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Media and Information Literacy

Quarter 2
Quiz #1
I. Identification
Identify what is being describe in each item.
1. These are systems of signs that when put together create meaning.
2. It pertains to the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes and conventions.
3. These are codes, conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures that indicate the meaning of media messages
to an audience.
4. It shows what is beneath the surface of what we see or iconic symbols that are easily understood.
5. Use of language style and textual layout (headlines, captions, speech bubbles, language style, etc.)
6. Are ways in which equipment is used to tell the story
7. A type of camera shot that take a view of a situation or setting from a distance.
8. Short shot of a character’s response to an action.
9. Also called Bird’s Eye Shot
10. A shot of a hand, eye, mouth, or any object in detail.

II. Multiple Choice

Identify what kind of shot of the given pictures. Choose the answer inside the box. Write the letter only.

a. Point-of-View Shot d. Extreme Long Shot h. Medium Long Shot

b. Long Shot e. Full Shot i. Over-the-Shoulder Shot
c. Zoom f. Close Up j. Tilt Shot
d. Extreme Close Up Shot g. Pan Shot k. High-Angle Shot

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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