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Citicoline Affects Appetite and Cortico-Limbic

Responses to Images of High-Calorie Foods

William D.S. Killgore, PhD1,2,3* ABSTRACT

Objective: Cytidine-50 -diphosphocholine
significant declines in appetite ratings were
observed for the 2,000 mg/day group. The
Amy J. Ross, PhD1,2,3 (citicoline) has a variety of cognitive higher dose group also showed significant
Toshikazu Kamiya, PhD4 enhancing, neuroprotective, and neuro- increases in functional brain responses to
Yoko Kawada4 regenerative properties. In cocaine-ad- food stimuli within the amygdala, insula,
Perry F. Renshaw, MD, PhD2,3,5,6 dicted individuals, citicoline has been and lateral orbitofrontal cortex. Increased
shown to increase brain dopamine lev- activation in these regions correlated with
Deborah A. Yurgelun-Todd, els and reduce cravings. The effects of declines in appetite ratings.
PhD2,3,5,6 this compound on appetite, food crav-
Discussion: These preliminary findings
ings, and brain responses to food are
suggest a potential usefulness of citico-
line in modulating appetite, but further
Method: We compared the effects of research is warranted. V
C 2009 by Wiley

treatment with Cognizin® citicoline (500 Periodicals, Inc.

mg/day versus 2,000 mg/day) for 6 weeks
on changes in appetite ratings, weight, Keywords: citocoline; cytidine-50 -diphos-
and cortico-limbic responses to images of phocholine; FMRI; neuroimaging; food;
high-calorie foods using functional mag- appetite; orbitofrontal cortex; insula;
netic resonance imaging (fMRI). amygdala

Results: After 6 weeks, there was no sig-

nificant change in weight status, although (Int J Eat Disord 2010; 43:6–13)

The epidemic of obesity is one of the most pressing tions of the hypothalamus have long been known
health concerns of the 21st century.1 The factors to mediate appetitive responses, but recent evi-
that lead to poor appetite control, excessive weight dence suggests that these hormones may also have
gain, and obesity are multifaceted, but neuro- direct effects on dopamine neurons, which in turn
science research is making headway into clarifying
may have a more immediate and direct effect on
the neuro-cognitive systems involved in regulating
the motivation to eat and the reward value of
appetite and food intake. Hormones such as insu-
food.2,3 Because of its primary involvement in
lin, leptin, and ghrelin on the homeostatic func-
reward and motivation, the dopamine system is
implicated in a variety of substance abuse/addic-
Accepted 20 December 2008 tive behavior disorders such as cocaine addiction
P.F.R. and D.Y.T. serve as consultants to and T.K. and Y.K. are and pathological gambling.4,5 The involvement of
employees of Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co., Ltd., Japan.
Supported by 1R01 DA020269 from NIDA and by Kyowa Hakko
the dopamine system in appetite and eating behav-
Kogyo Co., Ltd., Japan. ior suggests that dopaminergic-reward models of
*Correspondence to: William D.S. Killgore, Ph.D., Brain Imaging craving and substance-dependence may poten-
Center, McLean Hospital, 115 Mill Street, Belmont, Massachusetts
tially apply to the regulation of food intake.6–8
02478. E-mail:
Cognitive Neuroimaging Laboratory, McLean Hospital, In cocaine addicted individuals, preliminary evi-
Belmont, Massachusetts
dence suggests that it may be possible to reduce
Brain Imaging Center, McLean Hospital, Belmont,
drug cravings through the administration of cyti-
Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, dine-50 -diphosphocholine (citicoline).9 Further-
Massachusetts more, one recent randomized, placebo-controlled
Healthcare Products Development Center, Kyowa Hakko Kogyo
study found that cocaine dependent outpatients
Co., Ltd., Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Department of Veterans Affairs, Salt Lake City, Utah treated with citicoline were less likely to screen
Department of Psychiatry, Brain Institute, University of Utah, positive for cocaine by the end of the trial.10 Citico-
Salt Lake City, Utah
line, which is marketed as an nutritional supple-
Published online 3 March 2009 in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/eat.20658 ment and widely available in health food stores, is
C 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. essentially a complex organic molecule that has

6 International Journal of Eating Disorders 43:1 6–13 2010


been shown to have a variety of cognitive en- in appetite ratings and increased activation within
hancing, neuroprotective, and neuroregenerative brain regions that are involved in inhibitory con-
properties,11–13 although findings are far from con- trol, satiation, and withdrawal responses relative to
clusive.14,15 Some evidence suggests that citicoline the lower dose, and that these changes in brain
may affect the dopamine system,13 thereby altering activation would predict appetite changes. We
the reward value of stimuli. As a nucleotide mole- focused our analyses on three regions based on
cule, citicoline is involved in cellular metabolism previous research suggesting that they are particu-
and biosynthesis of phospholipids.16 When taken larly important in appetite. First, we focused on the
orally, exogenous citicoline undergoes hydrolysis in lateral orbitofrontal cortex, a region that functions
the small intestine, where it is absorbed as choline as part of the gustatory cortex and is often activated
and cytidine.17 Because it is water-soluble, citico- in studies using appetizing food images.29,30 Fur-
line is rapidly hydrolyzed and absorbed into the thermore, the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is
blood stream, demonstrating over 90% bioavaila- involved in behavioral control and has been shown
bility.16,18 Once absorbed, choline and cytidine are to be more active when an individual feels sated31
circulated throughout the body and become avail- and when stimuli are perceived as less rewarding.32
able to a variety of biosynthetic systems, and read- Therefore, this region was selected for specific
ily cross the blood-brain barrier where they are study. Second, we focused on the insular cortex, as
synthesized once again into citicoline.19 It has been evidence suggests that it is involved in visceral
suggested that exogenous administration of citico- bodily sensations such as those that occur during
disgust responses33,34 and interoceptive awareness
line can help preserve endogenous choline reserves
of somatic states,35 and is commonly activated in
and minimize cell membrane phospholipid catabo-
studies showing photographs of appetizing
lism, a process that may occur when the demand foods.30,36,37 Finally, because the amygdala is often
for acetylcholine exceeds available stores of endog- involved in responses to food stimuli and appe-
enous choline.17,18 Citicoline is believed exert a va- tite,38,39 particularly in obese individuals,40 we also
riety of effects on the central nervous system via hypothesized that this region would be affected by
synthesis of acetylcholine and phosphatidylcho- administration of citicoline.
line,18 restoration of membrane phospholipid com-
ponents such as cardiolipin20 and sphingomyelin,21
and enhancement of neurotransmitters such as nor-
epinephrine and dopamine.22–25 A number of stud- Method
ies have suggested that citicoline administration has
several effects on the dopamine system, including Participants
increasing the levels of dopamine in neural tis- Sixteen healthy adults (8 men; 8 women; 12 right-
sues,23,26 increasing dopamine receptor densities,27 handed by self-report) ranging from 40 to 57 years (M 5
and neuroprotection of dopamine neurons.28 The 47.3, SD 5 5.4) were recruited from the community of Bel-
mont, MA. At intake, the body mass index (BMI) of partici-
effects of citicoline on the dopamine-reward system
pants ranged from 20.1 to 38.6 (M 5 25.3, SD 5 5.2). Vol-
in conjunction with preliminary evidence of its
unteers were screened for a wide range of potential
effectiveness at reducing cravings in cocaine users9 medical, psychiatric, and health concerns and only those
raises the possibility that citicoline may also have participants that were deemed to be in good medical and
the potential to affect appetite and food cravings. psychiatric health were included. Participants had normal
Citicoline has been studied extensively in recent or corrected-normal vision (with contact lenses). The
years for a variety of cognitive enhancing and neu- present study was conducted under the guidelines of the
roprotective functions, but there have been no McLean Hospital Institutional Review Board. All partici-
investigations into the potential effects of this com- pants provided written informed consent and were given
pound on appetite and cerebral responses to food. a small financial compensation for their participation.
Therefore, we conducted a preliminary evaluation
of two different doses of citicoline (500 mg/day vs. Study Design
2,000 mg/day) administered daily for 6 weeks on Participants completed two interview/functional
changes in appetite and cortico-limbic responses imaging scanning sessions separated by 6 weeks. At the
to images of high-calorie foods during functional first visit, participants completed a medical and psychiat-
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). It was ric interview and several questionnaires about food and
hypothesized that the higher of the two doses of lifestyle preferences, and were asked to rate their typical
citicoline would be associated with greater declines appetite on a 10-point Likert scale from 1 (never hungry)

International Journal of Eating Disorders 43:1 6–13 2010 7


to 10 (always hungry). Following the interview and ques- the head coil. The same stimuli were presented at base-
tionnaires, participants underwent an fMRI scan to line and again following 6 weeks of treatment.
examine responses to images of high-calorie foods. Par-
ticipants were scanned at approximately the same time Image Processing and Analysis
of day to minimize circadian influences. No attempts Data were preprocessed and analyzed in SPM99.45
were made to restrict food intake before the scans and Images were motion corrected, convolved into the stand-
participants were allowed to follow their normal diets. In ard Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space,
an open label design, participants were randomly smoothed using an isotropic Gaussian kernel (full width
assigned to one of two conditions, a low dose or a high half maximum 5 6 mm), and resliced to 2 3 2 3 2 mm3
dose administration of citicoline (Cognizin1, Kyowa voxels using sinc interpolation. Data analysis was com-
Hakko Kogyo, Japan). Eight participants (four male, four pleted in two stages. At the first stage, contrast images
female) were assigned to consume the low dose (i.e., one were constructed to evaluate activation specific to view-
500 mg capsule/day) of citicoline over the intervening 6- ing the high-calorie food images relative to the nonfood
week period, whereas the other eight participants were control images. Within-subject contrast images were also
assigned to consume the high dose (i.e., four 500 mg cap- created to determine regions of change between Visit 1
sules/day) during the same time period. Participants and Visit 2. In the second, or ‘‘random-effects’’ level of
were contacted by telephone twice per week to improve analysis, these change images were entered into a
compliance and to allow for reporting of any adverse between groups t-test to compare the effects of low- ver-
effects. Participants returned to the neuroimaging center sus high-dose citicoline. The change images were also
to repeat the questionnaires and fMRI scanning proce- entered into a simple linear regression model in SPM99
dure after 6 weeks of treatment. Changes in appetite rat- with appetite change scores entered as the covariate of
ings and weight were calculated for each participant by interest. Three region of interest (ROI) masks were cre-
subtracting scores at Visit 1 from those at Visit 2. ated using the WFU Pickatlas utility46 to restrict analyses
to only pre-specificed areas. On the basis of previous
research showing that food images are associated with
Imaging Methods
activation of the amygala,37,38,40,42 insula,30,37,40 and lat-
Functional images were acquired on a Siemens Trio eral OFC,30,40,43 these three regions were analyzed using
whole body 3T MRI scanner equipped with a quadrature the published anatomical atlas of Tzourio-Mazoyer
RF head coil (TR 5 3 sec, TE 5 30 ms, flip angle 5 90 et al.47 Because these three ROIs were predicted a priori
degrees). Fifty images per slice were collected over 35 to to be affected by citicoline and to show functional
41 coronal slices (5 mm thick, 0 skip) with a 20 cm field changes with appetite ratings, we used a statistical
of view and a 64 3 64 acquisition matrix (in-plane resolu- threshold of p \ .05, k 5 10 contiguous voxels. Explora-
tion 5 3.125 3 5 3 3.125 mm3) using a single-shot, gradi- tory whole brain analyses were undertaken at a more
ent pulse-echo sequence. To allow the scanner to reach a stringent threshold of p \ .001, k 5 10 for the direct con-
steady-state, three dummy images were acquired at the trasts between baseline and post-treatment and the cor-
start of each functional scan and discarded from analysis. relation analyses.
The participant’s head was secured using foam padding.

Stimulation Paradigms
The stimulation paradigm has been described in detail Results
in several previous reports.38,41–43 In brief, participants
were scanned while viewing a series of colorful visual Appetite Ratings and Weight
images that included both high-calorie foods (e.g., Self-rated appetite declined significantly between
cheeseburgers, hot dogs, french-fries, ice cream, cake, Visit 1 (M 5 6.8, SD 5 1.5) and Visit 2 (M 5 6.1, SD
cookies) and control images of non-food objects with 5 1.5) for the sample as a whole, t(15) 5 22.83, p 5
similar visual complexity, texture, and color (e.g., rocks, .02. The mean change scores for both groups
shrubs, bricks, trees, flowers). The stimulation paradigm declined between visits, but the magnitude of
was 150 sec in duration, and comprised five alternating decline only reached significance for the high-dose
30-sec periods (i.e., control, high-calorie, control, high- group (M 5 20.88, SD 5 0.83), t(7) 5 22.97, p 5 .02,
calorie, control). Each alternating block consisted of 10 while the decline for the low-dose group did not (M
photographs (2,500 ms stimulus presentation and a 500 5 20.38, SD 5 0.92), t(7) 5 21.16, p 5 .29. Between
ms inter-stimulus interval). Stimuli were controlled by a group comparison of these changes did not reach
Macintosh computer running Psyscope44 and were back- statistical significance, however, t(14) 5 1.14, p 5
projected onto a screen placed at the rear of the scanner. .27. Similarly, there was no significant change in
Participants viewed the stimuli via a mirror mounted on weight from Visit 1 to Visit 2 for the low (M 5 26.4

8 International Journal of Eating Disorders 43:1 6–13 2010


FIGURE 1. Axial slices showing significantly greater increases in functional activation after 6 weeks of treatment with
high-dose citicoline (2,000 mg/day) versus the low-dose (500 mg/day) treatment during the food perception task. Activa-
tion is shown only within the three regions of interest, including the left amygdala (AMYG), bilateral insula (INS), and
right lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC).

lbs, SD 5 11.0, t(6) 5 21.55, p 5 .17) or high (M 5 30, y 5 256, z 5 224), showed significantly greater
20.57 lbs, SD 5 3.8, t(6) 5 20.40, p 5 .71) dose change in activation in the high-dose group relative
groups and the magnitude of weight change did not to the low-dose group. In contrast, there were no
differ between the two groups, t(13) 5 1.55, p 5 .15. regions that showed greater pre-post changes in
activation in the low-dose group relative to the high-
dose group for the exploratory whole brain analysis.
Dose Group Comparisons
The effects of high- versus low-dose citicoline on
changes in brain activation were compared for the Correlation Between Brain Activation and
three ROIs. As evident in Figure 1, the high-dose Appetite Changes
group showed significantly greater between-visit Changes in regional brain activation from Visit 1
increases in activation within the left amygdala (T to Visit 2 were used to predict corresponding
5 2.25, 40 voxels, MNI coordinates: x 5 220, y 5 0, changes in appetite ratings. As evident in Figure 2,
z 5 222), bilateral insula (T 5 3.59, 92 voxels, MNI changes in ROI activation when viewing high-calo-
coordinates: x 5 228, y 5 32, z 5 6; T 5 3.49, 25 rie food images were associated with changes in
voxels; MNI coordinates: x 5 34, y 5 22, z 5 10; T 5 appetite between the two visits. Specifically, partici-
1.99, 10 voxels, MNI coordinates: x 5 236, y 5 210, pants that showed the greatest increase in the task-
z 5 6), and right lateral OFC (T 5 2.76, 41 voxels, related activation of the right amygdala (T 5 3.76,
MNI coordinates: x 5 34, y 5 30, z 5 222) relative 146 voxels, x 5 28, y 5 22, z 5 224), bilateral
to the low-dose group. In contrast, there were no insula (T 5 5.09, 865 voxels, x 5 36, y 5 12, z 5 4; T
ROIs where low-dose citicoline produced greater 5 4.36, 22 voxels, x 5 228, y 5 22, z 5 220; T 5
change than high-dose citicoline. In contrast to the 3.75, 624 voxels, x 5 242, y 5 10, z 5 26), and left
ROIs, exploratory whole brain comparisons revealed lateral OFC (T 5 6.63, 532 voxels, x 5 236, y 5 22, z
that only one region, located within the right cere- 5 216; T 5 4.22, 549 voxels, x 5 26, y 5 24, z 5
bellum (T 5 4.35, 10 voxels, MNI coordinates: x 5 214) tended to show the greatest declines in appe-

International Journal of Eating Disorders 43:1 6–13 2010 9


FIGURE 2. The scatter plots show the correlations TABLE 1. Whole brain analysis showing regions where
between changes in brain activation in response to the increased brain activation from pre–post citicoline
food perception task and changes in appetite ratings fol- administration was correlated with significant declines
lowing 6 weeks of treatment with citicoline in the maxi- in appetite ratings
mally correlated voxel for (A) the right amygdala, (B) right
insula, and (C) left lateral orbitofrontal cortex (see text for
Region of Voxels x y z SPM (t)
MNI coordinates). [Color figure can be viewed in the online
issue, which is available at]
R Postcentral gyrus 71 24 232 54 7.40
L Inferior orbitofrontal gyrus 54 236 22 216 6.63
L Rolandic operculum 37 242 4 16 5.72
R Superior frontal gyrus 20 20 210 52 5.53
L Inferior orbitofrontal gyrus 19 244 30 24 5.42
L Superior temporal gyrus 35 252 26 22 5.39
L Thalamus 39 210 210 0 5.20
L Thalamus 73 216 222 12 5.17
R Insula 35 36 12 4 5.09
R Insula 14 26 24 212 5.02
R Insula 11 34 224 2 4.97
L Middle cingulate gyrus 10 212 26 46 4.79
R Precentral gyrus 10 26 218 72 4.77
L Middle orbitofrontal gyrus 13 232 54 24 4.75
R Thalamus 26 8 28 8 4.69
R Middle cingulate gyrus 13 12 214 32 4.66
R Rolandic operculum 34 62 6 6 4.49
L Superior medial frontal gyrus 10 28 54 8 4.42
Notes: p \ .001 (uncorrected), k 5 10.

increased brain activation between the two testing

sessions was associated with decreased appetite
ratings. These regions included inferior orbitofron-
tal cortex, thalamus, and insula, among others (see
Table 1).

These preliminary findings suggest that citicoline
administration was associated with a modest but
significant decline in appetite ratings for the group
as a whole. High-dose citicoline (i.e., 2,000 mg/day)
for 6 weeks was associated with a significant
decline in appetite ratings from baseline, whereas
no significant effect was observed for the low dose
(i.e., 500 mg/day), and no changes were evident in
weight status. Because the appetite effect was only
significant in the high-dose group, it raises the pos-
sibility of a dose-dependent effect of citicoline on
appetite suppression. Such findings are consistent
tite ratings between the two visits. The correlations with animal studies linking citicoline to increases
were similar for the low-dose (i.e., right amygdala r in dopamine23,26 and human evidence suggesting
5 2.63, p 5 .085; right insula r 5 2.89, p 5 .003; that citicoline may be effective at reducing aspects
left OFC r 5 2.91, p 5 .002) and high-dose (i.e., of craving in cocaine-dependent individuals.9 How-
right amygdala r 5 2.91, p 5 .002; right insula r 5 ever, given the preliminary nature of these findings
2.70, p 5 .051; left OFC r 5 2.88, p 5 .004) groups. and the lack of significant between-group differen-
Exploratory analysis of the correlations at the ces in appetite suppression or weight change, fur-
whole brain level revealed no regions showing posi- ther research that includes larger samples and a
tive correlations between changes in brain activa- placebo control group will be necessary to deter-
tion and changes in appetite ratings, but did show mine the magnitude and reliability of the effects of
a number of negatively correlated clusters where citicoline on appetite.

10 International Journal of Eating Disorders 43:1 6–13 2010


Previous studies using fMRI have shown that vis- with negative affective experiences, such as condi-
ual perception of images of appetizing foods are tioned fear 56 or perception of unpleasant or nega-
generally associated with increased activation in a tively valenced emotional stimuli.33 Again, while
broad network of cortical and limbic regions, speculative and in need of further study, these find-
including the orbitofrontal cortex, medial prefron- ings tentatively suggest that citicoline may affect
tal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, ventral stria- appetite by increasing responsiveness of these
tum, insula, and cingulate gyrus,37,38,40,42 but acti- regions.
vation of these regions is highly dependent upon Finally, it was hypothesized that change in activa-
a number of factors including weight,40,41,48 tion of the three cerebral regions of interest between
mood,43,49 eating disorder diagnostic status,29,50 Visit 1 and Visit 2 would correlate with appetite
and immediate hunger or nutritional state of the changes over this same period. This hypothesis was
individual.37,51,52 For the present study, we focused supported, as increased activation within each of
our analyses on three regions that are often asso- the three regions was significantly predictive of
ciated with cerebral responses to food. These reduced appetite by the end of the study. In other
included the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, insular words, appetite ratings declined most extensively
cortex, and amygdala. for those individuals that showed the greatest
In the present study, we found that citicoline increases in activation within the amygdala, insular
administration was associated with dose-depend- cortex, and lateral OFC in response to high-calorie
ent changes in functional brain responses to high- food images over the 6-week period. Findings for
calorie foods between the two visits. When com- the insula and OFC were further confirmed in the
pared with the low dose of citicoline, the high dose exploratory whole brain analysis. Because activation
was associated with increased activation within the in these paralimbic regions is often associated with
right lateral OFC ROI during visual perception of negative affect,57 aversive perceptions,33,34 and be-
high-calorie foods. Medial aspects of the OFC have havioral inhibition,58 increased activation in these
been associated with reward processing 32 and this regions might indicate that the food images were
region tends to be activated in during perception of being perceived as less rewarding and potentially
appetizing food stimuli.29,53 In contrast, activation more aversive than at baseline and therefore led to
in the lateral orbitofrontal regions has been associ- reduced desire to consume food.
ated with punishment experiences,32 satiety, and Although our hypothesis was based on limited
the desire to stop eating.31,43,54 When sated, images evidence that citicoline may affect the dopamine
of normally appetizing foods produce increased system,23,26–28 it is possible that the changes
activation of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex.50 observed here in the high-dose group may have
When considered in light of these previous studies, resulted from properties of citicoline other than its
the present findings suggest that the high-dose effects on the dopamine system. Citicoline has a
treatment may have led to appetite changes by number of mechanisms of action, including func-
increasing the responsiveness of this region to tioning as a precursor of phospholipid and acetyl-
images of calorie-rich and high-fat foods, though choline synthesis,16,18 enhancement of the release
this speculation will require further study. High of other neurotransmitters such as norepineph-
doses of citicoline were also associated with greater rine,24 counteracting the buildup of b-amyloid pro-
activation increases in bilateral insula and the left tein and cellular apoptosis in the hippocampus,59
amygdala in response to the high-calorie food and repair of neuronal membranes via increased
images. Activation of these regions has been associ- synthesis of phospholipid components including
ated with anticipation of aversive experiences and cardiolipin9 and sphingomyelin.21 Growing evi-
visual perception of unpleasant images in previous dence suggests that citicoline may have neuropro-
research,55 and the insula has frequently been tective effects following stroke or other brain inju-
implicated in the experience and perception of dis- ries and may enhance cognitive performance in
gust33,34 and interoceptive awareness of visceral/ patients suffering from degenerative dementias
somatic states.35 The present findings suggest that such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases.16
treatment with the high dose of citicoline produced Thus, the mechanisms of action and potential neu-
significantly greater increases in left amygdala ral systems affected by citicoline are numerous and
activation than the low-dose treatment. Previous remain to be fully elucidated. Further research will
research has suggested that visual perception of be necessary to determine the specific appetite sys-
foods, regardless of calorie content, appears to be tems affected by citicoline and whether this com-
associated with amygdala activation.38 Elevated pound shows clinical efficacy at changing appetite
activation within the amygdala is often associated or weight status.

International Journal of Eating Disorders 43:1 6–13 2010 11


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