled tree (mass SOkg) alang the ground. A tension of 1000N causes the tree to move from fest to a velocity of 0.1 ms"! in 2s: Calculate the force due ta friction acting on the tree. Two masses are arranged on a frictionless table as shown int Figure 2.75. Calculate (a) the acceleration of the masses (b) the tension in the string Figure 2.75. A helicopter is lifting a load of mass 1000kg with a rope. The rope is strong enough to hold a force of T2kN. What's the maximum upward acceleration of the helicopter? A person of mass 65 kg is standing in an elevator that is accelerating upwards t Sms ‘What is the normal force between the floor and the person? A plastic bail is held under the water by a child in a swimming pool, The volume of the ball is 4000cm? (a) ifthe density of water is 1000kgm 5, calculate the buoyant force on the ball (femember buoyant force = weight of fluid displaced). (b) ifthe mass of the ball © 250g, calculate the theoreticalacceleration of the ball when itt released Why won't the ball accelerate this quiclly in-a real situation? BT Use Newtan’s first and third laws to explain the following: (a) When burning gas forced downwards out of a rocket motor the rocket accelerates up. (b) When the water cannons on the boat in the photo are operatng, the baat accelerates forward. (@) When you step forwards aff a skateboard, the skateboard accelerates backwards, (@) A table tennis ball is immersed in a fluid and held dowm by a string as shown in Figure 283. The container is placed on-a balance. What will happen to the reading of the balance if the sting breaks? 38 Draw diagrams ta represent the following collisions then use the lavy of consenvation of momentum to find the unknawn welocity. Assume all collisions are head-on, in other words they take place in one dimension, {a} Two identical isolated balls collide with each ather. Before the collision, ane tall was travelling at 10m" and the other was at rest. Afler the calleson the first bail continues in the same direction vatha velocity of Ime, Find the velocity of the other hall. {b) Two identical balls are travelling towards each other. each is travelling at a speed of Sms” After they hit. one ball bourices off with @ speed af 1 ms-!. What is the speed of the other? fe) Aspaceman of mass 100kg is stranded 2m from his spaceship as shown in Figure 2.88. He happens to be holding a hammer of mass 2kg what must he do? if he only has enough ait to survive for 2-minutes. hoaw fast must he throw the hammer if he is to get back in time? Is it possible? Figure 2.88 |i you are ever in this position this course could save your life. 39 (a) Calculate the impulse of the bady far the motion force/N represented in Figure 2.93, (b) lf the mass of the abject is 20g. what is the change.of 4 velocity? 3 Zz 1 O 03 0.4.05 Figure 2.93. time/s 40) Use the data in Figure 2.93 to estimate the height that the 20, plasticine ball was dropped from

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