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Peshawar STEM School and College Dalazak Road Campus Peshawar



TIME:15 Min. MARKS:12

1: In which disease are the walls of the alveoli are broken …..

 pneumonia.

 Bronchitis

 Emphysema

 Asthma

2: If stones are large and cannot pass easily, the patient has to undergo…


 Ultrasound

 Surgery

 Stones

3: The nitrogenous wastes of blood pass through the membrane enter the …

 Dialysis fluid

 Larynx

 Dialyzer

 None of them

4:The chest cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by a muscle called…

 Larynx

 Trachea

 Bronchitis
 Diaphragm

5: Which of these acts an exocrine as well as endocrine gland….

 Cochlea

 Nodes

 Pancreas

 None of them

6: The largest part of brain is…..

 Medulla oblongata

 Cerebellum

 Cerebrum

 Thalamus

7: Arthritis is defined as inflammation in….

 Muscles

 Joints

 Bones

 Cartilage

8: Which connective tissue attaches two bones at a joint….

 Ligament

 Tendon

 Cartilage

 Marrow

9: The union of male and female gametes is known as…

 Fertilization
 Oogenesis

 Spermatogenesis

 Gametogenesis

10: The round structure formed when DNA coils around the histone proteins is …

 Centromere

 Chiasma

 Nucleosome

 Chromatin

11: Genes are Short segment of….

 Protein



 Lipids

12: Respiration at cellular level is known as…..

 Breathing


 Oxidation

 Inhalation



Q-2: Answer any 8 parts. Each part carriers 4 marks

1. Describe the mechanisms of breathing in humans beings?

2. Write a note on pneumonia?

3. Define osmoregulation in plant?

4. Draw and label the diagram of HUMAN BRAIN ?

5. Define receptor? write the name of different types of receptors in human body?

6. What is Arthritis? Discuss it’s types?

7. Describe the life cycle of flowering plant?

8. What is gametogenesis, write it’s types?

9. Differentiate between External fertilization or Internal fertilization?

10. What is variation, write its sources and importance?

11. Define Pancreas, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Gangila?



NOTE: Attempt any 3 questions. All questions carry equal marks

Q-3: (a) How lungs as homeostasis organ? /4

(b) Define dialysis and it’s types? /3

Q-4: (a) What is joints? Discuss it’s types? . /4

(b) Describe three functions of spinal cord? /3

Q-5: How gaseous exchange occurs in human? OR Explain the respiratory system in

humans in detail?/7

Q-6: (a) Explain Mendel’s Law of independent assortment by giving a suitable example?


(b) Define dominance relation with example? /3

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