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October 03, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Monday. It was the first day of school. I woke up around 6:30 am. I had my breakfast and took a
bathe, brushed my teeth and then changed. After I gathered my things for school I asked my brother to
take me to school. I arrived at school around 8:00am. My first subject starts at 9:00am but before we
proceeded to our classes, we fall in line by section infront of crim department. I was having a hard time
finding my class my then my friends helped me. Since my sched states that my first class should be in
room 115, but then I found my classmates at room 112. Before I find my seat on the

October 04, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Tuesday.

October 05, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Wednesday.

October 06, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Thursday.

October 07, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Friday.

October 08, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Saturday.

October 09, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Sunday.

October 10, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Monday. I woke up at 6:20 am, too early for someone who’s class starts at 8:30am. I did my
morning rituals and arrived at school. I waited for the flag ceremony to end since its Monday after which
I proceeded to my first class and we had a quiz and a short discussion and dismissed us after that, I
quickly ran to my next class in the conference room cause we’re having another quiz, very draining day
to start a week. Luckily, we haven’t had another quiz to our last subject after lunch break just a sentence
construction to improve our writing skills and a discussion.

Lunch time, since I don’t have any class this afternoon and I was supposed to go straight home, I joined
my friends for lunch as I was waiting for my service to fetch me. Since there’s a new stall at the left side
of the alley beside the library, we tried their milk tea. We had the chocolate favored milk tea. I didn’t ate
lunch cause I’m going home anyway so I just had my milk tea. After were done with our food and drinks ,
I bid goodbye to them cause my brother has arrived to fetch me. When I arrived home, I felt so
exhausted… I washed my face then and changed my clothes, ate my lunch and brush my teeth
afterwards, I played with my niece to reduce my stress after a couple of hour I got tired so, I go home
and take a nap that turns into a tight sleep resulting to me not being able eat dinner.

October 11, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Tuesday.

October 12, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Wednesday.

October 13, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Thursday. I woke up at 6:30am though my class starts at 9:00 am, I need to wake up early
because, I didn’t have the chance to review my notes last night ‘cause I’m physically and mentally tired
so, I had to scan my notes thoroughly to at least refresh the lessons I’ve learned from the last meeting.
After I’m done with my morning rituals, I took a cold bathe and prepared to go to school. My first subject
was not so stressful, we had a quiz and discussion after which I had lunch with my friends at the canteen.
Since, my subjects were different from them we bid goodbye and proceeded to our designated rooms,
they stays on the ground floor while I go up to the third floor for my PE3 however, since we were told
that the room will be used by for dance sport practice we go down to ground floor at room 113 and
again we had a quiz but it’s not that hard ‘cause you only need to analyze the questions and since our
teacher instructed that who ever finished their quizzes can already go and so I did. Since, I still have
much time waste for my next subject I used it to scan my notes because, for the 3 rd time we’ll also having
a quiz… the quiz was a bit harder than my previous quizzes cause you really have to analyze the
questions thoroughly. This was the last subject of my friends and they’re supposed to go now but lucky
me for having them cause they waited for an hour and half for me to finish my last class and so we can
go all together. And since today is Thursday, we had a church today and since I wasn’t able to wake up
at 5 to go church I prayed hard to make it home at 5 luckily there was no traffic so I was able to got to
church and feed my spirit. After that I walked home, changed, ate, did my night rituals, wrote my diary
and sleep.

October 14, 2022

Dear Diary,
It was Friday. Since we doesn’t have a class today cause there will be a PTA meeting in our department, I
was able to get a regular sleep. After I ate my breakfast, I took a bathe and my other morning rituals.
After I got ready for school, my friend called me asking where I was cause they’re already at school. I
quickly gather my bag and ask my brother to drop me off to school. I proceeded to DMST cause my
friends were there. I found one of my friend sitting at the bench under the mango tree so I sited beside
her, we had a chitchat and laughed like mad. My other two friends were practicing a dance after they
finished we bought a snacks in the canteen and proceeded to our department for attendance on our
certain subject. At lunch, we ate at our usual eating spot after we finished our lunch we go back to DMST
where my two friends changed into their uniform cause there’ll be an NSTP orientation at gym. Since,
we’re not advance like them me and my other friend stayed. We talked about different things we just
randomly thought while writing a case digest. We’re supposed to have a class that afternoon but since
numerous of the students are advance our supposedly class were moved to Monday since we only meet
at Wednesday and Friday since all agreed and we haven’t had anything to do, me and my friend decided
to go home, we texted our two friends telling them we’ll go home. I took a tricycle home ‘cause my
service is on duty. After I arrived home I ate again ‘cause my stomach told me to so, I did. After which, I
washed and do hygiene rituals. Later that day I fell asleep until my mother woke me for dinner. Then, I
do my night rituals and wrote my diary and go straight to bed.

October 15, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Saturday. We had a class today so I had to woke up early cause my class starts at 7am. After I did
all my morning rituals I asked my brother to drop me off my school. My friend called me asking where I
was and told me she’ll wait for me in the gate so we’ll go to our classroom together. After I arrived at
school I saw my friend in the front gate and we proceeded to our room. Since we’re a bit late, she took
the initiative to do the SOP. There are already groupings and each form a circle cause we’re having a
group quiz. The group quiz was fun, enjoyable and educational however there’ll always be a commotion
which is usual when the professor told the answer, some will say consider their answer etc. After the
group quiz, the group who gain the least score will do the butt spell of FORENSIC and it was hilarious.
Then, our professor let us have a snack break for a couple of minutes and we have to go back to class
cause we’re having a discussion. So, we head straight to the canteen and bought drinks and foods and
proceeds to class. I confess, the discussion was a bit boring and I frequently yawn underneath my mask.
At lunch we ate at canteen and since my two other friends has something to do in the gym, Krisha and I
took our lunch first however, a couple of minutes after the two showed up and ate their lunch too. After
we finished our lunch we returned to our room and had a discussion. After the discussion ended our
professors chitchat with us about things like exams , and he also told us what to expect in our midterm
and final exams. After that he dismissed us. Krisha drop me off the public market. I took a tricycle home
cause my brother can’t fetch me. Upon arriving, I washed and changed and sleep.

October 16, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Sunday. It’s rest day. I woke up early to get ready for church. It’s starts at 6:00am so, I have to
wake up at 5 o’clock. Since, I wasn’t able to wash my clothes the previous days, I washed them today
cause if I don’t, then I won’t be able to have something to wear considering the weather was cloudy and
rainy luckily we had a dryer. After I finished washing clothes, I cleaned the house, cooked for lunch, ate
and rest. After an hour of rest, I checked my phone for updates from my friends, classmates and teachers
for tomorrow’s class. And then, I start working on my school works afterwards, my mother called for
dinner afterwards, I’ve done my night rituals, wrote my diary, and fix my school things. Then, I go to bed
and had a sleep.

October 17, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Monday. I woke up at 5:30am to prepare for my quiz later on. I did my morning rituals and ate my
breakfast, afterwards I took a bathe and prepared for school. Since my brother went to his work early, I
commuted to school. I arrived at school at 7:20 am and since, my class starts at 8:30 I go to my friends
who’s hanging out beside the cbe building. We talked about random things to kill time and a minute
before 8:30 am I took my leave to go to my first class. We had a discussion after which Mrs. Detran
dismissed us. After gathering my things, I quickly run to my next subject in the 3 rd floor. As soon as I sited,
I scan through my notes cause we’re having a quiz. I’m feeling ill that day because of my cough and cold.
As soon as our teacher arrived, she told us to bring a ¼ of a yellow paper for our quiz. And since Mrs.
Anor tries to keep us from cheating, she makes a quiz with two sets, the first row would be set A and the
second would be B, the 3rd would be A again same with B and so on. The atmosphere was intense since
every time, Mrs. Anor caught someone glancing she fasten the slide where we read each question to our
quiz. It was a total of 15 sets of questions. After which we checked our papers. Disappointed, because I
only got 8 correct answers. I thought that my anxiety took over my mind and blocked everything I
reviewed making me unable to remember what I reviewed. After, we passed all the papers we were
scolded about cheating by Mrs. Anor afterwards, she dismissed us. Our next subject was supposed to be
10:30-11:30am everyone was arguing whether Mrs. Abaoag would come or not. The truth was Mrs.
Abaoag forgot that she had a class at 10:30. Then, we had a short discussion and had an activity. Lunch
time, I wasn’t able to join my friends cause I don’t have class this afternoon so, I bid goodbye, walked out
the campus , took a tricycle home. I took my lunch right after I got home and washed the dishes after I
changed my clothes. Since, I still have a lot of schoolwork , I work on them one by one. A little later, I got
bored so, I went to my nieces house to play with them. At 4 pm I cooked rice and clean our house.
Afterwards, I gather my things and put them back on my bag and rest in my room. While resting my
mother called for dinner then, I washed the dishes and did my night rituals, wrote my diary and sleep.

OCTOBER 18, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Tuesday. After my class in PE3 I went down for my class in CDI3 in room 114 but then I found
where my classmates sleeping on their own chairs at room 113. I sat in front of my friend Jenny. They
didn’t noticed me at first but later on they did. They even asked when did I get there and what’s time is
it. It was a little early for our next subject so we stayed there for a few minutes. Then, the next students
who will use the room was waiting outside the room and so, we got out of the room and proceeded to
room 114. After we settled down, our teacher arrived. Mrs. Rojas, then discussed our project for midterm
first which was to be an Intel. She, told us to wrote our names in a 1/8 paper and fold it four times
afterwards, we submitted it in front. She explained what we’ll do so, we picked for a name first who will
be our subject one by one alphabetically. When my time arrived, I went to the front, I picked a paper and
it showed my name so, I had to picked another name and the second time it was RMV, after all got
finished, Mrs. Rojas then explained the mechanics, we are all intel and also a subject and if your subject
knows your spying them or if I know who’s my Intel then automatically my grade for this project will be
100 points. Since, I picked my name when its my turn, I eradicated the names of those who picked first
than me as my potential Intel. And when the person in my back picked a paper I intentionally saw the
paper but not the name written on it, I suspected that she’ll be my Intel because firstly, I recognized my
paper and the way it fold cause we, fold our papers differently second, when her seat mate asked whom
she picked I watched the her mouth on my peripheral view and I was half sure she mentioned my last
name. Also, when another girl asked her again, she first looked if I was looking at them and since I
wasn’t directly looking at them but I can clearly1 see them in my peripheral view and hear them, I again
hear my name and the girl she talked to glanced at me. She was even talking how unfortunate she was
cause firstly, I’m an irregular student which is, we can’t be all the time so, she can’t gather much info
about me second, we’re not close and that maybe stress her out and lastly, even if she visits my social
media accounts she can’t gather much cause I barely put information there. After that subject my
friends bid goodbye cause they have no class anymore while I still have one last subject which is the CLJ2.
Our teacher discussed and afterwards he dismissed us. I commuted home and arrived home at 5:38pm.
Then, I changed my clothes, eat dinner, and did my night routine. Afterwards, I fix my things for school
tomorrow, wrote my diary and went to sleep.

OCTOBER 19, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Wednesday. I woke up at 6:45am. After doing my morning rituals I took a bathe quickly. My sister
in law prepared my lunchbox. My brother drop me off my school. I stopped by the canteen to buy a face
mask afterwards, I proceeded to my first class. Since, I arrived at our department at exactly 8:12 and my
first class starts at 8:30am I sited on the bench in front of the faculty office and review my module cause
we’re having a quiz. After my classmates first subject finished I enter the room afterwards our teacher,
Mrs. Detran arrived, she then immediately told us to review our notes for 5 minutes afterwards, she told
is to keep away our modules and everything unnecessary for taking the quiz. Then, she distributed the
questionnaires and we started answering the quiz. The quiz contains of jumbled words consisting of ten
items and identification for 10 items as well. After I finished answering my quiz I passed my papers and
proceeded to my next class in conference room. When our teacher arrived, she asked where we stopped
and Cher dismissed them, we proceeded to the study area since our next subject was in 4:00. I was
writing my case digest there, when Krisha asked that she’s hungry and so we bought some street food
and ate in the study area. A little later my other two friends arrived. At 3: 35 we went up to moot court
for our next class. After the previous section exit the classroom we took our soon as we sited our
teacher started arranging us alphabetically. Then we had a discussion and since, other section was going
to use the room, we moved out to the room 113 and continued our discussion their. After the discussion,
our teacher then told us to bring out a ¼ sheet of paper per row and then wrote our names on it. Then
she told us that we well having a reporting next meeting. And lucky as I might say, cause we’re the first
to report. After we’d dismissed my friend gave me ride to public. Since my brother’s shift ends at 3:00 I
told him to fetch me and so he did. After I got home I immediately washed and ate and did my night
rituals afterwards I fixed my things for school tomorrow. Then, I went to bed and sleep out of exhaustion.

OCTOBER 20, 2022

Dear Diary,

Today is Thursday. It was Krisha’s birthday. I immediately greet her through sms as soon as I wake up at
5:35. I woke up early cause I’ll having a quiz on my first class. Since, I wasn’t able to review last night, I
have to review my notes today or else I won’t be able to answer anything on our quiz today. At 7:45 I
took my breakfast, took a bathe and prepared for school. I was running late cause it’s nearly 8:30. Since,
my home was far from school, I need at least more or less 30 minutes to reach school. And since my
service was not available at the moment I need to walk for at least 5 minutes to reach our plaza where I
can take a tricycle. Unfortunately, I don’t have anyone to split the fair with and since I don’t have a
choice since I’m running late I went alone and pay full. When I reached out classroom our teacher was
already there and thankfully my nervousness didn’t fail me and made my SOP snappy. My teacher let me
inside the classroom and took my seat, I reviewed my notes and after a minute or two we started our
quiz. It was a 15 items quiz and the passing was 7. Our teacher checked our papers one by one and let
each of use see our scores. I was thankful I passed the quiz cause I got 9. Afterwards we took our lunch.
Before 12 I went to my next class. We had a discussion then, she let some of our classmates return our
quiz from the last meeting. Disappointing was the word to described my score because, I was so
confident of my answers but then it turns out wrong. Maybe because of my compulsiveness. I had that
thing engraved on me. After were dismissed I went down to my next class. We had a quiz again and I
passed thankfully. After quiz we had a discussion. Since we had a night over to Krisha’s since it’s her
birthday and she invited us over. I was supposed to not come since I didn’t bring any spare clothes and I
didn’t tell my parents about it yet but then my two other friends told me that they’ll wait for me cause I
had to go home and take spare clothes and ask permission to my parents. On my last subject after we
had a discussion we had an activity afterwards, I ask my brother to fetch me to school. Upon arriving
home, I prepared my things for our overnight afterwards I ask permission to my parents , they were
hesitant at first and was supposed to not let me but then they did anyway. I arrived at our meeting place
about 7pm. We took a bus and upon arriving Krisha was already waiting for us. We took a tricycle ride to
their house and was immediately greeted warmly by her parents and others. Since I already changed
after I got there my two other friends washed and changed after we took our dinner. It was a fun dinner
cause we’re literally having a fun conversation. After which we sit with Krisha’s friends and relatives and
my two other classmates. They were drinking alcohol while someone was strumming a guitar for fun. At
about 9pm we told Krisha that we’re sleepy, we brushed our teeth first afterwards we squished ourselves
to her bed cuddling together.

OCTOBER 21, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Friday. I woke up early so with my friends cause I’m having a class at 8:30 and they’re having a
practice as royal guards. I stayed on the dmst where we headed upon arriving and review my notes
cause we’re having a quiz under ma’am Anor’s subject. After they finished practicing we went to the side
part of cbe and kill time there. At 8:25, I bid goodbye to them and headed to my first class. We had a
discussion that’s all then, I headed to my next class after being dismissed. After we had our quiz, Mrs.
Anor arranged us first alphabetically then she divided us row by row by three sets to avoid cheating. She
prepared a three sets of test papers which is set a, b and c. I was a set B, the test was composing of 10
items for jumbled words and 5 items for identification which is 2 points each. After the quiz, we cleaned
the room and afterwards Reparejo declared that Mrs. Jeysan our next teacher was not present and so
we doesn’t have a class under her. After having an attendance, we took our lunch and halfway through
some of our classmates informed us that Mrs. Jeysan was in the classroom and was waiting for us. We
ate as fast as we can and run fast after eating luckily our stomach didn’t ache. Afterwards our class
representatives were punished with push ups for two weeks. After that, we had a short discussion and an
activity which was to make the words in a particular sentence adjectives. After that, Krisha and I went to
the library to do our report in Book 2. After some time, we decided to go to the study area cause Krisha’s
group were discussed about their report. And we did the same with my group mates and since none of
use had a laptop we decided to just discussed our report manually by using the blackboard and by simply
verbally discussion. About 1:30 pm we went to our room in moot court and after our teacher arrived we
immediately came forward to report. After some readings and explanations and Q&A’s we were done
and the next reporter which was Krisha’s group presented theirs next. They weren’t able to finished their
report cause some section were gonna use the room at 2:30, our teacher took the discussion after the
discussion we were dismissed. Krisha and stayed at the ched building to wait for her uniform for intrams.
After some time we took our merienda at the canteen along with Jenny and Erica. After that we
proceeded to the study area to get Krisha and Jenny’s uniforms. After that, we went home. Upon
arriving home, I washed and took early dinner. Afterwards I prepare the things I needed for my class the
next day, did my night routines wrote my diary and went straight to bed.

OCTOBER 22, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Saturday. I woke up at 6:03am. Since I’m having a class at 7:00 am, I immediately took a bathe.
After I prepared for school I asked my brother to drive me to school. Upon arriving, our teacher was not
yet arrived and so we had a conversation with my friend. When our teacher arrived, we immediately get
inside the laboratory room. After that our teacher explained the things that we’ll do today and told us to
wear our lab gowns and gloves. The first thing we did was getting of blood samples and Sir. Ryan draw
the blood from each of the groups representative. We did at least four different laboratory activities and
after each activity we illustrated and describe the results of each laboratory activities. Afterwards, Mr.
Ryan dismissed us for lunch break. After we took our lunch, we came back at our classroom at 1:30pm to
continue our activities. Afterwards, Mr. Ryan told us about our projects and dismissed us around 3pm.
Krisha drop me off near public market and I thanked her bid goodbye. Afterwards, I texted my brother to
fetch me and so he did. Upon arriving home I took a bath cause we have a church today. The mass end
around 7pm afterwards I walked home. Upon arriving my mother already prepared our dinner. After we
ate dinner I brushed my teeth, wrote my diary and went to bed.

OCTOBER 23, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Sunday. I woke up at 7am fixed my bed and did my morning rituals. Afterwards I had my breakfast
then, I tidy the table and washed the dishes. Since I wasn’t able to clean on Saturday, I did a general
cleaning this day. I swept the floor, dust the ceiling, wiped the stuffs inside the house. Afterwards I
washed clothes and cook for lunch. After we ate lunch I washed the dishes, I took a bathe. After my hair
dried I fell asleep. After I wake up at around 3pm I went to my nieces’ house to play with them. Around
4pm I went back home to cook rice for dinner. My parents arrived home from work at 5:25pm after they
rest my father cooked chicken adobo for dinner. Then after we ate, my little sister washed the dishes and
I did my night rituals. Afterwards, I wrote my diary and went to sleep.

OCTOBER 24, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Monday. It was the start of our intramural. I wake up early but went to school late. After I arrived
at school, Krisha called me asking where am I. They were already inside the gym and Erica got out to get
me. They spared a chair for me. There was a pageant that day and one contestant was my old friend
from preschool to high school. Then there was also a dance sport and someone who showcase his talent
in dancing. There was also a cultural dance from uplands students and they were amazing. Their cultural
talent was extraordinary and was so interesting to watch. Around 11:45am we took our leave to eat
lunch at the canteen. Afterwards, we went to study area to time out and in. Then, we proceeded to our
hang out spot beside the CBE building. We stayed there until 4:30pm. We were watching baseball and
those whose practicing football. Then later on we went to study area to time out. Jenny and me walked
from school to the tricycle parking to palacapac, since she’ll have a haircut and it was just beside the
tricycle aorking of palacapac. After a minute or two of waiting for other passenger i went home. Upon
arriving home, I washed and ate dinner then I brushed my teeth, wrote my diary and went to sleep.

OCTOBER 25, 2022

Dear Diary.

It was Tuesday.

OCTOBER26, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Wednesday. Our class was suspended due to the earthquake. I took that as opportunity to get
some more sleep. At 7:25am I leave my bed and did my morning rituals. After that, I took my breakfast.
After I ate I washed the dishes. Then I cleaned our house by sweeping and dusting . Afterwards, I gather
all the laundry and washed them. Since it was machined washed I cooked for lunch. After our parents
arrived from work, we had our lunch together and then my sister took the initiative to washed the dishes
while I continued washing our laundry. I finished washing them around 1pm then I took a bathe and rest
in my room. After I woke up around 3pm I gathered my laundry and fold them. Then I cooked for dinner
and clean our house. After our parents arrived we had our dinner together. My sister washed the dishes
and I tidy the table. Thereafter, I went to bed and gathered my school things for tomorrow. Then I
brushed my teeth, wrote my diary and scrolled my social media accounts afterwards I went to bed.

OCTOBER 27, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Thursday. I woke up at 6:15am. I took my breakfast and took a bathe, then I changed and
brushed my teeth. I took my lunch box and took tricycle to school. Upon arriving I saw Jenny beside the
cbe and gave me a pen. I took it and went to study area to wrote my name on the attendance sheet.
After I timed in I went beside cbe. I sat to one of the chair there beside Erica. Since we had nothing to do
we wrote our case digests. Around 11:30am we went to study are and timed out. Then we proceeded to
the canteen to take our lunch. Afterwards, we proceeded to the study area to timed in. We then went to
our usual hanging out spot near the cbe and continued writing our case digests. Around 2:30 pm we
went to canteen and bought some snacks. At 4:30 or so we lined up in the study area to time out so we
won’t pay a fine. I took a tricycle home and took a bathe cause we had a church today. After I changed
into a dress, I waited for my sister to finished changing so we could go together. She drove us to church
and upon arriving we immediately went inside after we put our giving and flip our “tarhetas”, I did my
personal prayers and afterwards the teaching starts at 5:45pm. After an hour it was finished.
Thereafter, we went home and changed into pajamas and had our dinner. Then, I did my night routines,
wrote my diary and went to sleep.

OCTOBER 28, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Friday. I woke up around 6 am. I took my breakfast and took a bathe, brushed my teeth and
changed. My brother take me to school. Upon arriving I went to the study area to take attendance
afterwards I went where Erica was beside the CBE. She was writing her case digest and so did I. A couple
of minutes later, Jenny and Krisha arrived, they proceeded to the study area to wrote their names there
afterwards they came where we are. Around 9am we bought some snacks and while eating we’re
chitchatting and gossiping. Around 11am we proceeded to study area to time out and then, we
proceeded to the canteen to take our lunch. Then, we went back to study area to time in. Afterwards,
Jenny, Erica and me went to DMST since, they had some cleaning to do there. I stayed to the study area
beside the SG’s building. I wrote my case digest there because I aim to finished all of the 25 cases. After I
finished, my eyes were sore. I drank a water and since Jenny and Erica wasn’t still finished I watched
tiktok. A couple of minutes later, Jenny showed up as well as Erica. Around 4:30am we went to the study
area to time out to show we’ve been there that time. I took a tricycle home not knowing my brother
doesn’t have work today but it was too late when he texted me cause I already took a tricycle. Upon
arriving home, I washed and changed. After we had a dinner, I brushed my teeth. Since we’ll having a
class tomorrow and I still haven’t done our activity, I stayed late researching and typing afterwards I
draw the structures of blood. I finished around 12am and my head feels like it’s about to split in two.
After drinking water I gathered my things for school tomorrow as well as my drawing, I went to bed and I
immediately fell asleep.

OCTOBER 29, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Saturday. I woke up with headache and runny nose cause I stayed up last night doing our activity
in Forensic3. I took a bathe immediately, brushed my teeth and changed for school. After I gather my
things, I took my father’s phone cause suddenly it’s not working and since neither of us know what to do
I volunteered to get it fixed in the public. I took a tricycle to school and arrived at 7:12 am. I texted Krisha
to ask where she was and upon receiving her message I proceeded to CHED building. She was drawing
their activity and gladly I already finished ours. At 7:16 am, we proceeded to our classroom. I went to my
seat and unluckily I forgot to bring my notes so, I just ask Krisha for some bond papers to write my notes.
Mr. Valdez checked our attendance first afterwards, he discussed about blood and Blood stains. In the
middle of discussion, he gave us some short quiz just to test whether we understood his lessons or not.
After our quiz, we corrected it and then he continued his discussion. Around 9:00am we took a short
break. Krisha and I went to canteen and have some bananacue for snack. While walking to our
classroom we chitchat about random things and gossips. When we arrived at our classroom I took my
seat at the back near Krisha. After we all got in. Mr. Valdez continue his discussions. At lunch break,
Krisha and I went to canteen to eat. While eating, Jenny and Erica joined us however, Erica bid us
goodbye after a minute. Jenny joined us for lunch but she just had a soda and a muffin. Afterwards, we
proceeded to crim building and chitchat about random things and gossips. Before 1 o’clock we went
inside the class. Mr. Valdez continued his discussion and then we had some short quiz and another one
before he dismissed the class. Krisha drop Jenny and me at the public market and then she drive home
after saying goodbye. Jenny accompanied me to get my father’s phone get fixed. After a short discussion
about the price and the phones problem, the technician starts fixing the phone. He told us to wait for a
couple of minutes. Jenny and I talked about random things and since my father’s phone was still getting
fixed, we decided to have stroll some stores. We went to NOVO first and bought some same pair of
shoes. I also bought a nail polish and a cotton bonds while Jenny bought an undershirt and a cute little
for me. Afterwards, we went to the store beside it and Jenny bought some socks. After we’re done, we
went back to the technician to get my father’s phone and gave my payment. We bid goodbyes and I
walked a minute to where my brother parked. After I arrived home, my head was aching so bad and my
cold makes it worst. After I changed and washed I immediately went to bed and fall asleep. After an hour
or two, my mother woke me up and gave me medicine. Then I went back to sleep.

OCTOBER 30, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Sunday. I woke up at 5am cause we had a church today. After I took a bathe I changed into a
dress and took my handbag and mask. I walked to church and arrived there around 5:45am. After I gave
my giving and flip my “tarheta” I went inside and sat. Thereafter, I took my did my own prayers. The
teaching starts at 6am and after an hour it finished. I walked home and upon arriving I changed my
clothes. I then, ate my breakfast and washed the dishes. Afterwards, I cleaned the house by sweeping
the floor and dusting. After that, I gathered all the dirty clothes to wash them. Around 11:30am my
father cooked for lunch. When my mother arrived from home we had our lunch then at 1 she went back
to her work. Since I haven’t still hanged the clothes I washed, I took them to the dryer machine first since
it was cloudy. After I fished hanging them I took a bathe and fold clothes that I took from their hangers
since, I run put of hangers . After which I took a rest in my room. Around 4pm my father cooked for
dinner. My mother arrived around 5pm and after she washed up, my father called us for dinner. After
dinner, I brushed my teeth and wrote my diary and went to sleep.

OCTOBER 31, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Monday. I woke up at 7am and did my morning rituals. After I ate my breakfast I washed dishes,
then I swept the floor and dust the stuff in our house. After I finished I also cleaned my room thoroughly.
Around 11:30am I cooked rice for lunch and after my parents arrived from work, my father cooked
chicken adobo afterwards, we ate lunch together. My sister washed the dishes and I tidy the table.
Around 1:00 pm I went to my nieces’ house to play with them. I let them watched on my phone
afterwards they fell asleep. Then I went back to our house and slept in my room. I woke up at 3 :26pm
and cleaned the house then, around 4pm I cooked for dinner. After my parents arrived from work, we ate
dinner together. I took the initiative to wash the dishes afterwards I washed my body and brushed my
teeth. Then, I went to my room and wrote my diary. After a couple of minutes playing with my phone I
fell asleep.

NOVEMBER 01, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Tuesday. I woke up late and got a good sleep. After I woke up, I fixed my bed and did my morning
rituals, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then, I ate breakfast with my parents and siblings while
having a conversation about random stuff. Then my sister washed the dishes while I tidy the table. Then I
dust and swept the floor. Then I went to my brother’s house and play with my nieces, they were asking
me to let them watch on my phone and so I did, afterwards they gave me back my phone when their
friends were calling them outside their house. I stayed there for a couple of minutes chitchatting with my
sister in law about random things and gossips. Then, I bid goodbye and went home to cooked rice for
lunch. At lunch we were gathered together along with my sister in law and my nieces to eat lunch in our
house. After lunch I washed the dishes. Around 1pm I felt sleepy while watching television and so I went
to my room to sleep. I woke up around 3pm and cooked rice for dinner. After dinner my sister washed
the dishes. I then, took a bathe and brushed my teeth and went to my room. I wrote my diary and played
smurfs’ village after going to sleep.

NOVEMBER 02, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Wednesday. I woke up at 7:05am and stretched my body. I fixed my bed and did my morning
rituals. Afterwards I ate breakfast and cleaned the house. I swept the floor and dusted stuff in our
house. Then, I washed the dishes and gathered all our dirty clothes and washed it in the washing
machine. Thereafter, I hanged them under the sun. After I finishing washing clothes, I fold the clothes I
took off from their hangers since I used them to hang the clothes I have washed. After folding I put them
in the drawer. Then, I went to my room and fixed my school stuffs for school tomorrow. At lunch, my
father cooked and after my mother arrived, we ate together. I washed the dishes afterwards and went to
my room to rest. I woke up at 3:50pm and the sky was cloudy so I gathered my laundry and fold them
afterwards. At dinner, after my father cooked, he called us to eat and after eating my sister took the
initiative to wash the dishes. I took a bathe and brushed my teeth and went to my room and changed. I
gathered my modules for school tomorrow and review my notes. After a couple of minutes I felt sleepy
but before I sleep I wrote my diary and went to sleep.

NOVEMBER 03, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Thursday. I woke up at 6:28am cause I have to commute today. I had a coffee and bread for
breakfast afterwards, I took a cold bathe and brushed my teeth. Then, I changed for school and gather
my things and left the house around 6:40am. I arrived at school at around 7:30 am and met my friends
at the entrance of the school. Since my class starts at 9:00am, we sat on the bench near the canteen
beside cbe to kill time. We gossips about random things. Since, they announced that there will be
awarding to the athletes who won during intramurals, we are told to go to the gymnasium to participate
in the awarding. Before the awarding ceremony starts there was a prayer afterwards they proceeded to
awarding of medals and our department was the first to be given awards. We won of 20 gold metals in
total of both men and women. And followed by the other departments.

NOVEMBER 04, 2022

Dear Diary,

It was Friday. I woke up at 5:00 am to review my notes cause we’re having a post-test on my second
subject. Around 6:28am I took a bathe and brushed my teeth. Then I changed and gather my school
stuffs to prepare for school. Since, my brother’s duty was early, I have to commute early so I’ll have a
company to split the fair with. I arrived at school around 7am I’m not sure cause my phone has been
shut down. I waited at the study area while reviewing my notes. Around 8am my classmates in my first
subject told me that we don’t have a class cause our teacher is on leave so, I texted my friends and went
where they are beside the cbe department. We reviewed their and then we went to our next class
around 9am. We had a quiz composing of 30 points. After we dismissed we had an attendance cause our
teacher is not present that day, I dunno why but after we eat lunch we discussed with my groupmates in
Forensic3 about our role play afterwhich, my friends and I went and ate lunch at the canteen. After our
lunch we stayed beside the ched building and wrote a script for our role-playing the next day. After I
finished, I called my group mates and then we had a practice. After that, I went back to my friends and
reviewed my modules in the subject book 2 cause we’re having a quiz. Around 4, we went to the
mootcourt and was supposed to have a class there but then, Atty. Labador told us that we have to move
classroom in room 115 on the ground floor. We are given a time to review and afterwards we are given a
test sheet with a 2 sets. After we finished our quiz, we passed it and Atty. Labador told us that who ever
got a score of 50 will be receiving a gift from her. After she dismissed our class, Krisha dropped me off
the pandayan book store to buy some stuffs I’ll be needed for my diary. Around 5:30pm I texted my
brother to fetch me and he did. I arrived home around 6pm. After I took off my bag I washed and ate
dinner then brushed my teeth. After that I prepared my school papers for tomorrow as well as the things
we needed for our role play. After that, I reviewed my notes and went to sleep.

NOVEMBER 05, 2022

NOVEMBER 06, 2022

NOVEMBER 07, 2022

Woke up at 6:37am


Had a coffee

Took a bathe

7:45, left the house



933 am we get inside the class and instructors arrival


Next subject, teacher is absent, but sent an activity

Ate lunch at canteen

Sit in, Jenny reported infront.

1:30 their class dismissed, got a ride with krisha

Stop by at the jezzis store to buy some hairdo and perfume.

Took a tricycle home.

NOVEMBER 08, 2022

Discussion in first subject ends I went to the conference room to wait my friends there. Around 1030 we
went to canteen to ate lunch. I helped them do their presentation and we stopped by at the rest room
beside cbe . Afterwhich we bid goodbye then I went to the conference room for my next subject which is
pe3. We had a discussion, then around 1:00 pm our teacher dismissed us. I immediately went down to
the ground floor and waited at the bench there. At 1:31 their teacher dismissed them. We went to the
room 114 for our next subject under Mrs. Rojas. We had a discussion afterwards, she gave us time to
review our notes and then we had a quiz with 20 items. Afterwards she dismissed us after we passed our
papers then my friends bid me goodbye cause they don’t have next subjects. In our next class under Mr.
Alasaas we had a commercial first then afterwards we proceeded tobour lesson. Around 412 the current
went out and so Mr. Alasaas just finish our last topic then dismissed us early. Around 430 I took a tricycle
to public market. Then I dropped by to people star to get my sister’s gift for my niece and then I went to
novo and bought some stuff for my diary. Then I took a tricycle home and dropped by at my in laws
house to give my sisters gift to her daughter and her allowance as well. I arrived at home around 5:50
pm. I washed and changed my clothes and took an early dinner.

NOVEMBER 09, 2022

Woke up at 556

I do stretching

I di the household chores

Took a bathe around 630

Changed and woke my brother

Took my lunch

Left the house at 724.

My brother took me to school.

Arrived at 756 and went beside cbe where Erica was.

Around 8:25 I went to crim building and waited for my first class under ma'am detran.
We discussed then at 926 she dismissed us and announced that we'll having our long quiz on Monday

I arrived at my next sub at 932. The teacher was not still on the class.

The teacher discussed and then dismissed

The next subject discussed and dismissed

Then took our lunch in canteen.

Then I tag along on their class on lea4. After they've been dismissed. We went to the library and wrote a
case digest as well as my diary. Around 4pm we left the library and took a bathroom. We stayed infront
of the field just beside the aisle near our department.

Then around 430 we went to our class in the room 113.

The groups that weren't finished with their reports last last meeting were presented their reports and
discussed it.

Afterwhich around 600 we were dismissed. It was dark outside when we went outside the class.

Thankfully i found my brother waiting for me outside the school.

I arrived home at 627 pm. I washed and changed my clothes Then ate dinner and brushed my teeth.
Afterwards, I organize and prepared my stuffs for tomorrow. Then I wrote my diary and scan my notes
and went to bed.

NOVEMBER 10, 2022

First subject discussion

Second sub activity then cleaned the room

Ma'am jeysan is absent ...Eric's helped me do my diary

We went to eat lunch

Went to library and wrote diary

Sit in around 12 30

Went to library afterwards then wrote diary

Around 3 35 Went to canteen to buy snacks

Went to room 114 for last sub

Reporting then discussion.

6 14 dismissed

NOVEMBER 11, 2022

First subject discussion

Second sub activity then cleaned the room

Ma'am jeysan is absent ...Eric's helped me do my diary

We went to eat lunch

Went to library and wrote diary

Sit in around 12 30

Went to library afterwards then wrote diary

Around 3 35 Went to canteen to buy snacks

Went to room 114 for last sub

Reporting then discussion.

6 14 dismissed

November 21, 2022

Woke up at 5:38

Cooked rice

Heat a water and took a bathe prepared to school

Gather drove me to school

Arrived at 739

Attend at study area and wrote diary

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