13 Evaluation of The Irrational Use of Antibiotic and Correlation

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ORIGINAL ARTICLE ISRA MEDICAL JOURNAL | Volume 9 - Issue 2 | Mar - Apr 2017

Evaluation of the Irrational Use of Antibiotic and Correlation

of Economical Constraints to Antibiotic Resistance
Altaf Ali Mangi1, Muhammad Ali Ghoto2, Abdullah Dayo3, Ayaz Ali4, Naheed Memon5 , Awais Ahmed
Juno6, Fouzia Panhwar7, Abdul Aziz babar8 , Khalida Unar9, Ghulam Nabi Tatri1


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the irrational use of antibiotic and correlation of economical constraints to antibiotic resistance.
STUDY DESIGN: A Cross sectional Study
PLACE AND DURATION: Private clinics of different districts of Baluchistan from 2nd October 2016 to 30th December 2016.
METHODOLOGY: Patients who showed antibiotic resistance and were belonging to the poor economical background and they were
selected using WHO criteria of poverty which is [low pay under U.S.$2] Well structured Questionnaire was administered to about 500
poor patients and their blood isolates were also collected out of that 400 blood isolates showed resistant when examined in labs only
their filled questionnaire an prescriptions were included that was 80% of total samples.
RESULTS: From 400 participants the number of male subjects was (60%) and the number of female patients was (40%) they showed
antibiotic resistance such as16% males showed resistance to penicillin and 15.26% females, to cephalosporin40.4% males and 38.75%
females showed resistance, 7.9% males and 6.8% females showed resistance to macrolides and besides this 5.4% male and 11.8%
females showed resistance to different other classes of antibiotics.
CONCLUSION: It was concluded that patients due to economical hardships were unable to continue the required time period of
therapy and were quitting the therapy in half and irrational way and that was one of the factor caused the antibiotic resistance.
KEYWORDS: Socioeconomic status, Antimicrobial, Resistance, improper duration treatment.


Mangi AA, Ghoto MA, Dayo A, Ali A, Memon W, Juno WA, et al. Evaluation of the irrational use of Antibiotic and Correlation of
Economical Constraints to Antibiotic Resistance. Isra Med J. 2017;9(2):106-110
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
1. M.Phil scholar INTRODUCTION
2. Associate Professor and Chairman Pharmacy Practice Department
3. Meritorious Professor and Dean
As per the WHO Poverty is frequently characterized in supreme
Department of Pharmaceutics
Faculty of Pharmacy University of Sindh Jamshoro terms of low pay – under US$2 a day for instance. In any case,
4. Lecturer truly, the outcomes of destitution exist on a relative scale.1 The
Department of Pharmacy poorest of poor people, far and wide, have the most exceedingly
Shaheed Mohtarma Benazeer Bhuto Medical University, awful wellbeing in Pakistan the aggregate populace is (182.1
Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan million (2013) out of that 40 % individuals are living underneath
5. Professor and Principal destitution line what's more this the lack of healthy sustenance
Pharmacy College LUMHS University Jamshoro
is third most noticeably awful in Pakistan.1-2 Poverty ratio in
6. M.Phil Scholar
Department of Pharmacy, Pakistan is increasing day by day a higher than 40% of the
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology. general population of Pakistan lives under the poverty line and
Abbottabad, KPK, Pakistan their daily income is under 125Rs2.
7. Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, The total population of Baluchistan is about 13.16 million and
Faculty of Pharmacy University of Sindh Jamshoro there are about 52% of the total population lives below the
8. M.Phil Scholar Zoology Department University of Sindh poverty line .There are also 1.1million geriatrics patients having
9. Lecturer
age (65and over) 77% of that is living in the poverty whereas
Department of Microbiology
Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan the numerous others experience the low budgeting &hence
improper prescription follow up3.For such kind of populace the
Correspondence to: expenses of medicines makes it very tough to continue and thus
Altaf Ali Mangi they face the unsponsiveness of antibiotic .It was also observed
M.Phil Student Department of Pharmaceutics that many geriatric patients and less earning Patients got
Faculty of Pharmacy University of Sindh Jamshoro,
antibiotic from different other countries and some could not
Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
Email: altafa41@yahoo.com complete antibiotic therapy that leaded to unresponsiveness of
antibiotics 4-5 Moreover irrational use and consumption also
Received for Publication: 17-01-17 caused its resistance6. Misfortunately those kinds of wrong
Accepted for Publication: 03-05-17 exercises were found to be more prevalent in different districts

Altaf Ali Mangi et al. ISRA MEDICAL JOURNAL | Volume 9 - Issue 2 | Mar - Apr 2017

of Baluchistan7-8 In the study it was found that large number of from bacterial disease and patients demographic data was also
urban population regarding antibiotic usage for upper sought. Information on antibiotic susceptibility determined by
respiratory tract, they got 35% of antibiotic from the source broth micro dilution as per guidelines of National committee for
which were neither registered nor from any qualified clinical lab standards (NLCCS).
practitioner. And drug inspectors mentioned that the number of The clinical microbiology Labs of University of Sindh Jamshoro
the antibiotics were being sold out over the counter.9 In the and Liaqat University of Medical and Health sciences LUMHS
study of emergency Room Patients 23% mentioned using jamshoro examined the antibiotic resistance of all collected
leftover antibiotic for upper respiratory tract indications.10 blood samples (stored in frozen form) by Disk diffusion method
Numerous from them brought the antibiotic those were easily as defined by NCCLS. and Questionnaire with prescription were
available without the prescription.11 Many people who were assessed of only those patients who showed resistance to
using the uncounted medicines by the help of phone order, it antibiotics The Questionnaire were containing more than 20
also added to antibiotic deadens by the usage of suboptimal questions to assess the economic status as well.
standard of the medicine. In the era of 1992 to 1994 about 51% Data collection: Data was collected by using the prospective
of counterfeit medicines were exposed under the report of technique and after ensuring the economical background of
WHO stating the absence of actives 17% and 11% were patients their blood isolates were collected and processed in
containing the lower than the claimed strength of active the Labs
ingredients.12 Moreover 70% of the such counterfeiting cases Microbiological Studies of isolated samples taken from
were unveiled in the developing countries. In 2003 FDA subjects who showed treatment failure: The resistance of
analyzed 732 shipments came at Baluchistan, from them 88% isolated blood samples from subjects was made confirmed by
were having unregistered drugs from dissimilar countries. determining the antibiotic MICS by means of micro dilution
Surveillance Researches across the country exposed the broth method with Muller Hinton Broth supplemented by3%
happening of poly drug unresponsiveness in common infectious lyse horse blood using NCCLS parameters.
o rga n i s m a re re s e a rc h i n d i c a t e d S . p n e u m o n i a Statistical Analysis: The results were analyzed by spss 19
unresponsiveness to penicillin, ceftriaxone, erythromycin, software by employing chi square test
clindamycin, tetracycline, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Ethical Approval: Ethical approval was sought from the ethical
About 22% of such isolates were multi medicines resistant.13-14 committee of university of Sindh Jamshoro and regarding
The tendency of augmented flouroquinolines resistance was patients they were told about the study and on showing consent
also watched out. Neisseria gonorrhea showed more resistance they were included in the study.
to penicillin and tetracycline and an emerging resistance to Inclusion criteria: Poor patients suffering from bacterial
fluoroquinolones. In 2002, Salmonella found to be disease were included in study Patients suffering from chronic
unresponsive to amoxicillin/clavulanate, ampicillin, cefoxitin, and acute bacterial caused disease were included study.
ceftiofur, cephalothin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, Exclusion Criteria: patients who were mentally unsound were
sulfamethoxazole, and tetracycline was found in many of the excluded from study
districts including Dera bugti. Nausheroferoz, Mastung and
ziarat, many of the antibiotic resistance were happened due to RESULTS
irrational prescribing by the clinicians majorly by quacks.15
poverty influences downstream factors that could alter Age of the head of House hold: Table 01 set out information on
selective pressure for resistance and promote the the rate of destitution by time of family unit sets out toward few
dissemination of resistant strains.16 areas of Baluchistan territory of the Pakistan. A rearranged U-
shape link is experience amdist time of family head and
METHODOLOGY frequency of neediness for working age gather in whole
territories/areas. It implies as a family unit head gets more
A cross sectional study was carried out in the private clinics of involvement in labor advertise, the likelihood of passing out of
different 7 districts of Baluchistan (seven districts (Derabugti, destitution increments. Notwithstanding, destitution levels
JhalMagsi, Kharan, Mosakhel, Panjgur, Quetta, Ziarat) Pakistan tend to increment when a family unit head is seventy years or
to assess the antibiotic resistance. The poor patients who were above. It in this manner creates the impression that age and
suffering from the bacterial disease were included in the study neediness connection go together principally through the
and those patients who were economical sound were not the likelihood of being dynamic in work showcase. The modified U-
part of this study .Total 500 well developed questionnaires were faces connection remains constant for the greater part of
administered using the prospective sampling technique after regions of Pakistan.
ensuring the consent of the participants who were suffering

Altaf Ali Mangi et al. ISRA MEDICAL JOURNAL | Volume 9 - Issue 2 | Mar - Apr 2017


Table - I: shows the poverty status of the seven districts which age wise who were living with poverty and this data was sought
were chosen for research actually it shows the head of family from BISP department Benazir income support programmed)


Total 400 patient samples showed resistance including 60%male and 40%females


Table - III: shows the male and female patients resistant to to pencillin, and 40.4%male showed resistance to
different class of antibiotics .Total males were 240 and females cephalosporin and 38.75% females were resistant to
were 160. the samples collected when examined it was cephalosporin and remaining data is shown .
observed that 16 %male and 15.26% females showed resistance


The total 240 males and 160 females showed resistance and the factors causing irrational use and resistance are depicted in table - IV.

DISCUSSION to acquire medicines from unofficial and unregistered

distributors and they were finding it cheaper because their
Examination of the data above demonstrates that neediness (medicine) quality was compromised. The Pakistan can't
may assume a part in antimicrobial resistance around the adequately battle antimicrobial resistance inside its fringes on
world.21 It facilitate recommends that viable intercession is the off chance that it overlooks the contributing variables from
impossible in segregation. In view of universal travel, multidrug- creating nations, and it can't plan viable intercession on the off
safe life forms in one nation can be all the more effortlessly chance that it neglects to think about and perceive the
scattered to another nation.16-17 The simplicity of acquiring anti- destitution driven financial and behavioral elements which can
microbial without a medicine in some creating nations can add to unresponsiveness20-21. Many patients admitted that due
prompt to self-prescription, in those creating nations, as well as to poverty they took only one tablet in 15 days with shigilla apart
in the Pakistan also.18-19 Furthermore, in light of the web, low from this patients were coming from very distant areas and this
quality and fake medications influence the nation of source, as was adding to their expenses so they were very much unlike to
well as populaces in the Baluchistan. Many patients were seen come for follow up visit. Patients due to financial unsoundness

Altaf Ali Mangi et al. ISRA MEDICAL JOURNAL | Volume 9 - Issue 2 | Mar - Apr 2017

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symptoms disappeared before the pathogen got root out. Due Conflict of Interest: None.
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