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Argumentative Essay

Topic: (4) Pros and cons of globalization

Title: The Definition of Globalization and is it good or bad?

Amir Huzaifah Bin Mohd Fahmi 52104118002

Zubair bin Shamsuddin 52104118138
Muhammad Miza Zuhair bin Suhaimi 52104118026

Prepared for

Madam Suguna K. Dazz.

The definition of globalization and is it good or bad?

Today, we see our world is constantly changing towards time to time, technologies that we
ahold now are far more advanced than we have before. Human minds evolved rapidly throughout
centuries and it has taken along many discoveries that contributes to humankind evolution. Looking
back at the ages of antiquity, we were used to live in separate society, having a divided beliefs,
knowledge and territory. Since the humankind renaissance have given us a second opportunity, we can
see that the way we live today is much better than before, we propose common interests to create
preferable future without using source of violence and live as a one community.

As for every raising nation today, globalization is a way to form a country to be better. The
definition of Globalization is, a process which a country or business that decides to operate on global
scale, implementing an International influence to gain benefits. Globalization is a phenomenon that
organized to take effect in global aspects, the terms of globalization comes in a shape of politics,
economy, social and ecological. Definitive speaking, a Globalization is formed by a decision made by an
organization that decides to go on large scale, with an idealistic and opportunistic motive in
development of global free trades.

Globalization gives corporations a gaining competitive advantage on multiple fronts, such as

wider marketing targets since operating in a large scale will give you access to millions of new
consumers, this will give a boost economically, which can be a solution to overcome national debt.
Social wise, globalization leads to greater interaction between various of different population, a single
influential trend can represent a unity towards a development of a single world culture, it also
exchanges ideas, values and artistic culture expression. Despite other than sharing same interests,
Cultural unity can deliver awareness towards climate change, since the recent ecological issue has
become a top threat for humankind, globalization can provide accessibility for third party organizations
to respond towards the issue and build enough man power to preserve the matter.

However, getting international collaboration isn’t always a pre-eminent course of action, as

every advancement has its own repercussions. As we all know people are tend to be influenced by social
media no matter whether it is good or bad. For example, in 1970s cigarettes are pretty popular amongst
Malaysian that it has its own advertisement. This is because they still didn’t know what cigarettes can do
to their body and this what you called a destructive social influence. Globalization also will increase the
amount of industrialization which is a bad thing because it will increase the amount of product that is
being produce at the same time it will increase the amount of waste produced by the factory which can
cause pollution.

Finally, after combining both factual profits and consequences, the elucidation of this matter,
globalization brings fortune in nation development. For examples globalization encourage each country
to specialize in what it produces best using the least amount of resources. This concept makes
production more efficient, promotes economics growth and lower prices of goods and service, making
them more affordable for lower-income households. All in all, many developing country see
globalization as a positive force that lifts them out of porverty.

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