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Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful

in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

All of this began in February 2021. While in grade 10, I completed all of my tasks on a
regular basis and played video games almost every day. Due to my daily gaming, I really
difficult to concentrate on my academics. It was incredibly stressful for me to handle the
strain since there were many assignments piling up and a couple that I had missed. This all
caused me to worry about everything going on in my life and made me question how I
would be able to handle it. First of all, I had a terrible routine for managing my time, which
caused me to go to bed late and get up early. It had a significant influence on my academic
performance. Daily occurrence of it caused me to get depressed. I was at my very lowest
point in life. Aside from other issues I was dealing with outside of academics, I worried that I
wouldn't be able to do any of the work that was assigned to me. These troubles also
included having interpersonal problems with my pals and having family problems at the
worst possible moments. All of this caused me to experience severe sadness, and I
eventually gave up on myself. I was of the opinion that there was nothing I could have done
to restore hope in my life. I made the decision to abandon all of my projects and had
pessimistic ideas about what I should do in the coming days. I also entertained ideas of
ending my life.

He talked to me about how I looked very down and wanted me to talk to him about it. I as
time went on, my buddy Rehan Adatia arrived, which was the largest turning point of my life
at a time when I was quite depressed. Even though our apartments are on separate floors,
we each share one. He stopped by my place one day to hang out and noticed that I was in a
terrible mood. He mentioned how depressed I appeared and asked me to chat to him about
it. I confided in him and told him I was leaving school and giving up on life. I stated how
difficult it was to go on and how many assignments were piling up. The deadlines for the
jobs I had stopped working on were approaching quickly. He offered to help me because he
knew I was frightened. He gave me step-by-step instructions. He offered me the very
greatest advice a person could receive. He continued to give me the courage to stand up for
who I am. He just said a few words and I made the decision to never take anything for
granted again. “If no one else is there for you, I will always be, he said.” Since that time, I've
come to understand that living is about making an effort and making it matter rather than
giving up. Additionally, I have always valued him every day, even up until this point. For me,
he revived hope, and I'll never forget that.

I will always have a thinking that will help me motivate myself and others as a result of his
gesture. He gives me the willpower to carry on the chain and never give up. I made the
decision to help others in need after that date. The SRC, or student representative council, is
a feature of the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad, where I presently attend classes. Their
major objective is to support the school's personnel and pupils in feeling satisfied. I chose to
run for the citizenship representative out of the several positions the school was offering to
fill. The role of this representative is to help the student body and being there for them all
the times. With the guidance of Rehan, I was motivated to run and later was elected as the
citizenship representative and I will keep supporting the students alongside the staff.

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