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้ ่ Millicas ล็อกอินเขา้ สู โ่ ลกของ DXD ชีวต

10 วั นผา่ นไปตั งแต ิ ประจ ำวั นของเขาผา่ นไปเหมือนเจา้ นาย

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เชา้ ของเขาเริ่ มตน

แลว้ เวเนลาน่าก็สอนซ
Then she teaches him about all the ways to pleasure a woman using herself as a
practical. She was shocked when she heard Grayfia stop him from doing the next
level. Not like she wants to, she also wants to wait for him to get his chess
pieces first.

She understands what was happening. She sighed and felt bad for Grayfia and a
little angry towards her son.

After the study session with Venelana he spend rest of the day playing with Rias,
Akeno and Koneko.

Well mostly with keno, because Koneko just sleeps on his lap and Rias only keeps
hugging him and kissing him.

Akeno and Millicas become a game buddy.

He met with Kiba only during the training. He is still silent and doesn't talk
much. Only answer if Rias asks him something.

After the day he spent the night with Grayfia, hugging her. With him asking
questions and Grayfia answering.

Between Q&A they will eat each other.

As for his so-called father and Grandfather, he hasn't seen them yet. They didn't
return home during all these days. They are busy with their work. So they can't
come. Not like he misses them.

~Back to present time~

"Millicas, the thing you ask for is here." Venelana said excitedly as she came
inside the training room.

Millicas looks at her with a star in his eyes. He can finally have some points. He
stopped his training and stood up. He ran towards Venelana and hugged her and
said"let's go grandma."

Rias and others looked at them confusedly but they didn't ask. Venelana will scold
them if they don't continue with their training.

Venelana smiles and holds his hand. She then walk outside the room with Millicas.

A few minutes later

Millicas come outside the mansion and follow Venelana. They come to a storage room
outside their mansion.

Venelana smiles and opens the door of the storage room. Millicas go and look inside
the storage. His jaw almost fell from his mouth.

He looks at Venelana who smiles at him and looks at his front again. In front of
him is a mountain of dead bodies. He never thought that she would get so many dead
Millicas almost laughs loudly but controls himself. He looked at Venelana and said
"thank you grandma."

Venelana smiled and rubbed his hair and said "you welcome honey. Anything for my
little husband."

She then looks at the bodies and asks "what will you do with them?"

Millicas smiled but didn't reply to her question. He walks towards the dead bodies
and talks with Yuki "Yuki what should i do now?"

[Just touch one, I will then transfer rest in the sell section]

Millicas nodded and stood in front of the crops. He leaned down and touched the
crops. With that one by one bodies start to vanish from the warehouse. And It's
very fast.

Venelana looked at this with shock and confusion. She appeared beside him as if she
teleported and asked "why are they disappearing?"

Millicas turned to his right and looked at Venelana and said "Grandma, I have a
special power which I found a while ago."

Venelana gets on her knees before him and asks "what special power sweetie?"

Millicas said "I can use these bodies and create Alive creatures which can do
anything I say."

Yes, Millicas wants to use this method to tell them about his Longinus and he can
also continue to get dead bodies this way.

Venelana looked at him with shock and bewilderment. She looked at him seriously and
asked if he could show her.

Millicas nodded and decided to make something good and permanent for him to use. So
with that thinking he thought of the creatures he wanted to make and started to use
his Longinus.

His shadow came out and spread around him. Venelana looked at this attentively and
seriously. They both saw that after it spread a little a portion of the shadow
started to take a different form.

Slowly it turns into a little cat-like animal with a zigzag like tail which looks
like lightning. It has red eyes and black body.

Who's that Pokemon? It's Pikachu.

"Pika, pika" the cat makes a strange noise.

Millicas smile and call it towards him. The cat quickly walks towards him and jumps
on his shoulder.

Venelana looked at the complete process with disbelief. Soon her face became very
serious. Millicas may not know what this is but she does. She wasn't born

She stood up and saw that all the dead bodies were Vanished. She looks at the black
cat on his shoulder and looks at Millicas.
She smiled and said "let's go inside the house. Your study time is close."

Millicas smiles and walks inside with her. He isn't worried about anything. He
knows, his this little display will burst like a bomb no nuclear Bomb. But it will
be in his favor.

Venelana looked at Millicas and said "go to my room. I will be back in a while."
Millicas nodded with a smile.

He looked at his shoulder and said "let's go pikachu."

"Pika pika"

Millicas walks towards Venelana's room. Venelana looks at their interaction with a

After they left Venelana vanished from her place. She first appeared in the
security room. The guard stands up and looks at Venelana. He saluted her.

Venelana didn't say anything and released some of her destruction power and
attacked the guard with it.

Before the guard could react he whole body turned to ash. Venelana didn't even
blink and walk towards the computer.

She then deleted all the footage of the Warehouse and then again vanished from the
room. She comes beside Grayfia. Grayfia looked at her and asked "you need anything

Venelana looked at her seriously and said "come, I have something important to tell
you." Grayfia didn't ask any questions and followed her.

They come to Venelana's room and see that Millicas is playing with a black cat.
Venelana casts a silent spell and then tells her everything about it.

Grayfia listens to her with shock, disbelief and worries too.

Grayfia suddenly asks "but he is a pure Devil, how can he have Longinus?" Venelana
shook her head and replied "I don't know that either."

Grayfia walked towards Millicas. He also stops playing with pikachu and looks at
his mother. He smiled seeing her and said "mom, meet pikachu."

"Pika pika" pikachu said Hi in his language.

Grayfia looks at the cat seriously and looks at Millicas. She smiled and rubbed his
hair and said "he is a good cat."

She hugs him and looks at Venelana. Venelana only sighed and nodded her head.

After some time they both left the room. Grayfia suddenly asked "did you tell Lord
Zeoticus and sirzechs about it?"

Venelana shakes her head and looks at Grayfia. Grayfia thought of something and
said "we should inform them. He needs their protection until he has enough power to
protect himself."

Venelana nodded her head and decided to call these two idiots home. She then cast a
spell and contacted them and said "come home, now." And cut the call.

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