ABEN55a - Lecture 01

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CHAPTER 2 Introduction to Hydrometeorology the transfers of water and energy between the land
surface and the lower atmosphere).
The hydrologic cycle; climatic elements; streamflow
hydrographs; evaporation and evapotranspiration; • Hydrometeorology is the application of
groundwater; hydrograph and runoff analysis; meteorology to problems that pertain to
statistical treatment of hydrologic data; study and hydrology. The atmospheric phases of the
use of hydrometerological instruments. hydrologic cycle refer to the forms of water
such as cloud, dew, rainfall, etc. while the
Basic Concepts of Hydrometeorology
terrestrial phases include runoff, storage in
Hydrology – science that encompasses the lakes and seas, etc.
occurrence, distribution, movement and properties • The subject of hydrometeorology
of the waters of the earth and their relationship with encompasses a wide variety of topics that
the environment within each phase of the hydrologic are of high interest in programs involving the
cycle. (USGS) atmospheric sciences, the transport of
moisture in the atmosphere, surface- water
Occurrence – phenomenon or existence and soil-water hydrology, earth-surface and
Movement – act of changing place atmospheric interactions, and techniques in
engineering mathematics.
Properties – attribute or characteristic • Atmospheric sciences – include
Meteorology - scientific study of the atmosphere climatology, air quality and meteorology.
that focuses on weather processes and forecasting • This science aims to develop tools for water
management and for the observation and
• Therefore, hydrology is the study of the prediction of hydrometeorological
waters in earth and how they interact with the phenomena and to develop models to help in
environment. the early detection and warning of floods.
• On the other hand, meteorology is science • One of the most important functions of
dealing with the atmosphere and its hydrometeorology is the use of mathematics
phenomena, including weather and climate. in the forecast of hydrometeorological
phenomena in order to avoid or at least
Hydrologic Cycle - cycle that treats the storage,
minimize the risk to humans and their
transport and transformation of water in the
atmosphere-earth system
The Hydrologic Cycle - The cycle that treats the
Also called the water cycle, the hydrologic cycle
storage, transport and transformation of water in the
governs the weather system in earth. Rainfall,
atmosphere-earth system is called the Hydrologic
clouds, rivers, seas; they are all related and are
interconnected continuously powered by the sun.
• The cycling of water shapes our weather
and climate, supports plant growth, and
makes life itself possible.
• 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by
the ocean.

Hydrometeorology - study of both the atmospheric

and terrestrial phases of the hydrologic cycle, with
emphasis on the interrelationship between them (i.e.
Transport of Water
Evaporation - is the process by which water
changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor. It is the
primary pathway that water moves from the liquid
state back into the water cycle as atmospheric water

Runoff - water, from rain, snowmelt, or other

sources, that flows over the land surface.
Interflow - also known as subsurface runoff – the
relatively rapid flow of water toward the stream
channel that occurs below the surface.
Transpiration – the process of water movement
through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, Baseflow - the portion of the streamflow that is
such as leaves, stems and flowers sustained between precipitation events, fed to
streams by delayed pathways.
Evapotranspiration – Loss of water from the soil
both by evaporation from the soil surface and by
transpiration from the leaves of the plants growing
on it.
Precipitation – the release of water from clouds in
the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, or hail. It
is the primary connection in the water cycle that
provides for the delivery of atmospheric water to the

Transformation of Water

• liquid to gas
• gas to liquid (condensation eg cloud
• gas to solid (deposition eg snow formation)
• solid to liquid (snowmelt)

Infiltration - the process by which water on the

ground surface enters the soil.
Percolation - the slow movement of water through
the pores in soil or permeable rock.
Size of reservoirs and percent of water in hydrologic cycle
Reservoir Size (volume of water % of Water in
in km3 x 10,000,000) Hydrologic Cycle
Oceans 1370 97
Polar Ice and Glaciers 29 2
Groundwater 9.5 0.7
Lakes 0.125 0.01
Soils 0.065 0.005
Atmosphere 0.013 0.001
Rivers and Streams 0.0017 0.0001
Biosphere 0.0006 0.00004

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