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VECTORS © Rezslatten of oNeckor P — Horizontal Gomporer OM = AGS® —rNerticol Component ON = fi sind x) => Nector Op = OM +N © Sinav= 3 gin 53 = AL 5 ° 3 Qi (os BF = A @S 53 = 3. 5 5 | sieeve on 3¥ “S| in oo = a | 8 mac. 1® rere Re Tprqtanqess i 4 —y Direction of the -resutlard: | L = Tan! (Q.sing ). . jeate p- A P+QCos8, Psino QE Pose Pose, © Product of vectors: Stet i OF Aeatty pa ze ond. Beatry fe AR then t) Scolar Get) product: AB = AB@se | [se a =p CSO EAL FE Ee, po Gra! Gagee | BW Nector, Crs’) produ > [AXE] = ag sino Sind = | FxBl ___iiiel =e ORG Yaa Ga QA) Gye aR | >I z a " { | © Physicoh Quantity ——‘Dinnensiong 16. Lastmous, ‘nkensihy iF Quontily of rrodter ‘mol ‘Trogertark models # TE evergy 'E’, velucty “Vand fore 'E” ave Laken an” Landomenkab” te, 7 Ve i . Apariities , tren ted dimensions of tmogg. 'M vail o> Cngider Mol ety eS KTS Sted percentage error. —- Units And _ Measurements @ Dimensional forrulae 4. Mass 7 7 7 HW 1. Aven = Mtr? 3. er — 2. Nelume = PLT? | As Termgerotune K pa = wile » Nelocdy = yey 77 | 8. Bleckste carrwenk é 5. fheeteration = eyt-® 4. Force = wut? ' a. Pressure / Stress = Mire 9. Work / Erergy = MET | 10. Power = mite -> 3 11. Univertal Gravttalional t | 1 | I 1 ' | | 1 | 6 Lrwar momertum= ML Tt! 1 ' 1 I I | | ; Congtans = wey? [Met] 2 [wer] ery reve M> 1-940 —oO L O-%+tb+e ——@ TO =-ta-b-2¢ —@ 0=-c ‘Adding @ & @ c=0 coe cave ey Ml EV" F For ex: of A= AYEC™ then, 3 DE A = AR BE 42hC 43 AD + 5AE A x z © D ZE sennnnneaieeeaemmmmmmme a Motion tna Ste aight line Distance = Speed x tiene © Diggacement = Velocity x time | | 1e 1e (eg) —> Distance = RO } ® TF 0 body waves wh oa const smd vi fe half i | ond with fae Aen, & Ning al ape a, a with WF wemaining’ half dist. then, oe 7 a | Ns WY for speed p Nog = BAG Vy WAN, ENVY, TF a tedy moup wth o empl ped ebbea 4 ca ae i et & const Speed 'V, for halb of the Lime. S Sed Ny few crematning hall otis. then, Nog = VitNe — WY for 3 speds Fy, ve = WANG 3 Sees © Equoltons of Malin > Veutat — vi-uls 20s = Sz ut + Lott — Ge ura(n-L) "for a gecond ® foro freely falling be & Bt roo ing Dey - @ & i ‘ eee irra Ze ar Neti cal projected body E Velocity v=o S veot =gt Y teu ie = ) be fe ty hut Lagi iW) Ve igh ®) Heh i. Wy Sy 9 (2) W ge-u +9 (m4) @ Th aistance r= db 4hPa3e. then oda = 2 { we! Y | i= O= gv = 28 +6bb AA. y 4 Ge) i etait Plonke Model. eee Velocity (y) ond \eseesgHee tne. hh gives. displacement, @ oe 0. bull laep (Ly of weeey raph gives displacement, While passing Vevough © plank, Ahen (s= vet ‘nin. ‘no of planks fo Stop the. bulteb, me aE Horezontat Circular motion thal © Anguor displace ma ‘aglocemerd-@) on Angular Ndlactty - 00 Angler acceleration - of @ OF the Ndlocly becomes 1 of ” = a = then, (de. \ Oy 4 © See ay, > Wig = AO = Of-6; GB Ll the welvtty of abidy Besomes a Look Write veloctly after displacement fear nm whaling Qeemmd + oo don TRVolakions WO = TAT Hae “aK then the will Come ko vest aber 6 Gurther disgacemerd of ng AW, = 0,04 z aE yes t wet PERF foeteeeee * Lepm= I vps @ Shorting from a regia bedy bauels 7 > Crepe eee With acceleratten ‘at’ for Some fine, & Sterpttah_Oxccele * evt=c ye a {hen with decaerstion “fh 4 Gres tore, te ac eee DE deta we ip theo, 7 Tangential occalesabion:- = Nenow = Xpt Os Foe orp) 7 — Tohak. acceleration. | disilacerent § = iz rr | tap O= Voda | Nig = News Oblique _profectile Oblique pr 1 R— —t Nevticat acceleration Oy=93 l— Horizontal acceleration:-a, = © [+ Ne wbaty Ve Renu \E Use | Nye using gt dhe tant(usieo- ) (inet oo Horigontal distance ; - (A= Ucogot —+ Neetal distance; = UStEL — fe (Eames > Fire. of ascend (depcent- daz ty = Usin® > ene of Legit T tage e ‘2. [front “ob 6-90 eee i Range Rew! a P pea] (Pant * For Complernerdary angles Whe (@,40-8) 5 5-6, 4546) Range tp gome yok O=45° | / Motion to. Plane — Eqn of & Greefectile : © Ye tanox-_f oo? Lutws'o = Aa- Bor ty Range Ref. eet 2 i) A 4 — Relokion bw HW ond Tr DH = ustno aaa F Relakion bw Ht ond _ AE HR then Oe bon'(4) = 46° > Relekion b/w W 4H ond DEG? Dth = Tanto W Bays et yy iG W BAR e vy Re 4 Jing, iy The 22 “Wf, = ane wT 8 W | SS + Time of descent fe fB Ty Nye = Wegt > Horizontal age Rew fee g ok which = dant A Pngle ob which | = tan (SEgh) wy T= ofa if) Time of Plight Te faa? bg ® Crom fop of o tower YD Ab angle © uy the Inevigonteh Green the top of towers { > We -usinett gt 2 Ny = UCOSO —* Wy = gt -usine — Neb udlocaty ve ay + Melody with which tH gtvives the grand Ve Juttagh » "i ange & devin Be hoger h | — heusinet +L gt L —> We eh bu cine ———— ee + Rover Beat Problems 8 B _—=—-"Y, Ty Hime token. for — —* devin the stream, — —+ Up the glream, t= a ted D. Up the plore: —> Aine of Flight T= Lusin(o-ce) los — Heutsiet(o-«) DE COs * Re quisino-) (se _ Bese, — Ls hat ( St tusine ( tose ) | ancl ne See | @ On inclined plane 1D. Down the plane: ; wt A E> Up WCs(O4d) UyzUsin(oe) Os gsin i L+ Oy = tos ot pm ta= tas usin(ore! ' Gosek i— “Ts LUsin(Ore) ' LOSK 1 HW cutsintore) ' UP Cosoe - eae i 5 @ Liner momentum Q)=my @ Pall_hetking te watk:- — Ne See OFF Beata) My oa iO ee, AP= -Imucse 8 & aes '® Naston's Gxcond law 7 Fema © may +vdm at at — Fe dP = may) oat + for ny tno of bullets, ® Apparent welts tm o Lift : » [sf novi UP Wah oceleration a ¥) down” with deceleraden fF N= mg Fina] | ™g Wy Le Nnoviing down with A@)-0 | ae [We amgeina| + Neg Wh < “Te wh Ty LE tp ok weak ©) moving with oe (Remy! “+ Agg wet ght.> Trac wieght Newton, Laws of Motion sues a Sane e aan RIOT: ® Pulteys Pe eR a equ T i) Enaly falling Ca=y) Po et Oceelevation a =F. mdm Fey > Team) a Te myo = Mgsind, -m.gsin8, TWH, + “Empulse @&) aed AD = Fxt m i \@ Spring force (qe f= kx] Where K= Spaing Const (Nin) Ae Compression [elorgeced length © Gating of 0. Rpg itn cp ae [hacent © Gd ocean nef seal: > em i Fray Salts a qt Nartable Mass Sy stern © Fung = Ved ob @ liqued Te Law. of Gngervekten of Linen Niemnenkum (9, = ®) Appa) + Collision 9+ ©* |@* Os Before Aer fmu, FH =m, $m Ve yg Receil_of 0 gun | yee P= iS Sig lo O= Mg 4 ans, | ie Eat Explosion we of axbonb " Teiientanso| ne Fee 7 p50, Biz Mucse Ey )6s0 WE my Pebsacey t MAM) Wlose = -M\VLCoso Mm, Vy, [ jan, App GO: Rocyer Propulsion TF Flawet Ned Fe ImgAT= Boog" [m] a x icp [-—+ Static friction (A) [> Kinebic friction (f,) —+ Rolling frrerion (P,) x fh, © Faction foe f> pW -pmg @ [ee Ffema : Gg [pr Bere Where "MY ip Coekh. of Kinehie ficken, Aken, “POEM g oe fe Me wy S sub Bishan ag @ vn Angle of friction: NI iarer p> =nJant} ef aa =p (mg- Feine) Sresog =p (mgs F sino) | ® Accalerodion of bak whew P Cert [© Ray mang wae way ~s Rulling iB €asier Ahan pushing [ } ' { boo ar (eyes pred “feet ° Arf “e _ Feng” AL_tquiltbstans Ee Fese| SM) Precteetceteeteete= lac gs terre tre ® - rt [ms aps Eee iO = ap feet et see Block_on block Nae pt lan FoF Nes = eam dyr Bim bos > fae Bimog Smooth +f 20 : es = Os F-fee — Oy: for Ma, ™s Angle of Pasking Tone = Fe vt me Eg — N= Fag tane + ws ‘tere | LE the pw ce_ip_Bough ve Sing 0. @ Mekion of 6. body on | inclined plane: mF 0 = Gsind > Ve Sagisine ee KEV ‘ond > a=g Gino- pss) + te Vig Gno-p1,co9) PEE [Pees EEE * 7 Snug =a hw fase) [© tage of myer (i lig) @ Worrgootal fore reapid 40 ce . to mee up ened plone oe Fay Sin® ~ hg Cos®) | Sind + Cos) o Fone = THg (Sino-+ Me Cos) (fo20 - p,sine) eeeeeenemeeeeeeemeiatieeaas © Min. Sole Geet on a rough ‘neti __glane :- Neeg = FreGorncat i) Nein = [88 Chan) fee BTL hol? of the enchined 0 lane. ty recugh ond oto at Brmecth wt ® wit 3 OEM -Am)y My HAM 7 Tem Ong THyt My [mJ bo SERIO Work - Power - Energy Work * Ceara) @WeFSGporF-S 5; Fe force , S= displacement @ 2h FRAG ty Grek ond Shy RE then Werkdine Wet = PCa) + Fy Ge 1+ % G2] ® Vdben a body te lifted up. the le. PE Ya of length of_chata ao Sport fg _ then _ Wworkdone 40 » icy Sey i _8n_ te the. abe. ho aS $ k h inv [We mg L W, = mg | on ahd pee ~~ ~~~ | Wertdone 4o Se bes a, Lo | Wg -mgsinel | Newitcally on orbove the other: Kh | W. = simgeinol t aS 7 E swol=h] | Mt fe fre] fi Eee reer I Beets n le TE 0 person Cryig «nd of wagg (= BC mga eae ‘m' & ‘hrovels hextzontatly 6 dégt s! eae ae Aen, © Gr dete ipa Gray Ih bebw. ate BO ee go ee 7 por | Waser PMES E We Area of the paws Ax. enh @ Thawed te phithd frm 5 hevtgondal be vertical. esttion then '@Oe F= Fsaititase then 7 W =me L gin r | @Wordene tn he fn folowing ass, . f @Workdene when the m ig moving Rough tnclined, of wags UP © Smecth and. glare weth’ Gongt. horizontal force. (a), + Soobh !- Wart (Feose) b > Rough: We= mg sinoL © Kinedic | energy ke) cre | @ Relation be Ea energy V © Potential energy (0-6) =e \F =-dv] O Wercen™ -Mmgcosol Wee. = rng L Csino.— py ose) @ 1s 16x10 T Power Akwh = 3.6 Xi0o T tol = 407 © Your = Werke Cut) |g elt Crengy theorem: { ~~ W = AKE lo AWott = 17 @ LHD =F46 Wot Gat brag FS (oregon) © KER Ds Qe tivearmrerkim = aw Lm i a6 east PEE EE See- eee Ee HEE iL L change ig HEL change te & Lifting the wie kee | ae 45 Ord pumeing with Velodity V then, =(Ry (AKE = 9 Ap EE Ey eag | i Pa. ke i ac [#00 fie ke UR @ Tye of cquitnton 7 © Efficteney ye Poa x 100 1 Stable _equititatum: Fy =-dU =o On 8 Wee he al (BE>] .. N= FRE pve ueboely 2 Unstable equiv, (i, Pye eee i Ve, (apa te Kime ee 7T- eee ™ Me mass Trl v K Ae distane, cm — 42 Sapp 1 soy KE = Uspig farts ieee | One-dimensional. colléston : © Elastic colltstont- Ce= 1) | —> Both linear meomertum ond KE are | Congenved ee” Before ) ihmem, then bodies eXchange their “ae ila MzU, and Ta) thm) 10, an W=0 “ “ge oc asa WY HE mdm, | =o @ Trdostic collision - (oce ds) | Ly tear momentum Consesued bud wt KE Mae a 142) Me Ts, mam tM, Uy -fWerm, Creal ™, mH Ma 2 sof KE AwE=t mame Ce TMs “Hopp dixecton bMS je “My Tre © Perfectly tnetasbic Collision: @=0) a> Only kenear momentum Conserved LE less Tp Marea > After collision beth bodies move SO" | Ny *) (uty) ‘=' = Game. divection faa Common velocity Ve Tuy muy “war “Fo Same direction yor opp direction BRE = Lim (ua L Ton co vy" Balleste Pendulum + rh M20 7 ae [oo ve) Coeffictent of elton @) [pat —+=+ Vy = &V, + Tah Hime. fat ie > teeth =(He) pa Tha Talat di. cue ed PhCES)] g. REV 2 VCR Z | 2 OR — Fann = | and, Ute! Aen = @Tend | { Neat = eu te AVE U \Costo + ebginte ™ [Rak = Tans e +7 NEU SthO + eCopt [HOA she tp fired tom a gun itth aomjs of Go With ho-st oipledeg fw the wdfo 413, the Smatlerr piee csdvaek “Ep fat offer enfopion. Fed whcty, of other Gece - Cat huighent gornk). > Ach nugg = 143 = 4 Now, A ucoxd + tuces Sy « AXoeon ds + Mol =3V' - Goo +150 = BV Nis 35e 3 N= 1.50 m/s Choraclertgticn Mose need. snk be regent oct C-M + For uniform Utep ob Ne “Germnelic cenkre [Efew [> Fer Byromnedeical, bodies the CM ley or Khe Vine” of Suymmetry * GM iB nea! Km rer to heater moag Mm e Be Re he |# "he — Key = MAHI A, | yy | THAT TM, @ Valocty of Cm: Veo = TA FTV hm, & Aecoleredtion of OM | [Oem = Wd +m, 0, pe K Mags oL fren therere CM Ve teowelp quer fa | Slingo em * Ap there ip mo actemal force Aer ih Mo shift in CM wegular- bedigt Lhe CM ay Ra | @ fadthion of sogp TAM = Mes added 1 i bly “Told mass ero disc Keay = BY xB Rey ® Remoral of mang = —Mremaued X dist bw 2. § ——_eis__ Rematring snag f Ge Bro dige, 2. QB ne * Diptone moved [= mx L | Py beak qual Rototional: : Dynamics ® : ~ ~ m t= nwt j Where L= moment of freekta E \D = Sane 2 ® T=MK 7 K =-wadiug of gyrakion Guedes M © Pergurdiodor fies Them Tet, =T, © Voyall_ Mich “Trove Pe Le tMg? seta : Petey Rigtd Bly 7 Monenk of Trea 4 AM ty qlane of bedy | | ze Contre, Groses “sing Me | “Creal di” gt er Fiestit et fi Vollow Sphere emg te 3 SAB Shove age 5 Rod ot corde. Me — Lows of Gxyervosion of 2 tun Qed ak end me | r | Wellow cy léeder mR oj 7——_— Sled Oye me ia ® fate bw hE GL | 2 ARES 1 Duw* 2 Spore ote Me *___3E z i Pedanguloe plate Mite} @ Reco Fe Ta) e | ast ®@ feo oo lling Velo \® Angular Neloctty — 60 ak highest point ue ond | Bngulor accderakion = of [Gb bowen pot 0 | rguler dipyatoned - 86 7 | @ Gebtigud-ol fiche SNSRO — jVevdety 21), p= tens > ayeRae O= oceelerotion ire ' | a © KE of a multi bodys ® Atctona free - Re stie = KE statue 7 tate : — Pz mgsing = (i KE = Low Lt #) a | Te ‘Wetght reached : 7S eee EEE reach ched by Healy | By irk | | So Ring [Atows 2 | wh oe Cylinder Perec fee eee eee ~ ee Disc / seid 3 re ee vega ae Gylindes 2 [ pr tranglodioral ristion wih - Vebdly of Condre. of maga V,, Woltew sphere. = Ndlogiy of CM after ollatning © [saa see = gure rolling nation , ete s f= Y= Ne | {+p ® ie on feelin gone Hate ‘ “PW = We Lene ete xe i t+ Rt 4 + 8 L “ye & — eee a> Se > hing SO Meodhing mee CEEEEEEL 2gh_ ae > Tone. is: we ray Bee) # de> Fa DE > 4, Shere Shoe 5 @ ® @ Mechanical Properttes of Solids Stress = Farce cm Perfectly elastic = Quate wire Pro. Strain = Chonge tr ditnengion |; no urtlis G Dimnensiong Ouagital-dSmenston K Hookes. lato ongttudtral abt = Change tn length 2 AL Sts et San Origtral length L Sheess = Ex Shratin © Young's modulus Y = Longtludtnal /Tngle reas 2 Flat (= FL K Perfectly apie gubplane Y= ob & Poste subplone Y= 0 [@ \ourgs tedalun of ombieakin- + > Voowots = YAAYA, oy Nenten = =\. Ys (uth) = YL AYL Athy pi bel, } if A=, _ own e= Pol 3 fe densthy s+ a ay te keg of @ [a] Thermal fore Fa Vt AS “Trewinal gtrega f= Yoo & e Volume, F, Y vemating, ame lone = i afs,\* = af a) =") oeg enE il [m.] r Ry = MQ le = (Man) g L 1 1 jb La Cebh. of lencarr emparsin Do= temp. dite 7 =) @ Strate enenpy : sia U=LFe ‘ . nr L FU = lechress x Shrotn 2 + = LY Gheatn)® 2 = 1 Chess)” dein nanan ® Sheowtye abwatn ©) = a mad by y © Rigidity. medulysn= shearing shes 2 FY ca Mroin AM |e Bu mo Y= uit ghrear = FV ee A ay) | Re -Py Coe oa . Ry ad ‘yoda 4+ Fe-taras 5 Ye Gefh. of volume eXyangin ke Phe 5 f= dengtty | Se ~ fe (+ Dackermah elagtety K= 2 i Adsobadte elopitcity k= VP Ye iS Petsson wali T= lademk strain : He | boogtudtral hain T= -A& +p = add : ao aan : / a @ Reloti VK, ot dv = Al (i-2s) | os bie Vinge Vv v > Yeon (Hc) ® Solidg have Y,K, a 7 Y=3k C-20) * Flu + Ys or Fluids have only K re | ~~ Ts 3k- IH, 6K+ 2%, Stoagle | Hormonte Motton, @ When ao. postide._ ens form — | | | Mean. position | | Rajaamet YEA siocot- | Ndadhy \ =f cpot | N stole ye | accderasten O = -catAstawt Os moty Woves_, Ard. Oscillations Extreme position Y= A Cog wats V=fogmot Vaso Fae Os 09" A Cpt osr-w % | ® TR y= Asta (wok +$) A = omplttude , Wsongular frequency D Dee wh 1 O One wi 8 Replorag fone Fo -rw'y Whee gots x & Ke force. congt: ® RE = Amory Lint ascot! \° WE = mvh > Lm cot (amy) = WH = Cort ®@ i | Bree Mean Meant NT, mox KE tp wow V ip Zero BE ty mor. Extreme Phase. angle T@® Corvcoh Pendulum: Tem/ ao 8 @ Spring lerdulum:— Te oer x VL Byetng moss tp considered -E Te it Speing Poe. Gonth | Ks Bk a kote, | Kee || k Ka =o an PL geving of fore congt K ta Cake Tats “Th eek pieces , then ire Congt of each port betomeg Pe oiettene Te wf De warner of fnerctiq C= Se i To litte ® + ToT t's ost : — 7 Veer ( 0 i [tring done with a. 7 Veour(d se jitorg +3 fy Ling ®\-T gregh Cy powabsla a Vera tp BAval & Seah tp Bienag x : a © iy i cs | | = Sora “p= Te on = fh = 1 T= oar ae /@ For 0 Wig o Wap of dengi ders P< Contained Lebo ohetghs Ih to U tube Us 1® Gro deegged tr a tunnel | Se Syl Sate Te le 5 Az watug of Casth eee length Lg TWagA mM Connecked fo 0 Vobile WAKO Whee of Traving up an {dined plane, D BA ea ot YRC | | | | | | ® Woe fs 7 ; | Y= Asm ee) | lise for Wane along “We Kong bor Wome, oleng ve. eons af BAT + De overtone, Wave. mobion: heve t= BL = anf GY Prqgation tent K = or + i © Wve Weely 2 Preapeniy x Wavelength =vend\ @ $d ® ete oo BN OR gy © \Wocty of 0 tranprerse apawe tho. phtedcked Plating. ve) , T= Tension = =a B B= binear wth ly = 2 & Wwogs =m, * Aine taken by © howe 40 trowel uk the length Ltr feure Vrewgpouk th lengths Lt fig Bhown, EEE Ate, }b= of ip ea) ® Wome. can of Sladfonary wane. ® Veloetty of trargverce wave tr Yi = Asin Cuk- ken) | Balt” of young mada Y ard ct soy Y= Asin (ot--kutar) : Ye = = A Sin Cott ex) 7 Now = ly Uasatae = Fe =A Stolen) pot 7 Prgatint = PAsindg a ® Vagus = je ale 8, a By TNE Ned & Veos = [Py Pe pregpure ve Bite Rete 5 + dyethennal FT NEN GA ANAM diglonce = 3 Ngo = YEO = Patte 2 > NAAN Sptone = A = FPYRT b Re Universal gp const + RT TERE 2s Spa ® Andornertal Sreapeney- \ Me tor ub feMer (ET 5 Phone | Gor cumny SC Ge th temp A ablye Ferth overtone, Nee trercages by 0.63 w/s Wd 7 Ve overtone 7 Crd_Gormeckion = Qe J.-3dh Q2030 Eon soodsug of pie Ssh Quest | + Rordamentel A en oH, ot Owtion! TYB= Qiy | +b overtore 2d ® fer clog. Qtper- DM Howmente — of overtone TD Wermante — PD guerine DW” Yewmonre — oe overtone. & Ge open _piger- D™ ewemnee — 0 puertone Vowrmntc =~ D* weston, W™ tormonte. — D qverkene © Rak Tae « fer Becnd | + Beata = Defferene tw jue hraquentis > ‘ at foc ty Med, then ncteages, 4 e tuning a traded, then ths Aecrren ges. a _ ee Hite Ef feck =e ia n N Vs Where v=velodly of sud Ne= Weladty of observer Ny= Vdodhy of ssuste, nr W! = aggovant freyjeny +H wehdty of wid tp coratdesed, Meqloce V with Va-Wyy fh obwe yn aE beth Source gy chsewver ok Ret: No. of beats n' =n Nv |" Seats ) Noo N aot . Wn = 7 sb, POD . Fate eae n SNs Oye Poe oe Vt boo eee! my! = ey Ns ow 7 Ny Qe, I (Vacs a.m Sos, Nels Ths dq= dv+ Pav dg= dv + NRAT ‘8 Mayers equaltens- CW =R ® Q=nGdtT her-mo dy namics Ct Gr9t- Preemie) ® Circ low of odurnamtes +- = dQ = du +dw 1 Qs Hak Grevgy D = Preapure, dw = Tesal Energy GV = Change i ebume AW = Werk done AT= change ty Lame T= No. of moles Re Universal, gen Goh, Re 8.314 Tema et = 9 Gh melt yt x Cp-Ge Rat 7 Me Mel We M a yeah © Raation bhs Vand degree of - faeadomn ong ® y. © Q=NGQAT (AE ongt volume) y a ® G=R ®Qq=R @ TY +t M is Grgidered yA Y-) “ene - WW = RI \c- a | mGH Qo) [ Ratabeite yroase Vase > Ving of ques Ren reeleaes = L Ke '@ Neon WE er tale hogy, @ Bional erengy of 1 wee of KE=3KT mae L velnep s & of G Mean KE gow eee of a fos, ae oe WE BRT = 3 NT 2 2 |e C,) = WG), + 1G) frei TENG @@). = n@en@, DAN, 1 @ Yim = MCA MG) mG), + mG), | “G taghs , | ® P-v_ raphe. gives Wersdave | | Weskdore = fren of graph . eee Pp ~ F Week (Expansion) | | v | | | ti} (AV) for tydte proce Bere | e poe Cee eee N —¥ Shoe of Ap de =P av OV +f Mee, + Ele of Bade =A i av A = Tsobarte procs Ls Adtabadte greene 3 = Teothewmal process 4 Tsocharic yess ® Relokon b/w Glatus , Cabrenheit, C-0 2 f-32 - \oo- © 949-39 go-0 KU FEC) then Fe Ce-40) © Potion bis © & Reaumer and Kelvin scale R-O 2 K-98 F43- 093 KU FER then Fabters ek X ~(Lower Sate Peoding = Y—Caww), Lat > Gerad length [p= dy ( V+ oon] [@ CARE oral expan, GQ Al p AAT [+ Fira owe [Rye Ai Gr pat VAT > Binal. velurne, New C EVAN ® Change th length ‘Ats Last | fea AA ABAT —1——"Wume AV = VY AT | J® Ruskin ble oc Be Ys pe ga = t:aig ® Fir dently f=90-yan Change tn dersty P= PYAT Y CEE CE eee err eo eee @ Cock of Velumne, Spansion, Y= AV Gre), - Lower, Gee, lend, Exponstor of amoderiale 7 Calsstinery ie © Gelh of ltvear oxparston, oc AL © Spesle. heat omély>s = 06. wat \A@l= 4.97 (sa = mSdq] Swene = Labgtrct Ste = O85 agt! Scheasy = O45 Gl tect ®@ Het Cape aly “C= dQ_=ms Bearer Pe eciee eee ® Lode hat:-L= © [4 plate to ™m another pate] © Binchalbs BR Ye a, 90, e. em ® Pete of obsetenelrys Head — bee a wy ae a j Ke 2. Poralled Combination MKT) Sergi , ee (eet TE mg of te ad o'C 1B mired with | i= THY of woder ak Le, Hen Leal dymp ~ Heat leat = Meat gain me Ke KA Gh MS, C4-T) = mL, 49,5, -F-0) Athy, Ko ane a eve Te ftnok hemp, 6, caeaiee \eodrob-wadey L— — pee Pree He Pee Sree reSeeeee eee ee eebe eee beee Cree :) Amourd- of “fe sndled, pereee Heat “Wongh 7 M_ = KAAS °c > ee | ‘i ct B Govith of fe on Around of head flo tm a Hime ts Lion. = Eh) ifedny Q=EAL AD | AG= 0-6, (np) ee _| aL A> frea ——— - Ke thermal conductivity ® Stetony tov 7 Rode of flowol head @ = KASS Enanigives power = Rate of heat | a too P= cEAT* * ey . 8, ere, Te Stefania Cong = Sa eae GF KL 8 ertyey = E = emmigiy “Qadon bun oo FKL O: fer ere boy Eon Peele Mithh | > = cea?) @ Aewol Repiptonce Rad Whee Te = Btrreurng dep, W]e eset KA © Nestons, ls of caing r ® Bheckive. vi SEE ee a. =¥{8 -8 4. Sertep Cornbtnadtnn ooo a Arvea (A) Borne '® Wety “dip glocment tons =e oe AT= eat | a 7 TEE | vay. For ovessel 1 dyed © Paugue P= Fee €) eG Bensity of Woder at 4°¢. RD = Were of body tn ot Ware ee Whrter RD ob Mquid = Woe - We More = Water R=? Wg here 0, = tne je ym * Tmetiene 0 = R4 hl (g40) “os cmaving Up Wwe {° SAEL t-n-e | ® Qyoktue Sengtiy ( Specrtee getty) | > RD=dersty of bedy ee Payee of Flats ® Denetty (P) = moga. = Me \islume.V © Sasa a ee ee Ne wm, 8m, & Rap @ Swix = VR me fag = Pah 5 eM Vite u Pressure TA Compt ok hunggental tine t 7 Vydewouptatie femdet ® ‘Wy eroudic_ {eet {ehh Werks on von fake — pom te Ube vehide, , Fa > Mg re & couch beth , Nyt tn 9 I. ak, (© Recading to fhebmedes Hncge > Loss th wseiget of © bey to 0 eyed @ Gauge Pressure = 9, -R = hfe “= a roevtng dawn yet a. = Weight of Vaud Baines. Const aso Se e a brut, faleg a= g + ff] J [pat = NV Po = Busyeney oxy emg Sei eae SEES Scere oo|7 te -% = Pao Q Two ob Wslume, Wc dent ne $B Aoene: tw Utqpse of ‘eg Th —y Fodion of Vingide = ae = $ —t Fadkin of Voy oe ro Vv g x oe me ® vga fin = Phy B Coxe trent _by legpid on > Revit +fgh bh = ret | i Ra Lfvs tah, = Bei oh, — Bhs Nz) QR avxk \eadw See te head | then Rox = Zhell 2 7 Ny = logh Ns gh. 4m oh et ez oe | ® Equation of a ~ | + Repreperds Low of Congervokin of __ Sengy * Dynarnss eft Ceralanes) L$ GEw) + OF ns SAG? | ® © hoje veggel of avea AL 2 ap, ebde otsavea “A, {tne taken “1 fw vader level to deccsenge foun hy bh, b= #12 Th] SET Visesty | F@ Vigcoup fore, bebxen bos pow | F Fva Where, We Coekk. of Visconity A= Area gu. = vec grain ® “Termina) velndhy Ye 2g es) ob veloc ; io 5B dantty ot bedy F = donstty of apd ® Potseuille’ ray 3 an Rake of Low yoersrieercen Gay. = Hy Qin) m= | i B= twttiol radgug = Kina “wadiug _ Surface “Tension © Gustoce Lusten CT) = Fore (FH) Length (1) paaeet * Necdte Mocking on a gurtace, of Uquid ASE LTA = 1g 4 UT freeg 2 fat\e Gig @) © Foxe ceeapiek, fo lk he neale- Fe mg + TL ee ® @ FemgyareT ® Q Fe — F® Westdone to change, a area trom | A doh. . © Vane oo We TAA)” \v= TA) Gwe 1. Loe_dene./ Wer bubble © & Fee aes iN JW Tow a8) are L. Fer Boap bubble, Pe * oy Se @ Weck doce to trcreage Wlune Sapid_dcvop, | os bute. “htt, = Pres = LT 5 Rosa Beek W,= Wane pea 8% aplt-o. big dose of rodtyy | @ Peas = AE R tro WN Renda derktca. small dr, Geeg bu) a ee ae [we aang] © fre veyed ‘do paper, ® Coealegts ation of “Yl identical gral Nhe gots_flote | mt mdi. ce aay fp Youte Saha a = dae T (nn) © Xp oxde-angie as) \tqutd. weg prursface Le, \iquta optges, | > Shope Concawe Upwards + Corer upiiods 14 + Fein. fe) Ghee | 7 RCE Th Fe | Fae & ? fae Sa fe a she me New See Pa Cone Dceg9 © Weight ot lous {my Capilleriy tube We eT Be Conad of bubbles” - TT + S Radia of big dre, Q- R= Gara VA RN ov VR = Wa NaN 7" OO-@8) FR ORC | KF we wnotleded with the K Th WB Conservelive ord weakest frdamerkl force, & Tt two Contoct with each other , @®, © fee @ Speed of two powkteler of tuo ienttal povttdes of each magg'm “relying “Th 0. chrtulor path of wodtue R, 4 Fe = Fy = m om = mt Vy ARE ee © Grovitationat force ackag on a yint ‘Twogg “mm laced on orig of ing of m wags MB cvadiua Q then: rR. GMmy " Gere # |e OF Fol, then, ime gevnd frass]” 5 G = Universal Gravitedtonal Conthord Bphene ane Bepnroledt by Oo i then = 66F X10" New /pg® fe] = wet? ree. of other mosses dyjlonee A ard vihen goted "OO Gravitational Fd Ghent fen ® E-F - 6m : ™M =O Gy ™ Ce E,=GM ®@ Gua due. 4s bells : 7 Finside =O @ Relation behween Gord 6 +4 le oe olways closer ‘| oo g- Sit | Many = Od hy dao a2 8) Re Rog. = 6400 Km ‘earth, = al K Gran = out = a Sept q Roser (6 Vea eigee of g With [odtuc 2 Wa [gtude | | Ge gikoety Gratton Teenttl Geogy 7 U=-GMm AR poleg SEF Bote — ov eB fape Nelocty Chong—in_nsights- Ve ie MEME, = Keorosp Rth paveea r I? Fox wefghtlessnegs mogg: vole ~ Rafer ® got ae ‘h ae ora le ob A & = HAR Pre fection i, J" +! 8a) ar 2) @ Qual lass | — \,= Jen Gwe TER le 5 Ee = he acccr Vac ee "Ne = veal Rd, +Wes iru ae eep Ee Teta energy - an ‘ 7 ui) GErrovitedionah get Qoterdé cenit VY cet @ V=-GM Vagler's Tang a - ® Tas A nai srenkee oreurd 8 e R fuin n ellipital, obit, | “Latte cae @ Blows: iM O-~ NV, Voe- | ae Vv R Ae rz 3h) Areal veloctly aay of pt wematip cantante HL eenperiation of Trentcdun et a 2 eB. mn ea Paw Fara of ronan 7) = pag T= or | or] (Qin)? 6M fey ence Poe Vertical Circular Motion ® Unilerm ctreculor Mobtons “Tension at ABC &D WTye ma + mg cont KG mon-urifrrm Chrelor “melion Nelogty changes Bo, veeglace Nowith YR. Ve Vp fh Obove dengiong , ® Gitktcal_ongle s a 7 Vac A_eny ongle © ig, . p= VgiGtocse) : <0 Bitte hm mse pF amng C+-en8) | | Nelectiy | Terton | t hae] om B_| Vga ° © | Sgt | amg Dd V3gt 3g womens Electric Field & Charges _|@ Q=ne j memo. cf elector » e= 4.6xie%o SFL Fd nay ed, Go= B854KIN ee AMG o* 41& * 62) (es) Nm Hee recite ® Fe 1 ade K ANG Guriag @ w= vlk ® Em= EE : Heat ® Linear Charge dengt d=d4 Sn, dl @ Surfer charge dlengity Tady ¢ oA @ Neue chorge density P= day. de JO Bie ts te change Se ; + Gerri Ye Fa ayo FG a(atL) Fisk pee ee i nL | Ses fy. FF na Bey z 4 oy ute Jee) 7 f oe ot ac » i - io / ; Rie ge | 2 @B Kx _P Gonsity of body) & — gr ihwe foo Crqpid) Fc 7 2 we Sat : ‘. RR we X Bleckmstatic force ty, Congervative Pesce EEE EEE See ee Fethiye ds ao 48 Cleric eld | setts SETS, Ew @ veer panty e t-F SD Urkt = N/e @) Vim Ve }@ Nall peice 2 1 = like chews | 1 [Qa 7H) = Unlike tha @ FE f. e 7 tt = LL 9. lei gat LM acetce PGg Ga gE ae i Fox Swoalh dfgaes B= 120) ATG 9? @ Boag <2 aed Ate (w4od)%- * AX ony ongle 8 Phere does fete, E-o 2 Tiags 1® Torque om shes digele. Fee. PEsine i |B Woskdene to wtnte a digde § | sk we VEF We 1® febeatial energy nee 1D Elechric fretd due to charged dc = TC i a rg © E-sQ (se) Q I (DK StS Este = 0 th KS ; re ep =t a fe a | waa. Ae bE ‘spheve/shell i Ete sileax } wi segt Are. ‘ | ® Eleckstc Flux: $= EW = Encsd = Quek iE & fora uber 7 =. @ oo Paste * 1 Pose a Electric _B _Fetential And Capacitance. j®V=elLQ j Scalar Quantity Hes Urit = Nem fru Th & @ We L144 AVG, ®U, = Ses ® fetta due foo wings Vel Q_ ss og" ATG Jott ® Neuteid =O ® Veron = LP @ V=_1 Peco FIG vt ANG x® eS Rolewtfal due te a_g o + “fh. Wee i die = Vaca ee any Vig = LQ (3et-at) 1 care Ame oe 7 & vy =k [Se +m] "@® tikes oo [RD wtgegegy ® Froak change ov beth aber = Qr-gk SG) eV ia @ Self e energy of > Grducting Cas + Sitid Nin= Gordie eile W> ar Ws 2@* BWGR LOTER © Sagi ® Cyndricak eagacttes: ES = © Prsall globe copactter:- C= Wet oo L PAE. G=kKe, Es Ee K VeNe kK moved fo te @ Distane ts be get @ No. oF BLE Cogn ston be & y by using Cos) — > n dite Cogacttors = 9 FN Identical Cogactters = 9m | | | | Kirchhelt's “Turetion law Vet yt +4, =0 Leomgenetion ot dung} Kirchoff's loop lowe Waa... 4N, 20 fergensatin of Crengy} Loss of Rnergy i : s ® Common preatial f, I+ While. chorging 0 capacitor Y= Qv- tee oe mm by Connecting Sime Lewminale Ct, e AV=L OG Cy, > opt teatiirats Ve Gi Gu Mtg Cre > by Connecting ot denials 9 ey ly 2 J Avs 1 6G Gay) is en AS e 7 Cage = CLG, — : na Pita 4! + ' Core = Be. Coy = 20 ‘a! @ TE weqy gotential , cach getertial ond Cee = Ce MA Copndtler, tach Cpeciter given Hen, Cte, No. of columng v= Rea, V each VV Ne ok owe me Ra Cems Nev of Gpacibers = men fol eth © Eller of Dileckic on Ggncitance @ Chorging badbery tp met, Sisconnected Before dieleclare Alex Afelectric RW => dak Ne i -” V. => Vea > Bapew = U's ky sitar cree ESE a E > Seolor qpantity , Uyet= Ye @ Angee © T=Qe 5 w= Mguor feequeny Lar ily GD) = Ly Veter ty © Current density @) + a vi a 7 Te ng Va J Ny = dsl velocity (© Dek veloktly, (a) = “SET; Ce Relorakion Mine ® Mckilely qe) ve J Stator quantity Qhin's baw | ® Cour _Gding oe PyoaRT DR | “SRERB~ Benen ap > Re fe v | B -Blex 9 D | j 8 —Brswn 4 Gold ~ 57. ja STE a | RR g Sa = 17. | = nettle foro=v en | § runt a Ne Colous/bond ~ 20:/ ™ t 7 | i 1G -Green 5 Short cut saa | B-Qu © BB ROY of Guet > Corday ob L Ig Heat Britatn hos Very | | We —Wwhie § . Ged Wife = Gntuctonee Got L a Se eee 1@ Weck Hi) = otey avd = vie i> To Reuosking wise Cid. tg const) | © Ree M= 4: Dee ve = % Ratt Ro LAL 5 Nex Spectied Volkage W = Spafied, power Va = Bogle Voltage Fre DNs F bulb gets domagich \* Wes 5 Power Consumed re pew fe 1 Ok = AKWHS Bex T= 3.6 10°F @ Qiis_ tn Revell we [rs F488 He & > Ga o£ Ree = RAT 7 1 Dea = Cnet Boek @ Cklective emf ouncl interna, iptence. When tel Connected th — + Sestes Bt = E+E, Bak = OA, > Pasaallel Ba = Bete ee Be =H rors TB the Sowel Curae K Regigtona of ideal Ammeler ip Fare | * ters of dead Yolkmeter: te Tabitly ® 8 6 ( Rue = 5g Ray =3R | ear | 8 a Reg = ER I \ ® Meter Bridge’ ~~ Het a et \ rit Y wok ® Potentiometers nm Ee) > oe of © cells fete, Bk HE" > Ve ER +B Pied fadernah westshone + RAR ES) L. ro =R a) | Rleniol graded Ee I ,S +e R | Caled. ile ! pasts then Ren = & 1@ Wo wives of lenge 6G L having “resistivities of BGR, and some oven Connected fn Sesies then, - I Pap = Rt ly Jus + [Re Bae _ z T= 2a 0 Sie] Coduaiuly | BW oboe dato of some length of ill Areas Ai Ord Ay Connected fn foraltel. then, Cee = RGR) 5 at AAy a GA T=0 - VsE © Bulbe in geste 1 @ Bulls. in_gasattl PetRe ayy | Peavi > sEW ss we i RY = Less Walage more Grider | wh Move Wathage more power ~ joebar > eR 4D, me OR % i a+ t=h4 | tte _ Sevies ; @ Regighoss in Reval \ y Rs = RrRy : iad Seer VeVR 7 Re Re Rh Ra De De Nee MRL oe Ry arch © Vischorgtn @ Calla ty Sevigs Be5 & dee ene | Pid aes [ot Fed = BE 4g, [ee N= E-De 5 Tenatnal | A Rew = Rw ts, R Ba +P Ba 7 Less velhage = Tx “Rock if RRs RE ond yoae > Eek = 1 E a> Ree = Rene — P- nF Rene ® Vbrongly Gonvccted cetly : Ere ¢ IE m0 Call cre Wavngly bb 4 Gnnected ouk of y Calle, tach of ECs) then 1 Ene = (-2in) E Reet = nor @ Maxtrun fee Tancler a PeDR cE VR Ree 8 Gk wor Ruer [Raw then, 7 Et AR Vrun | @ Fence, ae o ei dong 8 Two Magnetic. field i | | ie Bug sine 3 Ba Magratte a Absength | _ V = Velsety of o ice * Fees = Bvgy Gy = cheenge he Coke [> F vem > Sento) { & Ba, S [4 Ts swheee = & Coperifte charge) es EMV 7 Ve Pkenbtal qs | - c= 7 3 P= mv (lireorr momentum) ! B @ Wre_gevioh Fe am é ee Birr geod, P00 are, indeperderk of veleetly of the che <- change @ Helfcal fot of a. charge tn UME @ Angle of deviation x hk wm x Pitch of the, i yl ot ae seen > = VCoSe atin ~yT* X Bay = Sin‘ (Sq uv (® lonate Rae + on jee 40 Come. / ovikgecaitel Fel a F aq [Es @xa] petite tee © Heromirg’s eft hard sule w¥ Fre finges’ ~ Magnetic Pela —F Medate finger = Choege [curser > Tomb Force jo ROR j then Oy) oes cbeve ' Lime ER CR 5 then Oy Sees below 0° ia if Fe 1 then g, veaches 9° ! 1 ' | \ ! ' ! Fs R+h, | | | I | | | ! I I [@ Sce_acting oo ote | @ Nope Lad dee care og | Gerying Girma ce — F = dilate | B= Aneel = : > F=i(ixe) lx E Cleckinitse Gertet — Antselockwtce ® Bick —Soyort's | oo + dB= ps 180) sino st aCe o 2 Where My = permeatitty of Free. space 7 oh, 1 i 1 1 1 = o | b= Aims ce H Guy) ® Solesids + VRetow forms Bas = Meni Gea = Pett jah z L aE at (Gae) | | | | | | 8 Trot? gp 0 le av \ = EQ. Bend 5 NN | | i | | | | ure 24h oy B=. (Sect sng) © Tore. bls % Shrofght: fet Rl ae infirtte. Conducherg Gorcwing il | Es wna % ro Bkinttely Longe conducts: fe “arr ffs = Mei * Gervert direction Porvalleh = Albroction, Pee : ~N ——— Ardiparattel = Repulsion ae eee iuvuubyt e Magiretic Moment (M) = NDA ; oe Met ant ane © Noth pint «- ™ 7 Souoeve of Side ‘o's. ts B= ee 2ST Mi | fen le i fe Side “g \® “Terque. Oaking on a Quevent Careeying loop ae cai ot | > T= BONA cing oe an 7 > Grrrent Sensitivity a = Bay © |e Hetagan mF Vellege gensitvity $s = Bin og B= Gut “eR ER Ta && Conversion eof MCG tute Arnenede | Ss i ; ci Ste | @ Goverston_of MCG tats 2 Walmetes: ‘ oy fwlhdrde Ben. | ekg wes 8 : ZR (oan) Magnetiom Ant Not ® Mogrebic fle, Strength Gm) — Seater Quantity + One = Am © Megretc_ lengths (a) MLS EL a+ Vedor Quantity + Unit =m on ML=s 6H ® Macginette moment (fA) = m.@) “F Nedew Quardtly os Get = Amt © Resuttend Magnetic. momers:- $ soe Me VM Mem am Cose v $ ™ + Direction from South 4e Herth Hee : y ~m erty > mS" mrp et, SINE x M's M og Mem uaa" ¢ Maa we M Lv w i | © Galtng of 0 toagnds- | oy pn i | : eu \® Banding ol Samagndk :~ ® oa ove “| Se 8 m\| f /® Combs Quese S e : | ee Vecwuin Wess late 2 @ Bon _ arta tte of-o bos QS @ : | Buca. = Me Md Z | F= Be mens | at Gee e Arg? Brshert woes jet oo j ts = oF p B= Bi = Bo 2m a a aor | | Rye & © Bon caudeviah, Ine ote bow magne ; il = bo NM ® ‘ete Hild Storngth [Treacy ya av ea) “Es at Fee Abert magnate | | | @ werkdene: Gu) = Me (os0,~c,) @ Pobentiah energy VU) = ~MBease ®@ Null fire dad 7+ = Vke pues JERE! W's untthe pits T™ © NMogretic flur )= BACs = EF ~? Scalor Quantity TF Unit = Weber | Tin® 7 tudbeio moral @ fore by r we vy & dipaes au 7 Cee = ae] Bi rer Ma — —— oe fy Me | Cl & [heets IF = po 23MM: AT a © Roo period of oscitabion Tsar [Ts De Moment of mp thewtio 7 REET ES weet ver n FSS SEW ports | Vet fl @ Magnetic, Fed Thencity (W) > Rep => He BL POA = Moy Ms a> Heat @ Magnetic Auseelisiy (0) | Xoo Me Unit @ Magretic dtp (8)/Angle of dip. > Sargles 240° oe he SY Gok equator = 0" os tong = Be Bus op Ba * Bu ig cluays row S, te Ne © Apporent dip Cs!) tong’ = fang G8 ton g'= By 7 O= Angle b/w magreti Bu Cose ee ony plane © cols, Lea's, = cts ® fex_ory_ lsged tsop tre Same dixecten _M =O e ae Soule Pole of * : | A ly] | TTF | id | | iN | ; Neoth Ble of | Ee magi | By = He Electromagnetic Taductton. - le Faroday's law ® i te -34 fF @=tindued emf dt Seo — @2 - d(wencse) “ab e pase B= chorged HR due te change of - / “ Pee peta 4 1 Bi 1) Pon e= -NG,-4) ae Ss How Loom B+ A “dt © Mobinal eines. i) fica © =-NBG@EA)Cose ax XK fe ao e= Bly] it) Mrec & = -N@&-e)AGse ey . dt _ in) Owutntade a 7 seat ) Onefrtation => @ HAA Goa) mf eat @ Ustertoneous emf» eee x a 7 © = BAN Stok o fo une = he Sirot 5 ep= BAN x yy lez mx) w G Wdueed cuevent (p= e_ Q De oat a @ = Bleev Ral wl = — Le [Esey | © ead, chee ys a eeu sagan stating bas 4 \B tdependert of a peter fevgeee | : 2 ®@ Lenz's laws ‘ &. Ke] ip const fer ot xk nto. of ae D- Anticlockwuige © ¥ vay SH iietl Power @) = et ~ oe fs ge Sh D = Clockwise Kee [Peet “ee / © 3 s Flemming Right Hard Rite Fag an wae Bay Middle finger = Drduced cursent cas = w+ Fore Finger = Magnette fed aimee + Thumb = Mobton & (@ Sel? ‘Tiuction (Electret teats) |@ Mutual Dyduchane io joa oN 2 : Ls pon are z L : b=12 ay i B Lolo soenidi Le penta rIymn— U ®© Energy Steed tm Trduches + > Us Lia ie Sele trductance estes ae ARAN = Lab, | + => es -LAP 5 L=Sell tnductance ® Sek trductame of _o Chotulorrali- > Ng -Me > O=-MAT | Me cede, of oe! 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