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Complete the sentences.

Example: Mark is Clare‟s husband.

Joseph and Grace are Mark and Emma‟s ___________________ .
Joseph and Grace are Oliver‟s ___ _____________ .
Mark and Emma are Joseph and Grace‟s ___________________ .
David is Oliver‟s _________________.
Clare is Daniel and Laura‟s _________________ .
Daniel is Mark‟s __________________.
Laura is Mark‟s ____________ .
Daniel and Oliver are _________________ .
Laura is Joseph and Grace‟s ___________________ .
Daniel is Joseph and Grace‟s _________________ .
VI. Look at the family tree in Exercise V and complete the dialogues.
Dialogue 1
Emma Chris, this is my __________________ , Grace.
Chris Nice to meet you, Mrs Garnet.
Emma And this is my 2 ________________, Mark, and his 3 ____________ , Clare
Chris Hello.
Emma And this is my 4__________________, Joseph.
Oliver Hello, Mr Garnet.
Dialogue 2
Phong Is this your son, Mark?
Mark Oh, let me introduce. This is 5 __________ , Oliver. That‟s my
6 , Emma, and her 7 David. And
those are their s , Daniel and Laura. Daniel is my 9
_________ , and Laura is my ___________ .
Phong Hello, everyone.
• School
VII. Choose the correct words.
My English teacher / exam has got a good accent.
I‟ve got a list of verbs in my English / history notes.

6 - Lưu Hoang Tri

She‟s in the music exercise / room.
This geography exercise / laboratory is easy.
It‟s on page twelve of your science exercise / book.
I haven‟t got my maths homework I room.
We‟ve got a big gymnasium for PE / geography classes.
VIII. Complete the words with the initial letters in the sentences.
My next c _______ is in Room 15. It‟s at ten o‟clock.
We‟ve got a lesson in the s ___________ laboratory.
I don‟t understand my m _________ homework.
We‟re on page ten of our g ______________ book. It‟s about Africa.
At school there‟s a m ____________ room with a piano.
This E __________ exercise isn‟t difficult. All the words are on this page.
My p ___________ teacher teaches football and basketball.
IX. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
homework teacher room exam book notes laboratory
We‟ve got an English __________________ on Monday.
We‟ve got a lot of science ___ ______________ today - four exercises.
My brother‟s school has got a new science ___________________ .
4. Listen and write ________________ about the history of our school.
Open your history __________________ at page fifty -nine.
Our PE _________________ is very good at bas ketball.
Where‟s our next lesson? - It‟s in the ICT ____________________ .
Read the notes and complete the dialogue.
Monday: important! Shorts and T-shirts for PE class.
Tuesday: Geography homework and science homework.
Wednesday: music lesson - remember book!
Thursday: 9.00 a.m. exam - history
Friday: maths homework
Ann: I‟ve got a lot to do this week! I‟ve got _____________________________ and
__________________ homework on Tuesday.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Starter unit - 7

Mum: Have you? Have you got any more?
1 23 4
Ann: No. We haven ‟t got _____ __ _______ homework on Friday because
we‟re on holiday next week.
Mum: Oh, yes. That‟s good.
Ann: But I‟ve got a history ______ _______ ■ on Thursday.
Mum: Oh, no! Really?
Ann: And I need my music ______ ______ for Wednesday. I‟ve got a lesson.
Mum: Yes, I know.
Ann: And there‟s a PE on Monday. I need my shorts and T-shirt!

XL Answer the questions. Write true sentences.

What books have you got in your school bag?

What homework have you got this week?

Who is your favourite teacher?

What are your favourite lessons?

How many teachers have you got?

Have you got an IT room?

What exams have you got next week?


• be . . :
2 Complete the sentences using the affirmative form of be.
1. It ____ __ _ __ a nice day.
You __________ in my class.
I __________ twelve years old.
Your cousins __________ in the USA.
We __________ classmates.
ỈĨ Complete the sentences using the correct form of subject pronouns and the
correct form of be.
Example: Tom and Lily aren‟t here. They’re in a different class.

8 - Lưu Hoang Tri

What time _ ___________ ? - It‟s five past three.
No, _______________ fourteen. I‟m twelve.
______________ your sister? - No, she isn‟t.
This is my uncle. _______________ a teacher.
______________ from Ha Noi? - Yes, they are.
My parents are happy with my brother and me because ___________________ good
at school.

Complete the sentences about famous places with the affirmative or negative
form of be.
Beijing and Shanghai ________________ in China.
Ha Noi _______________ in Viet Nam.
The White House ______________ in Canada.
The Eiffel Tower _______________ in Paris .
Buckingham Palace and Big Ben _________________ in Ho Chi Minh City.
The Taj Mahal ______ ________ in India.
My Dinh National Stadium _______________ Can Tho.
New York and Los Angeles ______________ in China.

• Possessive adjective & pronouns

IV. Complete the sentences. Use possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns.
I have this book. This book is ______________ book. This book is ____________ .
They have these books. These are ________________ books. These books are

You have that book. That is _____________ book. That book is ___ __________ .
She has this pen. This is __ __________ pen. This pen is ________________ .
He has that bike. That is __ ______ __ bike. That bike is __________________ .
We have those books. Those are ________ _________ books. Those books are

Complete the sentences. Use the correct possessive form of the words in
1. This backpack is __________ ; __________ ______ backpack is red. (I)
2. That backpack is _______________ ; ______ _______is green. (Mary/she)
3. These books are ; books are on the table, (we)
4. Those books are ; are on the desk, (they)
5. This raincoat is ; is blue. (Tom/he)
6. _____________ town is very quiet; ______ ______ has only one cinema, (we)
_________ city is big; _____________ has many cinemas, restaurants, and
hotels, (they)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 ' rter unit - 9

VI. Choose the correct completion.
Is this your / yours pen?
Please give this pen to Mai. It‟s her / hers.
A: Don‟t forget your I yours hat. Here you are.
No, that‟s not my / mine hat. My I Mine is green.
A: Please take this pen as a present from me. Here you are. It‟s your / yours.
B: Thank you.
A: Isn‟t that your parents‟ car - the blue one?
No, that‟s not their I theirs. Their / Theirs car is dark blue.
A: My brother and I really like our / ours new flat. It has many rooms. Do you like
your I yours?
Our / Ours is small, but it‟s very nice.
A: Excuse me. Is this your / yours umbrella?
I don‟t have an umbrella. Ask Nick. Perhaps it is him / his.
VII. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
He I His is tired because of he / his exam.
She / Her name is Thoa. She is we / our sister.
This is a photo of I / my family. We / Our are in Ho Chi Minh City.
She / Her looks happy. Is she you / your mum?
They / Their aren‟t from the USA. What‟s they I their nationality?
I like you I your dog. What‟s it / its name?
VIII. Choose the correct possessive adjectives.
My sister is into music. My / Her favourite music is pop music.
This is my uncle and this is his / her son, Minh. Minh is my cousin.
My grandparents love football. It‟s our / their favourite sport.
„Is Jane your I its friend?‟ - „Yes, she‟s my best friend.‟
„Is this your book?‟ - „No, it isn‟t his I my book.‟
„Is this your dog?‟ - „Yes, it‟s their I our dog.‟
„I‟m in a football team.‟ - „What‟s your / its name?‟
I don‟t have a laptop. It‟s his / my laptop.
• Articles : ; >. .-
IX. Complete the sentences with a/an or the.
1. She ‟ s ______ cool girl.
He‟s ________rich man.
Viet Nam is __________ interesting country.
Beijing is _____ horrible city with heavy air pollution.

10 - Lưu Hoang Tri

She‟s ________OK person.
_ ______ 3 Rs Club in our school is doing ________survey. ___________ survey
checks how green you are.
X. Tick the correct sentences, and correct the mistakes in the wrong sentences.
1. My close friend is a interesting person. ________________
2. Our club is electing a new president. ________________
3. Do you think he is a excellent actor? ________________
4. The USA is an rich country. ________________
Our city is a green city with a lot of trees and parks. _______________________
Students can exchange their uniforms at an uniform fair. ____________________
7. How many parts are there in an unit? ________________
8. The video clip is in the form of a mp4 file. ________________
XI. Choose the correct answers.
It‟s cold. I need ________ cup of tea to keep warm.

I‟m on holiday on ______ island in Hai Phong. It‟s wonderful here.

My favourite type of ice cream is ________ chocolate ice cream.

I play _______football at school every day.

I have __ ____exam on Monday.

When is _____football match on TV?

What‟s ______ time? I have _______ football match at 3 o‟clock.

Excuse me. Where‟s ______ __ train station?

A. a B. 0 c. the
• have got
XII. Complete the sentences with the correct form (affirmative or negative) of have
You _____ ___________ _ a history lesson today. It‟s on Friday.
My cousin is interested in music and he ____________________ a guitar.
_________________ (we) a new English teacher this year?
They‟re very happy. They ___________________ homework tonight.
What exercises ____________________ (you) for your maths homework?
Where ___________________ (she) her history lesson?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Starter unit - 11

XIII. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
what / for / got / we / have / exercises / homework /?

got / our school / has / a good science laboratory

haven't / a / maths book / good / we / got

my sister / classes today / history / got / hasn‟t

IT / notes /1 / got / haven‟t / your

our / books / the teacher / has / got /?

XIV. Write the questions with have got. Complete the answers a-e, then match the
questions 1-5 with the answers a-e. Write the answers in the blanks.
1. your brother / a maths exam on Friday?
2. we / two exercises for homework?
3. you / a strict teacher?
4. they / an interesting geography book?
5. the school / a new science laboratory?
No, I _____________ . She‟s very nice.
Yes, they _______________ . It‟s about mountains.
Yes, he ___________ __. He isn‟t very happy.
d. No, it ___________ . It‟s got a new music room.
No, we _____________ . We‟ve got three.
there’s, there are
XV. Complete the sentences using the correct form of there is and there are.
_______ ________ a science laboratory next to this room.
________________ two new students in this class.
________________ a teacher in the geography class?
No, _________________ any teachers.
_______ ; _______ any maths homework today?

12- Lưu Hoang Tri

No, _________________ a music room in my school. We don‟t study music.
Yes, ________________ three exercises for homework.
________________ any notes in your book?

XVI. Complete the text with there is, there isn’t, there are or there aren’t.
My school
My name‟s David and I‟m at Lexington Middle School in Manchester. Lexington is a
small school - (0) there are only two hundred students here. It‟s a school for boys, so (1)
__________________________ any girls. (2) _________________ twenty or thirty
teachers at the school and (3) ___________________ a lot of different rooms.
I‟m interested in sport and (4) ___________________ a big gymnasium for our PE
classes - that‟s important for me! (5) ____________________ also two excellent PE
teachers, Mr Bailey and Mr Stratton, but (6) _________ a swimming pool
here at Lexington School - we go to the city centre for swimming classes.
I love science and (7) _________________ a big new science lab. I like IT too, but
_________________ any modem computers in our IT room. They‟re very old.

XVII. Complete the questions using the correct forms of be and have. Then talk
about your school with a partner.
1. ___________ there any new students in this class?
When ___________ our next maths class?
___________there an English exam this week?
___________you got a new teacher for science?
What time ____________ the next class?
___________the English teacher from Ha Noi?
What teacher _____ _____ we got for IT this year?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Starter unit - 13


• Where we spend time

I. Match activities 1-7 to shops a-g.
1. go shopping outside ____
2. buy jeans, tops and jumpers ____
buy trainers and clothes for exercise _______
talk about the cost of text messages _______ _
5. send a letter or parcel ____
6. find something to read ____
a. sports shop
7. talk to someone about your health
b. post office
Answe r the que stions with activities below.c. phone shop
In a small village near Oxford, a British family d. market
walks to their local shops. First, they stop at the e. clothes shop
fishmonger‟s to buy some fish. Next, the mother
f. chemist‟s
goes with her son to buy some vegetables at the 1 ___ ______ . They walk past the
2. ___________ because they don‟t want any g. bookshop
meat today. The father and their

a. bake cakes e. check out new bands i. make jewellery

b. do water sports f. learn a language read a novel
c. organize a party g. hang out with friends play video games
use social networking sites
d. watch DVDs h. support a team
Which free-time activities do people usually do
at the beach?
at a football stadium?
on a console?
in a classroom?
on a laptop?
in the kitchen?
for a friend‟s birthday?
at a music festival?
in bed or in an armchair? _______
on a plasma screen?
on a table in your room?
at the shops or in the café?

III. Complete the text with the words below.

greengrocer’s sandwich shop baker’s
department store newsagent’s butcher’s

14 - Lưu Hoang Tri

daughters buy some bread at the ______ ____________ • The parents like to read the
Saturday newspapers, so they go to the __________________ .
Next, the family decides to go to Oxford. They‟re hungry, but they don‟t want to go to a
restaurant. So, they go into a ___________________ _______ to buy something for
lunch. Next, they go to the _________________ with lots of different shops in it.
So, this place is good for everyone.

IV. Complete the sentences with the words given below.

at school the countryside in the shops
in bed on the bus in this fast food restau ra nt
on the phone the playground
There are a lot of people _______________________ .
She‟s talking ______________________ to her father.
My granddad is not well and he spends the morning _______________________ .
New clothes are _____________________ now.
Parents take their children to ___________________ to play football and games.
Their children are always ______________________ in the morning.
Too many tourists are not good for _____________________ .
Do you ever eat _______________________ _____ ?

Complete the sentences with the verbs given.

have save wait share find
You don‟t always _______________ time when you do things quickly.
Time is important, so _______________ it with the right people.
When you lose time, it‟s difficult to ________ _____ it again.
Do it before you have no time left. Don‟t ___ ____________ until it‟s too late.
Time is like money. If you _______________ a lot of it, you‟re lucky.

• Free time activities

VI. Choose the correct words.
read magazines and books / money
go tennis / cycling
play singing / in a band
watch magazines / TV
listen to music / the cinema
play the internet / computer games
meet things / friends
play sport / cycling
go shopping /shops

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1: My time - 15

surf TV / the internet
VII. Complete the verbs in the following phrases.
r ____ magazines / books
w ______ TV
p ___ sports
1 ______ to music / the radio
m___ friends
c ________ things / tickets
t____ photos
s ___ the internet
VIII. Complete the sentences with the verbs in Exercise VII in the correct form.
1. I often ___________ __ Phong for a drink after school.
2. Mike ____________ _ tennis very well.
3. Tom and his sister ____________ old pens. They‟ve got about 25!
4. We ____________ ' photos in our free time.
5. My father often ___ __________ computer magazines.
6. My brother _______ ______ the internet every day.

IX. Choose the correct words.

Can you draw / use me a map of how to get there?
She makes / does wedding dresses for brides.
Some people drive / use their bikes to go shopping.
I need to come I go shopping this evening.
He often blogs / watches horror films in his free time.
We arranged to meet / listen outside the theatre.
We watch / listen carefully to every word the teacher says.
I‟m going to paint / stay a picture of our school.
Complete Ana‟s description of her family. Use the verbs given below.
play listen to takes surf
doesn ’t go goes don’t watch reads
The people in my family have got lots of interests. My d ad really likes photography. He
_____ photos at weekends, and he‟s in a photography club, too.
He also _________________ swimming, but he _____________________ cycling.
He says it‟s boring. My mum ____________ , magazines in the evening, and I
______________ the guitar.: She and I _ _________________ the radio a lot, but we
don‟t like the same music. I _________ _ TV very much, because I think
the programmes are bad. But I ____________________ the internet every night, and
talk to my friends online.
16- Lưu Hoang Tri
XL Complete the sentences about you and your friend‟s free time. Use affirmative
or negative forms of suitable verbs and add your own ideas.
My dad _________________________________________ . (magazines)
; I _ ____________ ___ ____________ . (TV / DVDs)
My friends and I _________________________________________ . (the guitar)
In our family, we ________________________________________ . (the internet)
My best friend __________________________________________ . (cycling)
I ________________________________ , ________ . (computer games)

XII. Choose the correct words.

Charlie is really into football. His favourite team I player is Manchester United.
I‟m a big fan of the film actors / players Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie.
My sister has got a guitar and she‟s in a group I team.
My brother is interested in martial arts. He‟s into karate websites / programmes on
the internet.
I like all the Harry Potter books. The films / groups are good too.
I‟m mad about Lady Gaga. She‟s a fantastic singer / film director.
XIII. Complete the emails with the words given below.
actor programme films player
hip hop swimming classical groups
Hi. My name‟s Lewis Evans. I‟m 12 and I‟m from Chester in England. I‟m really into
sport, especially football, and my favourite ‟ ________________________________ is
Cristiano Ronaldo. I‟m also interested in TV and cinema. My favourite
__________ is The Simpsons. I‟m also into American ________________________
and I like the ___________ Matt Damon. What are your interests?
© Hi, I‟m Megan. I‟m 13 and I‟m from Narooma in Australia. At the weekend, I love
in the sea with my friends. I also really like music,
especially ___ ___________ and _______ ________ 1 My favourite singer is
Kanye West and I‟m into a lot of different ___________ . Are you interested
in music and meeting friends too?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1: My time - 17

XIV. Complete the leaflet with the words below. There is one word that you do not
novel video games support watch hang
check bake jewellery social networking
After School is cool
Do you sit at home and __________________ DVDs every afternoon? Are you fed
up with playing adventure ____________ all weekend? Do you want to make
new friends? At the After School centre, we have courses and activities for everyone.
New members are always welcome.
Cookery course
Leam to make soup, cook spaghetti, ___________________ cakes and much more.
Starts at 4 p.m. on Monday.
Book club
Read a ________________ and discuss it with your friends. We choose a different
book every week. See you at the school library at 2 p.m. on Tuesday.
Arts and crafts weekend
Learn to make _________________ - earrings, necklaces and bracelets, Sat-Sun,
Come and ________________ out the new bands from the area, listen to cool
music and ________________ out with friends in the sun. Domey Park, 15 Oct.
Help a silver surfer
Volunteers wanted! Can you teach an old person how to use _____________________
sites and send emails? If you have some free time on Thursday afternoon, we‟d like to
hear from you.
Contact for more information.

® Vocabulary plus
XV. Choose the correct verb forms.
It was decided to ban I to be allowed cellphones in all classes last year..
Some people seem to let / to be banned their kids do whatever they like.
Students are not let / allowed to eat in class.
I don‟t ban / allow the cat in the bedroom.
My parents won‟t let / allow me go out unless I have finished my homework.
Those maps of Viet Nam are allowed I banned in school because they miss the
Spratly Islands and the Paracel Islands.

• Present simple: affirmative and negative

I. Write sentences using the present simple.

18 - Luu Hoang Tri

school / finish / at five o‟clock

she / watch / too much TV

he / go / swimming twice a week

we / not like I horror films

she / go / school / by bus

he / not play / football / Sundays

they / not go / cinemas / their friends

my sister / watch TV / in the evenings

Write negative sentences.

Example: They like pizza. —» They don’t like pizza.
They work in town.
Tom studies a lot.
My dog drinks a lot of water.
We like hip hop music.
He watches a lot of DVDs.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given below.
carry not play finish not watch change go
My dad _ ______________ work at six o‟clock.
We _______ _______ to school by bus.
My sister _______________ football.
I ________________TV before school.
Mum usually __ ____________ her clothes after work.
Leo always ___________ _ his iPhone in his bag.
IV. Complete the text using the affirmative or negative form of the verbs in
Ali Ahmadi, 15, (1) _______________ (live) in Iran. Ali and his family are nomads,
and they (2) _______ ______ (live) in tents. All‟s father (3) __________ ______ (keep)
camels and goats. Ali (4) __________________ (not go) to school, so his mother
(5) ______________ (help) Ali to read and write. Ali (6) __________________ (speak)
Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1: My time - 19
Farsi, the national Iranian language, and Bakhtiari, a nomadic language. The nomads (7)
_______________________ (not use) mp3 players and ID cards. They
(8) ______________ (prefer) a simple life.

Write true sentences. Use affirmative or negative forms of the verbs.

We / start / school / 7 a.m.

I / study / French

Our teachers / give / us lots of homework

We / wear / jeans at school

My best friend / live / near me

My parents / use / a laptop

• Present simple: questions

VI. Complete the sentences with do or does.
1. _____________ Who you play sport with?
What _________ Jack collect?
Where __________ Mike and Susan go shopping?
_________ you use your mobile phone a lot?
When __________ we finish school?
_________ Linda spend a lot of time watching TV?
VII. Complete the questions using the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
_________ you ___________ the internet? (surf)
_________ your best friend ___ _______ cycling? (go)
_________ you ___________ to classical music? (listen)
__________ your parents __________ a lot of photos? (take)
__________ your brother or sister ___________ computer games? (play)
__________ your father ___________ a mobile phone? (use)
VIII. Read the answers and complete the questions with the question words given
Why Who Where When What
__________ _ do you need? -1 need some water colour. 20

- Lưu Hoang Tri

____________ do you go? - In the school holidays.
____________ do you usually go with? -1 go with my dad.
____________ does she go in the holidays? - Because she‟s got free time then.
____________ do they go? - They usually go to a park.
IX. Rewrite the sentences as questions.
Example: He goes to school by bus. —»Does he go to school by bus?
You watch too much TV.

I need my iPad for school.

She carries a lot of things in her bag.

They use the laptop for their homework.

We finish school at three o‟clock today.

Phong plays football.

Put the words in the correct order to make the questions.

like / shopping / do / why / you /?

do / who / the / with / go / cinema / to / you /?

watch / when / TV / you / do /?

listen to / music / what / you / do /?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1: My time - 21

your / meet / where / you / do / friends /7

books / what / you / read / do /7

XL Write questions for the answers using what, when, where, who and why.
1. you / do / at the weekend
We go shopping at the weekend.
2. go to the cinema with
I go to the cinema with my best friend.
3. you / meet / your friends after school
Because we go to the park.
4. you and your best friends / play / sport
We play sport on Saturday afternoon.
5. your best friend / meet / you
He meets me in the park.
XIĨ. Order the words to make present simple questions. Then
match questions 1-5 with answers a-f.
1. do / live / they / where
2. study / does / she / French
3. you / do / the internet / surf / why
4. table tennis / you / when / play / do
5. they / do / go swimming / why / before school
6. he / after school / does / visit / who
No, she studies English.
In a flat near the city centre.

22 - Lưu Hoang Tri

c. He visits his grandmother.
So I can watch videos and visit chat rooms.
I play on Sundays.
Because they want to be Olympic swimmers.

XIII. Write questions for the answers. Look at the underlined words and use
the correct words given below.
why who where when what what
1. 9

I like to go cycling with my brother.

2. 9
My mother goes shopping on Saturdays.
3. 9
He plays footb all.
4. ?
I meet my friends in town.
5. ?
I study English because I want to visit Scotland.
6. ?
I read magazines and books at the weekend.
I. Read the article and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
Does the time really fly?
It was Lunar New Year and I‟d returned home for the traditional dinner. We had all
finished eating when my sister said, „Has it really been a year sinc e we last sat down for a
family meal? Where has the time gone?‟
We often say that „time flies‟. It‟s a saying that means time passes very quickly.
Curiously, as we get older, time seems to pass faster and faster. Why does this happen?
Some people think that we had fewer new or important events in our lives as we get older.
Years seem longer when we were young because many things are happening. Also, time
isn‟t so important as we get older. Children often count the days until a special event.
When we get older, we have too many things to think about.
Luckily, time doesn‟t actually pass faster as we get older. A day still has 24 hours and an
hour still has 60 minutes. Maybe we need to find a way to slow down our lives and not try
to be busy all the time.
1. The writer‟s sister feels surprised. ___
The saying „Time flies‟ means that time passes faster as we grow older. ________
3. Time is more important when we‟re young. ___
4. According to the writer, times really flies. ___

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1: My time - 23

5. The writer thinks we should do more things in our lives to make time pass
more slowly. ___

IL Read the text and choose the correct answers.

My interests
1 love pop music and I‟ve got a lot of DVDs. My friends are mad about Black Eyed Peas,
but I can‟t stand hip hop. I really like sport, especially volleyball and tennis, but I hate
cycling. One of my interests is art, but I‟m not very good at it.
I‟m interested in sport, especially football. I‟m a Manchester City fan and I‟ve got photos
and posters of the team. I‟m not mad about books, but my friend Lily and I love watching
TV. Lily has got a TV in her room. One of my interests is photography. I haven‟t got a
good camera, but my photos are really good.
I‟m into skateboarding and swimming. I‟m good at martial arts, especially taekwondo.
My friend Steve likes taekwondo too, but he hasn‟t got a green belt. We‟ve got a
computer at home, but I don‟t really like computer games. I prefer chatting on the
internet. I like books, especially books about animals. I really like animals, but we
haven‟t got a pet.

Task 1. Choose the correct answers.

Alexia is into ________ .
a. hip hop b. cycling c. pop music
2.Alexia isn‟t good at _____
a. art b. tennis c. volleyball
3.Sarah is not into
a. football b. photography c. books
4.Lily has got a _______ .
a. camera b.TV c. photo of a footba ll team
5.David is good at _______
a. swimming b. taekwondo c. computer games
David isn‟t interested in
a. computer games b. books c. swimming
Task 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the text with the correct word
Sarah is _____________________ books.
2. David _______________ chatting on the internet.
Alexia really likes _______________ , _______________ volleyball and tennis.
Sarah is __________ Manchester City ___________ .

24 - Lưu Hoang Tri

David _______________ ____ martial arts.
Alexia ____________________ hip hop.
Read the text, and then do the tasks. Favourite
A. Simon
What‟s my favourite thing? My bike. I‟m really into cycling. I‟ve got a fantastic bike -
it‟s old but it‟s very good. I like cycling in the mountains with my friends. I‟m interested
in sports, especially tennis. I‟m a big Wimbledon fan.
I‟m a music fan and my favourite thing is an old CD by Kylie Minogue. It‟s called Fever.
I‟ve got sixty pop and hip hop CDs but Fever is my favourite.
Lulu and Anna
We‟re mad about animals and we‟ve got a dog called Ollie. He‟s our favourite „thing‟.
We‟re also into photography. We‟ve got hundreds of photos of Ollie on the computer and
he‟s got his own website - Ollie’s World.
Task 1. Who has got a website about their favourite thing? _________ __ __ _ __ __ _
Task 2. Match topics 1-5 with paragraphs A-C.
1. animals ______ 2. pop music __________ 3. cycling _______
4. a singer _____ 5. sport ________ 6. photo gr a ph y _____ _ __ _
Task 3. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. Simon is into cycling. ____________
2. Simon‟s bike is new. ____________
3. Simon like Wimbledon. _ __________
4. Karen has got a hundred CDs. ____________
5. Karen is into pop music. _ __________
Lulu and Anna are interested in photography. _________________
7. Ollie’s World is the name of a book. ____________
Task 4. Answer the questions.
1. What are Simon‟s interests?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1: My time - 25

What has Simon got?

What‟s Karen‟s favourite thing?

How many CDs has Karen got?

What are Lulu and Anna mad about?

How many photos of the dog have Lulu and Anna got?

IV. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).
Children under age six watch an average of about two hours of screen media a day,
mainly TV and DVDs. Children and teenagers from eight to eighteen spend nearly 4
hours a day in front of a TV screen and two more hours on the
computer and playing video games.
Children watching too much TV can become fat, violent,
have less energy and a harder time at school.
Children won‟t turn off the television, but they should
choose the suitable programmes. Parents should provide
necessary material: books to read, board games, art or sporting equipment.
The TV is usually on during dinner. That‟s too bad because your most importan t family
conversation will happen during the family dinner. It‟s a good idea when there is no TV
set in the bedroom, and the children agree.
Small children watch about 2 hours of TV and DVDs a day. ______________
The screen time of older children and teenagers is often 4 hours a day.

3. Children should turn off TV all day. ______

4. Childr e n may watch less TV when they have other materia l to do. _____ __ __ _ __ _
5. We shouldn‟t have any conversations during the meal. ______
6. Parents should buy any TV sets. _ ______
V. Read the text, and choose the correct answers.
Young people with big ideas
When is a hobby not a hobby? When it‟s a job! Here are the stories of three American
teenagers who each have their own company where they do their favourite free time
activities. But do they make any money?

26 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Lizzie Marie
Lizzie Marie is from Atlanta, Georgia, in the USA. In her free time, she does archery and
she goes horse riding. She‟s also interested in science, but what she enjoy s most is
cooking. She has her own website where you can watch videos of her cooking in the
kitchen. The food she makes is very healthy and so she is popular with parents, teachers
and other children. She writes books about cooking and she has her own TV s eries called
Healthy Cooking with Chef Lizzie. She is quite rich and well-known.
Robert Nay
Robert Nay lives in Spanish Fork, Utah, the USA. Robert is really into music and he plays
the piano, the trumpet and an Italian instrument called a mandolin. He a lso loves playing
computer games. In fact, Robert makes his own games which people can use on their
smartphones. His latest game is called Bubble Ball and it is very popular. About a million
people play Bubble Ball every week and so Robert makes a lot of money. Robert has a
company called Nay Games and he wants to make more games in the future.
Asya Gonzalez
Asya Gonzalez is from California and has a lot of hobbies. She plays the saxophone and
she‟s into sports, too. But her favourite hobby is art, and sh e likes drawing pictures of
girls from the 1940s. Asya has a company called Stinky Feet Gurlz which sells T-shirts
with pictures of her art on them. Her company makes $20,000 a month, but not all of this
money is for Asya. She also had a foundation that help young girls. The foundation is
called She is Worth It and for every T- shirt Asya sells, some money goes to the

Lizzie likes cooking and ______

a. acting b. dancing c. music d. sport
Lizzie‟s food is very _______ .
a. cheap b. different c. good for you d. interesting
Robert can play _______ .
a. one instrument b. two instillments
c. three instruments four instruments
foundation. Asya says, „Buy a T-shirt, save a child.‟
What do you need to play Robert‟s game?
a. a mobile phone b. a television c. a computer d. a games console
What do Asya‟s T-shirts have on them?
a. animals b. instruments c. people d. sports
She is Worth It is a _______ .
a. charity b. brand name c. band d. type of T-shirts
VI. Read the two texts and do the following tasks.
What is Camp Morland? Camp Morland is an exciting summer camp for 13- to 16-year-
olds. We offer over 100 activities, including sports, art, music, dancing, and cooking.
Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1: My time - 27
What is a typical day like? The day starts at 7:15. We have breakfast and then the first
activity starts at 9:00. We stop for lunch at noon, and at 2:00 it‟s time for afternoon
activities. Dinner is at 6:00 and then there are fun events, like parties and games. It‟s
What do our customers say? “This is my third summer at Camp Morland and 1 love it.
I‟m not a morning person, but getting out of bed is easy here because there are so many
fan things to do!”
by Izzy, 15
“I‟m usually bored at home during summer vacation, but not this year! My favourite thing
about Camp Morland is the people. Everyone is friendly.”
by Carlos, 13
B. The power of doing nothing
Posted by Emi I July 5
The summer is here at last. My sister is getting ready to go to summer camp, but I‟m
spending my vacation at home. My sister thinks I‟m wasting the summer doing nothing,
but I don‟t agree. In this post, I want to explain why. And no - it isn‟t because I‟m lazy.
What is „doing nothing‟ anyway? Am I doing nothing when I‟m reading? Hanging out
with friends? Talking with my family? Daydreaming? Sleeping? These are the things that
make me happy. How can they be a waste of time?
I think it‟s important to be bored sometimes. It gives US space to think and explore. I
never have a great idea for a blog post when I‟m running from soccer practice to my
violin lesson. But scientists believe that when we‟re relaxing, our brains are still working.
Ideas often come to me like magic when I‟m takin g the dogs for a walk. We use our
imagination and discover who we really are when we have free time.
Task 1. Choose the correct answers.
1. What is Text A?
a. a website b. a story c. a leaflet
2. What is Text B?
a. an email b. a blog post c. a maga zin e article
3. Which text(s) is/are trying to sell something?
a. Text A b. Text B c. both texts
In which text(s) can you find personal opinions?
a. Text A b. Text B c. both texts
In which text(s) can you find some real information?
a. Text A b. Text B c. both texts
Task 2. Read the texts again, and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false sentences.
1. Camp Morland is for teenagers aged thirteen to eighteen. _______
2. There‟s a lunch break for one hour. _______
3. Emi and her sister have different plans for the summer. _______

28 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Emi says that people usually have good ideas when they‟re busy. ____________
5. Emi doesn‟t like doing schoolwork. _______
Task 3. Answer the questions. Find the sentence in the text that gives you the
Does Izzy usually prefer getting up late when she isn‟t at Camp Morland?

Does Carlos always enjoy his summer vacation?

Does Emi play a musical instrument?

Does Emi have any pets?

VII. Read the text, and answer the questions.

How the World Spends its Free time
o Internet
People from Canada spend, on average, 43.5 hours per week online, 8 hours longer
than the next highest, the USA. One reason: Canad a has long, cold winters so people
spend lots of time indoors.
@ Sport
Football is king. In second place, surprisingly, is cricket. Only a few nations play the
game seriously, but it‟s very popular in India, which has 1.2 billion people.
© Outdoors
New Zealanders spend the most time outdoors. The countryside is perfect for hiking,
mountain climbing, and water sports. If you live in New Zealand, you‟re never more
than two hours‟ drive from the sea. And then there is the rugby, too.
® Bars ;? .. . .. r
Spain has six bars per 1,000 people, easily the highest number. In Spain, a bar is for
families, not just drinkers. It‟s a meeting place and often an eating place.
© Galleries and Museums
The UK has six of the top 20 most visited art galleries and museums in the world,
including the National Gallery, the British Museum and Tate Modem.
The biggest TV-watchers are in Thailand. They spend 22.4 hours a week watching
TV. In second place comes the Philippines (21 hours) and in third place, Egypt (20.9
hours), famous for its never-ending soap opera.
© Party
It‟s impossible to say who parties the most, but Brazil‟s annual carnival makes it a

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1: My time - 29

good choice. Some of the best cities for partying include Bangkok (friendly people,
great nightclubs), Berlin (live music scene), and the island of Ibiza (dance music).
© Exercising
The biggest exercisers are people from Greece and Estonia. Over 80 percent of
people in those countries exercise regularly. In both countries, football and the
Olympic sports are the most popular, but Estonia has one very special game: ice
Who spends the most time on the internet?

What is the world‟s most popular sport?

Who spends the most time outdoors?

Which country has the most bars per person?

Which country has the most popular galleries and museums?

Which nation watches the most TV?

Which country parties the most?

Who exercises the most?

30 - Lưu Hoang Tri

1D. PRONUNCIATION: Third person -s
I. Put the words with the underlined part into the correct column.
changes finishes goes likes meets
needs watches wears works paints
stays listens write s dances plays
buys blogs bakes studies takes
/s/ /z/ /iz/

Look at the pairs of words. Put a tick (■/) if Word 2 has the same number of
syllables as Word 1. Put a cross (*) if Word 2 has one more syllable.
Word 1 Word 2 Same syllables
bus buses
need needs
watch watches
plan plans
box boxes
like likes
pass passes
key keys
carry carries

• Everyday English
Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
A: Can you use your phone in class? a/ There are some rules in class, b/
We can use it for our study.
A: Nick isn‟t in class now. al He watches TV after dinner.
b/ He‟s in the playground.
A: Do you like eating fast food? a/1 have it, but not often.
b/ Fast food is also junk food. B: a/1
A: Where do you go after school today? go to the sports centre on Sundays.
b/ I‟m going to the park.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1: My time - 31

A: What does your mum often do
in her free time? a/ She listens to music, b/ She‟s
A: Do you often visit your grandparents? cooking special dishes.
a/ Yes, I see them most days, b/
A: Does your granddad have Yes, they live far from us.
something in common with you? a/ Both of US enjoy running, b/
A: Do you write your own blog? All of us like pop music.
a/ Yes, I write about my hobbies,
A: How about coming to the school b/ Yes, I‟ll make one soon.
book show with me this Sunday? a/ Great. I love books.
b/ It often offers many books for
A: Do you collect anything? us to read or buy.
a/ Collecting coins is interesting, b/
I‟ve got a small collection of coins.
• Thinking of things to do
Complete the dialogue with the phrases below.
in science
I think both of Why don‟t
us c. buy a DVD
I don‟t want
How about
How can
Let‟s go
Sue Let‟s do something interesting, Lan.
nothing all day.
Lan to the bookshop. I need to find a book

Sue That‟s a good idea. I need to s too.

Lan we get there?
Sue We can take a bus.
Lan _______________________ we cycle?
Sue Great. A bike ride is a good type of exercise.
having some ice cream after that?
Lan 8 like chocolate ice cream.
Sue That‟s right. Let‟s go now.
Complete the dialogue with the sentences below. There Is one extra that you do
not need.
How about going to the city centre and watch the new film.
Let‟s call some of my friends to play badminton or some games.
c. We can cycle into the city centre - it‟s good for our health. D.
And after watching the film, why don‟t we go for a drink?
Shall we do something after that?

32 - Lưu Hoang Tri

But Ĩ don‟t want to stay at home all day on a Sunday.
That sounds like a good idea.
Nick Hello, Mai. What are you doing tomorrow. It‟s Sunday.
Mai I‟m doing my homework in the morning, and I‟m doing things around the house.
Nick I‟m too. ______________________________________________ . It‟s boring.
Mai What do you want to do?
Nick _________ _ ________ _ ____________ ____________ _ at the park.
Mai _________________________________________ . I think Phong and Lan will
be interested in our suggestion. We can enjoy fresh air and get active.
Nick ____________________________________________Have a drink or go to
the cinema?
Mai _________ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ . It‟s been on
the posters for a few days.
Nick It‟s a new science fiction film. I think it‟s very fantastic.
Mai We ask Phong and Lan‟s opinion. If they say „yes‟, we‟ll do that. 6

Nick Great. We‟ll have time to chat and relax before coming back home. OK. I‟ll phone
them now.

• A profile for a web page

I. Read the model text and answer the questions.
My name‟s Mai. I‟m thirteen years old and I‟m a student at Le Quy Don Middle
School in Ho Chi Minh City.
I like sport, especially football and badminton. My favourite football player is Kylian
Mbappé. My friends love basketball, but I hate it. My other interests are music and
chatting on the internet. I‟m really into pop music, but I haven‟t got a favourite
What about you? Have you got any hobbies or interests? Please write and send a
photo if you‟ve got one.
Bye for now,
1. Who is the email to?
a. Mai b. Mai‟s classmate c. a student at a different school
What is the purpose of the email?

Is this email formal or informal?

Which paragraph asks the reader questions?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1: My time - 33

Which paragraph is about Mai‟s interests?

Which paragraph introduces Mai?

Read the profile and answer the questions.

12 years old
Viet Nam
About me
Hi, I‟m Mai and I‟m from Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. I‟m usually happy, and I‟m
sympathetic with other people. I‟ve got brown eyes and black hair.
Likes and dislikes:
I‟m really into music, especially K-pop bands like Pinkblack and Twice. I‟m not mad
about reading novels, but I‟m a big fan of comic books.
My free time:
I love surfing the internet. I don‟t mind texting, but I prefer talking to my friends on the
phone. I like reading magazines and music blogs.
I really want to meet somebody 12-16 years old, but nobody over 16, please. I‟m not
bothered about your nationality, but I want somebody who enjoys chatting on instant
What adjectives describe Mai‟s character?

What does she like?

What does she read in her free time?

How does she want to communicate?

Complete the internet profile with the words below.
prefer mind mad keen into fan
Thoa ■ 13 years old ■ Viet Nam
About me
Hi, I‟m Thoa and I‟m from Can Tho in Viet Nam. I‟ve got brown eyes and long,
black hair.
Likes and dislikes
1 2
I‟m ______ _____ films, especially animated films. I‟m a big _________ _____ of
the young Vietnamese film directors. I‟m not ________________ about listening to

34 - Lưu Hoang Tri

the radio, but I use my iPhone to listen to music.
My free time
I‟m very 4 _____________ on surfing the internet. I‟ve got my own website and
blog, and I‟m really into it. I spend hours on the internet every day. I 5 my using
laptop, because my brother always uses our desktop computer at home.

I want to meet someone of similar age to me. I don‟t ____________________ _ where
you‟re from, but I want to practice my English, please.
IV. Read the notes about Orlando Bloom. Then complete the text.
Fact file
Name: Orlando Bloom
From: Canterbury, UK
Family: a sister, Samantha
Pets: two dogs, Essa and Sidi
Hobbies: surfing, snowboarding
Not interested in: computers, the internet
Favourite actors: JohnnyDepp, Brad Pitt
Favourite food: pizza and pasta
All about Orlando ...
Orlando Bloom is a famous actor and he‟s in the film Pirates of the Caribbean. Orlando
has got a lot of fans in different countries. __________________________________ ,
a small city in the UK. ____________________ and her name‟s Samantha.
He‟s mad about animals and __________ _______________ ■ Their names are Essa
and Sidi. He‟s also into sport - he likes ___________________________________ , but
_____________________ computers or chatting to people on the internet. He
prefers meeting his friends in a café.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1: My time - 35

At home, Orlando likes watching films or DVDs - his favourite actors are __________
He likes Italian restaurants and he usually prefers ____________________________ .
V. Read the profile and do the tasks.
12 years old
United Kingdom
1- —_______— '7^ '7' /r
Hi, I‟m Jane and I‟m from Manchester, England. I‟m usually happy, but I‟m not
always tidy. I‟ve got blue eyes and blonde hair.
2. . : ••'77'
I‟m really interested in music, especially Evanescence and Panic at the Disco. I‟m
not very fond of reading novels, but I‟m a big fan of manga - Japanese comic books.
I love Japanese things, too.
__ _______________ 7__
I love surfing the internet. I don‟t mind texting, but I prefer talking to my friends on
the phone. I like reading magazines and music blogs.
_____________________ _
I really want to meet somebody 12-16 years old, but nobody over 16, please. I don‟t
care about your nationality, but I want somebody who enjoys chatting on Zalo and
Task 1. Match the headings a-d to the paragraphs 1-4.
a. Requests b. My free time c. About me d. Likes and dislikes Task 2. Answer the
What adjectives describe Jane‟s character?

What does she like?

What does she read in her free time?

How does she want to communicate?

VI. Read the information about Riaan and complete the description.
Name: Riaan
Age: 12
Character: quiet, friendly
Likes: football volleyball V, shopping *

36 - Lliu Hoang Tri

Habits: plays football and reads manga comics
Buys: football magazines
Wants to meet: someone aged 12-16
Speaks: English, Spanish and French
Wants to learn: German and how to play the guitar
My friend‟s name is Riaan and ___________________ twelve years old. Riaan is
2 _____ __________ , but friendly. 3 football and volleyball, but he _______ __________
shopping. He often s football and 6 ______________ manga comics, and he spends his
money on 7 _____ .
He wants to chat with 8 ________ _ 12-16, and he speaks ______________________
________________ . He wants to 10 _____________________ German and
howto 11

Complete the sentences with the words given below.
go make meet paint
watch use draw listening
We sometimes wait to _________________ the sunset.
Mai, come and _____ ___________ my sister.
I love _______________ to classical music.
She asked the little girl to _______________ a picture of the man she spoke to.
Let‟s ________________ for a swim.
What colours did you __________________ the gate?
I‟m going to show you how to __________________ a box for your things.
Can we ______________ a dictionary in the test?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of a suitable verb (affirmative: s or
negative: X).
Alex ___________________ films at the cinema in the town centre. X
My sister _____________________ postcards. She‟s got 150! J
We ____________________ the internet at a café. It‟s too expensiv e. X
Tom ___________________ swimming at the weekends, s
Mike ___________________ his friends after school.
_________________ ____ (Sara) photos on her mobile phone?
I _____________________ my guitar. I find it boring. *

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1_REVIEW - 37

_________________________ (your parents) to the radio?

Complete the sentences with the words given below.

chatting sport watching photography
meeting music cycling
Jack is into __________________ , especially football.
I love __________________ on the internet with my friends.
Jessica likes _______________ ■ She‟s got a new bike.
He‟s got a camera. He‟s mad about ___________________ .
We hate __________________ TV. It‟s boring.
I like __________________ my friends in the school canteen.
She isn‟t interested in ___________________ and she really hates hip hop.

IV. Choose the correct answers.

I‟ve got DVDs by Leona Lewis and Beyonce. They‟re really good__________ .
a. players b. singers c. actors d. directors
He‟s mad about music. He‟s in a hip hop _________ .
a. match b. team c. group d.
3. Our school has got a _________ on the internet.
a. website b. mouse c. email d. direc tor
4. She likes ______ films. Star Wars is her favourite.
a. classical b. hip hop c. sciencefiction d. match
5. The football _______ is on Saturday.
a. group b. match c. player d. camer a
6. I‟ve got _______ from my friend.
a. an email b. a website c. a programme d. a mouse
Language focus
Complete the sentences using the present simple form of the verbs in
1. I ___________ swimming, (not go)
2. We _____ DVDs in English, (watch)
3. He _______ things, (collect)
4. She _________ ________ the internet in the evening, (not surf)
5. You ________ _________ friends after school, (not meet)
6. They ________ _________ to pop music, (listen)
VI. Make present simple sentences.
he / not play I the guitar

my brother / study / English and French / at school

I / go / cycling / my free time

38 - Lưu Hoang Tri

we / not carry / our mobile phone to school

my sister / finish / her homework before bedtime

my dog / not like / swimming

VII. Choose the correct words, and then answer the questions.
Do / Does you watch a lot of DVDs?
Do I Are you study English at school?
Mike listens to / Does Mike listen to the radio?
Do / Does your mum surf the internet in the evening?
Does your dad like / likes coffee?
Do I Does your friends play football?

VIII. Write present simple questions. Then write true short answers.
you / like / pop music?

your teacher / use / a laptop in class?

you / live / a big city?

what languages / you / study / at school?

when / you / arrive / school / every morning?

when / you / go to bed?

Reading :-•< : ;; ; < j <

IX. Read the text, and answer the questions.
Stop wasting time!
Many of US find it difficult to concentrate on a Saturday, so it‟s no surprise that nearly
half of US waste our time at work on a Saturday afternoon by looking up funny news
articles on the internet, watching silly videos, or planning our next holiday. But
unfortunately the problem isn‟t just a Saturday problem. People are wasting more and
more time being distracted by the internet and social network when they should be
studying or working. A report has shown how computer users waste up to eight days in a
month on the internet. Most of the people who were questioned said they were distracted

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 1_REVIEW - 39

„all or most of the time‟ when they study o r work online. The study showed that the
internet can be bad for relationships too, as people argue with their partners who spend
too much time in front of their computers or mobile device. Luckily, there is a simple
answer to the problem: get off the internet and get on with life.
What is the problem with Saturday afternoons?

What kind of distractions does the text talk about?

How much time do people waste not working?

Why is the internet bad for relationships?

Read the text, and then do the following tasks.

Free time = screen time?
With computers and TVs in their bedrooms, and the internet on their mobile phones, do
today‟s young people spend all of their free time looking at a screen?
1. __________________ ? ; .
A lot of parents worry about their children watching TV and playing computer games.
Some think that computer games stop their children doing sports, making new friends or
doing homework.
2. _______________ _______ _____■ . .

Computers are part of everyday life. As well as playing computer games, teenagers use
computers in their free time to buy music, watch films or go on social-networking sites.
However, computers don‟t control teenagers‟ lives. In fact, a recent study about European
children says that going online isn‟t the favourite activity for many teenagers - only 22%
are really fond of it. About the

40 - Lưu Hoang Tri

same number - 20% - prefer watching TV. However, over 40% of teenagers say their
favourite activity is meeting friends.
__________________ : ____________ _ : ;
Almost half of all European teenagers say sport is their favourite activity. They like to go
cycling, go walking, go swimming, or they play team games, such as football?
4. -; ; ■
Reading - books, magazines, blogs - is the favourite activity of a quarter of teenagers.
Many teenagers enjoy mus ic. About 60% love listening to music and about 5% can sing
or play an instrument.
____________ __
For some teenagers, computers and TV are very important. But most teenagers spend their
free time doing different activities. So, their parents don‟t need to panic!
Task 1. Match headings A-E to paragraphs 1-5.
Sport is popular, too.
Do computers control teenagers‟ lives? c.
A good mix
What other activities do teenagers like?
parents‟ worries.
Task 2. Read the text again and choose the correct answers.
Many parents _______.
don‟t want their children to use computers
think their children are only interested in computers and TV
worry about teenagers making friends on the internet
think computers help teenagers with homework
What is over 40% of teenagers‟ favourite activity?
a. using the internet b. watching TV
c. meeting friends d. watching films
3. What do almost 50% of teenagers like?
a. reading b. sport c. walking d. meeting friends
4. Many teenagers ______ .
a. play an instru m e nt b. sing
c. buy music online d. listen to music
5. Most teenagers _______ .
a. don‟t often do their homework b. do lots of activitie s in their free time d.
c. watch TV with their parents only spend time on their computers
The writer of the text thinks
computers control teenagers‟ lives

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp ‘ REVIEW - 41

computers can teach children a lot
teenagers have a good mix of using computers and doing other activities
people can‟t live without computers
XI. Complete the dialogue with the phrases I clauses below. There is one extra that
you do not need.
Shall we go cycling in the park?
How about having a drink or some ice cream after
that? c. my bike needs repairing
We can go to the shopping centre, too.
I think we can make a decision
Nothing much
Let‟s invite Quan
How about you?
Let‟s go swimming instead
Rob What are you doing today? It‟s a Sunday.
Phong __________________________ I did all my homework yesterday, and I
think I‟ll watch TV, or do something else. __________________________
Rob I don‟t want to stay at home all day. ___________________________________
Phong I‟d like to, but ______________________________ , and my dad‟s going to
do it today.
Rob It‟s OK. __________________________________________ . It‟s so hot today.
Phong That sounds like a good idea. _____________________________ . I think he‟s
interested too.
Rob OK. ______________ _______________________ < - - : -
Phong Great. _____________________________________ when Quan comes here.
Rob Right. I‟ll call him now.
XII. Complete the internet profile with the words given below.
mind interested prefer love spend fan
• Lenka *12 years old • Russia
Hi, I‟m Lenka and I‟m from Moscow in Russia. I‟ve got green eyes and long, blonde
hair. I (1) _________ films, especially animated films. I‟m a big (2) ___________
of the film directors Tim Burton and Henry Selick. I‟m not (3) __________________ in
listening to radio, but I use my MP3 player all the time.
I (4) _________ hours surfing the internet. I‟ve got my own website and
blog. I (5) ________________ using my laptop because my brother always uses our
desktop computer at home.
I want to meet someone of a similar age to me. I don‟t (6) _________________ where

42 - Lưu Hoang Tri

you‟re from, but I want to practise my English, please.


• Communication
I. Complete the sentences with the verbs given below.
organise know send surf download
I _______________ the internet to find new games.
My mobile phone helps me to ___ _________ __ my time.
I often ___________ __ music from the internet.
I ________ ■ _____ a really good site for sharing photos.
My friends _________________ me text messages every day.

Complete the sentences with the word given below.

download online games posted engines
email website blog message
Have you received a(n) ________________ from your brother?
Can you help me ________________ this music?
Do you _______________ people or send emails?
I‟ve created a _______________ and friends can leave comments on it.
My sister plays ______________ all the time.
A friend _____ _________ a message on my blog.
What search ________________ do you use?
I posted photos of my dog on my personal _____________ ■
Complete the sentences with the word given below.
webpage webcam messaging post conversations online games shared
Where do you ________________ messages?
Who created your personal ___ ___________ ?
Have you ever _______________ files?
My mum never uses a(n) ___________ _____ .
I have face-to-face ________________ with people all the time.
6. I love instant __________ .

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 2: Communication - 43

7. I never play ________________ .
IV. Use the words given to write the questions with ‘How often’ and answers.
Example: your computer / crash / not often
How often does your computer crash? — It doesn’t often crash.
you / chat online / not often

she / write in her blog / sometimes

your friends / check their emails / usually

Leo and Vicky / post photos online / often

your parents / send you text messages / every day • On the phone
V. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
ringtone dials a speakerphone a text message
voicemail speak up engaged hang up
She rang her father, but his phone was ___________________ .
He showed her _____________ ___ sent by Emily asking about the trip.
You can change your favourite songs into your mobile ____________________ .
When you say goodbye to someone on the phone, you can ___________________ .
She _________________ his home phone and leaves a short message on his
answering machine.
When he gets home, he always checks his ___________________ .
You can use your phone without holding it when it has _____ _____________ .
Could you ___________________ ? My room is a bit noisy and I can‟t hear
you on the phone.

Vocabulary plus
VI. Complete the sentences with the words below.
fun funny international face-to-face
useful popular colourful creative
The tips on the website are __________________ for inserting ernojis in your
This job is so boring. I wish I could do something more _____________________ .
The garden was full of __________________ and fascinating flowers.
English is considered the _____________ ______ language in the world.
Do you remember any ___ ______________ stories about work - they make us
laugh a lot?

44 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Try cycling - it‟s a really ___________________ sport.
We've spoken on the phone but never _____________________ .
Hoi An is one of Viet Nam‟s most _____________________ tourist destinations.

Present continuous: affirmative and negative

Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
We __________________ (do) the washing-up now.
Rita __________________ (not clean) the floor at the moment.
My brother __________________ (tidy) his bedroom.
Paul _________________ (sit) on a chair next to the window.
My dad ___________ ______ (eat) lunch in a café near his office.
Mai and Lan _________________ (not make) dinner now.

Rewrite the sentences using the negative form.

Example: We‟re reading a magazine. We aren ’t reading a magazine.
Marta is having a shower. __ _________________________________________
You‟re listening to me. _____ ________________________________________
We‟re watching TV. _______ _____________________ ___________________
They‟re doing the washing-up. _________________________________________
I‟m tidying the kitchen. ________ _____________________________________
He‟s spending a lot of money at the shops. _______________________________
III. Complete the sentences using the present continuous form of the verbs given
surf sleep study have wash read wash
My family is in the kitchen. They ____________________ breakfast.
I‟m at my desk. I __ _______________ for my exam tomorrow.
My grandmother is in bed. She ___ _______________ .
My grandfather is in the bedroom. He ____________________ a newspaper.
5. Danny is in the living room. He _______ ___________ TV.
6. My sister is in the bathro om . She ____ __ _____________ her hands and face.
7. Phong and Mai are on the computer. They ___________ the intern et.
IV. Write affirmative and negative sentences using the present continuous.
Anna / not work / on the computer / play a game

you / not listen to the teacher / talk

I / send a text on my mobile phone / not make a call

Mai / not sit in her chair / run to the door

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 2: Communication - 45
we / read a magazine / not do our homework

Nick and Mary / eat some biscuits / not study

Write affirmative and negative sentences using the present continuous.

our teacher / use / the internet / at the moment V

I / post / a message / now X

she / look at / my blog / at present X

I / visit / a music website / now V

my friend / change / his email address / at the moment V

we / download / that programme / now *

• Present continuous: questions

VI. Order the words to make questions.
learning /why / you / English / are?

are / working / your parents?

talking / your teacher / to / who is?

the lesson / enjoying / are / you?

doing / your parents / are / what?

on a sofa / your grandparents / sitting / are?

VII. Write questions using the present continuous. Then complete the short

your brother / sit / under the tree

________ / ?

46 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Yes, ______________ _
we / write / in French
_____ ____________ _ ________ ____________ ?
they / buy / a new bookcase
______________________ _ ___________ ?
Yes, ___________ ■
you / use / the washing machine
; _______________________ ?
n^YeSy ; ■■ ■y> \: . c
she / play badminton / near the house
VIII. Write questions and answers using the present continuous and the words in
What / Tom / listen to ? (pop music)

Where / Anna and Peter / sit? (on the sofa)

What / Kelly / wear? (a T-shirt and blue jeans)

they / watch TV? X (a DVD)

Sue / write / a text message? V

Present simple and present continuous

IX. Choose the correct words.
Where‟s Mai? - She is making / makes breakfast in the kitchen.
Paul isn‟t playing / doesn‟t play football every day.
They are cleaning I clean the house on Saturday mornings.
I‟m busy at the moment. I am doing / do the ironing.
My teacher is going / goes to Ha Noi every summer.
Come in and sit down. We are watching / watch a great film.
X. Complete the sentences using the present simple or present continuous form of
the verbs.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 2: Communication - 47

They always _________________ (walk) to school at 6.30.
Are you __________________ (have) lunch now?
Anna and Tom _________________ (clear) the table now.
Tom ________________ (make) his bed every morning.
When ______ Kate usually _______ ____________ (tidy) her room?
Susan ___________ (do) her homework at the moment, so she can‟t come out.
XI. Complete the letter with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Hi, Clara! How are you? I ___________ ________ (1. have) a fantastic holiday in
France and we ________________ (2. stay) in a nice new hotel. It‟s really hot today
and I _____ ____ ____ (3. sit) under a big tree at the moment!
We __ _____________ (4. visit) the same village every year and we usually
_______________ (5. go) to the same restaurant every night. My dad always (6. have)
traditional French food for dinner, but 1
. _______ (7. not like) it -1 prefer pizza!
What ______________________ (8. you / do) now?
See you soon,

XII. Complete the telephone conversation with the present simple or present
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Sue: Hello,
Anna: Hi, Sue, What ________ _____________ (1. you / do) at the moment?
Sue: I ( Celebrities Tours on TV. It‟s about
famous people‟s houses and cars.
Anna: I ______ (3. love) that programme. I usually __________________ (
it every week.
Sue: The presenter ________ _________ (5. look) at Beyonce‟s car at the
moment. She usually _ ____________ (6. drive) a 1959 Rolls Royce.
Have a look!
Anna: I can‟t. My parents ____ _______________ (7. watch) something different.
Sue: No, no!
XIII. Complete the dialogue. Use the present simple or present continuous form of
the verbs in brackets.
Phong So, ;; _(you / enjoy) the party?
Nick Yes, it‟s really good.
Phong Hey. 1 _(like) your shoes, Nick. They‟re cool.
Nick Thanks. They hurt my feet, though. That‟s why I
(not dance). You (wear) trainers. They‟re much better
for dancing.
Mai Hey, you two. ______ __________ (you / want) to dance?

48 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Nick No, thanks, Mai. Phong, you go ahead and dance.
Phong Uh, no thanks.
Mai But you ___________ ___ _(love) dancing, Nick.
Nick Yes, but I _________ _______ (not like) this band.
8 9
Phong Really? I _______ __ (love) them. Actually, I (go) to
see them next month and I‟ve got a spare ticket. Do you want to
come, Mai?
Mai Yes, please!
XIV. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs below. Use the
present simple or present continuous.
not eat be wait know work wear play
a/ It takes him ten minutes to get to work.
bZ1 know. His house _________________ far from the office.
aZ Isn‟t you uncle an actor?
bZ Yes, but at the moment he _________________ in a restaurant.
a/ What is all that noise? I‟m trying to work.
bZ1________________ with the children.
a/ What ______________ you _____________ about the new software
bZ The new software programme? Absolutely nothing.
5. a/ Why _____________ you __________ that jacket in the office? It‟s really
bZ Because I‟m cold.
aZ Would you like some beef?
bZ No, thanks. I _________________ meat. I‟m a vegetarian.
aZ Why are you standing there?
bZ1_______ _ ______ for a bus.

XV. Which verb can you use for aZ and bZ in each question. Put each verb into
the present simple or present continuous.
aZ Don‟t switch off the TV! I _________________ it.
bZ I love that programme. I ________ __ it every week.
aZ Can you call me back later? I __________________ my homework.
bZ I try to keep fit. I __________ ______ yoga and aerobics every day.
aZ I love football, but I _________________ badly.
bZ Sorry, I can‟t hear you because my sister ___________________ the piano.
aZ I _______________ about twenty text messages a day, usually to friends.
bZ She _____________ __ a book. It will be published next year.
aZ Daddy can t come home now. He ____ _____________ late at the office.
bZ Usually he __________________ from 8 a.m. to 5 p .m. from Monday to
aZ I like to spend time with friends. That‟s what __________________ me happy.
bZ I _______________ some coffee. Do you want some?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 2: Communication - 49

aZ She loves the school. She __________________ a lot of friends there. bZ
Jane _________________some problems with her laptop. Can you check
aZ He only met his real father last month. They ____________ _ to know
each other now.
bZ In the UK, about 50 percent of married couples ________________ divorced.
a/ She always __________________ a book to her son before he goes to bed.
b/1 _________________ his new book at the moment. It‟s really good.
a/ Hi, Tim! I‟m in town for a week. I ___________________ an old friend.
b/ When we go to Ho Chi Minh City, we usually _________ ________ the City

I. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn‟t say).
Texting Teens
Recent surveys show a dramatic increase in the amount of texting by teenagers. One
survey says that more than 66% of teenagers own a mobile, and they send about 190 texts
per week! Some teenagers send hundreds of texts a day. In fact, many teenagers spend so
much time texting, they can‟t imagine life without their mobile.
So why do teenagers like texting? What makes it better than phone calls? Many teens say
that texting is easier, faster and more fun. Texts are private - they can send texts during
class time and no one can hear what they‟re saying. Texts are cheaper - on a lot of
phones, and you can have unlimited texts: it makes no difference if you send one text or a
hundred texts, the cost is the same.
Teenagers also say that texting is the best way to stay in touch with friends. They don‟t
feel lonely or sad because they can talk to their friends any time. It‟s nice to get texts
from friends, and it helps them feel relaxed if they are nervous or depressed. But texting
has a negative side too. Too much texting can make your thumbs hurt!
1. Teenagers are texting more than before. ___________
Some teenagers send a hundred texts per hour. _____________________
Many teenagers have problems without their phone. ________________
4. Teenagers often send texts to their parents. ___________
5. Teenagers have very high phone bills. ___________
6. Texting makes teenagers feel happy. ___________

II. Read the text, and then answer the questions.

Emojis, smiley faces, hearts, winking eyes, were created in 1998 by Shigetaka Kurita, an
engineer at the Japanese phone company, NTT Docomo. His job was to create a way for
customers to communicating using icons. His efforts resulted in the creation of 176 icons,
which he called “emojis” coming from two Japanese words “e” (picture) and “moji”

50 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Today there are more than 1,800 emojis. Emojis usually don‟t have any labels, so their
meaning is up to those who use them. Emojis can serve as a social media status marker.
Scientific studies reveal that when people look at a smiley face online, they have the same
feeling when they look at a real human face.
People can remember what they read more easily thanks to emojis. People in offices say
that if negative feedback from a boss goes with positive emojis, employees don‟t feel bad
about the message.
When were the first emoj is?

What was Kurita‟s job?

What does the word “emoji” come from?

What do people feel when they look at a smiley face online?

Are emojis good for our memory? Why?

How can emojis make our office more friendly?

III. Read the text, and then do the following tasks.

Trapped in the net
1. ____________ :
Jenny Foxton is a secondary student, but she‟s also got another life. She spends all
night on the net. Every night she turns on her laptop and visits a virtual world called
Habbo, where users can create avatars, rooms and communities. Jenny‟s avatar buys
clothes and also furniture for her room, using virtual money. When she isn‟t buying
virtual things, her avatar moves from place to place, chatting to some of the millions of
people who join Habbo in the UK.
2. ____________ : w/ ị:<
Tom Dobson‟s life on the internet is different, but also very time-consuming and
obsessive. At two or three o‟clock in the morning, Tom is often fighting b attles with
ogres on his computer. Tom hasn‟t slept. His mother made him a sandwich seven
hours ago, but he hasn‟t eaten it. He‟s one of eleven million people who play World of
Warcraft online. His battle continues ...

3. N
It can be cool to blog, chat, or play games online, but when you‟ve been on the
Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 2: Communication - 51
internet forty-eight hours non-stop, or more than a hundred hours a week, your idea of
reality changes. This can happen to real addicts, who often feel tired, depressed, and
isolated. Most people use the internet sensibly, but between five and ten per cent of
internet users are addicted to the web and psychologists now recognize this as a
4. _______ Ạ :
Internet addiction has ruined people‟s education, relationships and careers. It‟s now
one of the main reasons why university students fail. If you spend more time online
than offline, maybe it‟s time to come back to real life and find some help. There are
clinics, advice and cures if you‟ve got a problem. And a lot of them are online, of
Task 1. Match the headings a-e with the paragraphs 1-4. There is one heading that
you do not need.
Online gamer
Do something about it
Stolen identity
A new identity
Serious symptoms
Task 2. Complete the summary of the text with six of the words given below.
play games messages psychologists internet
chat rooms real virtual online
This text describes two people‟s experience of the (1) _____________________ . Jenny
spends time in a (2) ________________ community while Tom (3) ________________
online. These days some people spend more time in (4) ____________________ and on
game sites than with their (5) __________________ friends. It‟s a problem which
______________ have now identified and which they can treat.
Task 3. Find the nouns in the text that go with these verbs.
Example: turn on - laptop
1. fight _________________ 2. use _________________ 3. play _______________
recognize _____________ 5. ruin _________________ 6. spend _______________
IV. Read the text, and do the following tasks.
Teen Second Life
Jan Hofman has never scored less than 80% in an English test and his spoken English is
amazing. But Jan doesn‟t have extra English classes at school and he doesn‟t read an
English dictionary. In fact, Jan spends at least three hours a day

52 - Lưu Hoang Tri

playing a game online. What‟s his secret? Why is Jan so brilliant at English? His secret is
TSL — Teen Second Life.
TSL is a virtual world for thirteen to seventeen-year-olds and it‟s free to join. In TSL,
teenagers from around the world have their own avatar.
Avatars can go shopping and spend money - „Linden dollars‟
- in the shops. They can make friends and play sports. They
can even join a band and play music!
How has TSL helped Jan Hofman to improve his English?
„There are a lot of places in TSL where you can improve your
English,‟ explains Jan. „The British Council has got a special
island in TSL and I‟ve spent most of my time there. They
don‟t give English lessons, but there are games and
competitions in English. I also like the Global Kids Island, where I learn a lot about social
and world problems, all in English. The best thing about ESL is simply chatting. I love
messaging players from other countries. I think anyone who wants to practise their
English should log onto TSL!‟
Task 1. Choose the correct answers.
Jan Hofman‟s English is _____ .
a. very good b. OK c. really bad
Jan Hofman .
reads dictionaries
has extra English lessons
plays a game online
3. TSL is __ ___ . ; : ;
a. a school b. a dictionary c. a game
TSL has helped Jan to _______ .
a. practise English b. learn about England c. spend money
Jan enters competitions on the _______ island.
a. British Council‟s b. Global Kids c. Linden
TSL is a good place to _______ .
play computer games
communicate in Englis h
discuss the world‟s problems
Task 2. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.
Does Jan spend a long time online?

How much does it cost to join TSL?

53 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

Who can join TSL?

What can avatars do in TSL?

What does Jan do on the Global Kids Island?

What has Jan enjoyed most about TSL?

Who does Jan chat with?

Task 3. Finds the words in the text and match them with their meanings.
score______ a. very good
brilliant____________ b. about society
social____________ c. to get better at something
avatar____________ d. to get points
improve____________ e. online character
I. Put the words with the underlined part into the correct column.
square now like OK
photo town go guv wear about
chair mind hair pair thousa nd
/ao/ /eo/ /ai/ /ao/

II. Put the words with the underlined part into the correct column.
emoticon face idea poster great
dear play cheerful toy tomorrow
coin social near laỵ boil
/ei/ " /ai/ /ia/ /ao/

54 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Write the correct diphthong next to each sentence below. Practise saying them.
1. She‟s got fair hair. ______________
2. He‟s quite shy. ______________
3. Our house is in town. ______________
4. We don‟t know. ______________
Do you mind looking to the sky? ______ ____________
6. There is a theatre near here. _ 2E. SPEAKING
Everyday English
Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
A: What do you do on your
friend‟s birthday?

A: Do you often write instant messages?

a/1 often say „Happy Birthday‟
to my friend on social media, bz1 try
A: How do you speak to your grandma?
to remember their birthdays.
a/ No, I prefer phoning.
A: Do you go on social media every day?
b/ No, I don‟t know emoticons.
a/ We often speak to each other. bZ
A: I think my ringtone is boring. We speak on Viber.
a/ My brother often goes on it. bz
A: Do you often use emojis? Not often, we only use it for our study.
aZ Find another on your phone. bZ
A: Do you prefer to text or talk? Go to the shop and get one.
aZ Yes, to show my feelings. bZ
A: Do you post comments online Yes, to say „yes‟ to someone.
in English? aZ Of course.
A: Is the landline still popular? bZ It depends, I think.
aZ No, I never use slang. bZ
A: What social network do you use? Yes, with my English friends.
aZ Mobile calls become cheaper.
bZ Offices often use it, I think.
• Making plans over the phone aZ I use Facebook.
Complete the dialogue with the phrases bZ There are millions of
below. There is one extra that you do Facebook users in Viet Nam.
not need.
A. I‟m waiting to chat with

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 2: Communication - 55

B. It‟s OK
c. I can‟t right now
Text me
if you‟re free
I can make it at four.
Nothing special
Phong Hello, Nick.
Nick Hi, Phong. It‟s me, Nick.
Phong I phone you to see _______________________________ this afternoon.
Nick What are you going to do this afternoon?
Phong We‟re thinking of a football match with the next class, Class 7B. We think you‟re
a good goalkeeper.
Nick Sorry. ____________ _ ________________________.
Phong Why? What are you doing now?
Nick _____________________________ . I‟m doing my homework, and
____________________ my grandparents in the USA on Viber. What
time‟s the match?
Phong It‟s at three o‟clock. __________________________- next time, perhaps.
Nick Right. __________________________ when you finish the match - to win
or lose is not important.
Phong Sure. See you later.
Nick Bye.

• A report on a survey
Read the results of the survey and complete the report using the information
only a few everybody nobody half of the group
a few more than half nearly everybody

given and the phrases below.

Survey on favourite TV programmes
Quiz shows 18/20
{Road to Olympia, Ring the Golden Bell on VTV)
Fashion shows 07/20
Football matches 10/20
Football matches (with Viet Nam) 20/20
Game shows 15/20
National news 05/20
Talk shows 00/20
Survey on favourite TV programmes: Report

56 - Lưu Hoang Tri

These are the results of our survey on what TV programmes students watch in their free
time. The results are from interviews with twenty s tudents both male and female.
_____________ _____ in the group watches quiz shows, like Road to Olympia
or Ring the Golden Bell on VTV, and _______________________ , all female, watch
fashion shows.
_________________ watch football matches because football is the most
popular sport in Viet Nam. When football matches are with Viet Nam,
_________________ in the group watch them.
5 _________________ of the group watch game shows. However,

___________ _ watch the news programmes. ' ___________________________ in

the group watch talk shows because they are not interested in these programmes.

I. Complete the questions with the words given below.
use play log email create
join downloa d post send share
Are you well-connected?
1. Do you _____ __ __ _ _____ people in another country?
2. Do you _________ _____ music or films from the internet?
Do you __________ _____ music or film files with people on the internet?
Do you __________ _____ a social networking site like Facebook or Twitter?
Do you __________ _____ a message on a message board?
Do you __________ _____ a blog or a personal webpage?
7. Do you _________ _____ games with people online?
8. Do you _______ _ _____ an email attachment?
9. Do you _________ ______ a search engine to help you search answers to your
Do you _________ _____ onto a chat room recently?
II. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
blog email search use
send download create post
I _______________ my friends all the time.
Did he _______________ his personal webpage?
Let‟s ______________ _ a message about this game.
I can _____ __________ it as an email attachment.
When do you _______________ your webcam?
Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 2: Communication - 57
Let‟s _____ __________ for that information on Wikipedia.
I _______________ every day. I‟ve written 270 pages.
I forgot to ________________ the new version of this game.
Language focus
Write the verbs in brackets in the correct present simple or present continuous
We ______ __________ (finish) school early on Fridays.
We _________________ (visit) our cousins next weekend.
My brother _________________ (not use) the computer at the moment.
Jane ____________ (not like) making her bed.
________________ (you / study) for .the exam now?
6. They _ _____________ _(get up) late tomorrow morning because it‟s Sunday.
________________ (Alice / go) to the gym every day?
You _______________ (write) Arabic from right to left on a page.

IV. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of
the verbs given below.

take not stand not do make clean

Mum dinner.
Dad __________ ______ the dog for a wal
The boy _______ __________ the ironing.
The girl _______ __________ the floor.
The cats on the chair.

Write questions using the present continuous. Then look at the picture in
Exercise IV and write short answers.
Mum / wear I a dress?

the cats I sleep?

58 - Lưu Hoang Tri

the boy / watch I TV?

the children / listen to / music?

the girl / work?

VI. Complete the sentences with the present continuous affirmative (*0 or negative
(X) form of the verbs given below.
finish watch meet make go chat
He ________________ ___ to his friends on the internet. V
I _____________________ Sara today. *
They _____________________ to the museum at the moment. V
We _ _________________ a film on TV. X
Miley Cyrus ____________ ________ _ her new TV show today. X
1 _____________________ my homework now. V

VII. Complete the sentences using the present simple or present continuous form of
the verbs.
1 _________________ (help) at home every day. At the moment, 1
________________ (make) dinner for my family.
Tom always __________________ (make) his bed in the morning, but he
________________ (not tidy) his room.
_______ you ___________ (watch) this film? I _______________ (not enjoy) it.
At the moment, my cousins _____________________ (stay) at our house. They
always _________________ (visit) us in the summer.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 2 _ REVIEW - 59

VIII. Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or the present continuous form
of the verbs.
have not go talk arrive not wear do
I ____________________ to school on Sundays.
They always ________ ____________ at home at six o‟clock.
She _______________ _____ her homework at the moment.
4. What time _ __________ they __ ___________ dinner on Mondays?
It‟s very hot. We ______________________ jackets today.
You‟re on the phone again! _____________ you _________________ to David?

IX. Complete the text with the word given below.
makes feels fights play recognize spends turns on
My cousin - the internet addict
My cousin is an internet addict. He _________ ___________ about 15 hours online
every day. His family are worried. He has changed a lot. They don‟t ______________
_______ him. He doesn‟t eat. His mum __________ ______ _ him sandwiches, but
he leaves them. We invite him to interesting places, but he only wants to
___________ games online.
He has never joined Facebook and he doesn‟t send emails. He just
5 6
___ _______ his computer every afternoon and he ___________________ battles
until late at night. He never talks and I think he _____________________ angry and
depressed, but he doesn‟t think that he‟s an addict. It‟s sad.
X. Read the text, and do the following tasks.

What will our mobile phones be like in the future? They‟ll be a similar size, but they‟ll
probably have special screens that expand. This will make it easier to read documents.
Your phone will also be your identification, such as your passport or driving licence. If
you travel abroad, you won‟t need to take your passport. You‟ll show your phone at
passport control.
Mobile phones today are very different, not just in appearance
(they fit our pockets now), but also in performance. These
devices allow us to multitask. We use them to send text
messages and emails, browse the internet, watch films, listen
to music, take pictures, Mobile phones record videos, play
video games and, of course, make phones.
have changed a lot since the first completely portable mobile phone appeared in 1983.
The DynaTAC 8000X was around 33 cm long and weighed just under one kilogram. You

60 - Lưu Hoang Tri

could store 30 phone numbers in it and its battery gave you an hour of talk time. The
quality of calls wasn‟t very good and you were often cut off while you were talking.
~ ____ D . > ; < ........■ '
As a result, you won‟t be able to live without your mobile phone. If you lose it, you‟ll be
able to contact your supplier and they‟ll deliver a new one the next day. All your data will
already be on it, so you‟ll be able to use it straight away. If someone finds your old
phone, it won‟t be any use to them because you‟ll be able to lock it remotely.
Task 1. Choose the best title for the text.
Electronic devices through the ages
More than just communication
c. Digital entertainment
Task 2. Read the text again, and put the paragraphs in the correct order. Write the
number in each blank.
Task 3. Read the text again, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).
1. You could put the DynaTAC 8000X in your pocket. ________
In the DynaTAC 8000X, you couldn‟t save any telephone number of any
contact. ________
3. Mobile phones look different today. ________
4. They have more than one function. ________
5. Mobile phones will be much smaller in the future. ________
6. In the future, people will still use traditional passports only. ________________
7. It‟ll take a week to get a new mobile of you lose yours. ________
8. There will be a system to protec t your phone from other users. _____ __ __ _ __ __
XI. Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. There is one extra that you do
not need.
Are you interested
by bus
c. the pool near our school
Are you free
another time perhaps
I can‟t right now
I‟ll see you
the sunlight is not very harmful
Mai Hello?
Mia Hi, Mai. It‟s Mia.
Hi, there. _________________________ this afternoon?
Nothing special. I‟m doing my homework.
Mia Well, it‟s hot today. Hoa and I want to go swimming, and we‟re thinking
Mai 2
of you. _________________________________ , Mia?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 2 _ REVIEW - 61

Mai Thank you. When are you going swimming?
It‟s three o‟clock. I think _____________________________ at that time.
_______________________ , but three o‟clock is OK. Where‟s the pool?
Mai 5 6
We go to _____________________ . We can go _____________________ .
Mia Right. I‟ll try to finish my homework as fast as I can. ____________________
at the pool on time.
Mai Great. See you then. Bye!
Mia Bye!

XII. Read the results of the survey and complete the report using the information
given and the phrases below.
What students like and dislike about homework
Have a little homework 10/20
Have more homework at weekends 18/20
Do similar tasks like those in class 08/20
Give the same home w or k to ever y stude nt 03/20
Give more difficult homework to good students 14/20
Give instructions or explanations to homework 20/20
Have punishment for no homework 00/20
more than half everybody only a few half of
nobody less than half most of

Survey on likes and dislikes about homework: Report

These are the results of our survey on what students like and dislike about homework. The
results are from interviews with twenty students.
the students in the group like to have a little homework, but
____________________ the group like to have more homework at weekends.
__________________ of the group like to do similar tasks like those in class.
______ 22 _________ students of the group like teachers give the same homework
to every student. However, _______________________ of the group think that
teachers should give more difficult homework to good students.
_________________ in the group thinks that teacher should give instructions
or explanations to homework, but ___________________________ likes to
have punishment for no homework.

62 - Lưu Hoang Tri

People and places
Choose the correct words.
The Simpsons are enormous / popular cartoon characters in America.
She is clever, cruel / kind, and friendly.
J.K. Rowling was very poor / awful when she wrote the first Harry Potter book.
He‟s very lazy and he is popular I unpopular with the teachers, but his classmates
like him.
J.K. Rowling is now a very poor / rich woman. She‟s a billionaire.
The film was exciting / boring, but the actors were good.
It was brave I awful of you to speak in front of all those people.
Did you find the book useful I useless? It was a good book.
Their house is big and tiny / enormous.
The theme park has many new and alive I exciting rides.

Choose the correct words.

On my first day at school I was very nervous / lucky.
I was in a car accident when I was a baby. But I was OK. I was very lonely / lucky.
I remember a trip to the circus. I didn‟t like it. The clowns were really scary / cute!
I remember my baby brother on the day he was bom. He was very cute / lonely.
I was six. My mum was upset / lucky because I was very scary / naughty.
ố. 1 was at a party, but I didn‟t know anyone. I was naughty / lonely.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 2 _ REVIEW - 63

Complete the adjectives in the sentences.
Susan is u ______ because her close friend isn‟t talking to her.
My sister is n _________ . She doesn‟t listen to Mum.
The baby was sleeping. She was very c ______ .
I‟m sometimes 1 _______ at weekends when I don‟t meet my friends.
David isn _________ because he‟s got an exam tomorrow.
I can‟t sleep for horror films because I find them very s _________.

IV. Look at the picture and complete the text with the words given below.
upset scary nervous naughty lucky lonely cute
This is a photo of my sister Lucy‟s sixth birthday party.
She‟s the girl crying. She was upset because her friend,
Harry, pulled her hair. He was very 1

64 - Lưu Hoang Tri

VI. Look at the pictures and choose the correct verbs. Then write the past simple

1. get / have married 2. grow I go to school

3. move / do an exam 4. leave / win a competition

have / leave home

7. be / get bom 8. leave / become school


go be leave become get move

VII. Complete the sentences using rhe past simple form of the words given below.
Angelina Jolie _ _ ______ bom on 4 June 1975.
Her family ____ _____ to Los Angeles when Jolie was 11.
She When she was 16, she ______________ home for the first time.
She _______ _____ really famous with the film Girl, Interru pted
in 1999.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 3: The past - 65
She _____________ married to two different men before she met Brad Pitt.

Vocabulary plus
VIII. Choose the correct words.
The model / museum / trip has an extensive collection of early photographs.
The town has a number of interesting public exhibitions / collections / buildings,
including the old town hall.
Our school is having an exhibition / a collection I a building of the students‟
work in April.
All of their buildings I collectors / exhibits on display are in very good condition.
That site in the Carson National Forest is rich in dinosaur / building /
exhibition bones.
When children build dinosaurs / models / museums, they can learn about design
and construction.
She has an extensive collection I collector I exhibit of Chinese vases.
The painting was bought by a private collection / collector I model.

was, were
Write sentences in the past.
Example: Mai is my best friend. —» Mai was my best friend.
That film is really interesting.

My baby brothers are naughty at bedtime.

Is Mai at school? - No, she isn‟t.

I‟m not happy about moving house.

Who is the owner of that bike?

66 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Complete the sentences using the correct form of was and were.
The football World Cup ____________ in 2018.
Barack Obama _____________ US President in 2009.
Michael Jackson ___________ an American singer.
DVDs ____________ popular in 1980.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart _____________ in the Twilight films.
My brother ____________ at school in 2011.
Complete the sentences and questions with was, were, wasn’t, or weren’t.
1. We were at the same school, but we _________ in the same class.
The concert ____________ fun. It wasn‟t boring.
I ___________ in the kitchen. I was in my bedroom.
____________ she your teacher? - No, she ______________ .
Where ____________ you yesterday? - We _______________ at home.
My sister ______________ at the party. She was at work.
IV. Order the words to make sentences and questions with was and were.
at / yesterday / Phong / school / wasn‟t

late / you / were / school / for / ?

good / football / they / very / at / weren‟t

June / thirteen / 1 / Lan / on / was

were / my / doctors / grandparents

your / school / a student / at this / sister / was / ?

_______________ your favourite toy when you were young?
_______________ the last birthday in your family?
_________ _____ you yesterday morning?
there was, there were
VI. Complete the sentences with there was or there were.
________________ some good actors in the film.
_________ _____ a concert at school yesterday.
____ __________ a good film on TV last night.
_______________ some scientists at this school in the past.
_______________ a football match after school yesterday.
VII. Complete the sentences with there was, there wasn’t, there were or there weren
67 - Lưu Hoàng Trí
Example: There were a lot of people at my birthday party. J
________________ some rice for dinner, J
_______________ any chips. *
_______________ any music in the DVD player. X
_______________ a lot of money on the table.
_______________ two books in my bag. J
_______________ any good programmes on TV. X
VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
We _______________ at school yesterday. It was Sunday!
Phong _______________ very short when he _________________ a child.
____________ an action film on TV last night, but it _____________ very good.
____________ a lot of people at the cinema last night? - No, ________________ .
_______________ they at the theatre last night?
_______________ a lot of food at the party last night.
Past simple affirmative, negative and questions, regular and irregular verbs
IX. Complete the text with had, didn’t have, was, were or weren’t.
There 1 _____________ wide streets in the ancient city of Athens. In fact, the
streets 2 _____________ narrow. The city 3 ______________ department stores, but it
____________ a large Agora or marketplace. There __________________ a great
theatre. Most buildings __________________ running water, but the city
__________ public fountains where people could get their water.
X. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple forms.
Most Romans ________________ (live) in very small houses. The wealthy ones
(own) villas. Family was very importa n t in ancie n t Rome . A
usual family ________________ (consist) of father, mother, unmarried children,
and married sons with their families and slaves. Both boys and girls ________ (start)
their education at the age of 7. They _________________________________ (study)
maths, grammar, history and literature.
6 7
Students _______ (stop) at noon for lunch. After that, they ______________ (return)
to school to finish their school day. Back home, kids _________ (play) with
their pets and their toys. They ________________ _(not play) video games, but they
____________ (enjoy) playing board and ball games. Ancient Romans
____________ (not use) forks and knives to eat their food. They
12 ____________ (have ) spoon s and they _____ _ __ _ _____ _ _ (use) their finge rs,
too. All Romans ________ (watch) performances at open theatres.
XI. Put the verbs in brackets In the past simple forms.
My grandfather ____________ (teach) me how to paint.
68 - Lưu Hoằng Trí
Where ___________________ (you / grow) up?
We ________________ (meet) in Da Lat last year.
At first, we _______________ (not get) on very well.
He _____________ (leave) college and ___ ___________ (get) a job in an office.
My uncle ___________ (live) in the USA last year, so we _____________ (not see)
each other for six months.
_______________ (you / enjoy) the concert last night?
They ______________ (not have) any children.
My sister _________________ (finish) high school last year.
She ______________ (study) Russian when she was at school.
XII. Complete the timeline with the past simple form of the verbs given.
become go have hear leave
make see sing wear write
43,000 years ago
Early humans 1 ___________________ songs to their children and they
________ their first musical instrument from bones. The world‟s oldest
flute is from this time.
40,000 years ago
People _______________ to Australia in some of the world‟s earliest boats and
______________ kangaroos for the first time.
33,000 years ago
We _________________ pet dogs from this time. The dog helped US to
hunt. Their ancestors were wolves.
10,000 years ago
People _________________ clothes of sheep‟s and goat‟s hair.
3,000 years ago
The Phoenicians (from Lebanon) first ______________________ with an alphabet.
Other Mediterranean people __________________ about the Phoenicians‟
alphabet and copied the idea.
9 10
A human __________________ Planet Earth and ____________________ the
first astronaut in space. His name was Yuri Gagarin.

XIII. Complete the text using the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
A Memorable Life
Elizabeth Blackwell was born in 1821 in Britain. At the age of 11, her family (1. move)
_____________________ to New York.
In those days, women (2. not work) ________________ and they (3. not go) _________
________ to university, but Elizabeth (4. want) ____________ to become a doctor. The
medical schools (5. not want) __________________________ a woman student , but
Elizabeth (6. graduate) _________________ with the highest mark in her class and

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 3: The past - 69
she (7. become) ______________ the first woman doctor in the USA.

XIV. Complete the text with the past s imple form of the verbs given below.
not have become leave not move
not buy get graduate have
My parents 1 ________ ________ married in 1995. They 2 ______________________ a
house because they 3 _______ a lot of money. A year later my dad
_________________ from university. My parents _______________________ two
children, me and my sister, Lan. Three years ago Lan ___________________ school
7 8
and _________________ a nurse. But she _________________ into her own flat.
She‟s happy at home!
XV. Complete the questions with the past simple form of the verbs. Then complete
the short answers.
________ I __________ (send) you an email?
_______ she ___________ (have) a sister?
Yes, s

70 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

________ you _________ (enjoy) the party?
No, _______________ . '■
________ he __________ (spend) a lot of money today?
Yes, ______________ . , , ,
________ they _________ (get up) at six o‟clock?
Yes, _____ _ ______ : z / . ;

XVI. Order the words to make questions.

have / you / how many / did / brothers and sisters /?

that coat / did / you / where / buy /?

did / what / he / at school / do /?

the / competition / did / they / how / win /?

buy / she / the house / did / why /?

graduate / when / Nick / did / from school /?

XVII. Write questions about Florence Nightingale, a famous nurse from 19 -
century England. Then write answers for the questions. Use the information.
1. not go to school 4. go to help soldie rs
2. become a nurse 5. not get married
3. go to Turkey 6. die 1910
Example: be bom 1820
When was she born? - She was born in 1820.
Did _ __________________________ zzzzzz < zz zzZ z
> What ___________ ,z:.
Where ______________________________ '
4. Why_______________________ . •zỵ■z
Did ___________________________ _
When ________________ : ________ _______________________________
XVIII. Write sentences using the past simple form of the verbs.
I / start / a new school / last year

we / move / to a big house / three years ago

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp The past - 71

my mum / get / a new job / last year

my brother / leave school / two years ago

I /have/ lunch/ an hour ago

my father / buy / a mobile phone / last week

XIX. Complete the questions using the verbs given below. Then ask and answer with
a partner.
leave have graduate get buy
1. When ___ ________ your dad _________ school?
When ___ ________ your parents ______ _____ married?
3. When ________ your parents ______ ______their first child?
When ___ ________ your parents ______ ______ their first house?
5. ___your parents ____________ __ from university?
Example: When did your dad leave school? - He left school in 1995.
I. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).
Worth a fortune
Do you have something worth a lot of money hiding in your cupboard? Antiques are big
business today, and there are now lots of popular TV programmes encouraging us to
search our attics and garages or to visit auctions and secondhand shops to find that one
item will make US a millionaire.
In these programmes experts visit people‟s homes to search them for interesting items to
sell at auctions, or they take people to markets and shops to help them find a bargain.
And it‟s not just old antiques that are of interest - people are making money from items
they bought just ten or fifteen years ago.
But why do we have this fascination? Why do these programmes send US hurrying to
look through the things we‟ve had for ages? „It‟s only human nature to want something
for nothing!‟ says expert Nadia Thomas. „We take great pleasure in getting money for
something we thought was worthless! It‟s like the desire we have as children to find
hidden treasure. This is the adult equivalent.‟
So, what about that painting that your great-aunt left you when she died? You‟ve
always hated it but who knows - it could be worth a fortune. And you could be on TV! .
■ ■■■ ■

1. Antiques are popular these days. _____

2. The TV programmes are mainly popular with experts. _____

72 - Lưu Hoang Tri

3. Modem items are not worth much money. _____
4. People sometimes pay a lot of money for something that has no value. _________
5. Children are good at finding items worth a lot of money. _____

Read Ann‟s blog, and do the tasks that follow.

Ann‟s blog on August 3 2:21 p.m.
Hi, friends
A week ago, I had a fantastic day with my best friends, Jane. First, we visited the
_________________ . It is the biggest one in our city, and I loved it. I saw sharks
and many different fish.
89 10
After lunch, we went to a(n) _______________ . It was really ______
to the first place, so it was easy to go to. We ate popcorns and candy. The only thing I
didn‟t like was the huge ___________________ __. There were too many people,
so we left early. But we didn‟t go home right away.
5 6
There was a(n) art _______________ at the Museum of
Modem Art. It was free, so we went inside. I really liked all the paintings, and Jane
loved the statues.

Where did Ann and Jane go first?

A. an international art exhibition c. a carnival
Why did they leave the carnival?
A. There were too many people.
c. Jane wanted to eat lunch.
10 Which statement is NOT true?
Alice and Joe had five children, and now they‟ve got nineteen grandchildren. When we
have big family parties, there are over thirty people. I love my big family. I‟ve always
got friends to talk to.
IV. Read the text, and then do the following tasks.
Life in England in the year 1,000
What was life like in England over a thousand
years ago? Well, there weren‟t many people - between two and three million (today there
are over 56 million). There weren‟t many towns and home because 90% of English
people lived in the country. Their houses were simpli with only one or two rooms. We
know that food was healthy because people were quite tall (men were about 172 cm) and
their teeth were good. There were usually two meals a day - with knives and spoons but
no forks. A typical meal was bread with eggs, cheese or fish. There wasn't much meat and
there was no sugar, tea, coffee or chocolate.
But life in the 11 century wasn‟t easy. Most people were poor fanners and work ỉn the
fields was hard. A lot of people were hungry in the summer months before

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp The past - 73

Task 1. Complete Ann‟s blog with the words given below.
aquarium international crowd carnival exhibition close

Task 2. Read the blog again, and choose the correct answers.
B. an aquarium B. The art exhibition was free. D. a circus

B. They were late for the art exhibition.

D. It was boring.
c. They went home after the carnival. D. Ann liked all the paintings

74 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Read Ann‟s paragraphs. Then match them with the headings a-d.
Their lives together
Our family now
My grandparents
The 1950s
1. ____ ____________________- - : :
My mother‟s parents, Alice and Joe, are both Scottish, and they live in Glasgow. Joe was
bom in Ireland in 1937, then his family moved to Scotland, and Alice was bom in 1940
in Glasgow. Alice and Joe went to the same school, but they didn‟t meet.
Life was hard in the 1940s when Joe and Alice were children, but things changed in the
1950s. „Rock and roll‟ music started, and TV became very popular. Alice remembered
her teenage years as a wonderful time.
3. ___________
Joe left school in 1951, and got a job as a builder. Alice became a nurse. They met in
Glasgow Royal Infirmary Hospital, after Joe had an accident at work. They went out
together for three years and then they got married in 1961.


Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 3: The past - 75
the harvest. When people were ill, there weren‟t any hospitals or medicine. Adults were
usually dead before they were 40 and babies were often dead before their first birthday.
As their lives were short, people were married when they were teenagers - girls from 12
and boys from 14. In poor families children were field workers like the adults.
Education was only for the rich.
Task 1. Choose the best meaning of the words.
1. simple
a. very big b. with not many parts c. with new furniture
2. century
a. 10 years b. 100 years c. 1,000 years
3. field
a. house b. town c. piece of land
4. medicine
a. it makes you better b. it makes you tired c. it makes you happy
5. education
a. eating b. working c. learning
Task 2. Find the numbers in the text, and write what they mean.
Example: between 2 and 3 million —+ people in England in the year 1,000
1. 56 million
2. 90%
3. 172 cm
4. 40
5. 12

V. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

The ancient city of Cahokia
Cahokia is an ancient village close to the Mississippi -,
River in America. This amazing site dates back to ■
700 AD, and at one time, over 200,000 people lived there. Then, suddenly, all of the

people left Cahokia

and no one knows why. 1 '•=* ‟

The Mississippian people who lived in Cahokia built big mounds of earth in the shape of
pyramids. Often they put a building on top of these mounds as well. The largest pyramid
in Cahokia was over 10 floors tall. The Mississippians even made a calendar; they used
wooden poles and the sun to tell the time. As well as the pyramids and the calendar,
Cahokia had temples, houses, and a playing field. Their favourite game was called
76 - Lưu Hoằng Trí
The Mississippians weren‟t just clever people, they were also good farmers. They
grew crops like com and tomatoes and hunted animals for food.
The reason why they left Cahokia is still a mystery, but some people say they left the
city because there was no food.
Cahokia is a very old site. ____________
Not many people lived there. __________
They had very tall buildings. __________
4. They were hunters. _______
They could tell the time. _____________

VI. Read the text, and answer the questions.

Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egyptians lived along the banks of the Nile River
in north-east Africa. Pharaohs ruled this great and
powerful empire for more than 2,500 years. The ancient
Egyptians lived in houses made of mud bricks but they
could also build houses and huge pyramids from stone.
They worked as farmers and artists. They hunted animals and fished on the Nile River.
They also had boats and transported food and other goods along the river. In their free
time they played music or board games. Only wealthy boys went to school. They studied
hieroglyphics - the ancient Egyptian writing. Ancient Egyp t had a great civilization
which many people still study and admire today.

Where did ancient Egyptians live?

How long did the Ancient Egyptian Empire last?

What could ancient Egyptians build?

What did they do with the Nile River?

What did they do in their free time?

What was hieroglyphics?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 3: The past - 77
VII. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
It was July 24 1911, Hiram Bingham, an American
archeologist, was in the Andes Mountains in Peru.
Suddenly, he saw walls of stone in front of him. He
couldn‟t believe it. Was this the lost city of Machu
Picchu? Machu Picchu was a great city. Hundreds of
people lived there. Then, one day, they left, and no one
really knows why.

Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca site in the Andes Mountains in Peru. It dates back to
1436. But what was it exactly and why did the Incas build it so high in the mountains?
No one is really certain.
2. ________________
Bingham found amazing things in Machu Picchu. He discovered stone buildings with
thick walls, homes for the people, and a beautiful palace for the emperor. There was even
a huge pyramid. The city also had a tall tower, temples, storage rooms, baths, about 150
houses, and a park. It had running water and water fountains. All the buildings were very
strong. Even earthquakes didn‟t destroy them.
3. ,; :;: 4
The Incas were clever people and they knew how to do many things. They were not only
great builders and astronomers. They were also good farmers. They constructed terraced
fields around the city and they grew potatoes, com, and cocoa.
A. Match the headings (A-D) to the paragraphs (1-3). There is one extra.
A. Culture B. Building c. The people D. History
B. Fill in the blanks with the words given.
ancient storage running stone terraced thick

1. rooms 2. fields 3. walls

4. site 5. water 6. buildings
c. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
In 1911 Hiram Bingham had the plan to discover Machu Picchu.
The Incas built Machu Picchu.
It was built in the 14 century.
There was no pyramid in Machu Picchu.
People in the past could live in Machu Picchu.
Earthquakes couldn‟t destroy buildings in Machu Picchu.
Emperors of the Incas lived in stone buildings.

78 - Lưu Hoang Tri

8. The Incas were very good at building and studying stars. _______
9. They didn‟t know much about farming. _______
10. There are still unknown things around Machu Picchu. _______
VHL Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
Qn gth September 1620, a ship called The . ■ , ■; Mayflower
left Plymouth in the south-west of
. J. ' England and started its voyage across the Atlantic "V.5 . \1>. ■
Ocean to the USA. There were 102 passengers on
the ship. They were The Pilgrim Fathers. They « didn‟t
agree with some of the religious ideas in England at that time and they wanted to start a
new life in America.
The voyage was long and dangerous and some people didn‟t survive. The passengers
read, and played cards and games to pass the time. They took food, cooking equipment
and clothes with them. One passenger called William Mullins on the ship because there
took 126 pairs of shoes and 13 pairs of boots.
On 9 November, The Mayflower reached Cape Cod on
the east coast of the USA. The ship continued to sail south
towards the Hudson River in New York, but bad weather
stopped the ship and it sailed north to Cape Cod again.
Finally, on 21 November 1620, The Mayflower‟s voyage
ended. During the winter, the passengers stayed
weren‟t any houses. A lot of them became ill and died. By March 1621, there were only
53 passengers alive. On 25 December 1620, the pilgrims started to build their new
houses in a place they named Plymouth.
After their first harvest, The Pilgrim Fathers had a big meal to celebrate. This is now
Thanksgiving Day in the USA.
Task 1. Choose the best title for the text.
The big ship
The harvest
A long and dangerous voyage
A journey to Cape Cod and home again
Task 2. Match the words with the definitions.
1. voyage A. to live after a difficult or dangerous situation
2. survive B. farmers collect fruit and vegetables from the land at this
time of the year
3. equipment c. a long sea journey

4. harvest D. the things you need to do an activity, like sport or cooking

Task 3. Read the text again, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).
1. The Mayflower started its voyage in November 1620. _____
2. The Pilgrim Fathers had different religious ideas to others in England. _________

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 3: The past - 79
3. During the voyage, the passengers read and play games. _____
William Mullins had a few pairs of shoes and boots with him. ________________
The Mayflower finished its voyage when it first arrived at Cape Cod. _ _________
6. The passengers didn‟t live in houses during the winter. _____
7. All of the passengers survived the winter. _____
Thanksgiving Day is a celebration to remember The Pilgrim Fathers‟ first
harvest. _____
Regular past simple verbs
I. Put the words with the underlined part into the correct column.
counted graduated liked needed lived
moved started ended staved watched
worked talked played arrived fravelled
looked stopped visited washed lasted
Id /d/ /id/

II. Choose a verb in each group with the /id/ sound.

1. A. chatted B. walked c. crossed D. travelle d
2. A. finished B. hunted c. played D. died
3. A. chased B. protected c. danced D. worked
4. A.saved B. shared c. cooked D. decided
5. A.checked B. practised c. needed D. liked

• Everyday English
I. Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
1. A: When was your last school trip? B: a/There was one last month.
b/ We went to Mui Ne Beach.
2. A: Do you like museums? B: a/1 like history museums.
b/ There are several in our city.

80 - Lưu Hoang Tri

3. A: Why didn‟t Mai come to the club? B: a/1 think she‟s busy now,
b/1 think she was ill.
4. A: What did you do last Saturday? B: a/ There are lots of things to do.
b/1 went to my aunt‟s wedding.
5. A: What did you get on your birthday? B: a/1 got an invita tio n from Mai. b/1
got a lot of presents.
6. A: How was your weekend? B: a/ Not bad, thanks. How about
b/ Nothing special. I look forward
to it now.
7. A: What was the party like? B: a/1 like parties, too.
b/ It was awesome.
A: Did you do any activities last week? B: a/ We played table tennis.
b/ They were brilliant.
A: How was your camping trip yesterday? B: a/ We hope to have a better one.
b/ Bad luck! It rained all day.
A: Was there anything special last week? B: a/ He felt sick on the last day.
b/ We went to a football match.

• Your weekend
Complete the dialogue with the words below.
It -was I played How was a year ago
When did What about Was it it was
Dan ‟ _______________ your weekend?
Quan __________________ great.
Dan What did you do?
Quan I stayed at home and watched TV. _ __________________ you?
Dan _______________ table tennis with my brother.
Quan __________________ good?
Dan Yes, ___________________ . I won.
Quan Cool. I also like table tennis.
Dan Really? ________________ you last play table tennis?
Quan About ___________________ . I like watching table tennis. I don‟t like
playing it.

Complete the dialogue with the clauses given below. There is one extra.
When did you last go to a football match?
It was really exciting.
c. Yes, it was very tunny.
I watched a football match.
I went shopping on Saturday and bought a DVD.
I saw Chelsea against Liverpool.
Nick: Hey, Laura. How was your weekend?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 3: The past - 81
Laura: Not bad, thanks.
Nick: What did you do?
Laura: ___________________________________________ . What about you?
Nick: 2 ? _____________________________________ __
Laura: Cool. I love football.
Nick: Really? _____ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _
Laura: Three weeks ago.
Nick: What did you see?
Laura: _ ________ ' __________ _
Nick: Wow ! Was it good?
Laura: Yes. _________________________________________ . Chelsea won 2-1.
IV. Complete the dialogue with the sentences below.
Where did you go?
I played computer games at home.
c. What did you see?
BioShock. It was great.
What did you get up to at the weekend?
Phong Hi, Nick. How was your weekend?
Nick It was good. I went to the cinema on Saturday.
Phong ' _________________ ■ . ; I
Nick The new Marvel film.
Phong Cool. What did you do on Sunday?
Nick Nothing much. I stayed at home and revised. What about you?

Phong I went out with some friends on Saturday.

Nick _ _____________ i ________________
Phong To the park near my house.
Nick No way! What about on Sunday?
Phong ___________________ _________________________ ______
Nick What did you play?
Phong ____________________________________________________
V. Match the questions 1-6 with the answers a-f.
1. How was your weekend? _____
2. Where did you go at the weekend? _____
3. When did you last play football? _____
I went to my friend‟s house last night? What about you? __________
5. Who‟s that girl in the photo? _____
6. When did you go home? _____

82 - Lưu Hoang Tri

When the shop closed - about 6 p.m.
We went to London.
Oh, I watched a film at home.
I don‟t know, maybe three weeks ago.
It looks like Alice.
Not bad, thanks.

Asking for and giving opinions

VI. Find and correct the mistakes in the dialogues below, and practise them with
your partner. There‟s a mistake in each response.
A: Everyone should learn a second language.
I think too. It‟s very useful.
A: It‟s not polite to arrive late for a meeting.
That true. I always arrive on time.
A: It‟s good to ask as many questions as possible in class.
I‟m not sure by that. Some students ask too many q uestions.
A: It‟s best to live in a hot sunny country.
So definitely. Everyone loves sunshine.
A: Children should study for exams from the age of six.
I am totally disagree. No children under ten should have to study for an exam.
A: Everyone loves classical music.
I don‟t think. Most people like pop music.

Language point: Sequencing

Complete the email with the words given below.
After that Finally Then First Later
Hi Laura,
I visited my cousins in Nha Trang last weekend. (1) ________ ___ , there was a party
at their flat on Friday night. There were lots of interesting people there.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 3: The past - 83
______________ , we got up quite late on Saturday. We had breakfast in a
street café. (3) ________________ , we played football on
the beach. (4) _________________ , we went out to
restaurant. (5) ________________ , we flew back home on
Sunday afternoon.
I had a great time! I enjoyed seeing my cousins - it was a lot of
Love, Mai
A special event
IL Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
My special day
o My most special day was when I went to the wedding of my close friend Akara‟s older
sister. Akara‟s family are from Cambodia, and they held a traditional Cambodian
wedding in our town hall last month.
© All of Akara‟s family and friends went to the wedding - there were at least 300 people.
The bride looked amazing in her colourfill dress and crown. After the ceremony,
everyone went to the hall to celebrate the marriage. There was lots of delicious food -
I ate too much! By 6 o‟clock everyone was dancing and having a lot of fun.
© It was a really special day as I met a lot of wonderful people. My best memory is of
dancing for hours and laughing and singing with Akara‟s friends and family.

Task 1. Number the paragraph headings in the correct order.

Paragraph ______ : Why it was special for me
Paragraph ______ : What my special day was
Paragraph ______ : A detailed description of my special day
Task 2. Add the paragraphs to the questions below.
Paragraph ______ : What happened? Who was there? What did you do? Wha t
other details are there?
Paragraph ______ : What, where and when was it?
Paragraph ______ : Why was it special? What do you remember about it?

III. Read the email and choose the correct words.

Hi Anna,
We had a brilliant weekend in London. I went there with Mum and Linda on the train.
There were great museums, and ‟was / there was a lot to see. It / There was great!
First, we went to the Natural Museum. There was / were a giant dinosaur near the
4 5
entrance. Were there I There were lots of small children too, and they / there were
really noisy. After that, we went shopping in Kensington Market. There was I were
some fantastic clothes. I got a new pair of jeans.
How was your weekend?

84 - Lưu Hoang Tri


IV. Read the model text about a memorable day. Then order the sentences in each
paragraph. Write the numbers in each blank.
A day to remember
_____ a. It was Saturday and there wasn‟t a cloud in the sky.
_____ b. It was a very memorable day.
_____ c. I remember my cousin‟s wedding six months ago.
_____ a. There was an amazing band and everybody danced.
_____ b. Finally, at about midnight, we went home.
_____ c. We had lunch there and then the party started at about six o‟clock.
_____ d. First, a lot of people came to our house.
_____ e. There weren‟t any problems.
_____ f. At twelve o‟clock we went to the church for the ceremony and after that we
went to a restaurant.
_____ a. It was a really great day and I felt very happy.
___ b. I remember my grandmother clearly because she had a really strange hat.
_____ c. There were about a hundred people at the wedding.

V. Use the cues given below to write Mai‟s email to Rosie. Use the past simple, and
there was or there were.
a brilliant weekend in the city centre in Ho Chi Minh City
go there with my mum and my sister by bus
a lot to see; great
1 : go to the History Museum; a lot of items on display; a lot of small children; they
were noisy
2 : go shopping in Ben Thanh Market; a lot of fantastic clothes; get a new pair of
your weekend?
Hi Ros'c!
We had ; ?< ; :

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 3: The past - 85
I. Choose the correct words.
The internet is a useless / useful tool for everyone.
You only need a tiny / an enormous amount of salt in your soup.
Do something scary I relaxing before going to bed - read a book or take a hot bath.
He‟s a good brother. He‟s always been cruel / kind to me.
Pho is a very popular I unpopular soup noodle in Viet Nam.
You shouldn‟t spend time on a website full of useless / useful information.
The stepmother was unkind - she was often kind / cruel to her stepdaughter.
It was a bad accident, but they were lucky to be dead / alive.
It was a really awful / exciting concert, and half of the people left before the end.
It was very awful I brave of you to tell her the truth.

Choose the correct words.

We saw a very upset I cute I scary film yesterday.
I was a cute / lucky I nervous child. I didn‟t want to talk to other children.
My scary / lonely / lucky number is four.
My younger brother is very lonely / naughty I cute. He never listens to Mum.
He was nervous / upset I lucky because he didn‟t pass his exam.
Her cat is very small and beautiful. It‟s nervous / cute / lonely!
Language focus
in. Complete the dialogue using the affirmative or negative form of was and
were. Rob: What is your first memory, Sally?
1 2
Sally: 1 ______________ in our kitchen at home and 1 ____________ really upset.
Rob: Why?
Sally: I wanted some ice cream but there ________________ any.
Rob: How old _________________ you?
Sally: 1 __________ ____ very old - maybe four or five.
Rob: _______________ your parents there?
7 8
Sally: No, they _________________ . My sister ________________ with me.

two / my sister / weeks / graduate from high school / ago

86 - Lưu Hoang Tri

IV. Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f.
1. How was the museum? ______
How many people were there? ___________
3. Was there any music? ______
4. Were there many people? ______
Were your friends at the party? ___________
6. Was there any food? ______
a No, there wasn‟t. Tom ate it before we arrived.
b It was really interesting.
c No, they weren‟t. It was really boring.
d Yes, there was. Nick‟s brother was the DJ.
e No, there weren‟t.
f There were about twelve, I think.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use the past simple form of
the verb.
Example: a new house/ he / two weeks / buy / ago
He bought a new house two weeks ago.
finish / ago / the / ten / film / minutes

a month / we / school / ago / start

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 3 _ REVIEW - 87

we / a scary film / ago / see / two days

Sam / ago / home / three / leave / months

get / ago / married / aunt / a year / my

VI. Complete the sentences using the past simple form of the verbs given below.

have graduate not be born leave

buy do get start
She ________________ school in 1980 and left in 1992.
You ________________ in 2008.
They _______________ a baby last year.
When _________ she ________________ from university?
__________ Jake ________________ home two years ago?
My parents met in 2000 and they ________________ married two years later.
My uncle ________________ a house in London.
________ _ he _____________ the exam yesterday?
VII. Write questions for the answers using the past simple.
„When _________ ______ to Ha Noi?‟ - „He moved to Ha Noi two years ago.‟
„ __________________ to the cinema last week?‟ - „Yes, I did. I went to
the cinema last Friday. ‟
„Who ___________________ at the party?‟ - T met Mai‟s brother. He‟s cute.‟
„What _________ ________ _?‟ - „She said there isn‟t any homework tonight.‟
„ _____________ ______ _ the party?” - „They left the party because they
were tired.‟
VIII. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
Native Americans
When the Europeans arrived on the continent they called
America in the 15 century, many different native tribes
already lived there. These people respected the environment.
The Navajo /'nsevohoo/ were farmers and grew crops. They
lived in houses made of earth and wood. They travelled on
foot. Sometimes dogs pulled them on sleds.

88 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

The women farmed, looked after the children, and did the housework. The
men hunted and protected the tribe.
At first, the Cheyenne ZJai'en/ lived like the Navajo. When the
Europeans brought horses to America, they left their farms and moved
from place to place. The men hunted buffalo. The women built their
houses called “tepees”. They used buffalo skin. They could take them
down and move the village in an hour!
The Kwakiutl /kwa:ki:'u:tl/ were fishermen. They had large wooden
houses. Seven families could live in one house. They had canoes for
fishing, hunting, and trading. They used animal skin and even wood to make their winter
Write N (Navajo), c (Cheyenne), or K (Kwakiutl) to answer the questions. Which
made houses out of skin? ____________________
made houses out of wood? __________________
3. used animals to travel? ___________
used parts of trees as clothes? ______ _________
5. didn't live in one place? ___________
6. grew their own food? ___________
Take notes in the table about each tribe.
Navajo Cheyenne Kwakiutl
homes _______________________________________________
transportation _______________________________________________________
work / clothes ________________________ ______________________________

IX. Read the interview, and do the tasks that follow.

This week‟s incredible interview is with Rory McKenzie, a Scottish treasure hunter. Last
week, he made an amazing discovery. Read on and find out more.
What happened last Saturday?
I went into a field with my metal detector, as usual. The detector starte d to make a
noise so I knew there was an object under the ground.
What did you do next?
I used my spade very carefully. After a few minutes, I saw a cup. It looked very old.
Then something fell out of cup. It was a ring. There were more objects under the
ground, but I didn‟t take them out.
How many objects did you find?
About a hundred.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 3 _ REVIEW - 89

Q: What kinds of things did you discover?
I found a lot of jewellery, Viking necklaces, rings and a lot of coins. There was also a
big bowl and experts think that it‟s thousands of years old. Some of the objects date
th th
back to the 9 and 10 centuries.

I was shocked at first and I didn‟t know what to do. I put the things down carefully
and I stood up. Then I rang my wife.

Specialists in a local museum are looking at it to work out how old the objects are and
where they came from. But they‟re sure it‟s Viking treasure.
Task 1. Read the definitions and find the correct words in the interview.
valuable objects like jewellery and coins ______________________________
a special machine to find metal
3. a tool you use to dig in the ground _____________________
small round pieces of metal you use as money __________________________
Task 2. Read the interview again and choose the correct answers.
1. When Rory was in a field, his metal detector ________ .
A. made a noise B. broke c. hit a tree
2. The first thing Rory found was _______ .
A. a necklace B. a ring c. a cup
The bowl is ______ .
th th
A. from the 9 century B. thousands of years ago c. from the 10 century
At first, Rory was ______ .

At the moment, the treasure is _______ .

in Rory‟s house
in the house of a local expert
with experts in a local museum
X. Complete the dialogue with the words given below.
When did What about Was it it was
It was I played How was a year ago
Sam: 1 ______________________ your weekend?
Nick: 2 __________________ great.
Sam: What did you do?
Nick: I stayed at home and watch TV. __ ____________________ __ you?
Sam: 4 _____________ table tennis with my brother.
Nick: 5 ______________________ good?
Sam: Yes,6 _______________ ; _______ . I won!
Nick: Cool. I like table tennis.
Sam: Really? ______________________ you last play table tennis?
Nick: About ______________________ . I like watching table tennis. I don‟t like

90 - Lưu Hoang Tri

playing it.

XI. Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f.

1. How was the museum? ______
How many people were there? _____________
3. Was there any music? ______
4. Were there many people? ______
Were your friends at the party? _____________
6. Was there any food? ______
It was really interesting.
No, they weren‟t. It was really boring!
No, there wasn‟t. Tom ate it before we arrived.
There were about twelve, I think.
No, there weren‟t.
Yes, there was. My brother was the DJ.
XII. Order the words to make sentences. Then number the sentences 1-5 to make a
_____ a. into / lunch /1 / then / meet / for / town / to / went / him
_____ b. came / we / very / finally / late / home
_____ c. the / film / after / saw / at / we / a / cinema / that
_____ d. phone / David I call /1 / from / first / my / got / friend / a
_____ e. day / had / lovely / Saturday / last /1 / a

XIII. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.

A big surprise by Mai Nguyen
th 1
It was my elder sister Hoa‟s 18 birthday last week and __________________ for her
on Saturday night at our house. Hoa didn‟t know anything about the party until she got
back home that evening. She went into the living room for a magazine and when she
turned on the light, all her friends were there. __________________________ . She
couldn‟t believe her eyes!

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 3 _ REVIEW - 91

My parents and I started planning the party about two weeks ago, but to keep it a secret.
We could only check out things on the
internet, like getting a sound system or choosing a birthday cake, when Hoa was out of
the house. Her friends said that ________________________ for them to keep the
secret, too.
Everyone dressed up for the party and my mum made a delicious buffet. One of Hoa‟s
friends, Nam, is into music, so he was the DJ. ________________________ and many
people danced. At midnight, we all went into the garden and we set off sparklers in our
hands, and sang some birthday songs loudly. We woke the neighbours, and 6
The next day ________________ , but Hoa said that it had been the best birthday
party she had ever had. I think the best thing about it was that she had absolutely no idea
we were planning it.

Task 1: Complete the text with the sentences below.

we were quite tired
he played some really good music
she looked so surprised
it was extremely difficult
we really had a big party
they were a bit angry
it had been pretty difficult

Task 2. Read the text again, and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
1. The party was a big surprise for Mai. ______
2. Hoa spent the whole day at home last Saturday. ______
Hoa didn‟t find out about the party until Saturday evening. ___________
4. People put on nice clothes for the party. ______
People at the party didn‟t light anything in the garden. _______________
6. The neighbours didn‟t go to the party. ______
7. Hoa was too tired to enjoy the party. _ ____


Actions and movement

I. Choose the correct words.
They are standing in / climbing up the shadow of the towering skyscrapers of

92 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

Manhattan in New York.
As the little boy picked up / jumped up garbage on the beach, he found the bottle.
I missed the bus, so I sat on I walked on to the school.
Could you hold / sit on my bag for me?
An old-fashioned gas lamp hangs from / lies on the ceiling.
The cat likes to sit on / stand in the wall outside the kitchen.
Tigers can climb up I pick up trees and they are strong swimmers.
He jumped up I climbed up to throw the ball into the basket.
He is trying to hold / kick the ball over the net.
We were standing in / lying on the beach when it started raining.

Adjectives and adverbs IL

Choose the correct words.
It is brave / bravely of you to speak in front of those people.
She faced the problem very brave / bravely.
My father is sitting comfortable / comfortably in the living room, reading a
He was so warm and comfortable / comfortably in bed that he didn‟t want to get up.
It happened so quick I fast that I didn‟t know why I had an accident.
Peter and Ann lived happy / happily ever after.
John will be happy / happily to see you again.
While they are eating, they make polite / politely conversation about the weather.
„Can I help you?‟ she asked polite / politely.
It‟s helpful / helpfully to discuss the problem with your friends.
She helpful / helpfully suggested the answers to my questions.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 4: In the picture - 93
All the football players played very good / well today.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are good / well for you.
He did bad I badly in his history exam.
Too much sugar can be bad I badly for you.
III. Complete the sentences with one of the words from each pair below.
good / well bad / badly rude / rudely
careful / carefully slow / slowly patient / patiently
1. He got up _________ _______ out of his chair, and came towards me.
2. The clock is about five minutes ______________ ■
„What do you want?‟ she asked _________________ .
I don‟t want to be__________ , but could you tell your children to keep quiet?
You should be________ _________ and wait until I finish my work.
People waited __________________ for the show to begin .
Mai is very ________________ _ about what she eats.
You should listen _________________ to the words the teacher is saying.
I know my hometown quite ________________ .
Did you have a ________________ holiday?
Susan speaks Vietnamese so ___________________ that no one in the class can
understand her.
His handwriting is so ________________ that I can‟t read it

IV. Choose the correct words.

I‟m always very ‟anxious / anxiously in the days before I take a test at school. I‟m often
2 3
worried / worriedly about my ability as a student. Fortunate / Fortunately, I‟m almost
always successful I successfully in tests. My teacher says that I need to learn to be more
5 6
confident / confidently of my own skills and abilities. She also says that I am a good / well
7 8
student, and I study slow/ slowly and careful / carefully.

camera photography background

character portrait snapshot
Complete the description of a photo with the words given below.
This photo is a lovely ‟ _____________ ________ of
a father and son. In the foreground, you can see the father holding the baby on his
shoulder. In the __ , there might be trees, but
we‟re not sure because they‟re bluưy and out of

94 - Lưu Hoang Tri

3 4
It looks like a family _______________ and not a type of artistic ______________ .
We don‟t think it has been changed in any way.
Above all, I like the way the baby is looking straight at the _____________________
- you can really see his lively _______________ ■
Vocabulary plus
VI. Complete the sentences with the words below.
front page volunteers bush fire close
home town yell celebrities team
„Don‟t you ________________ at me like that! ‟ I said.
I hate people standing too _________________ to me.
After completing her study at college, she got a job in her ____________________ .
That football player wants to play for a better __________________ .
_______________ need to give much time and effort.
Beverly Hills are famous for houses of Hollywood __________________ .
The news of the COVID-19 pandemic is on the _____________________ of
many newspapers.
The _________________ spread very quickly, and it was difficult to control.
Past continuous: affirmative and negative
I. Write the -ing form of the verbs.
1. drive 4. run _________________
2. jump 5. fly _________________

3. cycle 6. swim _______________

II. Complet e the sentences with was, were , wasn’t or were n’t.
Example: We were listening to music on our DVD player. -S
He ________ _ driving across Viet Nam on holiday, J
They___________ sailing around the lake. *
It _________ raining again this afternoon, s
She __________ talking to Laura on the phone.
You _________ walking to school. *
Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn ’t or weren ’t.
Look at this holiday video of my sister. She ____________ swimming in a lake.
I ____________ wearing a sweater yesterday because it was very hot.
In this photo we ________ _ visiting Nha Trang.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 4: In the picture - 95
Phong___________ reading a magazine in class. He was studying.
They____________ cycling through Viet Nam in June. They were driving.
You weren‟t listening to the teacher. You _________________ looking at your
mobile phone.

IV. Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of these verbs.
not wear watch not study not rain have not talk cycle
Yesterday afternoon ...
1. _____________________ J ake a coat.
Dan __________________ a film on TV.
Mai and Lan _________________ through the park on their bikes.
It _________________ _ - it was sunny.
I __________________ lunch with my parents.
We ___________________ because it was a holiday!
7. 1 _______ __ ____ Sue because she was asleep.

V. Look at the photo called Li Wei falls to the Earth and complete the sentences to
describe the photo with the past continuous tense using the verbs below.
be carry chat line sit wear

Trees ______________________ the road.

A man ___________________________ aT-shirt.
A boy _____________________ on a wall.
A man __ _________________ buried upside down in the road.
Two men ____________________ to each other.
A man _ __________________ boxes on the back of his bicycle.

96 - Lưu Hoang Tri

VI. Write affirmative or negative sentences using the past continuous.
you / swim / at this time last Sunday

it / not rain / this afternoon

Quang and his friends / play / football / an hour ago

she / not ride / at this time last Saturday

I / walk / across the park / yesterday

they / climb up / the mountain / at seven o‟clock yesterday morning

metal wall. He ____________________ (5. not wear) a helmet or special clothes.

XIII Complete the text using the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
have Alain Robert: Spiderman not study
not listen sail
Alain Robert, 48, loves tall buildings. He wanted to climb up the Petronas Towers (452
watch relax cycle not do
metres) in Kuala Lumpur, Malays ia.
Sonia Marks saw him, “I _________________ (1. walk) across
a bridge near the Petronas Towers one day. The street was full of people, but it was
strange. They were very quiet - they ________________ (2. not walk). They
(3. look) at one of the towers. I looked and I saw a man on the building. He (4.
climb) up the

Then I realized he ___________________ (6. not use) ropes!”

6. it / rain / yesterday afternoon?
Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 4: In the picture - 97
Last week my friends and I
school and we ____________________ to our teacher.
3 on
We _________________ fun an adventure
holiday. Nick and Tom
the mountain on their bikes, and I
across the lake. But the twin
7 sister Anna ______________ exciting things.
She __________________ in her room at the hotel with her friends and they

IX. Write true sentences about today. Use affirmative or negative form of the past
I / sleep / at 5 a.m.

my friends / walk / to school at 6.30 a.m.

my friends and I / talk / at 8.45 a.m.

it / rain / before school

we / listen / to the teacher five minutes ago

• Past continuous: questions

X. Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f. Write the answers in the blanks.
1. Were you swimming? a. At the bus stop.
Was she cycling?__________ b. They were travelling.
Were they sailing?__________ c. No, they weren‟t.
4. What were they doing? __________ d. My dad.
5. Who was waiting? __________ e. Yes, I was.
6. Where were you waiting? __________ f. No, she wasn‟t.
XI. Write past continuous questions.
what / we / do / in class last week?

where / Mai / go / last night?

they/have / lunch / two o‟clock?

98 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Ann / eat / dinner / 8 p.m.?

why / you / climb up / that big rock?

what / they / talk about?

who / you / talk to?

your friends / walk / near the river?

where / the train / go?

XII. Write the questions and answers about Mai and Lan‟s trip using the
past continuous.
___________ Mai ______________________ with her parents? (travel) ‡‡‡‡

___________ Mai and Lan __________________ in the countryside? (walk) s

___________ Lan _______ __________ in the lake? (swim) *

Where _ _________ they _______________ ? (cycle / through the rice fields)

Where ______ ■ they __________ _ to? (sail / to an island)

Past simple and past continuous XIII.

Choose the correct words.
I saw / was seeing a famous actor near the theatre. He wore / was wearing
Rob and Kate arrived I were arriving while we watched I were watching TV.
You didn‟t wear / weren‟t wearing a cycle helmet when you arrived / were
arriving home.
When Sue arrived / was arriving at the airport, her mother waited / was waiting for
The tourists drove / were driving across the desert when they had / were having an
Tomiko met / was meeting a Japanese boy while she travelled / was travelling
across Australia.
They were skiing / skied down the mountain when Tom was falling / fell over.
Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 4: In the picture - 9
Who _____________ __________ for them in their home town? (their parents) 8. It
started I was starting to rain while we watched / were watching the match.
XIV. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple and the past continuous
in each sentence.

1. They ___________ _ (mee t) while they ____ __ __ _ (walk) near the river.
2. He _________ __ ___ (swim) when he ________ __ (see) the shark.
3. Peter (have) an accident while he
4. He ■ (not look) when he (fall) into the
5. They _____ (not sleep) when we _ (phone) them.
6. I _ _____ _ __ __ _ __ (not wear) a safety helmet when I
(fall off) my bike.

XV. Complete the sentences using the past simple or past continuous form of
the verbs in brackets.
We ______________ (stop) at the Great Wall when we _________ ___________
(travel) through China.
You _____________ (not look) at the road when you ______ ___________ (fall)
off your mountain bike.
____ _ your father ______________ (drive) when the storm __________ (start)?
4. They _____________ (swim) across the river when the boat __________ (arrive).
Marta ____________ (have) a bad accident when she ___________________ (ski)
down a mountain.
_______ Tom _____________ (listen) when the teacher ________________ (ask)
him a question?

XVI. Complete the email using the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs.
Hi, Amy!
Guess what! I ________________ (cycle) home from school today when suddenly
2 3
a little boy _________________ (walk) in front of me. He _________________ (not
4 5
look) and his mum and dad ____________________ (chat). I _______________ (go)
6 7
very fast on my bike but I _______________ (stop) before I _________________ (hit)
the boy. His mum was very nice and she ________________ (say) soưy to me.
See you tomorrow,

100 - Lưu Hoang Tri

I. Read the text, and answer the questions.
When John was 21, he graduated from college and decided to travel. He travelled to
several countries in the world with a backpack, a camera, and a guitar.
First, he took pictures of anything. For every 100 shots he took, he found one that he
liked. But it didn‟t matter to him because that was worth everything to him.
After that, he knew that photography is not always about what you share but about what
you don‟t. He stopped posting thousands of pictures to Facebook every mont h and started
building his own website and a photography blog. His friends told him, “Don‟t show
everything. Show only your best work.”
He started posting photos on his blog and stories behind them three times a week. The
blog taught him to take photos with a purpose, and make sure that the photos were able to
support a story or to tell a story of itself.
He also read the camera manual to know how to use it better. He took fewer pictures each
time, and he began to take more good photos. He was still learn ing photography and he
was happier with the result.
What did John do after he graduated from college?

Did he take a lot of good pictures at the beginning? Was he happy then?

What events changed his thinking about photography?

What did he do with his blog?

What did he learn about taking photos from his blog?

How could he take better pictures?

II. Read the text, and do the following tasks.

Last year, Jake Doyle was on a group holiday on the
east coast of Africa. One morning, the tourists were
walking through the local market with lots of stalls
with their tour guide. Jake used his camera to take a
picture of a family behind their stall. Just then he
heard the voice, “You tourists just come to take
pictures. You never buy anything.”

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 4: In the picture - 101
He turned to see one of the local fishermen. He was looking annoyed, and he was true.
Jake said sorry to the man and walked away quickly. The people at the market worked
hard to sell their things and make money. They didn‟t need tourists like Jake to take
pictures without asking, talking to them, or buying anything.
When I posted the story on Twitter, some people thought the problem might come from
social network. “We visited an amazing market and we had pictures to share online and
show we were there.”
When Jake came back home, he went to a travel photography course. The important rules
to take pictures at a local market are:
Ask permission before taking a picture. If people say „no‟, leave them alone.
Start a conversation with the person.
Don‟t be in a hurry. Buy something from their stall.
If you go in a group, print your pictures when you arrive home and send them to the
tour guide. They can send them to the people in the pictures.
When we do these things, people will smile and look at the camera if we spend a little
time with them. We‟ll learn a lot more about the community and get better pictures, too.
Task 1. Number the events in the correct order.
Jake Doyle...
______ a. heard a local person complain about the way tourists take pictures.
______ b. took a course and learned about travel photography.
______ c. began to think about tourist photography.
______ d. was on holiday and took a picture in a market.
______ e. discussed the story with people on social network.
Task 2. Answer the questions.
Why was the fisherman annoyed when he saw Jake about to take a picture?

Why do tourists often take photos of places such as a beautiful market?

According to the rules, when should you leave someone alone?

If you take pictures when people say „yes‟, what might the people in your
pictures look like?

102 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

III. Read the text and do the tasks that follow.
A lucky escape
This is Monica Konczyk, a Polish woman in her thirties. In 2011,
she was working in the UK and living in a flat opposite a furniture
store in Croydon, near London. On the evening of August 8 , she
smelt something burning while she was sitting in her flat. The
furniture store was on fire and so was the building she lived in.
When she tried to run down the stairs, thick black smoke was
blocking the way. She couldn‟t escape, so she ran to the window
at the front and shouted for help.
When professional photographer Amy Weston arrived at the
scene, some people were standing in the street near the burning
buildings. They kept on shouting. „Jump!‟ Amy looked up and
saw a woman sitting on the edge of the window. It was Monica
Konczyk. Suddenly, she jumped. At that moment, while Monica was falling through the
air, Amy took a photo.
Fortunately, a policeman caught Monica in his arms and she wasn‟ t injured. However,
firefighters couldn‟t put out the fire and the furniture store burnt down. The next day,
Monica incredible story was in the headlines and Amy‟s dramatic photo was on the front
page of the national newspapers. You need to be in the right place at the right time to be a
good news photographer and have your camera ready to capture the precise moment that
something dramatic happens. Amy certainly did that night.
Task 1. Find words or phrases in the text for the definitions.
_______________ : a shop that sells sofas, tables, ...
____________________ : burning
________ ___________ physically hurt
____________________ : the main stories in the news
Task 2. Choose the correct answers.
Monica had a ______ .
a. holiday in London b. job in a large shop c. job in England
She couldn‟t get out of her flat because of the ________ on the stairs.
a. temperature b. smoke c. people
The people in the street wanted Monica to _________ .
a. stay in her flat b. sit down c. escape from the flat
Amy had a ______ with her when she was standing in the street.
a. camera b. policeman c. friend

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 4: In the picture - 103
The fire _____ the shop.
didn‟t destroy
caused a small problem with
There ______ interests in Monica‟s story the next day.
a. wasn‟t much b. was a bit of c. was a lot of
4D. PRONUNCIATION: Word stress in questions Underline the stressed
words in the questions below.
Were you watching TV when I phoned last night?
Were they lying on the beach when it started raining?
Were you riding your bike when you met your friends?
What was your dad doing when a police officer stopped him?
Was your mother running fast when she fell over?
What were you doing when you saw a fire at the market?
Were they watching a film when their aunt phoned?
Was it raining when you finished school yesterday? 4E. SPEAKING
• Everyday English
Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
A: „A picture is worth a thousand words.‟ B: a/ Yes, it‟s got a thousand words.
b/ Yes, it has its own power.
2. A: That picture looks funny! B: a/ Yes, it follows the rule of
b/ Yes, nothing special about it.
A: Take a photo of those strangers there. B: a/ OK, they‟re wearing
colourful clothes now.
b/ Oh no, we can‟t. We ask their
permission first.
A: Do you like taking photos in sports? a/ I‟m not good at sports.
b/ It‟s very exciting to do that.
A: Your pictures look nice. How can a/1 find a comfortable place and sit
you do that? quietly.
b/1 think creatively, and
choose unusual angles.
A: Your photo should get an award. B: a/ You‟re kidding.
b/ You can say that again.

104 - Lưu Hoang Tri

A: What were you doing in this picture? a/1 was climbing up a big v,all b/
I‟m holding long ropes.
A: Were you watching the film at 9 a/ Films are not on TV last night, b/1
last night? was doing my homework then.
a/ Yes, when I‟m on holiday, b/
Yes, I rarely do it.
9. A: Do you often take selfie?
B: a/ Because they were taken at the
right moments;
10. A: Why are the photos valuable?
b/ Because they were taken
at any time you liked.

• Expressing interest
Complete the dialogue with the phrases given below. There is one extra.

Why were they doing that?

I can‟t skateboard.
c. Where were you when you saw that?
It was a show.
He was diving with sharks.
This skateboarder was jumping over a table.
on holiday in Madrid. These kids were doing tricks on their skateboards.

Mai: Did you.take this picture, David?

David: Yes, do you like it?
Mai: Yeah. But what was happening?
David: 1 --' - ■ _________________________
Mai: Oh! That‟s amaz ing ! ______ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __
David: I was _________________________________________________________
Mai: Really? ______________
David: ___________________ __________ __ _________________ ____^
Mai: Did you try it?
David: You‟re kidding. ______________________________________
Mai: Well, it‟s a great photo. Well done!
David: That‟s very kind of you to say so.
Follow the dialogue in Exercise II as the model. Replace the missing phrases
with the correct phrases a-f given below. Practise the dialogue with your

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) -V"' ~ i X-ture - 105
a. This diver was diving from a ten-metre ‟r
diving board. .jp.'.-f
I don‟t like the water.
in Rio de Janeiro with my dad. We were visiting sites from the 2016 Olympics.
There was an international diving competition.
What were they doing at that pool?
Where did you take it?
• Language point: Linking words
Complete the key sentences with the words given below.
when after as soon as suddenly while
The rescue happened _____________ we were on holiday.
____________, a huge wave crashed into them.
_____________ a few minutes, we saw the dog again.
________ ____ they saw the dog, they swam out to it.
_____________ they reached the dog, they put it onto a surfboard.

Choose the correct words.

He saw a big fish while / as soon as he was swimming across the lake.
As soon as / While I saw it, I swam away.
When / While he saw the accident, he went to help.
My dad was waiting for me at the station when / while I arrived.
I kissed my grandmother as soon as / while she opened the door.
We were standing at the bus stop when I while it started to rain.
While / As soon as we were exploring the mountain, we saw a deer.
Elena fell over as soon as / while she was playing tennis.

Match sentence halves 1-6 with a-f. Choose the correct word in brackets to join
the sentences.
1. I saw an amazing rescue... ______
2. She phoned the police... ___________
3. I was running to school... ___________
4. We opened the letter... ___________

106 - Lưu Hoang Tri

5. We took some photos of bears... ___________
6. They were playing tennis... ___________
she saw the boy fall through the ice. (while / as soon as)
they lost the ball, (when / while)
we were travelling through the national park, (while / as soon as)
I met my best friend, (when / while)
it arrived, (while / as soon as)
I was watching the news on TV. (while / as soon as)

• The story of a rescue

IV. Read the model text. Match information 1-6 with summaries a-f.
A Brave Rescue
‟The rescue happened while we were on holiday in Ninh Thuan last year. It was really
amazing and I was lucky to get a photo of it.
I was walking along the beach with my family. There were a lot of big waves, and it was
raining and windy. There was a man with a dog. He was walking on some rocks.
Suddenly, a huge wave crashed into them. The man was OK, but I couldn‟t see his dog.
After a few minutes, we saw the dog again. It was swimming, but it went under water a few
times, two surfers on the beach were watching as well. As soon as they saw the dog, they
swam towards it on their surfboards.
When they reached the dog, they put it onto a surfboard. Then they swam back to the beach.
They were very brave because the sea was dangerous.
__ ____ a. how the rescue ended
_______ b. what the writer thought about the rescuers
________ c. how the rescue started
________ d. where the rescue happened
________ e. how the writer felt about his/her photo
________ f. how the accident happened

Read the notes for a postcard. Number the paragraphs in the correct order.
____ a. Yesterday morning I was sailing in a small boat with my friend Lan
when suddenly she stood up. I fell into the sea and it was very cold.
_____ b. See you soon, Mai.
____ c. Hi Rosie! How are you?
___ d. Then I ran up the beach to our hotel and I put on some dry clothes. I felt much
better after that, but I was upset about the camera.
___ e. I‟m on Tho Chu Island near Phu Quoc with my class for the trip. We‟re learning
to sail with an instructor called Mr Quan.
___ f. As soon as Phong saw me, he came to rescue me. I was lucky because he was
very near the boat when the accident happened. But while he was helping me, I

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 4: In the picture - 107
dropped my camera into the water and I lost all my photos!

VI. Use the notes to write a postcard. Use the text in Exercise V to help you.

Postcard to: Hoa from Mai

Trip to: Cat Tien National Park with class for the weekend
Learning to: hike through the fores ts in the park
Instructor: Mr. Vinh
Problem 1: yesterday / walk / through a stream / fall over
Rescue: as soon as / Nam I see me / walk up to me
Problem 2: while I help me I fall over again / break new sunglasses
After: go to café / feel better I be upset about sunglasses
Hi Hoa!
How are you? I‟m ; H : n : :
: .


108 - Lưu Hoang Tri

I. Choose the correct words.
He picked up / kicked the letter and read it.
Billy was kicking I picking up a ball around the yard.
Don‟t climb up / stand in dirty water!
I climbed up / sat on the beach and looked at the sea.
He was lying on I hanging from the bed reading a book.
When there is a flash flood, you must climb up / hold a cliff or a tree quickly.
Neil Armstrong jumped up / walked on the moon in 1969.
They sat holding / picking up hands under a tree.
IL Complete the description of a photo with the words given below.
riding comfortable fantastic standing up
preparing sitting taking hungry
My favourite summer photo
This is my favourite summer photo. In it, we were on a camping trip with my aunt, uncle
and cousins. The weather was _________ . That was
me on the left. I was wearing blue jeans and a pink T-shirt. My cousin was
_____________________________ next
to me. She was called Louisa and she 14. We were
_______________ _ because it was nearly lunchtime. At
the table, you can see
my mum, my dad, my aunt and uncle. They were _____________________ lunch
for everyone. My aunt was ____________________. That was my dad, between my
aunt and my mum. And my uncle was in front of my aunt in a red shirt. My mum was
on the right. She looked ______________ _______ ! In the background, you could
see my little brother, Lucas. He was ~ _____________________ a bike. You can‟t s
c my other cousin Hector because he was _ __________________ the photo.
Choose the correct words.
a/ She never feels very comfortable/ comfortably with strangers, b/ They now
chat comfortable / comfortably with each other.
a/ The story has a happy/ happily ending.
b/ The puppy wagged his tail happy / happily.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 4 _ REVIEW - 109
a/ It‟s not polite/ politely to talk with your mouth full, b/ The receptionist
smiled polite / politely.
a/ Thank you for your advice; it‟s very helpful / helpfully.
b/ They helpful / helpfully provide further information about the meeting.
5. a/ That car is slow I slowly, noisy and uncomfortable.
b/ Can you speak more slow I slowly -1 can‟t understand what you‟re saying.
a/ I think it‟s rude I rudely of her not to answer my
email. b/ He answered my question very rude / rudely.
a/ You must be careful/carefully with the knife.
b/ You need to think careful / carefully about the things you are doing.
The secretaries are very polite I politely and helpful I helpfully.
The first morning everything went good / well.
You have to be very brave/ bravely to become a fireman.
Don‟t talk so fast / quick -1 can‟t understand what you‟re saying.
He waited patient / patiently for Susan to speak.
Language focus
• Past continuous: affirmative and negative

1. Linda _________ (swim) across the lake at 6 a.m. She

(not sleep).
2. They _______ _______ (read) magazines. They ___ __________ __ (not tidy)
their bedrooms.
3. ly V -L/T / (not eat) breakfast at 6.30 a.m. this morning. I
(walk) to school
4. I ____ (not play) football last Saturday. I _________
(visit) my cousins in the next town.
5. You (not listen) to me. You (look)
out of the window at that time.
6. We . (not climb) up a mountain on Friday. We ____
(relax) on the beach.

• Past continuous: questions

V. Make past continuous questions and answers.
Dan / win / the race before the accident /? Yes

what / you / do / at 11 last night /? I / sleep

ỈV. Complete the sentences using the past continuous.

110 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Phong and Nick / play / football / last night /? No

where / you / work / last summer /? I / help / at my parents‟ shop

Past simple and past continuous

VI. Choose the correct verbs.
They drove I were driving through the countryside when they had / were having an
Mike broke I was breaking his leg when they skied / were skiing in Australia.
He cycled / was cycling down the mountain when he fell / was falling off his bike.
We travelled / were travelling on a train when he heard / was hearing the news.

VII. Complete the sentences using the past simple and the past continuous form of
the verbs in brackets.
We ________________ (do) an exam when the fire __________________ (start).
She ________________ (fall) off her bike while she __________________ (cycle)
down the mountain.
I __________________ (see) Katy while I ________________ (sit) on the bus.
You________________ (not listen) when the teacher _____ ______________ (call)
your name.

VIII. Complete the sentences to describe the photo with the past continuous tense
using the verbs below.
take hit wear wear hit
This picture, called Boxing, showed two
men fighting on a skyscraper.
The men ________________________ shorts
and T-shirts.
The man on the left ______________________
blue boxing gloves.
He ______________________ the other
man, and he was about to fall.

This picture was taken by photographer Li Wei in Hong Kong. He

___________________ this photograph without the use of computer software.
He _____________________ his collection of photos at this time last year.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 4 _ REVIEW - 111
IX. Read the text, and answer the questions.
It‟s a beautiful morning
Andrej lives in Bled, Slovenia. In summer, he goes into the mountains at half past five
and take photos.
„I don‟t go in winter because it‟s dark before school, but in summer I love the early
morning,‟ he says. „It‟s a great time for photography. The sky is very blue and the light
is pink. He doesn‟t take photos of people. He likes views of Bled and the mountains.
Shops in Bled sell his photos to tourists. T love photography and it makes money, too.
Where is Andrej from?

What‟s his hobby?

Why does he love the early morning in summer?

What does he take pictures of?

Can he get money from his pictures? How can he get money?

X. Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue.
Susan: Where did you take these photos?
Dan: In Rome. This man was cycling on a tightrope.
Susan: You‟re laughing / kidding! Why was he doing that?
Dan: There was a show in the street.
Susan: Right I Really? It looks dangerous.
Dan: Yes, it was ‟amazing I amazed.
Susan: It‟s a great photo. Good I Well done!
Dan: And here‟s a picture of Andy. I got an extra copy for you.
Susan: Wow, that‟s really ‟exciting I kind of you. Thanks, Dan.
XI. Match i-iv with a-d. Then number them in order 1-4 to describe a rescue.
_____ i. As soon as the accident happened, _____
_____ ii. Andy wants to go skiing again, as soon as _____________

112- Lưu Hoang Tri

_____ iii. When they arrived to help US ______
_____ iv. We were having an adventure holiday when ____________
my brother Andy fell and broke his leg.
1 called the mountain rescue service.
his leg is better! He always wants to take risks.
we were cold and Andy was in a lot of pain.


Units of measurement
I. Funny Quiz. Choose the correct words.
The average American throws out over 2 grams / kilograms I tons of rubbish every
Americans read about 10 seconds / minutes I hours a day.
The average American eats nearly 6 grams I kilograms / tons of ice cream per year.
More than half of a hundred / thousand / million people in America experience
homeless one night.
Each family in the USA gets 2 pieces of personal mail every day / month / year.
The USA has got more than 1 dozen / hundred / thousand gold medals in the
history of the Olympic Games.
Each American drinks 1 dozen / hundred / thousand litres of beer per year.
The average American spends just about 1 hundred I thousand / million US dollars
on clothes each year.
Website visits for the top US daily newspapers last two and a half seconds I minutes
hours each day.
Americans take 1.8 thousand / million / billion trips for leisure yearly.
Jobs and skills
11. Write the nouns for these words.
1. paint 2. compose _______________
3. write 4. play _____________________________
6. win
5. dance

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5: Achieve - 113
7. cook _____ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ 8. sing ___________________
9. programme ______________ 10. art
11. science _________________ 12. technique ______________
13. music 14. physical _______________
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Exercise II

Example: Cristiano Ronaldo plays football.

Leona Lewis __________________ pop songs.
Agatha Christie was a crime____________________ .
Mikhail Baryshnikov is a ballet __ _______________ from Russia.
Bach was a ___________________ .
Michelangelo was a ___________________ .

IV. Read the descriptions and complete the sentences with the words given below.

teacher waitress mechanic nurse fire fighter manager

She works in a hospital. It‟s a hard job. She‟s a _____________________ .

He works in a garage. It‟s a hard job. He‟s a ____________________ .
She works in an office. It‟s a well-paid job. She‟s a ____________________ .
She works in a café. It‟s a tiring job. She‟s a ____________________ .
He works in a school. It‟s a stressing job. He‟s a ____________________ .
He works in many places. It‟s a dangerous job. He‟s a ____________________ .
V. Match the jobs below with what the people say.

114 - Lưu Hoang Tri

shipper sales rep fashion designer foreign journalist
personal trainer IT consultant rescue worker
„I like my job because I travel around the world and see important events.‟

„The biggest problem in my job is the number of cars in the city.‟

„We believe in making clothes for normal people, not only for beautiful
models.‟ ________________
4. „In my job, you need to love computers and technology.‟ ____________________
5. Tn my team, we save about ten lives a year.‟ ________________
„My job is easier when I like the product that I‟m trying to sell.‟

7. „I like helping people to get stronger and fitter.‟ ________________

VI. Complete the sentences with the below.

expedition activities plan skill spend work
„I‟m so excited! I‟ve decided to do the Silver level Duke of Edinburgh Award. I‟m going to
learn computer programming - that‟s my new ______________________________ .
Now I need to write my ___________________ and start thinking about the other
________________ I‟m going to do. I‟d really like to _____________________ time
helping children or doing voluntary _________________ with homeless people.

programmes / Bill Gates / computers / dancers

3. cats / light / lions
Which animal is the rarest? - The blue whale is the rai est.
Which animal is longer than the Atlantic marlin? - The blue whale is longer than
the Atlantic marlin.
VII. Complete the text with comparati ve or superlative adjectives.
I‟ve got three really good friends - Mai, Lan and Hoa. Mai is _______________ (1. old)
than us - she‟s fourteen and we‟re all thirteen. Lan is the ________________ (2. young)
she had her thirteenth birthday last week. Hoa is the ______________ (3. tall) - she‟s
one metre seventy. I‟m only one metre fifty, but Mai is __________________ (4.
short) than me - she‟s only one metre fourty-five.
The ___________________ (5. intelligent) person is definitely Mai. But Lan is
_________________ (6. artistic) than Mai. She can paint really go od pictures. Hoa is the
_________________ (7. funny) person I know. I‟m ____________________ (8.
quiet) than all of them, but we always have fun.

• Ability : can and could

VIII. Choose the correct words.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5: Achieve - 115
But I think the best part is going on the ________________ _______ . I want to go
kayaking in Wales. It‟s going to be fantastic.‟

VII. Order the words to make sentences. There is one extra word in each sentence.
music / cooks / Andrew Lloyd Webber / composes

cooks / Gordon Ramsey / amazing food / plays

songs in English and Spanish / wins / Shakira / sings

sings / Plácido Domingo / in operas / dances

Serena Williams / a lot of / tennis matches / writes / wins

Gerhard Richter / sings / paints / pictures

romantic books / writes / paints / Danielle Steel


• Comparati ve and superlative adjectives
I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of comparati ve adjectives.
Eating at home is __________________ eating in restaurants, (cheap)
People in cities work _______________ hours ___________ in the past, (long)
There is more traffic now, so the streets are ______________________ . (noisy)
History is much _________________________ physics, (interesting)
Houses are _______________________ they were ten years ago. (expensive)
Ha Noi in summer is even ____________________ I expected, (hot) •
II. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
than intelligent most more
bigger the tallest best
Blue whales are longer ____________________ elephants.
Dogs are ____________________ than cats.
Are humans the most _____________________ animals in the world?

Mark can to / can / cans play tennis.

She didn‟t could / could no I couldn‟t swim.
He could / could to / coulds dance
I can / could / canned paint when I was six.

116 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Gorillas aren‟t the__________________ aggressive animals.
Giraffes are the __ ________________ animals in the world.
Dolphins aren‟t __________________ noisies t animals in the sea.
7. Humans are _________________ common than tigers.
8. Have chim pa n ze e s got the ____ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ memo ry ?
Write sentences using comparati ve or superlative adjectives.
tigers / dangerous / zebras

pandas / rare / animals

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5: Achieve - 117
blue whales / big / animals in the world

monkeys / heavy / spiders

humans / intelligent / gorillas

IV. Study the information. Then make sentences using comparati ve and superlative
Atlantic marlin common dolphin blue whale
Population 400,000 2-3 million 11,000
Length 4 metres 2.3 metres 25 metres
Speed 80 km/h 50 km/h 48 km/h
Weight 450 kg 100 kg 150,000 kg
Aggressive !!!! ỊỊ Ị
Intelligent ★ ★ ★★★★ ★ ★★
Example: Atlantic marlin (fast) The Atlantic marlin is the fastest.
Atlantic marlin / blue whale (aggressive)

common dolphin (short)

Atlantic marlin / common dolphin (heavy)

blue whale / Atlantic marlin (rare)

blue whale (slow)

V. Ask and answer questions about the animals in Exercise IV using

comparati ve and superlative forms of the adjectives below.
long fast heavy aggressive slow
intelligent rare common short
blue whale / Atlantic marlin (intelligent)

118 - Lưu Hoang Tri

VI. Write three comparati ve and three superlative sentences about yourself and
your family. Use the words given below.

heavy good intelligent artistic bad practical

fast Example: My brother is faster than me.
We not can / can‟t / don‟t can cook.
Alisha can speaks / speak I speaking Vietnamese.

IX. Complete the sentences with the words given below.

can can’t could couldn’t couldn’t
1. Beethoven couldn‟t hear when he composed his 9th symphony, but he imagine
Agatha Christie ______________ spell very well, but she wrote eighty
detective books.
3. The actor Ben Affleck lived in Mexico when he was a teenager. Now he speak
English and Spanish.
Franklin D. Roosevelt had polio and __________________ walk, but he beca me
President of the USA.
Beyonce sings some of her songs in Spanish, but she ___________________ speak
the language.

Complete the sentences with the words given below.

can can’t could couldn’t how many must should
„ _____________ you swim when you were four?‟ - „No, I ________ __________ .
I learned when I was six.‟
You ______________ turn off mobile phones in exams. It‟s one of the rules.
„Have I got any advice?‟ - „Yes, you _______________ listen to your teacher.‟
4. „ _______ languages __________________ your parents speak?‟ - „Only
English. They __ ____________ speak any other languages.‟

XI. Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could, or couldn’t and the correct form of
the verb.
Nick and David are brilliant cooks - they _______________________ (make)
really tasty food.
I can use a computer , but I ______________________ (programme) one.
When I was three months old, I ___________________ (walk).
My grandma was very good at music. She ____________________ (play) the
piano and sing.
Phong is very intelligent. He __________________ (speak) five languages.

119 - Lưu Hoằng Tri

Nam and I watched a Japanese film last night, but we ________________________
(understand) it.
XII. Study the table. Write affirmative and negative sentences about the past and
the present.
Past Present
I dance when I was little X write Japanese X
you speak French V
he play tennis X
she paint pictures when she was four V
we cook when we were children X
they programme a computer V
Example: I couldn ’t dance when I was little.
1. I ________________ • " ' - _______
You ______ _ ______ _______ ___ __
He ____________________________ _________ _ ______
She _ _____________
We ________________________ ;; _______________________ ______
6. They _______________ : ; ? ,. _ ; , ,.
XIII. Make sentences with can/ can’t, could/couldn’t and some of the words given
People: I My mum / dad My friend (name) My grandparents
Verbs: sing cook run dance drive swim play speak
Other words: the guitar 5km very well a car French football great food Time
expressions: now last year in 2010 when he / she was young
Example: I couldn 't run 5km when I was young.

• Questions with How... ?

XIV. Match 1-7 with a-g to make questions. Write the answers in each blank. Then
ask and answer the questions with a partner.
1. How far can ... _______ a. are there in your class?

120 - Luu Hoang Tri

2. How often do you ... _______ b. go to the cinema?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5: Achieve - 121
3. How strict is ... c. do you drink ?
4. How intelligent are ...
d. are you?
5. How many students ...
e. you swim?
6. How much cola ...
7. How tall... f. your teacher?
g. your friends?
XV. Read the answers. Then complete
the questions with how and the words given below.
much many far friendly strict heavy often tall
________________ milk is there? - There‟s enough for two people.
________________ is your cat? - Not very. Sometimes, he bites people!
________________ are you? - I‟m one metre sixty.
________________ apples do you eat every day? - One or two.
________________ does he play basketball? - Three times a week.
________________ can you run? - About one kilometer.
________________ is your teacher? - Not very. He‟s usually friendly.
________________ are you? - About fifty-five kilograms.

XVI. Write questions for the sentences using How ...? and the words given below.

long long far fast high many times

1. How Y ::
■■• _______ ___________ ?
Chris Can travelled at more than 600 kilometres per hour on a special motorcycle.
2. : How ! ! ' ____________ ?
Danny Way jumped seven metres high on a skateboard.
3. How ________ ?
Samantha Druce, 12, swam 33.8 kilometres across the English Channel.
4. How _________________________ J; : ____________ ?
Jef Sarve r playe d a guitar for forty- eig ht hours.
5. How _______________ V
Ang Rita Sherpa climbed Mt. Everest five times between 1983 and 1996.
6. How ________ ______________ ?
Yam Bhandari‟s hair is 2.9 metres long.

XVII. Complete the questions with how and the words given below. Then match
the questions with the answers a-f.
much many far often strict tall

122 - Luu Hoang Tri

________________ do you go shopping? ______________ _
2. ________________ can you swim? ________
________________ DVDs have you got? _________ ______
4. ________________ are your parents? ________
5. ________________ is your brother? ________
________________ water do you drink a day? ____________
I drink two litres of water every day.
He‟s one metre seventy.
They aren‟t very strict.
once or twice a month
I‟ve got about 30.
I can swim 100 metres.
Read the text, and answer the questions.
What‟s on your plate?
A recent study shows that more and more teenagers are not eat ing a healthy diet. We
asked seventeen-year-old student Tanya Fairhurst to keep a food diary to see what a
typical teenager eats and drinks. Does she eat any fruit and vegetables? Are there many
hamburgers in her diet? Is there much juice? Read on and find out.
Day 1
Breakfast: I woke up late for college, so I didn‟t eat any breakfast. My mum leaves for
work before I‟m awake. She left me some cereal, but I threw it away. I had some orange
juice instead.
Lunch: My dad gives me money every week for my lunches, but I use it to bu y
magazines and DVDs, so there‟s not much money left for food. Today, I had some
biscuits instead of lunch.
Dinner: By 5 p.m. I was hungry, so I had a little peanut butter on bread for a snack, but I
didn‟t eat any vegetables. For dinner, I had a burger. I don‟t have many big meals
because I want to stay slim.
Day 2
Breakfast: I had some bread and drank a lot of water. I was still hungry, but I don‟t know
how to cook, so I didn‟t eat any more.
Lunch: I drank a few glasses of orange juice, then I had a b anana, some chocolate and a
few crisps. I know you should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. I sometimes
eat fruit, but I don‟t eat many vegetables. I hate salad.
Dinner: I ate quite well this evening because 1 had dinner with my family. We had soup,
chicken, baked potatoes, peppers and broccoli, but 1 don‟t cat any soup. I had some apple
juice before I went to bed.
Why didn‟t Tanya eat breakfast on Day 1?

123 - Lưu Hoang Tri

What does she spend her lunch money on?

Why doesn‟t she eat big meals?

Why didn‟t she eat more for breakfast on Day 2?

Why did she ear well at dinner time on Day 2?

IL Read the passage and match the ideas to the paragraphs. Write the answer in
each blank.

Coffee and tea are bad for you.

There are “good” foods and “bad” foods. c.
Vegetarian food is always healthy.
Fruit juice is good for you.
Carrots help you see in the dark.
It‟s OK not to eat breakfast.

Food: Facts and Myths

True and false. Natural fruit juice is good for you, but it can be bad for your teeth. So
yes, have some orange juice with your breakfast or lunch, but don‟t drink any juice
between meals. Try water instead. Up to eight glasses of water a day is good for you,
and water hasn‟t got any calories.
_________________ _ ____________ _
False. When you sleep, you don‟t eat for a long time and in the morning it‟s
important to start the day with a good breakfast. Without breakfast, you often feel
hungry later in the morning and start eating biscuits or chocolate. These sugary
snacks are not a good idea. (If you want a healthy snack, try some nuts or melon.)
: :: ; ;
3. ______ '■

True and false. People drink coffee when they are tired, but it isn‟t very healthy so
don‟t have more than two cups a day and don‟t d rink any coffee before you go to
bed. Tea is generally good for you, but drink it with lemon and put any milk or sugar
in it! Green tea is especially healthy.
False. Vegetarian dishes often contain a lot of cheese and oil and these can be very
fattening. It‟s important to eat some vegetables every day. (Doctors say five portions
of vegetables and/or fruit). We need the vitamins and minerals, especially from green

124- Lưu Hoang Tri

False. Carrots have a lot of vitamins A and vitamin A is good for your eyes, but
nobody can really see in the dark!
6. ____________ ____________ ____ ___ ; / .h

False. There are good and bad diets. For example, real chocolate contains vitamins
and minerals and can help you when you are tired. But it also has a lot of sugar, so
don‟t eat it often. Eat a balanced diet with some rice, pasta, bread or noodles and lots
of vegetables and fruit. You also need protein, from meat, grilled fish, cheese or nuts.
And you need oil: olive oil and fish oil are particularly good.

Read the texts, and do the tasks that follow.

„Personally, I love doing brain training games like number puzzles and quizzes. I
download Sudoku apps onto my mobile phone, so I can play them on the bus on t he way
to school. I don‟t think they make you more intelligent - they‟re just fun. My brother
loves playing chess, but I hate it. I think it‟s too complicated and slow.‟
„Our teacher says that doing crosswords and brain training games is good for yo ur brain,
and that puzzles help US become more intelligent. But in my opinion, they‟re really
boring. I don‟t think they can make you more intelligent, because they‟re too difficult to
begin with. I prefer real exercise like basketball.‟
„I really like doing crosswords and Sudoku. I‟m also good at playing chess. I play online
chess with my cousin every week, and I usually win. Sarah hates playing chess with me
because she finds it difficult. I think puzzles are relaxing, and they can help us use our
brains better, no doubt.‟
Task 1. What do I don‟t Sarah, Tim and Rob like doing? Complete the table
with (V), (X) or (?) (don‟t know).
chess crosswords brain training games Sudoku
Task 2. Read the texts again, and answer the questions. Write Sarah, Tim or Rob for
the answers.
Who ...
1. does Sudoku on the bus? _________________
thinks brain-training games are hard? _________
3. thinks chess is too difficult? _ _______________
4. likes playing a type of board game online? ___________ ________
5. likes playing a ball game? _________________
6. is Sarah‟s brother? _ ___________ ___

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5: Achieve - 125
Read the text, and then do the tasks.
Could you speak another language at the age of eight? At this age, Wendy Vo could
speak eleven languages fluently. She couldn‟t brush her teeth by herself, though! Another
child genius, s. Chandra Sekhar, could programme a computer at seven. At ten he took
exams at the company Microsoft and two years later, he went to university.
Prodigies are children with incredible talents. They can do things that many adults can‟t
do. Some scientists think prodigies are bom with their talents. However, their parents
usually help them. Sometimes children and parents have got the same interests. For
example, Mozart‟s father was a composer and Picasso‟s father was a painter.
Some parents of prodigies are very ambitious and strict. Ainan Cawley is a chemistry
prodigy. At seven, his parents wanted him to start university! When Janos Starker, a
famous cello player, was young, his mother taught their parrot to say „Practise, Janos,
Clearly, life is sometimes difficult for prodigies. How do you make friends at university
when you‟re twelve? And it‟s difficult to take a break when a parrot is shouting at you!
Psychologists believe that parents of prodigies need to help their children but not push
them too hard. Two-year-old Elise Tan-Robert‟s mum is a good example. Elise broke a
record when she scored 156 in an IQ exam. Albert Einstein‟s score was only 160! Elise‟s
mother made an important decision about her daughter. She said, „Her IQ is really high,
but if it goes down we won‟t be upset.‟
Task 1. Choose the correct summary of the text.
The author of the text describes:
how di fferent the life of a prodigy is.
how prodigies study at university.
how to become a prodigy.

126- Lưu Hoang Tri

Task 2. Complete the sentences with one, two or three words.
Wendy Vo was very good at ______________________ .
s. Chandra Sekhar went to university at the age ____________ _________
Some parents like the same things as their _____________________
Ainan Cawley‟s parents wanted him to start ______ ______ ___________ .
Parents can help child prodigies if ______________________ their children, but
not push them too hard.
Albert Einstein had an IQ of __________________ .
V. Read the article, and do the following tasks.
Brain Power
It‟s 7 p.m. and 15-year-old Natalie Conner has been online for two hours. She has
already read and sent IMs, posted comments on social networking sites, and read an
update on a blog she is following. She has researched her science project, and she has just
started writing it. Natalie has done all these things since she got home from school.

As Natalie‟s example shows, the internet has become an important part of a twenty -first
century teenager‟s life. Today‟s teens have never known a world without it. They have
used the internet since they were children. But is all this online activity good for their
brains? Has it changed the way they read and remember?
2 —_____ • \J\■'''' '
The internet has recently changed the way people read. Teenagers find it difficult to
concentrate on long texts because they read a lot of short texts online. They click on
websites, scan texts quickly, and follow links to different webpages. Their minds follow a
lot of different directions. This is a different skill from reading a book.

Search engines have made it less important for people to use their memories. Why do we
remember something if we can find it in a few seconds on Google? However, even before
the internet, people didn‟t try to remember everything. There were libraries and reference
books to store information. The internet is just another type of external memory.

Teenagers are using their brains differently, but this doesn‟t mean that they are losing
their brain power. They can‟t concentrate on long texts, but they can process small pieces
of information extremely fast. They have developed new skills, and their brains are
simply adapting to new technology.
Task 1. Match the paragraphs with the topics.
Modem Lifestyle
Task 2. Answer the questions.

127 - Lưu Hoang Tri

How long has Natalie been on the internet today?

What is she doing now?

What type of texts do teenagers read?

What types of texts do they find hard to read?

What has replaced reference books?

Why are teenagers‟ brains changing?

VI. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.

Some people call Stephen Wiltshire „the human camera‟. Stephen was in a helicopter for
twenty minutes, above London, and then he drew pictures of the city from memory.
Stephen wasn‟t bom in London and he doesn‟t know the city, but in twenty minutes he
memorized hundreds of buildings. His pictures weren‟t perfect, but they were very
Most people haven‟t got a photographic memory like Stephen. In fact, the maximum
number of things people can usually remember from a list is about six or seven. But it is
possible to train your brain.
For example, Mahavir Jain, from India, memorized 18,000 words and definitions from an
English dictionary. His English exams were easy after that and now he owns three
English schools.
People also try to memorize pi. For most people at school, 3.142 is enough, but Akira
Haraguchi, from Japan, once recited 100,000 digits of pi in sixteen hours. He started at
9.30 a.m. on a Tuesday and finished at 1.28 a.m. the next day. it was a record.
There are also memory superstars. Dominic O‟Brien was first interested in memory after
he left school and he started to train his memory. In 1991 he won the World Memory
Championships. He was World Memory Championship seven more times between 1992
and 2001. In 2002 Dominic memorized the order of cards in fifty-four packs of playing
cards. That‟s 2,808 cards. The world record was 2,704 cards. When he repeated the
cards, Dominic was wrong only eight times.

Task 1. Mark the sentences T (true), or F (false). Correct the false sentences.
1. Stephen Wiltshire was bom in London. _______
2. Stephen drew a helicopter. _______

128 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

3. Mahavir Jain learned 18,000 words and their meanings. _______
Akira Haraguchi learned 100,000 digits of pi in 16 hours. __________________
Dominic O‟Brien was World Memory Championship seven times. ___________
Task 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the text.
from memory photographic memory reme m be r
memorize recited memory
1. Can you ___________________ what the homework is tonight?
2. I __________________ ten English irregular verbs every night.
The girl said the poem _______________________ .
My mum‟s almost got a ________________________ . She sees something and
remembers it.
I‟ve got a terrible __________________ . I forgot everything.
My friend once ____________________ the alphabet from z to A.

VII. Read the text, and do the following tasks.

The best memory
Who‟s got the best memory: humans or animals? It‟s an interesting question.
Several years ago, a group of scientists tested the photographic memory of young
chimpanzees. They showed chimpanzees and humans a computer screen with numbers on
it. When the numbers disappeared, the chimpanzees could remember the position of the
numbers. In fact, they were better at this than the humans.
Their experiments showed that a bird called Clark‟s nutcracker has a fantastic memory,
too. The scientists watched the birds for months. The birds hid thousands of seeds over an
area of about twenty square kilometres. Six months later the birds found nearly all of the
seeds from memory. Humans were far less successful at this type of activity.
However, humans can do something that animals can‟t do. We can decide how we want
to memorize things. In the scientists‟ memory experiments, humans used different
techniques to memorize objects. Some imagined pictures of the objects, and some said
the words to themselves again and again. Humans wrote lists and trained their brains not
to forget important information. Animals can‟t do that.
Task 1. Choose the correct answer.
The text is about...
memory competitions.
where animals put their food.
human and animal memories.

__________________ tested chimpanzees and humans.

The _______________ __ did better in the number tests.
Clark‟s nutcrackers have got very good ____________________ .

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5: Achieve - 129
Clark‟s nutcrackers __________________ their seeds.
The birds __________________ nearly all of the seeds.
We write lists so we don‟t ___ _______________ things.
Task 3. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.
What ability did the scientists test?

What could the chimpanzees remember?

How many seeds did the birds hide?

How big was the area that the birds used?

When did the birds return to look for the seeds?

What can humans do that animals can‟t?

VIII. Read the text. Match headings A-F with paragraphs 1-4. There are two extra
headings that you do not need.
A. A questioning mind B. A brilliant student
c. Fame achieved D. An unpromising start

Every so often, a genius comes along. Albert Einstein completely changed our ideas of
space and time. He is called the „father of modem physics‟. But what does a genius look
like as a child? Einstein was bom in Germany. He wasn‟t impressive as a child. He was
very slow to start talking and his parents were worried about him. at school, his teachers
weren‟t impressed either. He found school boring and was badly behaved. He left at the
age of 15 without passing the final exams.
2 ________________ - / • - -
However, Einstein was very curious about the world. His father and uncle had an
engineering company, and he was always asking questions about electricity and
machines. When he was small, his father gave him a compass. Einstein was fascinated
because the needle always pointed north. He wanted to find out about the universe, but
the answers to many of his questions weren‟t taught in schools. So he read lots of books
on his own.
3 ________________ ; •
Einstein finished his education in Switzerland. He wanted to work in a university, but no
one thought he was good enough. When he was 23, he got a job in a government office in
Switzerland. His job was to look at people‟s inventions and give them a patent for their
130 - Lưu Hoằng Trí
ideas. The work was easy for him and he had time to think. He spent a lot of time writing
about the laws of physics and the universe. He sent his papers to scientific magazines.
The science world was amazed to read them. No one had ever heard of this young office
4 ________________ - •

Between 1901 and 1954, Einstein published more than 300 scientific works. When he
was 30, he was finally offered a job at Zurich University. E = me is his famous theory
about energy. The idea was so advanced that no one could actually prove it worked until
much later. In 1919 one of Einstein‟s theories about light was proved to be correct and he
finally became famous. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He was very happy
about this. But he told everybody, T have no special talents. I am only passionately

5D. PRONUNCIATION: /a/ in jobs

Underline syllables with the /a/ sound. Some words do not have that sound.

player composer writer scientist architect

musician programmer doctor actor headm a ste r
painter worker artist manager officer

131 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Everyday English
I. Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
A: What‟s your biggest achievement? B: a/1 do exercise every day. b/1 completed a
A: I‟d like to becomeB:a writera/Do. you have good imagination?
b/ Are you good at drawing?
A: That scientist can play the piano well.B: a/ His tunes sound very nice, b/ Is he an
A: Could you read when you were three?B: a/ Yes, I could read at the age 5. b/ No,
I did when I was five.
A: Can you memorize twelve-digit a/1 can recite my lessons well, b/
numbers? Oh, no. I can‟t.
A: Have you heard of Nicola Tesla? a/ Yes, he was a great inventor, b/
Yes, it‟s the electric car.
A: What‟s the population of India? a/1 think it‟s over a million, b/ I
think it‟s over a billion.
A: I think you‟re a quick learner. a/ But my sister is the fastest, b/ But
I‟m slower than my sister.
A: Do you like Sherlock Holmes? a/1 like them very much, b/ They
were written by Arthur Conan Doyle.
a/ You should have an instructor, b/
A: What‟s the best way to learn? Have you got much time?

Making and responding to suggestions

II. Complete the dialogue with the phrases below.
A. interesting and enjoyable B. What can I do
c. it‟s probably best to have D. you start at an easy level
E. I suppose F. What‟s the best way
G. 1 suppose so H. You can try somethin g new

Mai That‟s awful. I can‟t remember anything about my lessons.

Dan Really? Did you have a good sleep last night?
Mai I stayed up until two in the morning.
Dan Really? It‟s not good for your health and study, I think.
Mai I want to train my memory. ________________________________ to do it?
Dan Well, _____________________ _______ a regular good sleep. After that, you
feel comfortable and relaxed.
Mai TH go to bed earlier, but how can I improve my memory then?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5: Achieve - 132
Dan ______________________ because it requires your full and clos e attention.
You can remember new things better.
Mai Great. ______________________________ after that?
Dan You can find activities that ____________________________ and move on to
more difficult ones.
Mai _________________________________ . But I think the training is so hard.
Dan Well, you should do something ___________________________ to remember.
__________________________ you don‟t feel so boring. Mai That‟s a
good idea. T hank you.

Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. There is one extra phrase that
you do not need.
learn to play from YouTube
find a local concert hall to play at
c. practise together for three months
need people to dance with you
save money and buy a guitar
write an advertisement to find band members
Phong I‟d like to play the guitar in a rock concert one day.
Nick Oh, really? What‟s the best way to do that?
Phong I start to _______________________________________ .
Nick And after that. How can you learn to play the guitar?
Phong I try to •■■■- ________________ _ ________ .
Nick Yeah, it sounds good. How can you form your own band?
3 4
Phong I‟ll _________________ . • and : ;

________________________________ to form a good band.

Nick Great! How can you give your performance?
Phong We ‟ll : :. __________ __________________
Nick I hope you‟ll be successful with your plan.
• Selecting information
I. Study the model text and then match 1-6 with a-f.

XVII She was bom in ...

She lived in England for ...
By ...
A year later ...
She died on ...
Now ...
133 - Lưu Hoằng Trí
18 July. her whole life.
students study her novels. 1775.
she finished her second novel. the age of sixteen, she ...

134 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

IL Complete the text with the words given below.
involved then good-looking since
long personality opportunity winners

_____ _ with dark brow n eyes and lovely
___________ hair. She‟s got a very friendly ________________ ,
but she‟s also quite determined.
4 5
Cheryl has been ____________ in show business ____________
she was a child. She studied dancing and she appeared as a model
in a number of adverts.
Her big ____________ came in 2002 when she was one of the
____________ of the TV talent show Popstars - the Rivals. On the show she
became part of the group Girls Aloud. Since ________________ , she has had many
hits with them. More recently she has had hits as a solo singer. She now appears as
a judge next to Simon Cowell on the programme The XFactor.

• A biographical web page

III. Read the information and complete the text. Use one, two or three
From: London
Early life: interested in acting from age of five
Career: first TV job 1999; first big film 2001; several
Best Actor awards
Plays: guitar
Famous for: Harry Potter role; plays and TV dramas

Who‟s the mystery person?

Read and find out!
This person was bom in ___________________ in 1989. He grew up and
went to
school there. He became interested ____________________ by the age of
five, and
first appeared on TV in ___________________ . His life changed in 2001,
when his
_ _________________ appeared in cinemas. This was the first in a series of
which earned him a lot of money. He also won several awards for . In his free
time he the guitar. He‟s
most __________________ his role as Harry Potter, but many people know
__________________ and dramas, too. Who‟s he? He‟s Daniel Radcliffe.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5: Achieve - 135
IV. Use the notes below to write a paragraph about Michael Jackson.
Born: 29 August 1958, the USA
Early career: a famous singer and dancer at the time he was ten years old
performed with his brothers in The Jackson Five for
twenty years
Famous for: famous as a solo artist with his Off the Wall album in 1979 made his most
successful album, Thriller, three years later
Death: 25 June 2009, died at home
Michael Jackson was bom _________________________________________________

Read the model text. Then match headings 1-5 with paragraphs A-D.
There is one extra heading.
How Jane Austen started writing
Jane Austen‟s style of writing and her most famous books
Jane Austen‟s likes and dislikes
FA) '
How Jane Austen is still famous today
A summary of Jane Austen‟s life
Jane Austen
A. yV ;- n
Jane Austen was a British writer. She was bom in England in 1775. She lived in
England for her whole life. She died on 18 July in 1817.
B. .u
By the age of sixteen, Jane Austen was writing stories, poems, and plays. She
finished her first novel in 1795 and her second novel a year later. However, her
father couldn ‟ t find a publishe r . Her life chan g e d in 1811 when she foun d a publish er
for her first book . She publishe d the book anon ym ou sly under the name „A Lady ‟ .
In total, she wrote six novels. She is most famous for the boo ks Sense and
Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. Her novels were funnier and more realistic than
other novels of the time.
: :
D.____________ .... ■ ■
Now, students at school and university study her novels and there are about fifty 136

- Lưu Hoang Tri

different films and TV versions of her stories. There are also two Jane Austen
museums in England.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5: Achieve - 137
VI. Read the notes about Uncle Thanh, then complete the biography.
Paragraph 1 dance teacher / bom in a small town near Bien Hoa in Dong Nai Province /
in the late 1970s
Paragraph 2 be involved in the world of dance I since / be / a little boy
first study modem dance at four / start to appear on stage soon after
that big opportunity I in 1982 / win a local children‟s talent show
Paragraph 3 ãt eighteen move to Ho Chi Minh City / study dancing and drama at the
live in Ho Chi Minh City since then / teach hip hop dance to teenagers
at a big modem school
My Uncle Thanh is a dance teacher. He was 1 ________________________
___________________________ in the late 1970s.
Uncle Thanh 2 ___________ ____________________________ since 3 ____________
_____ . He 4_____________ ________ at the age of four
and he5 soon after that. His 6 _________________ ________
in 1979 when he 7 _______________________ .
8 9
At the age of eighteen, he __________________________ and he _______________

________ ______________ _. He 10 ___ ________________ . He 1 ___ at

a big modem school.
XIX Use the information and the writing guide to write the biography of Hergé, a
famous Belgian writer.
Hergé: writer and artist
Born: Brussels, Belgium, 1907
Real name: George Remi
Lived: in Belgium, travelled all over the world Died: Brussels, Belgium, 3 March, 1983
Studied: schools in Brussels, good at all subjects except art Worked: 1927, as a
cartoonist for a Belgian newspaper Most famous character: Tintin (24 books) - about
a young journalist and his dog. Snowy
Qualities of his books: very detailed, exciting, tunny characters
Now: Tintin books are in 91 languages, Steven Spielberg is making films of the books
Paragraph 1: Summary of life
Where and where was he bom?
Where did he grow up?
When did he die?

138 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Paragraph 2: Education and work
Where did he study?
What did he do as a job?
Paragraph 3: Most famous for ...
What is his most famous character? How many books did he write?
Why were the books successful?
Paragraph 4: How he is famous today
8. Is Tintin still famous? Why?
Hergé was a Belgian writer. ___ _______

I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given below.
paint compose dance cook write
Ludwig Van Beethoven was a _____________________ . He ________________
some of the most classical music in the world.
J.K. Rowling became a __________________ in 2003. In the next five years she
_______________ five books.
Tom __________________ pictures of animals. He‟s a great _________________
and he wants to be an artist.
4. My sister is a great ____________ _____ . She can _______________ flamenco,
ballet, and salsa.
5. I‟m a good _____________ . I often ________________ dinner for my family.
Complete the text with the words given below.
helicopter writer writings science painter inventor
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is world famous as a wonderful ________________ .

139- Lưu Hoang Tri

He painted the most famous picture in the world, the Mona Lisa, around 1505. Many
people know a lot about his artwork, but they don‟t know much about the other things he
could do. He was also a brilliant __________________________________ , scientist,
and a ____________ ___ with his thoughts in his notebooks. They contain ideas
for a _________________ , solar power, a calculator and a military tank. De Vinci
also studied __________________ , but we don‟t know anything about his
____________ on this subject.

Complete the blog post with the words below.

clever genius IQ skillful prodigies skills
Are child prodigies born or made?
Posted by Luca I June 25
How does a young child become a mathematical ____________________________ , a
_________________ violinist, or an amazing soccer player? Is it natural
intelligence? Or could it be the decisions that their parents made?
Starting early and practicing a lot seems to be important. We often hear about sports stars
who trained from a young age. The tennis player Andy Murray and Serena and Venus
Williams are famous examples. They had ambitious parents and spent years developing
their __________________________________________ .
4 5
Child ________________ are probably naturally _____________ , too, but scientists
are still trying to understand what natural intelligence really means. In the past, people
thought that you could measure intelligence using a(n) _____________________ test.
However, we now know that intelligence is much more complicated than that.
So are child prodigies bom or made? Well, we don‟t get know for sure, but the best
answer is „both‟.

Language focus
IV. Complete the sentences using the comparati ve or superlative forms of the
adjectives and than or the.
My room is a lot ____________
____________ (tidy) my sister‟s room.
These are __________________ ______ (expensive) shoes in the shop.
African elephants are ________ ________________ (big) Asian elephants.
4.Cats are __________________ _______ (common) tigers.
5.. I‟m : ;; ; f _(fast) runner at school.
Jack can swim _ ___________ __________ (far) Mark.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) , ứ .VIEW - 140

Write sentences with comparati ve or superlative adjectives.
you / good / singer in the class

I / practical / my sister

my dad / artistic / person in our family

cats/ slow / tigers

humans / intelligent / animals in the world

elephants / rare / dogs

VI. Write comparati ve and superlative sentences about the dogs.

Whippet Ridgeback St Bernard
Weight ★ ★ ★ ★★★★ ★★★★★
Top speed ★ ★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rare ★ ★★★★★ ★ ★
Aggressive ★ ★★★★ ★ ★
1 . The St Bernard / rare / the Whippet

The Whippet / fast

The St Bernard / common / the Ridgeback

The Ridgeback / aggressive

The Ridgeback / rare

The Ridgeback / slow / the Whippet

___________ (quiet) in the countryside, but I don‟t agree. The birds were so loud that
they woke me up. It‟s certainly _______________________________ (crowded) in a

Complete the text with comparati ve or superlative form of the adjectives in

I‟ve just been visiting a friend in the countryside. Everything is so different
there. It‟s a lot ______ (green) than my town, of course. People say that life is
141 - Lưu Hoang Tri
big town than a village, and yes - towns are (polluted) because of all the cars. But I
find the people in my town ________________________
(friendly), probably because I know so many of them. Actually, the people in my region
are considered to be the ____________________________ (friendly) people in the
whole country. And my friend‟s next door neighbour was _ ______________________
(rude) man I‟ve ever met in my life. And another thing: is the countryside really
_____ (safe) than a town? I don‟t think so. You have to be a much
_____________ (careful) driver to drive down those country roads because
there might be a big tractor coming at you round the comer.
I love spending holidays in the country, but I think I‟ll be living in my town for a bit
___________ _ (long).

VIII. Choose the correct words.

My brother couldn‟t to ski / ski on holiday last year.
We don‟t can / can‟t swim across the lake.
Henry didn‟t could / couldn‟t speak French two years ago.
I can / could ride a horse when I was three.
The girls can play I to play chess.
Alice can I cans compose music.

IX. Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could and couldn’t.
A hundred years ago we __________________ chat in the internet.
We ________________ choose how we memorize things.
When I was two weeks old, I __________________ talk.
He _________________ play football now and he‟s a good player.
My dog _________________ run when it was young, but it‟s too old now!
Elephants ________ __ fly.

Write questions with words and phrases given below. Then match questions 1-5
with answers a-e.
How strict How much money How long How old How far
1. ________ ___ did you spend on that bag? _ _____
2. _________ are your parents? _______
___________________ is a blue whale?
4. ___________________ can you run? _____
___________________ was your sister when she got married? _____
About €100! It was too much!
She was twenty-seven.
It‟s about 25 metres long.
They‟re very friendly.
Not very far at all - about 1 kilometre.

142 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

XI. Match 1-6 with a-f.
1. It‟s easier to make ________
2. Child prodigies often start ________
3. Some child prodigies don‟t ________
4. I talk to my pare nts befor e I make ____ __ _ __ __ _ __ _
5. We take all of our _ ______
6. Usain Bolt broke the ________
exams in May.
university very early.
world record for running 100m.
take a break from their studies at all.
friends if you don‟t move schools a lot.
big decisions.

XII. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
The Memory Man
Can you remember people‟s faces but not their names? Are you bad at remembering
people‟s birthdays? How many things have you forgotten this week? According to Andi
Bell, you needn‟t be forgetful again.
Andi Bell used to be unemployed. Now he is a memory grandmaster who has won the
world memory championships three times. He has been training his memory for around
fifteen years, ever since he read an article about the amazing memory man, Dominic
O‟Brien. In 2002, he beat his hero O‟Brien at the World Memory Championships for the
first time.
Andi has broken many memory records and is currently the speed memory champion. He
has correctly memorised the order of a pack of cards in just 31.16 seconds. He can also
remember the order of over 1,000 cards in one hour. So how does he do it?
Andi‟s technique is an unusual but simple one. Journalist Lara Barton met him and wrote
an account of his technique.
Today, Andi Bell is going to teach me how to improve my memory. In less than an hour,
I will have a working memory of the past 1,000 years in history .
„Right,‟ says Andi, „think of ten rooms in a building you know very well.‟ I think of the
house I grew up in. He tells me we‟re going to call each room a different century. „What‟s
your first room?‟ he asks.
„ It‟s my bedroom, Andi. ‟
„Your bedroom is the 1000s,‟ he says. „Imagine the Battle of Hastings in the middle of
the room. ‟ Then just before the door I have to imagine a water clock to remind me Su-
Sung‟s invention in China. I‟ve never seen a water clock, so I imagine something like a
sundial in water. By the end of the tour, I‟ve put Marco Polo at the bottom of the stairs,
Queen Victoria in the kitchen cupboard, and the Mona Lisa in the dining room. Whatever
will my mother say?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5_ REVIEW - 143
The basic idea is that you imagine events, and put them at a particular point in the room
depending upon when they happened during the century. For example, events at the start
of a century go near the door.
Essentially, the historical events become like furniture - you learn to associate them with
a particular room at place. To me, Mozart now sits, like a table, in the middle of my
kitchen, and I have to walk around him to get to Beethoven!
Andi says that everybody can benefit from his techniques. All you hav e to do is think of
the things you want to remember and put them in familiar places in your mind. „You can
apply it to anything, you can apply it to learning,‟ he says. So, have you ever been paying
attention? You have no excuse for not passing your exams now.
Task 1. Read the text quickly. Which sentence is false?
Andi Bell can remember everything that happened in his life. _____________
2. Andi Bell can memorise things very quickly. _________
Andi Bell thinks that everyone can improve their memory. _ _ _____________
Task 2. Choose the best answers.
Andi Bell ______ .
has always had a fantastic memory
was unemployed before he started to train his memory
has been a memory grandmaster for fifteen years
Andi started training his memory because _____ ___ .
he read an article about Dominic O‟Brien
he wanted to meet his hero, Dominic O‟Brien
he wanted to win the World Memory Championships
Andi teaches Lara Barton to memorise ________ .
ten rooms in a building she knows
historical events from the past 1,000 years
ten rooms in the house she grew up in
In order to memorise things, Lara has to ________ .
visualise them next to the door
pretend they are famous composers
visualise them as furniture in a room
Andi says his technique __ ____ .
is best used for studying
is better for some people than others
is good for learning anything you need to remember
Task 3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in bold in the text. Use the correct
verb form.
Don‟t ________________ to lock the door before yo u go to bed.
Our teacher told US to ________________ this poem by tomomow.
I can‟t ________________ his name.
Can you _________________ me to phone Sarah?
Close your eyes and __________________ that you are on the beach.
I _________________ the smell of sun cream with holidays.

144 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

XIII. Read the text, and then do the tasks that follow.
Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)
Christopher Columbus was bom in Genoa / Italy in 1451. He worked with his father as a
weaver, but the sea was always his real passion.
2. ________________________ -vv / V > - - : •I
In the 15 century, it was difficult and dangerous to travel to Asia around the southern tip
of Africa. Columbus decided to try to sail west to find a n ew trade route. People made
fun of him, but finally King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain gave him supplies,
men and three sailing ships for his voyage. They wanted to find a way to import gold and
spices from Asia.
3. _____ ___________ Q
Columbus set sail from Spain in August 1492 with his three ships. Ten weeks later, he
reached an island in the Bahamas. As he thought he was in India, he called the people
there Indians! On the voyage home, Columbus lost one of his ships in a terrible storm. He
arrived safely back in Spain in March 1493, with plants, gold, cloth, ornaments, and other
_________________ __ ■
Columbus made three more voyages to “the New World”. He explored the coast of Cuba,
Haiti, Venezuela and Central America. On each voyage, he believed he was in India! He
died in 1506 without knowing the importance of what he found on his voyages.
Match the headings with the paragraphs. There is one extra heading.
Other journeys & Columbus‟ importance
Early years
. c. Problems at sea
Columbus‟ plan
His first voyage
Match the word in bold with their meanings given below.
journey by sea = _______________ 5. laughed at = ____________________
expensive things = _____________ 6. way = ______________________
left by boat = _________________ 7. bring in = ________________________
love = _________________
Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
1. His first job was a sailor. _____
2. He followed the same route as other sailors. _____
3. People at that time found his new ideas funny. _____
The King and the Queen of Italy gave him ships for his voyage. __________
5. Columbus discovered America in the 15 century. _____
It took him ten weeks to sail from Spain to the Caribbean Sea. _____
7. He didn‟t sail to India at all. _____
8. It took him one year to come back to Spain. _____

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5_ REVIEW - 145
9. He took lots of things back home on his first voyage. _____
10. He never met a storm on his voyages. _ ___
11. He never went to South America. _____
12. He didn‟t know that he discovered a new continent. _____

XIV. Complete the dialogue with the phrases below.
I suppose
you can have dialogues
the best way
That‟s a
a good vocabulary
It‟s a fun tool
It‟s probably good
remember words in practice
Lan Wow, you can remember the new words so well. How can you do that, Phong?

146 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Linda I think _______________ to enrich your vocabulary is to read more
books. Then you can learn more new words or you see them more often. Lan
Right. ____________________________ to have a good dictionary to look up
new words and a notebook to take notes. Do you think so?
Linda I agree with you. But ___________________ the active methods are better.
Lan What are they, Phong?
Linda You can play some word games. ____________________________ to expand
your vocabulary and discover new words with their meanings.
Lan Great. Is there anything else?
Linda Well, __________________________ with other people in English.
Talking and listening can help you __________________ _____________ .
And writing ...
Lan So you mean all the four basic skills - reading, listening, speaking and writing - are
good for ______________________________________ .
Linda _____________________ good idea. I think now you know how to learn
new words.
Lan Thank you.

in by for on later now
XV. Complete the biography with the words given below.
Leonardo DiCaprio was bom _______________ November
11 1974, to a German mother and an Italian American
father. His parents were divorced ______________ the
Leo was a year old. He grew up in Los Angeles, USA, and
________________ 1990, aged just 16, he got his first
TV acting job. Two years ______________ , he acted in his first film, This Boy‟s
Life. DiCap rio worke d as a film actor __________________ just five years before big
becoming a superstar, when he played Jack Dawson in Titanic. The film won 11 Oscars, and
is one of the most successful films of all time. He is _______________________ a
celebrity, and works as an actor, a film producer, and for many charities.

XVI. Read Emily‟s Celebrity quiz and then match the quiz questions with
the answers.
Lady Gaga - A celebrity quiz by Emily
Roberts HER LIFE
What is Lady Gaga‟s real name?
Is she the oldest child in her family?
How tall is Lady Gaga?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5_ REVIEW - 147
Could she play the piano when she was five years old? _______________
How old was she when she was composing her first songs? ___________
6. What was her first big hit? _______
7. Where does her celebrity name come from? _______
8. Who are her heroes? _______
What is unusual about her?
She loves David Bowe and Freddie Mercury, „Glam
Rock‟ music stars of the 1970s. She‟s also into the
clothes designer Donatella Versace.
Yes, she could. She learned to play when she was just
She wears very unusual clothes and make-up.
„Just Dance‟ from her 2008 album „The Fame‟.
A 1980s song by the band Queen, „Radio Ga Gà‟.
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.
Yes, she is.
Only about 1 m 55 cm. She often wears high-heeled shoes!
She was composing songs at the age of just 13.
XVII. Use the notes to write the biography of Marie Curie.
Name: Marie Curie
When / Where born: November 7 , 1867 in
Warsaw, Poland
Early years: went to local schools in Warsaw, worked as a
private tutor, saved money to study abroad
Achievement / Later years: went to Paris to study at the
Sorbonne University in 1891, earned a degree in Physics and Mathematics,
met Pierre Curie in 1894, got married in 1895, worked together on their
research, received a PhD from the Sorbonne in 1903, became the first
professor at the Sorbonne in 1906, won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry
When/Where died: July 4 , 1934 in Sancellemoz, southeast of
France woman
Marie Curie was bom ____________________________________________________
When she was young, she went ____________________________________________
In 1891, she

148 - Lưu Hoang Tri

She died _ ________________________________________ • V - - ;

• Survival verbs
I. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
avoid climb run find
keep stand build light
I seemed to ________________ still when the spider was moving on my face.
We can _________________ drinking water from the stream near her.
Can you help me to __________________ the fire?
He was lucky to __ _______________ an accident.
The men ___ ______________ a shelter under the ground.
6. The firemen tried to _ _______________ through the window into the kitchen
to rescue the boy.
We should ________________ away from danger around US.
You can __________________ cool by sitting in the shade of a large tree.
II. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
phone bring use collect
drink making save cook
You can practise ________________ a campfire in your backyard.
You can ________________ “hobo bags” by roasting meat over the fire.
Rainwater is a source of water in the wild, so you should _________________ it.
You should make water safe to ____ ____________ .
We should ________________ some necessary things to know the directions to
get back home

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 5_ REVIEW - 149
When you are home alone, you shouldn‟t turn on the TV or the DVD player to
__________ electricity.
When you are home alone and it‟s not safe, _________________ your parents.
We need to know the items in the first-aid kit and how to _____________ them.

• Survival equipment
III. Complete the words of survival equipment.

l.s _____________ , 2. t ____________ 3. t

4. f ______ a ___ k ___ 5. c _________ 6. m

IV. Complete the sentences with the words in Exercise III.

My foot is bad. Where‟s the ___________ _________ ?
Look at your ____________________ to find north.
It‟s very sunny. Put on some _________________ ___ .
Let‟s cook some food. Where‟s the __________ _________ ?
I‟m tired. Where‟s my ____________________ ?
We‟re lost. Have you got a, _____________________ ?
All my clothes are in my ____________________ .
V. Use the clues and write the objects.
insect repellent rope sunglasses gloves
helmet cell phone tent waterproof clothes
1. A small place; people sleep inside it. _____________________
2. Insects don‟t like this. ______________ ______
This is very long; it helps you go up a mountain. __ ________________________
These protect your eyes when there is a lot of sun. _________________________

150 - Lưu Hoang Tri

5. Use this to talk to your family. _____________________
6. When it rains, these help you to stay dry. _____________________
7. These protect your hands. ________ ____________
8. This hat protects your head. ________ ____________
VI. Complete the postcard with the correct words.
Hi Ellen,
I‟m on an expedition in the forests of Australia. There are four of us on the trip and we
1 2
sleep in a big _________ . I‟ve got a comfortable ______________
and I always sleep well. It‟s really dark at night, but I‟ve got a good
____________ with me. I carry my clothes and things in a large _______________ .
It‟s very hot and sunny in the day, so I must put ____________________ on my face.
Also, I always use a lot of _____________________ because there are millions of
insects here!
I talk to my mum on the ____________________ every day!
See you soon.
VII. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
map sleeping bag lighter first-aid kit rope
torch mirror water bottle knife compass
We can use a ___________________ in the sun to make a signal of SOS.
A___________________ _ is necessary to make a fire.
She flashed the __________________ into the dark room.
Always take a map and a __________ _________ with you in the mountains.
We should bring along a _____________ to cut off tree branches on our path.
We use a ___________________ to drink and refill it during the trip.
They studied the ____________________ before starting the trip.
It‟s getting dark, and we need the ________________ to keep warm in our tent.
Remember to take the ___________________ before we start our fieldtrip.
10.1 fell into a big hole, and they used the ______________________ to pull me up.
• Vocabulary plus
VIII. Choose the correct words.
He‟s bossy / shy / friendly with his friends and likes to tell people what to do.
Tom was too competitive / shy / clever to come and sit by a girl in class.
Lucy is quite shy I lazy / clever, so she does well at school.
This guidebook is friendly / practical / competitive because it teaches you
about relaxation, useful skills, and time management.
Linda hated working in advertising - it was so fit / competitive I bossy. You have to
try to be more successful than other businesses.
The English are very reserved I friendly / fit. It takes US some time to get to know

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 6: Survival - 151
I don‟t know if Hl be practical / shy / fit enough to take part in the running race.
Mary was very fit / friendly / reserved, and I liked her immediately.
IX. Do the Rainforest Survival quiz. Then check your answer with the key. Do you
agree with your results?
Rainforest Survival
Imagine you‟re going on an expedition to the Amazon. Can you survive in the rainforest?
Read the situation and decide what to do.

You can‟t find your map.

Go back and look for it.
Don‟t worry. It isn‟t important in the rainforest.
Your compass isn‟t working.
Look at the moon. It‟s always in the west.
Watch the sun. It‟s always in the west at the end of the day.
You haven‟t got any insect repellent.
Stay near the river. Mosquitoes don‟t like water.
Wear your waterproof clothes.
You see a dangerous snake.
Be quiet. Snakes don‟t usually attack humans.
Shine your torch at it. Snakes hate bright lights.
You‟re cold in your tent.
Light the stove inside your tent to keep warm.
Get in your sleeping bag.
You‟re hungry and you see some fruit.
Don‟t eat it. Maybe it‟s dangerous for humans.
Eat a little bit, then wait an hour. Eat more if you‟re OK.
A person in your group can‟t walk.
Use your cell phone and call for help.
Give the person your first aid kit. Then, go and get help.
Points 1 a: Key
2 b: 0 More than 10 points: Well done! You can surviv e in
T a: 0 b: 2 a rainforest if necessary.
3 a: 0 b: 2 Between 6 and 8 points: No bad! But only go to the
4 a: 2 b: 0 rainforest with a group.
5 a: 0 b: 2 Less than 4 points: Stay at home . You‟r e going to be
6 a: 2 b: 0 safer there.
7 a: 2 b: 0

152 - Lưu Hoang Tri

will and won ’t in the first conditional
I. Choose the correct words.
I give / will give you that new book if you tidy / will tidy your bedroom.
Will you / Do you answer this survey if I help I will help you with the questions?
If they don‟t come / won‟t come now, we are / will be late again.
If you are / will be positive, you do / will do well at school.
If it will rain / rains on Monday, we go / will go to the café.
He won‟t read / don‟t read his poem in class tomorrow if he feels / will feel shy.
II. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
If you _____________ (not go) to bed, you‟ll be tired.
Marie _____________ (be) confused if we‟re late for her party.
What will you do if you ________________ (not pass) your exams?
Cara ______________ (not become) a famous singer if she doesn‟t practise.
If it rains today, we _______________ (not g o) for a walk.
If I see their DVDs in the shops, I ________________ (buy) them.
III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If we ____________ (go) to the party, we ________________ (see) Nick and Tom.
If you _____ (win) some money, you _____________________ (be) very happy.
She _______________ (not study) maths if she ___________ (go) to university.
4. If I (buy) that magazine, I ____________________ (read) the
horoscopes first.
5. They ______________ (not go) on holiday if they ________________ (get) some
more work.
If he __________ (become) a professional footballer, ________ _________ ____
(he/move) to another town?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 6: Survival - 153
IV. Match the sentence halves. Write the answers in each blank.
We‟ll go for a walk ___ a. I‟ll get you a DVD.
If she passes her exams ___ b. if we make too much noise.
We‟ll be there to meet you at the airport ___ c. when the plane arrives.
I‟m sure he‟ll make lots of new friends ___ d. if the weather gets better.
If you like the music ___ e. you‟ll be fine.
If you‟re very busy now __ f. she‟ll go to university.
They‟ll hear US coming in ___ g. TH come back later.
If you plan your talk carefully ___ h. when he starts his course.
Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
If I______________ (be) late again, my teacher __________________(be) angry.
I ______________ (call) you if there _________________ (be) a problem.
When I _______________ (see) Mai, I _________________ (tell) her you are here.
If the taxi _______________ (not come) soon, we _________ _______(be) late.
If he _________________ (get) another job, he __________________(earn) a bit
more money.
I _______________ (buy) you some lunch if you ______________ (be) hungry.
They _________________ (change) their minds when they _______________ (see)
the hotel
8. What _________________ (you / do) if you ___________ (be) free today?

VI. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs below.
stay wait not know have spend
find go (x2) be look
A We need to book our summer holiday. If we ______________________any longer,
everything _________________ fully booked.
B You‟re right. But we still haven‟t decided where to go.
A How about Nha Trang?
3 4
B If we _________________ to Nha Trang, I‟m sure we ______________________
good weather. But we always go there.
A Hoi An?
5 6
B We could try, but if we ____________________ in Hoi An, we ______________
a lot of money. Hoi An is a little bit expensive.
A OK. How about Quang Ngai or Kon Turn?
7 8
B We could try that. But if we _ ________ __________ there, we ________ __ ___
people and their tourist attractions.

154 - Lưu Hoang Tri

1 hat‟s doesn‟t matter.
21 22
B I know, and if we _______________ on the Internet, we might _______________
some cheap deals.
A That‟s a good idea.
VII. Write if clauses using the words given, then match them to the results a-f.
it / start / raining

we / not find / a taxi soon

it / be / hot

you / not visit me / later today

you / not go to bed I early

you / finish / the race

IX. Write first conditional sentences using the words given below.
1. if / Mai / get / good marks I her parents / be / very pleased

we‟ll open the windows.

we won‟t need to water the plants.
you‟ll be tired.
I‟ll give €5 to charity.
I‟ll send you a text message tomorrow.
we‟ll miss our plane.
VIII. Write the questions for the answers, using the words given below.
Q:_ _____________________ ? (What/do?)
If it rains, we‟ll stay at home and watch TV.
Q: ________ _ ______ ________ _ _____________________ ? (What / study?)
If I go to university, I‟ll study English.
3. Q: ______________________ _________________________ ? (Where / go?)
A: If they go on holiday, they‟ll go to Hoi An.
4. Q: _____________________ __________________________ ? (What / do?) .
If his tooth still hurts tomorrow, he‟ll go to the dentist.
Q: __ __________________________________________ ? (How much / give?)
If she finishes the run, I‟ll give her €10.
6. Q: ______________________ _________________________ ? (Who / meet?)
If we go out tonight, we‟ll meet Mai and Lan.
155 - Lưu Hoằng Trí
we / buy / some sandwiches / if / we / get / hungry

if / he / go / to Canada / he / speak / English

those children / be / sick / if / they / eat / all those green apples

if / you / not come / with me /1 / not go

Kate / not come / if / she / have / a lot of homework

X. Complete the sentences with your ideas. Use the first conditional.
If we all study very hard, _______________________________________ .
If I don‟t tidy my room this evening, _____________________________ .
If my favourite team wins the match, ________________________ ____ .
If I‟m free today, _____________________________________________ .
5. If she doesn‟t pass her exams, __ ___________ _ _________________ .
must and should
XI. Read the poster, and complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

o you _________ ________ sleep well.
© you _________ ________ have a balanced diet.
you ________ ______ _ smoke.
o you _________ ________ drink a lot of soft drinks or eat a lot of fast food.
you _________ ________ do regular exercise.
© you _________ ________ drink water every day.

156- Lưu Hoang Tri

XII. Look at the signs 1-6. For each sign, write what you should or shouldn‟t
do, using the words below.
leave your car here smoke swim
put rubbish here use mobile phones walk on the grass

XIII. Explain what the signs mean using must or mustn’t. Use the words below to
help you. There may be more than one possible answer.
helmet quiet seat slowly smoke stand

XIV. Choose the correct words.

Look at the sign „No cellphone‟. You mustn‟t / shouldn‟t use your cellphone here.
The lake is very deep. You mustn‟t / shouldn‟t swim there because it‟s dangerous.
If you meet someone, you must / should say „Hello‟.
To stay healthy, you mustn‟t / should drink water every day.
To keep fit, you mustn‟t / should do regular exercise.
You must / shouldn‟t drink a lot of soft drinks or eat a lot of fast food.
You should / shouldn‟t put rubbish in the rubbish bin.
You mustn‟t / shouldn‟t smoke here. There‟s the sign „No Smoking‟.
XV. Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t, should, shouldn’t and the verbs given

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 6: Survival - 157
below. There are more than one answer for some sentences. swim use forget make
wear look
You __________________ in the river. There are crocodiles.
You __________________ sunscreen every day in summer.
You ______________ _ your torch in the day. You need it to see at night.
You __________________ at the compass and find north.
You ______________ ___ dinner on the stove.
You __________________ waterproof clothes. It‟s going to rain.
XVI. Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t, should, shouldn’t and the
verbs given below. There are more than one answer for some sentences.
be buy drink eat wear run away use write
1. You that rucksack. It‟s very small and the colour is horrible.
2. You_ _______ __________ your name and telephone number here.
3. You ________ water from the river! It isn‟t clean.
4. You ! There‟s a big bear behind that tree.
5. You _ _____ __________ my laptop. I‟m going to do my homework on it.
6. You ________ __________ quiet, children! You‟re talking a lot today.
7. You ________ _______ __ that sandwich. It‟s three days old!
8. You sunscreen every day on holiday!
XVII. Choose the correct words.
SURVIVE in the city
People always talk about survival in the jungle, at sea, etc., but I‟ll tell you a really
dangerous place: the city. Here are my tips for survival.
Don‟t drive. Traffic is usually terrible and you ‟shouldn‟t / mustn‟t spend more
time in your car than seeing the city.
Ask people for help - most people will / must be happy to stop and help you.
Don‟t stand in the street with a map in your hand and a camera around your neck.
3 4
People will / won‟t know you‟re a tourist. That‟s not a problem, but someone will
/ might come and take your money.
Wear normal clothes, not expensive ones. With expensive clothes, thieves will /
should think you‟ve got a lot of money and yes - they will / won‟t take it away
from you.
Be aware of the weather. You should / will carry an umbrella. It often rains and
with an umbrella, you won‟t get wet.
Try to use public transportation. You mustn‟t / shouldn‟t stay out too late or
you‟won‟t / shouldn‟t find a bus.

158- Lưu Hoang Tri

I. Complete the texts with the words given below.
safe lost scary dangerous
risky danger scared accident
This morning, a baby bear escaped from Newtown Zoo. “Don‟t worry! There‟s no ‟
______________ to anyone,” said the manager of the zoo. “This animal won‟t
attack you. If it sees you , it‟ll run away. It‟s _________________ of humans. Large
adult bears can be _______________ , but not young bears.”
A teenager broke her arm. She had the _ _________________ while she was skiing.
“I‟ll be more careful in the future,” she told US. “Skiing can be a _ _______________ _
activity. I don‟t want to get injured again.”
Yesterday some students were ____________ _ in the mountains for three hours.
Finally, they called their parents, and rescuers came to help them. “It was a
experience,” they said. “We called for help because we didn‟t
feel H Luckily, they survived their adventure and they are back at
school today.
II. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).
The ability to make fire is also a survival skill both with and without fire lighting
equipment. Training and practice of the skill is very important.
The old saying is that you can survive three minutes without air, three days without water
and three weeks without food is useful. Always carry plenty of water, learn all you can
about water and its nature.
Although we can use a mobile phone to send signals, it‟s really necessary to carry with
you a map and a mirror, a torch and a whistle to give signals.
1. We can only make fire with fire lighting equipment. ________________________
Ĩ. We must learn and practise making a fire. ______________ ?. Water is less
important than food in a journey. __ ___________
I. We can‟t use a mobile phone to give signals during travel. ____________________
5. We should carry some items necessary to give signals. ______________________

HL Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).

My lucky escape by Ben Thomson
Last summer, I was camping with my parents on the north coast of Spain.
It was the second day of our holiday and I was sitting outside our tent playing on ny
phone. But things were about to change. First, I heard a loud noise. It sounded

56 - Lưu Hoang Tri

like a large animal. I ignored it. Next, I smelt a strange smell, then I saw a bright orange
light. After that, my neck and my shoulders started to feel hot. Suddenly, 1 realized what
was happening: it was a forest fire and the trees were burning all around us.
We were absolutely terrified and we ran to the beach. While we were waiting patiently
with all the other people from the campsite, planes dropped water on the burning forest.
Finally, after hours and hours, we went back to our tent but we couldn‟t stay on the
campsite because it was too dangerous. Luckily, we were able to spend the night at a
nearby school.
In the end, we had to go back home to England the next day. We were relieved and
grateful to be alive.‟
1. The disaster happened on the first day of their holiday. ____
2. Ben paid attention to the loud noise. ____
3. He could smell something strange and the bright light. ____
4. He felt hot because of the heat from the sun. ____
5. His family were able to reach the beach with other people. ____
6. The local government did nothing with the disaster. ____
7. They could spend the night at the campsite. ____
After the event, they were relieved and stayed on there for a few days. _________

IV. Match heading 1-7 with paragraphs A-F. There is one extra heading.
Finding and collecting water
First Aid
Building fires
When home alone
Fear of the dark
Outdoor cooking
Reading a map, compass, and GPS
You don‟t have to go far to camp when you can do it right in your backyard. This
will be a great way to have an opportunity to learn how to make a campfire. You can
learn how to collect firewood, what types of trees and lengths of wood to look for.
Once you have a fire, the next step is outdoor cooking. You can start by learning to
cook hot dogs, and “hobo bags”. You do this by wrapping your meat and vegetables
in tin foil and roasting it over the fire.
You can collect rainwater after a rain by using grocery bags and plastic containers.
You also learn to filter the rainwater using some cloth.
_______________________ _______ ■ • ' •
It‟s important for US to know how to read a map, use a compass, and GPS when you
get separated. We can also use this to find our way home. We should know our street
address and city. Remember landmarks, such as the library, a water tower, railroad

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 6: Survival - 157
tracks, etc., which are near your house.
E. ___________ ___________________ ■ ■ ■
You know how to call your parents when someone tries to enter your house.
Remember to lock the windows and doors. You can turn on the TV or the DVD
F. _______ _ ______________________ . . _J
We should know the items in the first-aid kit and their uses. We can talk about
safety, prevention and when to take action in an emergency.
V. Read the text, and answer the questions.
Will you survive?
These days there are many websites and online stores for survivalists. Survivalists believe
that a disaster will definitely happen in the future and they believe that we need to
prepare. Here, some survivalists explain how they have prepared.
“You never know what could happen in the future, so it‟s best to be prepared. Then if a
disaster comes, you‟ll be ready and you‟ll survive.”
by David, 15
“We always keep a lot of useful survival things in backpacks. We may need to leave in a
hurry. If we leave quickly, we won‟t have time to prepare. So we‟ve hidden money in
envelopes and our backpacks are ready. They‟ll be useful if we need to survive in the
wild. We‟ll be safer in the countryside if there‟s a disaster. It could be dangerous in the
by Sue, 14
“'We've learned how to hunt animals and how to find food and water in the forest. We
might need to survive in the wild. We‟ve hidden some food and water in the forest near
here, but we might not have enough food if we‟re there for a long time.”
by Andy, 16
What do some survivalists believe?

Why does David think it‟s best to be prepared'.‟

Why does Sue thinks that we should keep a lot of useful survival things in

Where does she think it‟ll be safer if there‟s a disaster?

What has Andy learned to do?

What has he done for survival?

158- Lưu Hoang Tri

VI. Read Jane‟s story, and do the tasks.
My brother Peter and I were on a jungle wildlife holiday with six other people and Juan,
our guide. It was an amazing experience and we saw lots of monkeys, crocodiles, and
huge snakes. But one morning Peter and I did a very stupid thing.
We wanted to take photos of monkeys. We got up early and walked into the jungle. We
didn‟t have to go far before we heard some monkeys. We were excited and we followed
the monkeys for about ten minutes. Suddenly, Peter stopped. He was worried. “I‟m not
going to walk further,” he said. “We‟ll get lost. I‟m going back.”
We looked around us. There were trees everywhere. The campsite wasn‟t far, but we had
no idea which direction to take. “I think we are already lost,” Peter said. “How are we
going to get back? Nobody knows where we are. They‟ll never find us.”
Then it started to rain. Luckily, I had a waterproof coat. We sat on our rucksacks with the
coat over our heads. There were loads of mosquitoes and we had no insect repellent. We
were scared and miserable.
After two hours, we heard a noise. It was Juan and he was angry. “You‟re very lucky,”
he said. But we were very happy. “We‟re never going to follow monkeys again,” we
promised. Juan laughed, “Come one. Let‟s go back to camp.”
Task 1. Choose the best title a-c for the story.
Camping in the jungle
Lost in the jungle
A jungle adventure
Task 2. Mark the following sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false
1. Jane was with six other people in the jungle. ______________
Jane and Peter went into the jungle early in the morning. _________________
3. They wanted to explore the jungle. ______________
4. Everywhere looked the same in the jungle. ______________
They were far from the campsite when they were lost. ______________________
6. They waited for two hours in the rain. ______________
VII. Read the texts, and do the tasks that follow.
Life Savers
A British teenager went jogging in the hot Australian desert, and he got lost for three
days. Sam Woodhead only had one bottle of water with him. He should have packed
more. Luckily, his dad had put some packets of eye contact lens solution into Sam‟s
backpack a few days before. Sam drank these They didn‟t taste very nice, but he drank
them, and he could survive. Sam also had some sweaters and shorts in his bag. He used
them to spell the international help sign „S.O.S.‟ The helicopter pilots saw the message,
and they could find Sam. Sam had a sunbum and he was very thirsty, but he recovered
quickly. Contact lens solution and shorts had saved his life. B

Alex Vogel was walking by a river in Berlin when he heard a young American man
Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (khăng đáp án) - Unit 6: Survival - 159
shouting for help. The man was trying to swim, but he was sinking. Alex couldn ‟t reach
him, and there wasn‟t time to call the emergency services. Then he had an idea. He took
off his scarf and threw it to the man, who used it to climb out. The man was bruised and
grazed, and he needed to go to hospital because he‟d become very cold and had
hypothermia, but he survived. Alex‟s mother had saved the day. She had made Alex such
a long scarf, and the rescue wasn‟t very difficult.
c : :
Jennifer Thronton in Oregon, US, was saved by her seven -year-old daughter, Amira - and
a film. Amira was watching television when she heard noises from the kitchen. She saw
her mother, Jennifer, with a very red face. A piece of sausage was stuck in her throat, and
she couldn‟t speak or breathe. Jennifer was panicking, and she was very worried. But
Amira put her arms around her mum‟s stomach, and performed an action called the
„Heimlich Maneuver,‟ which she had seen in Mrs. Doubtfire. The sausage came out.
Amira had seen the film, and she knew what to do. Sometimes TV can be good for you.
Task 1. Choose the best summary.
a What you should do in an emergency
The world‟s bravest rescuers
Ordinary things which have saved lives
Task 2. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false statements.
1. Sam Woodhead was Australian. ______
2. Sam had some water with him. _____
Sam didn‟t have any serious health problems when he was rescued. __________
Alex called for an ambulance.

160- Lưu Hoang Tri

Alex hadn‟t bought his scarf in a shop.
Jennifer told her daughter what to do.
The „Heimlich Maneuver‟ had appeared in a film.
VIII. Read the text, and do the following tasks.
Surviving The Swamp!
The Florida Everglades is one of the USA‟s largest and most
beautiful national parks and a great place to escape from the
city. But every year, around 60 visitors get into trouble in its
4,000 square miles of swamps. So what are the dangers and
what must you do to survive your trip there?
The Everglades are fall of dangerous mud bogs. They can
swallow a car or a person in a few minutes. If you fall into a bog, keep calm. Moving a
lot only pulls you in deeper. Pull each leg out slowly, then lie flat and crawl out carefully.
There are hundreds of mosquitoes, scorpions, and poisonous spiders and snakes in the
Everglades swamps. Their bites and stings can be very dangerous and sometimes fatal.
Always look where you walk, wear long pants, strong boots, and lots of insect repellent.
It can rain a lot in the Everglades and flash floods are a real danger. A flash flood is a
wall of water travelling at 60 mph. Climb up a cliff or a tree. You have to get to the
highest place you can and quickly!
More than a million alligators live in the swamps and they hide without moving. So how can
you see where they are? Well, bubbles on the water can be an alligator getting ready for
lunch! These reptiles can run up to 30 mph. They can‟t turn quickly, so if you ỷ see an
alligator, you must run away as fast as you can. ' - ‟■ J

A. Mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).

The Florida Everglades is the largest national park in the USA. ____________
2. Most of the national park is swamps. ______
3. Hundreds of visitors get into trouble every year. ______
4. If you fall into a bog, pull your legs out of it quickly. ______
You should move your legs and body slowly out of the mud. _____________
6. The Everglades have got only poisonous insects. ______
7. Strong boots can protect your feet and legs. ______
8. When there is a flash flood, run as fast as you can. ______
9. Alligators can‟t move quickly. ______
You can see where an all igator is by looking at the surface of the swamp.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 6: Survival - 161
B. Match the new words with their meanings.
1. escape a. (an area of) wet land
2. survive b. an American crocodile
3. crawl c. a small ball having air and floating in the air
4. swamp d. get away
5. bog e. causing death
6. fatal f. continue to live after a difficult situation
7. bubble g. an area of ground that is very soft and wet
8. alligator h. move slowly on the hands and knees

Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

swallow fatal bubbles escape poisonous reptiles
If you want to _________________ from the stress of a big city, then go to
the Florida Everglades.
2. Be careful while in the swamps because there are snake s,
and their bites can be _____
3. Alligators and snakes are _
4. People say that the bog can everything.
5. The children were blowing __ with washing-up liquid.

6D. PRONUNCIATION: / A/ in must and silent t in mustn’t

I. Underline the / A/ sound in the words below.
cut but hut country none
dozen done young ton butter
tough touch mud flood umbrella

II. Underline the silent t in the words below.

catch watch sketch stitch witch
listen fasten christen castle whistle
hustle ballet buffet soften Christm a s


• Everyday English
I. Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
A: Why do you think he‟s a good B: a/ He has lots of experience.
leader? b/ He‟s bossy and unfriendly.
2. A: Is he good at survival? B: a/ Yes, he‟s brave and clever.
b/ Yes, he acts before he thinks.

162 - Lưu Hoang Tri

A: Do you like to work with her? a/' Yes, she doesn‟t listen to anyone.
b/No, she‟s quite bossy and unfriendly.
a/ I‟ll set up a tent to wait, b/1
A: What do you do if you get lost? send signals to call for help.
a/ Right. We need a lot of it. b/ Sure.
A: Make sure you‟ll bring a lot of There‟s lots at the place.
water. a/ OK, are you ready?
A: I feel so nervous before the ride. b/ Go slowly and feel relaxed.
a/ Sure. I‟ll run after you. b/
A: You‟ll be fine if you follow my Right. You‟re a good leader.
instructions. a/ OK. Most of them are poisonous, b/
A: Don‟t pick wild mushrooms Right. I‟ll walk faster to skip them.
on our walk!
a/1 think he‟ll be sick, b/ I think
he‟ll be shy.
A: He‟s eaten a lot of green apples.
a/ Remember to bring sunscreen, b/
You mustn‟t wear a
A: Next week we go to the beach.
hat. It‟s sunny.

• Giving instructions
IL Complete the dialogue about finding a route home with the sentences below.
What‟s our plan B if we can‟t get a taxi?
If that happens, we could call our parents.
I don‟t think that‟s a problem because we have lights on our phones.
What about if we call a taxi?
What should we do if we get lost?
If that doesn‟t work, we could call my dad.
Jake If we stay on this road, we won‟t get home before 9 p.m.
Paul OK. Let‟s look at the map. If we walk across this field, we‟ll get home
more quickly.
Jake ___ _________________ ________ _ __________ ________ _________
Paul We won‟t. I know this area really well.
Jake It might get dark. What will we do then?
Paul ; _
Jake I don‟t know. I think it‟s a little risky.
Paul OK. You‟re probably right.
Jake _________________

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 6: Survival - 163
Paul We can try, but the taxis might all be busy.
Jake 5

Maybe they‟ll come and get US. Let‟s call the taxi company first.
Paul 6
But he won‟t be happy!

Complete the dialogue with the sentences given below. There is one extra.
At night-time, you must also have the lights on.
You must put reflections on your bike and wear something bright such as a
reflective belt.
c. I often check the brakes, tyres and chain.
d. You must respect road signs and use hand signals to tell drivers that you want to
change direction.
e. You must not carry more than one person on the back.
f. The most important thing to remember is that you must wear a helmet.
g- They protect us when we have accidents.
Mai: Is this your bike, Nick?
Nick: Yes, it‟s mine. I often go for a ride with my friends on a beautiful day.
Mai: Good. Cycling is fun, but sometimes accidents happen, so you should cycle
Nick: Right. What should I do first when I‟m cycling?
Mai: 1■;
Your helmet will protect your head when you fall off your bike.
Nick: Right. I think we must wear a helmet that fits us and never wear a hat under our
helmet. And how about our clothes?
Mai: It‟s also important that drivers can see you. ____________________

Nick: I think gloves and knee pads are a good idea. _____ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _

Mai: Certainly. We shouldn‟t wear loose clothes or headphones. _ _____________

Nick: My bike has got the dynamo and the front and back lights. Must I pay attention
to anything on the road when I‟m cycling?
Mai: 5 ■ ■■ -
Nick: I do it every time I ride. Anyway, we mustn‟t ride too close to cars,
especially parked cars. People can open car doors suddenly.
Mai: The last thing to remember is that you should remember to keep your bike in good

164 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Nick: Yes. : : . r .?
Thank you so much, Mai.

• Giving advice
Read the following tips, and write the first conditional sentences to give pieces of
Example: Make a fire during the day.
—> If you make a fire during the day, people will see it and come to rescue you.
Wear boots and clothes with long sleeves even when it‟s hot.

Look for water before you look for food.

Don‟t eat colourful mushrooms!

Learn where the North Star is.

Always walk in one direction.

You‟re lost and you find a river.

Wash wounds in a river.

Make a lot of noise when you come across a snake.

• A blog
Use the following tips to write an advice blog for pedestrians. You can use
the key phrases:
It‟s a good idea to __ _______________
You should ________________________
It‟s important to ___________ ________
- It‟s important that ___________________
Don‟t ____________ , . ,
Top tips for pedestrian safety
Teach your children to hold hands with an adult whenever they go out.
Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 6: Survival - 165
Always use a zebra crossing when one is available and teach children that these
are the safest places to cross.
Teach children that it‟s till important to stop, look and listen at a zebra crossing.
Never use your mobile phone while crossing roads.
Children learn to make decisions about crossing the road and parents gradually
let them take a lead when you are crossing together.
As children get older, practise routes with them before they walk alone.

I. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
light run avoid stand
use build find climb up
Could you ________________ still just for a minute and listen to me?
Our purpose is to ________________ shelter for local people.
They ________________ the tree to escape from the bear.
4. It‟s very wet, and we can‟t _________ _____ the fire.
We should _______________ drinking water because there‟s not much left.
It‟s important to do something to __________________ the risk of fire.

166 - Lưu Hoang Tri

People sometimes____________ away from flooding water in the rainy s eason.
When we travel in a forest, we can __________________ a compass for finding

Complete the text with the adjectives below.

hardworking strong cooperative imaginative calm adaptable
So you want to be a firefighter ...
What will I do?
If you become a firefighter, you won‟t only fight fires: you‟ll probably do a lot of
different things, so you‟ll need to be very ___________________ .
For example, you may drive the fire truck, help people who have had an accident, or even
rescue cats from trees. Sometimes you may need to be 2 and think of solutions to unusual
What personal qualities will I need?
It‟s a difficult and dangerous job, so it‟s very important to have the right personal
qualities. If you‟re good at staying ____________ in scary situations, you‟ll
probably be a good firefighter. You‟ll need to be _________________________ , too,
because firefighters always work together in teams. You‟ll find it difficult to be a
firefighter unless you‟re really ____________________ because you‟ll see injured
people and tragic situations. Finally, of course, it‟s important to be _______________
_________ because the hours will be long and you‟ll often work at night.

Language focus
Choose the correct words.
If we get / will get the next bus, we arrive / will arrive at 6 p.m.
We miss / will miss the bus if we don‟t go / won‟t go now.
Will / Do you play football if it rains / will rain?
If she has / will have children, she calls / will call them Mia and David.
They don‟t win / won‟t win the game if they don‟t play / won‟t play better.
I go / will go to college if I get I will get good results.
IV. Match 1-7 with a-g to make sentences.
1. If you drink too much coffee, _____
2. If you go to bed early, _____
3. If you always go to bed late, _____
4. If you listen to loud music when you study, ___________
5. You won‟t get fit if you _____
6. If you don‟t like your job, ______
7. You‟ll have problems at work if you ______
a. drive everywhere in your car.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 6_ REVIEW - 167
you won‟t sleep tonight.
it‟s difficult to concentrate.
you‟ll exhaust yourself.
don‟t finish that report on time.
you‟ll feel better in the morning.
look for a new one.

V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If Ellie _____________ _(g ) a job, she ____ _____________ (leave) home.
If you ______________ (not water) these plants, they _________________ (die).
I ______ __ ____ (visit) you tomorrow if I __________ _______ (have) time.
You ___ ___________ (not be) late for school if you ___ _____________ (leave)
home now.
If it ________________ (be) sunny tomorrow, we _____ ______________ (have) a

VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

If it ________________ (rain) tomorrow, where ________ _________ (we / go)?

You _________________ (not pass) the exam if you ____________________ (not
study) every day.
If we _________ (do) our homework, the teacher _________________ (be) happy.
4. He _____________ (study) English if he _________________ (visit) Australia.
If you _____________________ (not listen), you _______________________ (not
understand) the question.
_______________ (we/ play) football tomorrow if it _____________ (be) sunny?

VII. Choose the correct words.

Students must I should wear school uniforms. It‟s the regulation.
They must I should clean their hands before cooking.
You must I should water your plants more often.
You must / should tidy your room more often.
Alice isn‟t very healthy at the moment. She should / shouldn‟t do some more
You must / should take exams before you go to university.
VIII. Read the information leaflet. Complete paragraphs A-D with the questions
below. There is one extra.
What are the risks of biking in the city?
What can you do?
What do we want?

168 - Lưu Hoang Tri

How can we improve public transportation?
Why does our city need bike riders?
A. /■ r"/
Biking is great exercise and a cheap form of transportation. And, of course, many
people need to ride bikes, such as teenagers who are too young to drive. But more
bikes improve cities for everyone - not only bikers. For example, if fewer people
drive, the air will be cleaner, the roads will be safer, and car trips will be faster.
_______________ ;
Biking on the road is dangerous. Drivers don‟t always see bikers, and every year there
are tragic accidents. For example, road safety experts predict that about 100 bikers will
probably die in the UK this year. Pollution is another health risk. If you ride your bike
in heavy traffic, you‟ll breathe in harmful pollutants, like nitrogen dioxide and sulphur
c. ________________________ '
We need more bike lanes so that we don‟t have to ride our bikes in the road. Biking
doesn‟t need to be risky.
D. _______ _ __________ __________________________
Write to your local governments and tell them how you feel.
Join our Twitter campaign.
IX. Read the text, and answer the ques tions.
Cameron Weir
Cameron Weir saved the lives of his family, when his parents‟ car went off the road and
fell into two metres of water in a canal. The family were travelling home on the
motorway, when their car skidded on some oil. The car crashed through the metal barrier
at the side of the road, rolled down a hill and landed upside -down in a canal. Cameron,
who was only twelve at the time, quickly unfastened his seatbelt and swam out through a
broken window to the surface.
A few seconds later, Cameron‟s mum, Beryl, managed to swim free, but his seven -year-
old brother, Mac, and ten-year-old sister, Rosie, were still in the car. Cameron didn‟t
think twice about it - he went straight back under the water. Later, Cameron admitted that
he was terrified, but he knew he had to do something about his brother and sister.
Cameron quickly managed to free Mac, then returned for Rosie, who couldn‟t swim. The
cold water was cloudy and Cameron had to feel for her seatbelt. He managed to unfasten
it but ran out of breath. He then had to dive down to the car for a third time to pull her
out. Meanwhile, people passing by had pulled Cameron‟s father, Angus, to safety. He
was out of the water, but he was unconscious.
On the bank of the canal, Cameron took control of the situation. In fact, Cameron was so
calm that the firefighters who arrived at the scene mistook him for a passer-by instead of
a survivor. Cameron‟s actions were certainly heroic, but for a child they were quite
1. Which family members did Cameron save?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - FVIEW - 169

Where were Cameron and his family going when the accident happened?

What are the names of the five people who were in the car?

Who was the first person to escape from the car?

Why couldn‟t Cameron see Rosie‟s seatbelt?

Who rescued Cameron‟s father from the car?

Why did firefighters think Cameron was a passer-by?

X. Read the text, and try to give the advice by using the cues given below and
should. There is one extra.
ride to the nearest village to get the phone signal
phone the bike shop and ask them for help
buy the foods and share them
put a raincoat under your sleeping bag
wait for your friend and wait at the train station until the last train comes
take the bikes on the train
ask local people for directions

170 - Lưu Hoang Tri

The Bike Trip Test
How adaptable are you?
You and some friends decide to go on a cycling vacation on the train, but there are some
problems. Imagine that you are in each of the situations and decide the best action plan.
While you are waiting at the station for the train, your friend calls. He‟s going to be ten
minutes late. If you wait for him, you‟ll miss the train. This is the last train today.
_____________________ __________________________________________

You arrive in the countryside. After two hours, you‟re lost.

2 :
B: ________________ ■ - - _____________________

After cycling for three hours, you have a problem with your bike. You check on your
phone and there‟s a bike shop in town five kilometres away.
B: < ; : ? : __________________ _

You stay at a nice campsite, but it rains all night and everything is very wet. M >

You‟re very hungry, and you want to buy some food at the campsite. A burg er is $7
and French fries are $2. Your friend has $6, and you have got $3.
__________ ______________________________________________________

You miss the train home. You need to call your parents, but there‟s no cell phone
B: __________ ___________________________________

XI. Complete the tips about survival using the words given below.
cooperative positive smart flexible calm imaginative
1. Be _______ ______ . Don‟t panic. Panic doesn‟t help any situation.
2. Be _______ _ ____ . Consider your decisions carefully.
3. Be _______ ______ . If plan A fails, try plan B.
4. Be . Sometimes an alternative plan isn‟t obvious.
5. Be_ ______ ______ Think of a happy ending. Things usually work out fine.
6. Be_ ______ ______ . Work together: two heads are usually better than one.
XII. Use the following tips to write an advice blog for cyclists. You can use the key
It‟s a good idea to __________________
You should _______________________

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 6_ REVIEW - 171
It‟s important to____________________
It‟s important that __________________
Don‟t ____________________________

Top tips for cycling

Always encourage children to wear a cycle helmet when they are on their bikes, and
set a good example by wearing one yourself.
Children need to be able to judge speed and distance accurately before they cycle on
public roads. They need to take lessons on cycling in order to travel more widely on
their bikes.
Make sure children wear bright coloured clothing and fluorescent items whenever
they are cycling on the road.
And if they are cycling in the dark, they will need lights on their bikes and reflective
items too. And of course, make sure you do this yourself, to set a good example.

172 - Lưu Hoang Tri


• Music and instruments

I. Reorder the letters and write the musical instruments.
1. opani ■ 4. ritaug
2. lionvi ______________ 5. mertupt
3. haseonxop 6. sdurm
Find the types of music in the puzzle.

dr- pia- vio- key- elec- ba-

-no -lin -ums -tronic -ss -boards
J w F X V T R 0 c K
R u o R I Ọ H u H D
E c L A s s I c A L
G B K p s s p J R G
G D K z A V H G D J
A L ĩ F M p 0 p R E
E s J K B M p Ọ 0 p
s A L s A c M Y c B
X G T E c H N o K V
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12.
Find the musical instruments in the squares.
"7 j;. 74.' 77; 7;' 77
; y
2. "7 7' Í ' "57"' " '7 ;
3. 6. ._____________
IV. Complete the sentences with the types of music given below.
rock pop rap reggae

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7: Music - 171
hip-hop salsa folk music classical music
samba hard rock and heavy metal
_______________ is a type of dance music with regular heavy beat and spoken
!• ________________ is a type of popular music in which the words of a song
are spoken in time to music with a steady beat.
_______________ is considered important and serious, and has a value for a long
. _________________ is traditional music that has been played by ordinary
people in a particular area for a long time.
. _________________ is a type of Latin American dance music.
____________ __ is a type of music played for a fast dance from Brazil.
_______________ is a type of popular modem music with a strong, loud
beat played with guitars and drums.
. _________________ is a kind of popular music from Jamaica, with a strong
regular beat.
. _________________ is modem music, popular with young people, having
simple tunes with a strong beat.
_________________________ are the types of rock music that is played loudly
with a strong beat, and uses electric instruments, especially electric guitars.
. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
vocals download. live tune music video
keyboards composed DJs band bands
. For music lovers, the city has two world-famous ___________________ .
. We are listening to a folk song with a very nice ____________________ .
_______________ play records in a club where you can dance.
A small ________________ is playing jazz music.
He ________________ the music for the „Lord of the Rings‟ films.
_ _____ _______ music is very different from recorded music.
_ _____ ______ are the parts of a piece of music that is sung, not played on an
_______________ are an electronic musical instrument similar to a piano. A
_______________ is a short film for a particular piece of popular music.
). All of their songs are available for _____________ _ on their website.

74 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

VI. Complete the text with the words given below.
traditional music popular instrument string instru m e nt
ancient times metal strings made from

The Lute
The lute is a(n) .A simila r HMM
1 1
instru m e nt was playe d in in MF*** *
countries such as Egypt, Greece, India. The lute is
___________________ wood and glue only. It has got a r-‟* ---------- T
pear-shaped body, a short neck, ______________ _ IforE— . -EM
and an unusual head that is bent backwards at a right angle. This was a very
th th
_________________ in the 16 and 17 century in Europe and it was often
played at royal courts such as that of King Henry VIII of England. In the 1800s, the lute
was replaced by the guitar in most places, but it is still used to perform
_________________ in Middle Eastern countries.
Star qualities: adjectives and nouns
VII. Choose the correct words.
Some people think that you don‟t need much talent I talented to be a model.
You usually need a lot of luck I lucky to become a film star.
The actor in the film is very good looks I good-looking.
You need skill / skilful to be a professional footballer.
Nicole Kidman has got a lot of style I stylish.
An astronaut needs to be very courage / courageous.
When you leave school, you need to be more independence / independent.
Wrestlers are always very strength / strong.

VIII. Complete the sentences using the adjective or noun forms of the words in

Powell is a __________________ _ 100m runner, (strength)

Singers need ________________ when they perform in a concert, (courageous)
Is your brother ________ : __________ ? (intelligence)
Do you want to be ________ __ in the future? (fame)
Playing basketball isn‟t easy. You need _____________________ . (skilful)
Angelina Jolie is a ___________________ celebrity, (style)
Beyonce is a singer with great ___ ________________ . (talented)
The band has got the support from the enthusiastic and _____ ________ ______
fans, (energy)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7: Music - 175
IX. Complete the sentences with one of the words in each pair.
talent / talented confidence / confident succe ss / succe ssful
ambition / ambitious fame /famous charm / energy / energetic
kind Ỉ kindness charming
a/ I think she‟ll be __________________ as a singer. b/
The film was a great __________________ .
a/ If you feel ___________________ , we can go out for a run. b/
Where do those kids get their ___________________ from?
a/ That city gets the ________________ as a centre of education and training, b/
Manchester is ___________________ for its football teams.
a/ I feel much more _____________ __ about myself and my abilities these days, b /
She has complete ___ ______________ in the doctors.
a/ Nick is clever, and he has got a lot of ____ ______________ . b/
It‟s a(n) __ ______ _______ little Italian restaurant.
a/ The show has ___________________ actors, but the dancers are not so good, b/
She showed a(n) ___________________ for music at the young age.
a/ She has a(n) _________________ to be a pilot.
b/ Mothers are often ____________________ for their children - they want their
children to be successful.
a/ It is very __ __________ __ of her to help US in this problem, b/ I
can‟t thank you enough for your __________ ________ .

X. Choose the correct adjectives to describe the people.

peaceful energetic ambitious charming
generous modest creative friendly
1. Ben always gets the best marks in exams but he never talks about it.

2. Simon always gives US presents on our birthdays. _ ___ _____

3. jenny wants to be the best at everything. _____ __ __ __
4. Ellie writes stories and songs. _ _____ __ __
5. Sally is good at meeting new people. ________
6. Tom is a quiet and calm boy. __________
David often plays sports in his free time and doesn‟t feel tired. ______________
She is good-looking and attractive in her early forties. _____________________

176 - Lưu Hoằng Tri

XI. Complete the text with the correct nouns or adjectives with the initial letter
Penelope Cruz is a *t ______________ actress who was bom in
2 3
Madrid in 1974. She‟s f ~ for her g ______________
looks and also her S ____________________ clothes. Penelope is
i _____________ and she speaks four languages - Spanish,
Italian, French and English. Her f ______________ has helped her [>:
J'K -b ‟/Sổ
to appear in adverts on TV and in magazines. "i?' „ s ; 'Jr
Andy Murray was bom in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1987. As a
young boy, he was a S _____________ tennis player and a good footballer, but he
decided to play professional tennis. Murray is an exciting player to watch. He‟s got a lot
of s _____________________ in his arms and can hit the ball very hard. He also
thinks carefully on the tennis court and uses his i __________________________ and
'°C ____________ to win.

XII. Complete the text with the suitable personality adjectives or nouns.
Reach Sports Academy
Are you between the ages of 11 and 16? Reach Sports Academy is looking for young
footballer, tennis player and runners.
Reach is an academy in Liverpool which mixes academic lessons with special classes in a
variety of different sports. Past students at our academy include a number of very
____________________________ TV sports personalities.
We have places for new students to start at the academy next September. To get a place at
the academy you need to:
be a very good sportsperson and have a lot of ____________________ in two
or more sports
be healthy and _______________
work well alone and show ________________ . You must have your own ideas.
be good team players and not be ________________
• have _______ and not be frightened to work hard to succeed
Vocabulary plus
XIII. Complete the sentences with the words below.

voice insanity hit dream

reality bright rights and wrongs star
1. The is that young people will not decide to become
workers until salaries are higher.
She‟s a good actress but she lacks ___________ _____ quality.
Mai‟s got a lovely singing _________________ .

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7: Music - 177
The _____________________ of the factory‟s plans are clear. The factory
is polluting the environment seriously.
It would be _______________ to travel abroad at this time. Many places in the
world are in the condition of lockdown because of the pandemic COVID-19.
That song became a big _________________ in 1990s.
Her face became ___________ when she heard the good news from her family.
As a teenager, his ________________ was to become a professional singer.
be going to
I. Write sentences using be going to.
she / go shopping

we / not meet / them

Dad / drive / to the train station

they / not watch TV

they / play I football

John / not talk / to us / about the problem

be going to: questions

Write questions using be going to. Then write short answers.
they / start / at two o‟clock V

she / meet / him *

he / watch / a film X

Lan / do / her homework V

we / practise / the music lessons / today X

you / be / late V

will and be going to

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

178 - Lưu Hoang Tri

We ________________ ____ (meet) the singers.
I __________________ (buy) a new bike.
3. They ____________________ (watch) TV.

I think they ____________ ________ (be) late.

Maybe you __________ _______ (get) a new trainer.
He ___________________ (not be) late again.
IV. Choose the correct words.
Mike thinks that his new school is going to / will have better facilities than his old
I‟ve decided that I will / am going to live in the countryside when I grow up.
Anna will / is going to stay with her French penfriend this summer. She‟s
really excited.
We need some milk. I am going to / will go out and buy some.
Do you think that we are going to / will get there in time for the concert?
Help that boy. He is going to / will fall off the wall.
I can‟t come out tonight. I will / am going to work on my school project.
What a mess! Will you / Are you going to help me to tidy up?
Complete the sentences with will or be going to.
I don‟t think the students ___________________ get lost.
Dan and I are training really hard this week. We ______________________ run in
the 10-kilometre race on Saturday.
There‟s a spelling mistake on our poster. I ___________________ change it.
It‟s Sarah‟s birthday next week. I think I _______________ buy her some flowers.
I ______________ ___ have a party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
Mr Smith thinks the window ____________________ cost about €200 to repair.
During the summer, my brother _________ ___________ _ work at the leisure
centre to earn some money.
Nobody wants to come to our concert. It __________ _ _________ be a disaster.
VI. Complete the sentences with will or going to and the verbs in brackets.
Phong and Nick are in the gym with the coach. They _______________________ _
(play) basketball.
Tell me what‟s wrong. I promise I _________________ -(not tell) anyone.
Mai is very tired. She ___________ _________ (not go out) tonight.
Wait, I _______________ -(help) you to carry the shopping bag.
My exam is on Monday. I‟ve decided that I ______________________ (study) all
Our team isn‟t very good. I don‟t think we ___________________ (win).
VII. Write sentences using be going to or will.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7: Music - 179
I think / my favourite team / win / the match next week.

who / win / the match tomorrow /?

I / go / to the cinema / with Nick / later

they / not play / tennis tomorcow. They / play / football

the PE teacher / train / us tomorrow • Present continuous for future arrangements

VIII. Complete the mini-dialogues using the present continuous form of the verbs
given below.
cycle do practise swim visit watch
„What‟s happening on Monday afternoon?‟ - „We _____________________ for the
running race.‟
2. „Have you got any plans for the summer holidays?‟ - „Yes, we around the city on our
„What are you doing at the weekend?‟ - T ____________________ my cousins
in the countryside.‟
„ _______ you _______________ anything on Saturday?‟ - „Yes, I
______ in the tournament at the local pool.‟
„Do you want to come to the café tomorrow?‟ - T can‟t. I _____________________
my dad play tennis.‟
IX. Complete the dialogue about future arrangements using the
present continuous.
Jenny: What _________________________ (1. you / do) this summer?
Matt: _____________________ _(2.1 / not do) anything special. What about you?
Jenny: __________________________ ( 3. we / fly) to London to watch a tennis
tournament with our English cousins.
Matt: ___________________________ (4. you / meet) them there?
Jenny: Yes. __________________________ (5. we / spend) a week with them, then
____________________ (6. we / go) to the seaside.

X. Complete the dialogues using the present continuous form of the verbs given
meet not do go play do study
A. Amy: What ___________ you _ _______________ on Monday?
Sam: I tennis.
B. Dan: 3 we to the cinema tonight?
Rob: Yes, we ______, at seven o‟clock.

180 - Lưu Hoằng Tri

c. Sue: Are you _______________ ______ this evening?
Ana: No, I feel ill. 1 __________ ___________ anything this evening.
XL Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present continuous or be
going to.
A What ‟ _______________ _______ (you / do) tonight?
B : 1 _______________ __ (go) to John‟s house party.
A Really? We __________ ___________ (be) there, too.
B Great. (you / take) any food or drink?
5 6
A Yes, we _____________ ___ (brin g) some food, but we ______ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _
(not bring) any drink.
B What type of music _____ (he / have)?
A He‟s got a DJ and he ___ __________________ (play) dance music.
B It sounds great. How __________________ (you / get) there?
A We ____ (get) there by bus. Do you want to go with us?
I. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).
MUSIC: the road to success
Keith Miller grew up on a farm in Colorado, USA, with no interest in singing or musical
instruments. He was a natural sportsman: fast and powerful. After university he became a
professional American football player in 1992.
His interest in music started in 1994 when he went to a wonderful performance of The
Phantom of the Opera at the theatre. After that, he listened to CDs of other musicians and
operas. Sometimes, in private, he even sang the songs.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7: Music - 181
In 2001, when he was twenty-eight, he heard about an
opera at a music festival, which needed singers. Just for
fun, Keith auditioned for the opera. To his surprise, he
got a part! When his football team heard about this, they
laughed and laughed. They hated opera. And it wasn‟t
easy ‟ with the opera singers, either. Some of them
believed Keith was stupid because he couldn‟t read
music very well.
But Keith soon decided that his future was in opera. He retired from football and stu died
for four years at music college. He‟s now a very successful opera singer, not only
because of his beautiful voice, but also because he‟s stronger and fitter than most opera
singers. He sings in the greatest opera houses around the world.
1. Keith liked music when he was a child. _____
2. As a young man, Keith was a sportsman. _____
3. Keith‟s football team were big fans of opera. _____
4. Other footballers were very nice to Keith when they heard the news.
5. Keith now sings opera in a lot of different countries. _____
Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).
Can Mozart make you clever?
Some people believe that young children should listen to classical music. They think it
can change a child‟s brain and make the child clever. They call this „the Mozart effect‟.
This idea became very popular in the 1990s. Governments and universities spent a lot of
money over the next twenty years to test if it is true. The research shows that it is not.
Listening to Mozart does not have a permanent effect on your brain. However, research
shows that listening to music can help children learn. Mike Edwards teaches eight -year-
olds. He works in a special school for children with behavior problems. He is not a music
teacher, but in his classroom there is always music.
T play the music at the beginning of the lesson,‟ Mike says, „and it reall} works!‟ Mike‟s
students are sometimes difficult to control. „They‟re not stupid or lazy,‟ he says, „but
they‟re sometimes noisy and rude and you have to be ve ry patient.‟ The music is calm
and quiet. It helps the children to feel calm and quiet too. Then they can learn better.
„I don‟t think music changes a child‟s brain or personality, but it helps them to
concentrate so they can be more creative. They enjoy coming to class and it makes my
job easier because they‟re more polite and hard-working.‟
So does Mozart make you a better student? Maybe. But Mike‟s students are listening to
the blues.
In the last ten years of the 20 century, many people believe in the Mozart
effect. __________
Research proved that listening to classical music doesn‟t make students more
-clever. __________
3. Mike teaches children about music. __________
4. Mike‟s students are always badly behaved. __________

182 - Lưu Hoằng Tri

Mike‟s students aren‟t listening to classical music in class. _______________
Read the text and answer the questions.
In a school in Vista, California, the students are studying hard. But they aren‟t reading
their books quietly. They‟re playing noisily. Because it is not an ordinary school, and its
students are not ordinary students. It‟s the School of Rock, and the students are the rock
stars of the future!
The School of Rock in Vista is one of 86 Schools of Rock (SOR) in the US and Mexico.
At SOR, children aged 7 to 18 learn to play guitar, drums, and piano, and they learn to
sing, too. They also study the music types of bands and musicians like The Beatles, The
Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, and many others. All the teachers at SOR are professional
They teach the children how to play their j instruments. But they also teach them how to
/ perform in front of a big crowd, and how to work ■ ,J well in a group. For this reason
students have one I i 22
private lesson a week, but they also practise with I ?y. J |jl »' —
other students in bands, and prepare for big concerts. '
SOR gives students the chance to perform in big concert buildings, and also at music
festivals like Lollapalooza.
Alex Kasvikis is one of SOR‟s stars of the future. It‟s his dream to be a professional
musician. He loves the school for its music, but he really likes the students, too. Alex
thinks the school offers some fantastic experiences. But most importantly, he thinks
it helps students to see their futures as musicians.
What subject are the students studying at SOR Vista?

In which two countries can you find the Schools of Rock?

Can 6-year-old children study at a SOR?

What do the teachers teach children to do?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7: Music - 183
What do the students do at Lollapalooza?

What does Alex Kasvikis want to be in the future?

What two things does he like about SOR?

IV. Read the text and answer the questions.

ACL Rocks!
Abbie Draper (17) is at the Austin City Limits Music Festival in Texas. Her parents work
there every year, and this year she’s working, too. She’s telling US about the festival.

“It‟s a beautiful warm evening in October, and I‟m

having a fantastic time with 75,000 other people. I‟m
watching Florence and the Machine on one of the
eight stages, and they are fantastic. Everyone is
singing and dancing, and enjoying the atmosphere.
But where are we? The Austin City Limits Music
Festival of course!” The festival is now very popular
in the US. It happens for three days in September or
October every year in the Zilker Park near Austin, Texas. People travel from a lot of
different places to come here. A lot of famous singers and bands play at the festival. But
they aren‟t the only attraction. There are a lot of other activities including a place to
watch NFL (National Football League) football games. You can play beach volleyball,
My parents help organize the festival. I don‟t see them very much because they are
always busy. But that‟s OK. I‟m very lucky because I‟m working here for the first time.
My job is to help in the childrs -n‟s zone, Austin Kiddie Limits. There are art and music
activities, and a lot of games. So while the adults are enjoying the music, the children are
having a fantastic time, too.
I‟m watching the fans and I can see a lot of happy people. There is always fantastic music
at the ACL. Tomorrow, one of my favourite musicians is on stage: Jack White. I‟m so
excited! And I can meet him afterwards with my dad! A CL rocks!
How many stages are there?

How many days does the festival last?

184 - Lưu Hoang Tri

When and where is the Austin City Limits Music Festival?

What attractions are there for visitors?

Why does Abbie go to the festival every year?

What is she doing there this year?

Who is Abbie excited about meeting?

What do you think of the Austin City Limits Music Festival?

V. Read the text and answer the questions.

Playing with your food
Most parents tell their children not to play with their food. A group of musicians in
Austria didn‟t listen.
The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra, founded in 1998,
uses fresh vegetables to make music. They choose
only the freshest vegetables from local markets for
their instruments made an hour before the show.
“Fresh vegetables produce high- quality sounds.
Plastic-packed vegetables do not make good
instruments,” they say. Each xegetable can be used in
many different ways.
Carnots are made into flutes, leeks into violins and pumpkins into bass drums. We can
use vegetables together to make instruments. For example, they can make a trumpet by
using a cucumber for the body, a carrot for the mouthpiece and a pepper for the trumpet‟s
bell. The sound of each instrument depends on the quality of the vegetables and t he
temperatures on stage. The orchestra is constantly working on developing new
The orchestra‟s performance is from classical to electronic. They play about 20 to 30
concerts a year. At the end of each performance, the vegetables are made int o a delicious
soup for the audience to eat.
Where is the orchestra from?

What makes it special?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7: Music - 185
Where do they get their instruments from?

How is a trumpet made?

What does the sound of the instruments depend on?

What music do they play?

How does a concert end?

VI. Read the text, and do the following tasks.

Music for everyone
It‟s ten o‟clock in the morning. On a small campsite in Milton Keynes, there‟s a very
noisy drumming lesson. A campsite isn‟t the usual place for a drumming lesson. But this
isn‟t an ordinary music lesson.
Every August, young people from around the UK come to the National Youth Music
Camps at the Stables Theatre in Milton Keynes and play music together for a week. So me
young people are very good musicians and they can play different instruments. Some
young people can‟t play an instrument. Some young people haven‟t got an instrument!
But everyone is welcome at the camp and there are lots of instruments for all the youn g
The young people and teachers sleep in tents. They have music lessons on the campsite
and they have breakfast, lunch and dinner together in a big tent. There is also a theatre
and a recording studio. The young people act, sing, and dance in the theatre. At the end of
the week, the young people‟s families come to the theatre and they perform a special
concert and musical theatre production.
Tony Hutchinson
I love music and hip hop, and I love Music Camp! I can play the guitar and the
keyboards. Can I sing? No, I can‟t. I‟m not good at singing, but that‟s not important
here. We can learn new instruments and meet new people.
Yasmin Johnson
I can play the cello. I always play classical music at home, but at Music Camp I play my
cello with the jazz band. It isn‟t easy to play jazz music, but I can play some great jazz
Task 1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
The young people at the Music Camp are from the UK I Milton Keynes.
The Music Camp has / hasn‟t got instruments for the young people.
The young people sleep in tents / the theatre.

186 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Task 2. Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false
1. The young people stay at the camp for one week. ___________
2. The young people can learn new instruments. _ _________
All the young people at the camp are very good musicians. ________________
The young people and their families watch a performance by professional
musicians. _ _________
5. Tony thinks it‟s important to sing at Music Camp. _ _________
6. Yasmin usually plays jazz music at home. ___________
Task 3. Find the opposites for these adjectives in the text.
1. big = ____________ 2. quiet = _______________ 3. unusual = ___________
4. bad = _____ ____ 5. same = _______________ 6. difficult = __________
VII. Read the text, and then do the following tasks.
A new type of festival
For most teenagers in the UK, it‟s difficult and expensive to get into pop festivals. The
shows finish very late and the tickets sometimes cost more than £100. But things have
started to change and that‟s because of the Underage Festival.
The festival was the idea of Sam Kilcoyne. Sam first started the Underage Club when he
was fourteen because teenagers couldn‟t get in to the normal clubs to see live music. His
club in London was incredibly successful, so he decided to have an Underage Festival,
c - - • "■ — 1 This one-day festival for young people began in
2007 and it‟s become bigger every year since then.
Talented bands and singers like Dizzee
. /-'.V-.. R-asca l> Foals and Mystery Jets have appeared on

w ma* n staêe-
'p The event takes place every August in Victoria
Park in London. There‟s usually a long queue of really
excited teenagers waiting for the gates to open at eleven o‟clock. Ticket prices are much
cheaper than for normal festivals.
Perhaps the most surprising thing about the festival is that adults can‟t go in at all. The
event is only open to teenagers between the ages of fourteen and eight een. Parents need to
leave their teenagers at the gate and come back at eight o‟clock when it‟s finished.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7: Music - 187
Task 1. Choose the correct answer.
The text is about...
a teenage festival in a famous London club
a cheaper music festival for teenagers in a park
an expensive festival in Victoria Park, London
Task 2. Find the words in the text and match them with the meanings.
1. live music ______ a. the thing musicians stand on when they play
2. successful ______ b. a type of door where you go into a park
3. stage ______ c. music that isn‟t recorded
4. takes place ______ d. popular, making a lot of money
5. gate ______ e. happens
Task 3. Choose the correct answers.
1. It‟s often ______ for teenagers to get into festivals.
a. expensive b. cheap c. easy
2. Sam was ______ when he began his club.
a. eleven b. fourteen c. eighteen
3. The Underage Festival lasts for ________ .
a. a single day b. eight days c. eleven days
4. Since 2007, the festival has been _______ every year.
a. more expensive b. later c. larger
5. To get into the festival, people wait in a ________ .
a. park b. queue c. club
_____ can‟t go into the festival.
a. Fourteen-year olds b. Eighteen-year olds c. Parents

How much does it cost to see some shows?

Why did Sam start the Underage Club?

Where was the first the Underage Club?

Which singers or bands have played at the Underage Festival?

In which month does the festival happen?

188 - Lưu Hoang Tri

What time does the festival start and finish?

Why can‟t parents go to the festival with their children?


How many syllables have the words got? Write the number of syllables in the
1. artistic ___________ 6. talented ________ 11. musician _____ _ __ _
2. compete _________ 7. forget __________ 12. keyboards ________
3. compose _________ 8. painter _____ 13. saxop ho nist _____ __
4. composer ________ 9. player __________ 14. conductor ________
2 A: What do you think of hard rock?
5. computer 10. energetic _____ 15. reality ___________
3. A: Are you into rock music?
• Everyday English
Choose the correct response. Then
A: That singer is very ambitious! practise the short exchanges in pairs,
A: What‟s your favourite type of
music? B: a/ Country music, I think.
A: He sang for three hours in his live b/ The Beatles, of course.
show last week! a/ It started in the 1960s. b/
A: What are you doing tomorrow? It‟s noisy and annoying.
a/ I‟m a big fan of it.
A: We need help with the reception. b/ Yes, they play it with
electric instruments.
A: Do you want me to do that? a/ Right. He‟s talented but shy. b/ Yes,
he always wants to be successful.
A: Why is that song in Top Ten? a/ He was very energetic, b/ He
was very charming.
A: Do you think he‟ll become a star? a/ There‟ll be a concert today, b/
I‟m going to a concert.
a/ Can I help you?
b/1 can do that.
a/ That would be great.
b/ Hold on. I don‟t remember.
a/ Because it was an old song, b/ Because it got good reviews.
a/ Sure. He‟s talented and friendly.
b/ Right. He‟s too ambitious.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7: Music - 189
• Organising an event
Complete the dialogue with the phrases below.
to put up on the boards
That would be great
c. There‟s a lot
to do that for you
What are you doing?
Do you want me to do that
I‟ll set up the location for the supporters
Can I do anything
Nick Hello, Phong.
Phong Hi, Nick. You look very busy. 1 ___________________________
Nick There‟s a mini football tournament in Grade 7 at our school. ________________
________________ of work to do now.
Phong _________________________________ to help, Nick?
Nick There are some posters _____________________________ .
Phong _________________ . _________ __ ? I‟ll ask Quan to do it too.
Nick ________________________ . Well, I‟ll send the invitations to other classes.
Phong Can I do anything else to help?
Nick Well, we still need help with the drink. We‟ll prepared iced tea for players.
Phong I‟ll tell Mai and Lan __________________________ . I think they‟re willing
to help you.
Nick Good. The PE teachers will be the referees, and __________________________

Phong I think it‟s OK now.

Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-f.
Are you free on Sunday afternoon?
Do you have any plans for this weekend?
I‟m busy in the afternoon.
I have a math test on Monday morning.
It‟s her birthday next week.
There‟s a free music festival this weekend.
Music in the Park
Join us for two days of outdoor concerts.
Jazz, rock, salsa, swing, reggae, hip-hop, and more!
July 24.-25 Ị 10 a.m. - midnight I Meadow Park

190 - Luu Hoang Tri

Nick: ___________ ________ __ _________ __ ________
Sara: No, I don‟t. Why?
Nick: _____________________________________. Do you want to go with me?
It‟s in the park. I go every year, and there are always really good bands.
Sara: That sounds fun! Oh no - wait! I forgot. ___________________________ __
It‟s my little sister‟s party on Saturday. And in the morning I need to help my
parents prepare the food.
Nick: Is it your sister‟s birthday?
Sara: __________________________________ . But the party is tomorrow.
Nick: No problem. The festival is on all weekend. ____________________________
Sara: Yes, I am. ______________________________________ . But I can study for
that in the morning.
Nick: Great!

Write the song review of “My Heart Will Go On” using the notes given below.
Song: My Heart Will Go On or Love Theme From Titanic
Type of music: pop
Composer: James Homer
Lyricist: Will Jennings
Singer: Celine Dion
Origin: James Homer composed a piece
of music for the Titanic, and
Will Jennings wrote the lyrics; released in 1997
Awards: 1998 Academy Award for Best Original Song, 1999 Grammy
Awards for Record of the Year
Theme: survivor‟s sadness about the lover she lost when the ship “Titanic”
went down
My opinion: romantic lyrics and sad melody, an emotional power ballad
The song “My Heart Will Go On” is ______________________ .
It was first composed ______________ ________________ by James Homer, and
Will Jennings ____________________________ .
4 5
It was released ___________________ and it _________________ by Celine Dion.
6 7
It won __________________________________ , and ______________________
for Record of the Year.
It tells about _________________________________________________________
9 :
when ___________ _ __________ . ■
In my opinion , the song ________________________________________ , and it‟s
really y;7 t _______________ . ;; y

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7: Music - 191
I. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
piano rhythm rapper violin fusions
concert lyrics fans songs folk music
_____________________________________ She started moving to the of
the music.
They are sitting around with guitars, singing _____________________ .
At age 5, he began to play __________________ with his parents.
He is both a __________________ and a producer of music.
Do you want to go to the ___________________ in the park this weekend?
Paul Simon writes the _____________ _____for most of his songs.
You play the _______________ by sitting in front of it and pressing the keys.
We must replace two strings of the ___________________ .
____________ are mixtures of jazz and other types of music, especially rock.
10. ________ from all over the country have travelled to the concert.

11. Choose the correct words.

He wasn‟t a very good singer. He was very luck / lucky to win a place at the school.
The students at the art college wear very interesting and attractive clothes. They‟ve
got a lot of style I stylish.
It‟s good for you to learn to look after yourself. You must have some
All the students are very creative / creativity; they‟re always thinking of new ideas.
People think it‟s easy to be a dancer, but you must have skill / skilful to dance well.
One new girl sang a song on her own to two hundred people. It took a lot of courage /
courageous to do that.
III. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
famous energetic charming kind
confident talented successful ambitious
The football club gets a lot of help from _________________ supporters.
They are very _______________ to US, and let us stay in their house for free.
I feel quite ________________ about the future.
Tom is really ________________ , trying to become rich all the time.
He tried to get that job, and in the end he was ___________________ .
He has a very ________________ wife and two children.
Our school football team has some __________________young players.
______ ________ stars like Demi Moore and Emma Watson were at the party

192- Lưu Hoang Tri

last night.

Language focus
IV. Write affirmative f/) and negative (*) sentences with be going to,
Rob / play / in a live show next week v'

we / get / tickets for the performance *

they / do / some practice today V

Ann / find / a sponsor for the show

I / have / a rest after the exams V

Bob / move / to a new band next month *

V. Complete the sentences using will or be going to and the verbs in brackets.
1. I think you _________ __________ (feel) better in the morning.
2. Hẹ________________ ___ (watch) the match at 1 o‟clock.
3. Maybe my band ____ _______________ (not need) a new guitarist.
4. She ______________ _____ (not talk) to the journalist today because she‟s
5. They ______________ (play) on stage on Sunday at 2.30.
6. He believes they _____ _______________ (succeed) in their performance.

VI. Write questions and short answers with be going to.

Mai and Lan / have a guitar lesson next week (yes)

Jenny / take part in the school concert (yes)

you / have a holiday this year (no)

we / play in the band tomorrow (no)

Linda / leave the party (yes)

you / support the school band next year (yes)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7_ REVIEW - 193
VII. Choose the correct words.
He‟s coming I going to come home now.
We‟re stay I staying at home this Christmas.
They aren‟t I don‟t inviting many people to the birthday party.
Are you going / go to Ha Noi this year?
I am seeing / am see my friend tomorrow.

VIII. Complete the sentences with will or the correct form of be going to.
I _________ ______ have a party on Sunday. Would you like to come?
It‟s Mai‟s birthday next week. I think I ________________ buy her some flowers.
Ĩ don‟t think the students __________________ get lost.
Nam and I are training hard this week. We _______________________ run in the
1O-kilometre race on Saturday.
There‟s a spelling mistake in my essay. I __________________ change it.
Nobody wants to come to our concert. It ___________________ be a disaster.
7. During the summer, my brothers _______ _______ work at the leisure
centre to earn some money.
Mr Nguyen thinks that the window ___________________ cost about 6 million
VND to repair.

IX. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).
The man with the fastest fingers
Ben Lee is a musician. He plays the violin. He has a band called FUSE with another
violist called Linzi Stoppard. Where are Ben and Linzi trom? They‟re from England.
Ben and Linzi don‟t play classical music. They have electric violins and they play rock
music. Ben and Linzi don‟t always play together. Ben often plays for other bands, like
Artic Monkeys and Gorillaz. But Ben likes playing the violin with
Linzi and they travel to many different countries to give concerts together. They usually
go by plane.
Ben plays the violin very well, but he also plays it very fast. There is a difficult piece of
violin music called The Flight of the Bumblebee. Ben can play it under a minute. He is
the fastest violin player in the world.
1. The band FUSE has got only one musician-Ben Lee. __________
2. Ben and Linzi always play together in FUSE. __________
They always use the traditional violins.
4. They sometimes play classical music. ________ _
5. Ben rarely plays for other bands. __________
Ben likes playing the violin with Linzi to perform rock music. ________________
7. They also give concerts in other countries. __________
Ben can play a difficult piece of violin music in a reco rd time. ________________

194 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Read the text and do the following tasks.
The Suzuki Method
A. We sometimes see video clips of young children playing musical instruments. The
children are so small that their violins, pianos, and other instruments appear y-- yffii
enormous next to them, but they play like expert musicians. Their little fingers move
* y rapidly, and their bodies move in time to » ______________________________

the music. But how can these very young children play so well? They are learning
with the Suzuki method.
B. The Suzuki method of learning musical instruments comes from Japan, and was the
idea of a man called Shinichi Suzuki (1898-1998), a violin teacher from Nagoya. His
belief was that all children can play musical instruments well. He also believed that
children can learn to play a musical instrument in the same way that they learn to
speak a language.
c. As babies, we learn a new word when we hear it hundreds of times. With the Suzuki
method, children learn a new piece of music through listening. Constant repetition of
music helps them learns.
We learn to talk first, and then to read. In the same way, the Suzuki method teaches
children to play their instrument, and then to read music.
We leam fiom our parents and teachers, and from other children, too. For this reason,
children have individual music lessons, but also learn in groups with other children.
In groups, children can encourage each other.
Shinichi Suzuki also believed it is better when children learn their instrument from a
very young age. With the Suzuki method, there are a lot of music students as young
as three or four.
Some people don‟t like the Suzuki method. They think it creates robots, not
musicians because the children are only repeating what they hear. Others believe it
can only work with ambitious parents who make their children work very hard.
There are different opinions, but it is difficult not to admire these children. For this
reason, the Suzuki method is now popular all over the world.
Task 1. Write the letter of the paragraph.
I. Which paragraph mentions the students‟ age? ______ _
Which paragraph says that students don‟t always study alone? ____________ ____
Which paragraph says children learn music when they hear it again and again?
Which paragraph says children from many different countries learn with the

Suzuki method? __________ Task 2. Complete the sentences with correct words.

Shinichi Suzuki was ___________ ________________ .

Children learn to play instruments in the same way as they learn _____ ________

Suzuki students ______________________ music many times to learn it.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7_ REVIEW - 195
First, they learn to play, and then they learn to ____ ____________________ .
Children learn to play well in ______________________ of other children.
It‟s usually for Suzuki students to start music lessons when they _______________ .
Some people think that the __________ ___________ only works for children
with ambitious parents .
XI. Read the text, and choose the correct answers.
Instant Fame
New celebrities seem to appear every day. But who creates these stars and for how long
are they famous?
It‟s 9 a.m. and Craig Jones has just arrived outside a building where nearly a tho usand
hopeful young singers and dancers are queuing to audition for a talent show. Two hours
later, Craig still hasn‟t gone inside the building. He‟s already auditioned for two other
shows this year without success, but he hasn‟t given up yet. He‟s changed his act and
he‟s confident that this time will be his big break.
This is the age of the celebrity. Gossip magazines are full of footballers‟ wives and
fashion models and talent shows discover a new star nearly every week. It seems that
anybody can become an overnight sensation. A survey has found that one in six young
Americans really believes that they can become rich and famous if they win a talent show,
but the reality is very different.
For the winners of talent shows, life isn‟t easy. They sign a co ntract and have a hit with
their song from the show. But the second and third hits ae more difficult and music is an
expensive business. It costs about €5,000 to record a song, €30,000 to advertise it and
between €40,000 and €lm to make a good video. Then they must also pay their manager
about 20%.
Creating celebrities is a profitable business for the entertainment industry, but not many
of these artists become rich and famous. Most of them are one-hit wonders who disappear
from the public eye when the media „discovers‟ the next big star. For these wannabe
celebrities, the return to normal life is very hard. „Celebrity Street‟ is often a dead end.
Fame can be instant, but it can also finish fast.
What type of text is this?
A critical article about fame
A review of a talent show
A description of famous people
Who is Craig Jones?
a. a celebrity b. a young artist c. a talent show participant
How does Craig feel about the result of his audition?
a. positive b. negative c. he doesn‟t know
What can you read about in gossip magazines?
a. talent surveys b. footballers c. new celebrities
Who benefits from the creation of these new stars?
a. the young artists

196 - Lưu Hoang Tri

the entertainment industry
the record companies

XII. Read the dialogue and choose the correct words.
Phong Hi Rob. Are you doing Something I anything on Saturday?
Rob Oh, hi Phong. No, Anything / nothing special. What are / do you up to? Phong
I‟m going / I‟ll go to a concert, if you‟re interesting / interested. Rob Great. I‟d love to
come! Is it on anywhere / anything local?
Phong Yes, it‟s at the City Theatre at 2 p.m.
Rob DO / Shall I meet you outside?
Phong Yeah, great. See you / US then.

XIII. Complete the dialogue with the phrases below.

good at designs
I can do that

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 7_ REVIEW - 197
c. the farewell party of our class
we still need help
I‟ll ask
send the invitations to our teachers today
with the decorations in the classroom
Can I do anything to help?
Phong Hi, Nick.
Nick Hello, Phong. You look busy. What are you doing?
Phong There‟s going to be ____________________ ___________ . There are a lot of
things to do now, Nick. We need help 2 _____________ . Nick Do you
want me to do that? 3 ________________ Dan and
Quan to do it too.
Phong That would be great. You‟re very _________________________________ .
Mai 5 __________________ . :
Phong Well, 6 _______________________________ with the food and drink. Here‟s
the list of the food and drink. We‟re going to order them from the school
Mai 7 ________ . I‟ll tell Hoa and Lan to help me to
order and check them.
Nick Well, Dan, Quan and I will carry the food and drink to the classroom.
Phong Good. I‟m going to __________________________________ . I think we‟re
meeting tomorrow after school to check everything.
Mai, Nick OK. See you then.
XIV. Write the song review of “Top of the World” using the notes given below .
Song: Top of the World
Type of music: country pop
Songwriters: Richard Carpenter and John Bettis
Singer: Karen Carpenter
Origin: first recorded and released in 1972 by the
duo Carpenters (Richard and Karen Carpenter)
in the album „A Song for You‟
Rank: the 1 in Billboard Hot 100 in 1973
Theme: the narr ato r‟ s joy over new love
My opinion: gorgeous, catchy melody with sweet lyrics; Karen Carpenter put a warmth
to the song, Richard joined the chorus in harmony with his sister
The song “Top of the World” is first _________ ____________________________

Its sort of music is 2 , and the songwriters

It was first performed by ______________________________________ .
It is at _ ________ _________________________________ __ ___ .
198- Lưu Hoang Tri
It tells about _______ " ' ; _____________ ■
In my opinion, the song has got7 ________________________________________ .
Karen Carpenter _______________ __ ________________


• Means of transport & Future vehicles

I. Complete the sentences with the words below. Each word should be used once.
wonderful runs spacious amphibious options
fast convenient transit driverless economical
The bus stop around the comer is probably the most ___________________ .
It was a(n) __________ ______ feeling to win the game.
The council is considering a range of ____________________ for improving the
city‟s transport system.
A small car is more ________________ to run.
The company is currently testing a(n) _______ _____________ car. It doesn‟t
require a driver.
Bedrooms in our hotel is __________________ and all have a private
bathroom and a balcony.
A(n) _______________ vehicle is the one that is able to move both on land
and in water.
The police have ________________ cars with flashing lights and sirens.
9. The van ________________ on diesel, and it is economical.
Bus rapid _ ____________ (BRT) is a public transport system with a better,
faster service of buses.
Complete the sentences with the words given.
bus van bike helicopter minibus
He rode 40 km on his _________________ to raise money for charity.
They sat on the upper deck of the _____________ to get a good view of the city.
Ĩ. We travelled over the Grand Canyon in a ___________________ .
My mother went online and bought some food from a supermarket.
They delivered it to my home in a _________________ .
We phone for a taxi, but a ___ _________ came. There was space for 10 people!

Write the means of transport for their following meanings.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 8:1 believe I can fly - 199
a. train b. underground train c. coach d. plane
e. taxi f. ferry g. camel h. lorry
______ 1. A ship that transports people and vehicles from one place to another.
______ 2. A large vehicle that transports things by road.
______ 3. You pay the driver to take you somewhere in this car.
______ 4. A large vehicle that transports people longdistances by road.
______ 5. A large anim al that you can ride.
______ 6. A form of transpo rt that goes by air.
______ 7. A system of trains that travel under the ground.
______ 8. Public transport that travels on rails along the roads between towns.

• Vocabulary Plus
IV. Complete the sentences with the below.
electricity heavier-than-air scheduled renewable
global warming environmentally friendly wind turbine innov ation
solar panels windfarms
The organisation hopes to power the village via a(n) _______________________ .
Burning too many fossil fuels has causes _____________________ .
Many houses in my town have _____________________ on the roof.
Engineers designing ____ ____________ _____ must choose locations with
plenty of wind.
Many power plants use coal to generate _____ ________________ _.
Ten per cent of the nation‟s electricity must come from _____ _________
energy sources in ten years.
We will not cancel your holidays less than eight weeks before the _______ departure
We need to encourage ___________________ in industry.
The Wright brothers flew the first flight of a(n) _________ ____________ machine
that took off into the air carrying a person.
Cycling is very ___ ___________ ________ .
V. Choose the correct words.
You should answer the questions to calculate your business‟s environmental footwear
footprint I footpath.
Global wanning can have a great power / affect / effect on agriculture in many parts
of the world.
Solar roofs / panels / ceilings are put on the roofs to produce electricity.
We should recycle / react / reproduce all our empty cans and bottles.
The air I flow I wind farm will provide enough energy for 100,000 homes.
Batteries store calories / energy / standards from the solar panels.

200 - Lưu Hoang Tri

All countries are asked to reduce their use of non-renewable / nonflammable I non-
returnable sources of energy.
We would like people use more renewable energy sources instead of fossil /
underground / ancient fuels.
We should use less gas, but increase the use of hydroelectric I hydroelectricity /
hydrogen and nuclear energy.
We all need to reduce our energy consumption I consumer / consumptive.
VI. Complete the sehtences with the correct preposition.
He steps ______________ the bathroom scales.
Mai met us ________________ the entrance gate.
When she was at college, she dreamed ____________ becoming a great novelist.
4. We will have to stop for fuel _____________ the way to the airport.
This idea was new __ ___________ US.
6. His main aim ______________ life was to have fun.
The blue files are used _______ _ storing old document s.
They bought lorries _________ ___ environmentally friendly facilities.
The director will be flying ________ _ the resort later today for a three -day visit.
The helicopter lifted _______________ , blowing a huge dust cloud into the
crowd of spectators.

Connecting ideas
I. Complete the sentences with because, and, but or or.
1. I ask him to go _____________ find the book.
2. „Why did you do it?‟ - „ _____ __ my sister asked me to do so.‟
Is your sister younger ________________ older than you?
We can't go to Julia's party _______________ we‟re going away that weekend.
I get dressed ________________ have breakfast.
I would like to go________________ I‟m too busy.
Is it Tuesday _________ _____ Wednesday today?
Open all the windows of the room, ________________ you feel better.
Just ______________ _ I didn‟t say anything, people thought I agreed.
It‟s an old bicycle, ______________ it‟s very good.
Complete the sentences with although, however or but.
______________ she knew that it was dangerous, she walked home by herself.
I felt he was wrong, ______________ __ I didn‟t say so at that time.
He felt very tired; __ ____________ , he tried to finish his work.
He decided to go, ________ I begged him not to.
He‟s intelligent, __ ______________ very lazy.
6. This film is good, ____________ that film is better.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 8:1 believe I can fly - 201
He didn‟t give any reason for what he did; ___________________ , there are some
reasons we don‟t know.
We will have a birthday party for Phong, ______ _____________ don‟t tell him
about that. It‟s a surprise party.
At first we thought the answer was right; ____________________ , we can find
some mistakes now.
She'll be coming tonight, ________________ I don't know exactly when.
• Infinitives
III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If you decide _________ (go) walking, a backpack is easy to carry.
I always seem ______________ (take) many photos when I am on holiday.
I need _______________ (write) the information about the buses down.
I could ______________ (sew) when I was ten.
My sister can _______________ (stand) on her head for two minutes. It‟s
part of her daily yoga routine.
I usually choose _ ______________ (go) to a warm place.
I hope I will _______ ________ (pass) all my exams at the end of the school year.
I hope _______________ (get) a free plane ticket.
I can‟t _______________ (play) any musical instruments, but my brother is able
______________ (play) the guitar.
10.1 would like ___________ (visit) Hoi An some day.
IV. Complete each sentences with a suitable verb in the correct form.
There was a lot of traffic but we managed _____________ to the airport in time.
2. How old were you when you could ________________ _ a bike?
David has travelled a lot. He can ___ _______________ four languages.
Mr Quan decided not __________________ a car because it was very expensive.
I wonder where Mai is. She promised not ____________________ late.
I‟m afraid I can‟t __________ to your birthday party next week.
It was a nice day. We decided __ ________________ for a walk.
Hurry up! I don‟t want ___________________ the last bus.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
When Nam was 16, he was a fast runner. He could __________________ (run)
100 metres in 12 seconds.
„You looked tired.‟ -„Yes, 1 couldn‟t ________________ (sleep) last night.‟
I have never been to Ha Noi, but I‟d like ___ _____________ (go) there.
She said the letter was personal, and wouldn‟t let me ________________ (read) it.
Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It may ________________ (rain) later.
The film is very sad. It makes me ___ _____________ (cry).
It‟s very late now. I must _______________ (go) home.
8. You really have to ________________ (work) harder if you want to pass the

202 - Lưu Hoang Tri

I don‟t want anyone to know. You mustn‟t ________________ (tell) anyone.
Sally is very rich. She doesn‟t have to ___ ______ ____ (work).

• Quantifiers
VI. Complete the sentences with some or any.
It‟s dangerous to walk along this lane because there aren‟t ____________________
There‟s _________ beautiful scenery around here.
Have you got __ ____________ money in your bag?
I‟m going to the cinema with _________________ friends tomorrow.
There isn‟t ________ milk in the fridge.
Are there ________ shops near your home?
7. I‟d like _ ___________ information, please.
We haven‟t got ________________ trees in the garden.
VII. Replace a lot of with much or many.
Have you got a lot of friends in your village?

Have we got a lot of homework this evening?

I don‟t spend a lot of time with friends during the week.

It‟s a terrible place to go surfing because there aren‟t a lot of waves.

He‟s a good player, but he doesn‟t score a lot of goals.

My dad doesn‟t like a lot of rock music.

VIII. Choose the correct words to complete the telephone conversation.

Rob Hello?
Mum Hi, Rob. It‟s Mum. I‟m at the supermarket and I haven‟t got ^any / much time and
I‟ve got too many / much things to do. Can you look in the fridge for me?
Rob Yes, OK Mum.
Mum How many / much milk and cheese is there?
4 s
Rob Wait a minute ... there‟s only a little / few milk, but there‟s a lot of / many cheese.
Mum OK, thanks. And how many / much oranges and apples have we got?
Rob Um ... there are only a ‟little / few oranges, but we‟ve got lots of / much apples.
Mum Good. Thanks, Rob.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 8:1 believe I can fly - 203
Rob Oh, and we haven‟t got ‟many / much chocolate and there are only a little I few
packets of crisps! Can you buy some? And I need "lots of / a lot coloured pens
for my homework.
Mum Sorry, Rob ... I can‟t hear you very well. There‟s too many / much ' noise here.

Read the text and answer the following questions.

Up, up and away!

Martin Halstead is only 19, but he already owns an airline company. Alpha One
Airways will make its first flight on 14 December this year. The plane will

204 - Lưu Hoang Tri

fly from the Isle of Man (an island between England and Ireland) to Edinburgh, the
capital of Scotland. It won‟t carry a lot of passengers because it is a small plane. The
journey will take about 45 minutes. Tickets will be cheap and passengers won‟t get any
food or drink on the flight. Will the company make money? Nobody knows - but most
people think that Martin Halstead will be successful one day.
When will Alpha One Airways make its first flight?

Where will the plane fly from?

Where will it fly to?

Will it carry a lot of passengers? Why or why not?

How long will the journey take?

Will the passengers get any food or drink?

II. Read the text, and then answer the questions.

It is a computer drawing of the plane of the
future. British engineers and scientists have published
plans for a new hypersonic plane called the A2. It
will be very fast. At the
moment, a flight from London in the UK to
Sydney in Australia takes about twenty-one
hours but with the A2 the same flight will take
about four hours.
The flight will fly at 4,500 kilometres per hour and will fly at an altitude of over
10,000 metres.
It will carry 300 passengers but it won‟t have any windows because scientists
haven‟t found glass that is strong enough. It will be better for the environment than other
planes because the engines won‟t produce gases that cause pollution.
In the future, will people travel from London to Australia for the weekend? It‟s
possible! But how much will a ticket cost? The planners say that it won‟t be very
expensive - about £2,000. The A2 will be ready for its first flight next year. 1. How long
does it take the A2 plane to fly from London to Sydney?

2. What is the speed of the plane?

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 8:1 believe I can fly - 205
What is the altitude of the flight?

How many passengers can it carry?

How much does a ticket for the flight from London to Sydney cost?

Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false
Thinking about how we will be travelling in 10 or 20 years is very interesting. Will we
still be using planes or will we be flying our cars from Paris to London? Here are some
Currently being developed at NASA, SkyTran looks like
the monorail at Disney World. Moving at 240km/h and using
small amount of energy, it could be the future of city
transportation. SkyTran has the passenger capacity of a 6-
lane highway.
Flying cars
Zhu Wenxi and Lai Zexin, Chinese students, have designed a solar-powered flying
car that doesn‟t need a runway to take off. If you have about 2 hundred thousand dollars,
you will own this vehicle soon.
An electric minibus
The minibus Cameo, designed by Martin Pes, can carry
32 passengers but it is small enough to get its way out of a
traffic jam. Its electric motor and low weight mean that it can
be recharged in seconds while
stopping and it has zero emission.
An eco-taxi
Taxis are bad for the environment and traffic jams. We enter the eco-taxi, and individual
taxis form a train powered by solar panels.
True False
SkyTran is fast but cannot be used as a means of transportation in □ □
the city.
Flying cars designed by two Chinese students run on solar energy. □ □
Flying cars don‟t need a long runway to take off. n ■ □
Because it is small, an electric minibus can avoid traffic jams. □
Several eco-taxis can form a line moving together, using □
solar energy.

206 - Lưu Hoang Tri

IV. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).
Crazy ways of getting around - past, present and future
Ever since the horse and buggy, people have been inventing new ways of travelling -
some more effective than others. Here are three of them.
1 Past The C5
„Imagine a vehicle that can drive you five miles for a penny. A vehicle that needs no
petrol, just a battery.‟ This might sound like an amazingly good idea now, but back in
1985, when Clive Sinclair invented the C5, people weren‟t so sure. „It will be the answer
to our inner-city traffic problems,‟ explained the marketing executives. „You won‟t need
a driving licence. Anyone can drive it, whether you are 14 or 40.‟ The problem was, the
C5 didn‟t work well in the British climate and could be dangero us on wet roads.
2 Present The Segway
Its inventor, Dean Kamen, confidently predicted that the Segway „will be to the car - what
the car was to the horse and buggy‟. Despite sales predictions of 40,000 a year when it
appeared in 2001, sales have been dis appointingly low. But the Segway might not be a
total failure.
The police in some European countries use them (thought probably not in highspeed car
chases), and they are popular in theme parks, warehouses and some airports. You aren‟t
allowed to use them on public roads in many European countries, though that might
change and sales could then increase dramatically.
3 Future The Uno
Canadian teenager Ben Gulak has recently won an award
for the best new invention of the future - the Uno. He has
already appeared on American television to demonstrate
his unique electric vehicle. It looks exactly like a motor
scooter except the wheels are beside each other. A
computerised system keeps the vehicle carefully
balanced. You can easily ride it - it has absolutely no
controls. There is only an on-off switch. To move it, you
move your body. To go forward, you simply lean
forward. To stop it, you lean back. You lean left or

right to go round a comer. „People really seem to like it,‟ says Gulak. With
the right business help, the Uno might become a common sight on our roads in
the future.
In 1985 people welcomed the idea of an environmentally friendly car. _________
The C5 failed partly because it was dangerous in bad weather. _______________
Dean Kamen predicted that Segways would be more popular than cars. _____
4. They‟ve sold more Segways than they expected. ___
Ben Gulak has placed advertisements for the Uno on US TV.
6. The driver doesn‟t have to operate any controls on the Uno. ___

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 8:1 believe I can fly - 207
V. Complete the text with the words below. There is one extra.
needs electricity windfarms renewable fuels wind windmills
Wind power: A 5,000-year history
___________ _ energy is not a new idea. People have used things powered by
the ________________ for thousands of years. The earliest were sailing boats
pushed through the water by the wind, but even 2,000 years ago, machines using wheels
turned by the wind - usually called ______________ ________ - pumped water and
crushed grain. The first windmill built to produce ____________ was made in
Scotland in 1887. But it wasn‟t until 1978 that a windmill producing enough energy for
modem ______ was developed in Denmark. Since then, the
number of ________________ supplying electricity for people around the world
has increased steadily.
VI. Read the following passage carefully, then write True (T) or False (F) for each
Solar energy has been used for generating electricity since 1954. Solar panels are
installed on the roofs of houses to turn the energy of the sun into the electricity that people
can use for heating, cooking, lighting and many other purposes. In order to get solar
energy what we need are solar panels and the sun. One of the advantages of solar energy
is that solar panels are totally silent and non -polluting. However, solar energy also has
some disadvantages. We can only generate solar energy during the daytime because the
system depends on sunlight.
The main disadvantage of solar energy is that solar panels are expensive.
Scientists are doing their best to reduce the cost of solar panels so that more and more
people can use this environmentally friendly source of energy.
1. People use solar panels to turn the energy of the sun into the electricity. ________
2. People can get solar energy without the sun. ___ _
More and more people aren‟t able to use solar energy if solar panels are
expensive. ___
4. Solar energy can do harm to people‟s health. ___
VII. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Green Energy
Fossil fuels are used to generate most of the world‟s energy, and they are in different
forms. For example, coal may be burned in a power plant to generate electricity, but gas is
burned in a car‟s engine to make it run. Neither of these two sources is considered green
energy because they produce a lot of pollution when burned.
When green energy is renewable, this means a person can replace the same amount of
energy that was consumed by that person within that person‟s lifetime. While it took
millions of years to create the fossil fuels that we now bum - fossil fuels are non-
Wind power and solar power are two excellent sources of green energy. Once the
production of the necessary parts of wind turbines and solar panels has been complete,

208 - Lưu Hoang Tri

there is nearly no pollution in producing energy. This is the reason why these are the top
green sources that give US hope for a cleaner and greener future.
Fossil fuels Create pollution when they are used as an energy source. ___________
2. Fossil fuels are finally going to run out. ________
3. Solar energy is not renewable. ________
4. Wind energy pollutes the environment terribly. ________
The sun and the wind are the top two sources of green energy. ________________
For green energy sources, pollution is created when their parts are produced.

7. A non-green source of energy is polluting. -

8. Green sources of energy will not make the air cleaner. ________
VIII. Read the text, and do the following tasks.
Energy answers
As the global demand for energy increases, countries all over the world are responding to
the threat of an energy crisis by developing renewable energy sources to replace fossil
fuels. Here‟s that‟s happening:
Wind power in Turkey
Turkey already has more than a dozen wind farms -
electrical generating stations that are powered by the i I f
wind. The benefits of wind power are so great that . ..J, . '
the nation has set the aim of increasing wind ''
generation 20 times in the next few years.
Going solar ỉn Saudi / 4
Farasan Island, part of Saudi Arabia, is located 40 km _
offshore. In addition to being a protected area for f
wildlife, the island is also home to the kingdom‟s
first solar-power generating plant. Making power V.• .it„
from sunlight will save fossil fuels, and it doesn‟t :2 ■
create pollution from power generation.
Wave power in Australia
A company in Australia has built a power plant that generates electricity from the

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 8:1 bi-h ran fly. - 209
movement of ocean waves. Amazingly, the machinery that turns water power into
electricity is actually underwater, so it doesn‟t harm the beautiful view. The electricity is
used to power a factory that takes the salt out of seawater and turns it into fresh water for
drinking and agriculture.
Creating sustainable energy supplies around the world is a huge challenge, but with work
already in progress, we‟re on our way.
Task 1. Choose the correct answer.
The text is about...
building modem cities that don‟t use too much energy.
the increasing use of renewable energy around the world.
the problem of pollution caused by burning fossil fuels.

Countries around the world are trying to use more fossil fuels and less
renewable energy. _______
Turkey produces no wind power now, but plans to start soon. _________________
3. Turkey plans a huge increase in the use of wind energy. _______
The power plant on Farasan Is land makes power from the sun. ________________
One problem with solar power is that it produces a lot of pollution. ____________
The power plant in Australia uses sea salt to produce electricity. ______________
One problem with the Australian power plant is that local people think it‟s ugly.

Most of the world‟s energy production today is sustainable. __________________

Task 3. Match words 1-5 with the definitions a-e.
generate _____2. pollution _________ 3. freshwater __________
4. agriculture _______ 5. machinery
smoke in the air or dangerous chemicals put into water by factories that hurt people
or animals
farming, the work of looking after plants and animals for people to eat
create, produce, or made
a collection of machines that work together
water with no salt that people can drink
PRONUNCIATION: Consonant clusters
Underline the consonant clusters in the words below.
garden awful slept caps depth
watched graph push ask bench
gold months acts sixths texts
health blackboard extra grandmother handso m e

TO ... ĩ .ưu p. \Jg Tri

II. Underline the silent sound in the consonant clusters.
garden postman handsome grandmother castle
blackboard know climbing science scisso rs
knives talk what where who
writing wrong Wednesday comb tomb

• Everyday English
I. Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
A: Why didn‟t you turn off TV when you were away?
a/ I‟ll come back later.
b/ Sorry, I never do it again.
A: Which source of energy will our homes rely on in the future?
a/ I think we use much solar energy, b/ We rely on non -renewable as usual.
A: Do you think wind energy is good?
a/1 don‟t think so. It‟s clean.
b/ It‟s green energy, I think.
A: Is your carbon footprint big?
a/ No, I ride to school every morning.
b/ No, I use a lot of electric appliances.
A: Why do we take showers instead of baths?
a/ It‟s more comfortable.
b/ It can save water.
A: I have just changed to low energy light bulbs.
a/ Good idea. Your carbon footprint will be bigger, b/ Great idea. It saves a lot
of energy.
A: I‟ll go to school on my skateboard.
a/ It‟s good whether the weather is good or
bad. b/ You can do it when it‟s nice weather.
A: Some people in the country use biogas.
a/1 think it‟s limited.
b/ Good, it‟s clean and cheap.
A: Why do some nations stop using nuclear energy?
a/ Because it‟s sometimes dangerous, b/ Because it‟s abundant and renewable.
A: Why do we try to reduce our carbon footprint?
a/ Because it‟s good for the environment. b/
Because we don‟t buy big shoes, I think.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 8:1 believe I can fly - 211
• At the airport check-in
Complete the dialogues with the phrases below.
a watch or a belt Do boarding pass Can I see in your Would you like
you have remove here you are to pockets put it
check in
At the check-in desk
A Good morning. ________________ your ticket and passport or ID card, please?
2 :? :
B Yes, T-- --- ?-
A Thank you. _________________________ a window or an aisle seat?
B I‟d like an aisle seat, please.
A OK. Do you have any baggage ______________________?
B Yes, I have this suitcase.
A OK, here‟s your ______________________ . You‟re boarding at gate 8.
B Thank you.
At the security checkpoint
A ____________________ any liquids or a laptop in your hand luggage?
B Yes, I have a laptop.
7 8
A Please ______ in this tray. Do you have any metal items ____________ ?
B No, I don‟t'
A Are you wearing _________________________ ?
B I‟m wearing a belt.
A Please ___________ __ it.
Put the dialogues ỉn the correct order. The first of each dialogue has been done
for you.

____ Two suitcases. OK, and would you like a window or an aisle seat?
____ Yes, here you are.
____ OK. Here are your boarding passes.
____ Thank you. Do you have any baggage to check in?
__ 1 _ Good morning. Can I see your tickets and passports, please?
____ Yes, we have two suitcases.
____ A window seat, please.
© J
____ Please put them in this tray. And are you wearing a watch or a belt?
____ I‟m wearing a belt.

212 - Lưu Hoang Tri

____ Please put it in the tray with the other things.
____ Please take it off.
__ 1 Do you have any metal items in your pockets?
OK. Here it is.
____ Yes, I have. I have some coins and my keys.
IV. Match the question halves.
1. Do you have _ ___ a. your passport or ID card, please?
2. Can I see _ ___ b. in your pocket's?
3. Would you like _ ___ c. a watch or a belt?
4. Where are you _ ___ d. liquids in your hand luggage?
5. Are you wearing _ ___ e. a laptop in your hand luggage?
6. Do you have any ___ f. a window or an aisle seat?
7. Do you have any metal items _ ___ g. flying to?

• Language point: Reason and result

I. Complete the examples and rules with so or because.
I‟m really bored now __ ________ ____ I‟m still in hospital.
It was getting dark, _____________ we were hurrying.

We use ______________ to give a reason.

We use ______________ to explain a result.
5. We use a comma before ______________ but not be 're ______________ .
Complete the sentences with so or because.
The film was incredibly boring, ______________ w> oped watching it.
The beach is dirty ______________ everybody leave db bish on it.
We‟re worried about plastic bags ___ ________ they‟re bad for the environment.
He was unhappy about the pollution, _____ __________he wrote a letter to the
I‟ve got a reusable bag, ______ ________ I don‟t need to use plastic bag s.
They were hungry, __ __________ they ate a packet of biscuits.
Match the sentence halves.
1. Tim was very hungry a. because he ate too much chocolate.
2. Anna broke her leg b. so they got up early.
3. Sam was feeling ill c. beca u se they alwa y s went to bed late.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 8:1 believe I can /Zy - 213
4. Mum came home late đ. so she went to hospital.
5. They were very tired e. beca u se she was at the docto r‟ s.
6. They wanted to catch the train f. so he ate three packets of crisps.
IV. Read the email and do the tasks that follow.
Hi Kate,
Thanks for your last email. How‟s it going? Have you heard from Amy?
Guess what! I‟ve broken my leg! It happened last Saturday when I was walking in the
mountain with Phong. It was getting dark, so we were hurrying. Suddenly, I fell down. I
landed on a rock about three metres down the side of the mountain. I couldn‟t move my
legs, so Phong called the rescue services. They arrived really quickly. I went to hospital in
their ambulance.
I‟m really bored now because I‟m still in hospital. I‟ve been in bed for three weeks!
Write back soon.

See you,
Task 1. Find three examples of the present perfect and three examples of the past
; :
Present perfect: ___________________ — ■ ■■ ?
Past continuous: __________ ;

Task 2. Match descriptions 1-5 with parts of the email A-E.
1. What she was doing when the accident happened. _______________
2. Greetings and introduction. _________
3. Where and when the accident happened. _________
4. . What‟s happened since the rescue. _ _______
5. What happened as a result of the accident. _________
Task 3. Match key phrases 1-5 for writing emails with meanings a-f. There is one
meaning you do not need. Write the answers in the blanks.
1. How‟s it going? a. Has (Amy ) writte n / spoke n to you?
2. Have you heard from (Amy)? b. I miss you.
3. Guess what! c. How are you?
4. Write back soon. d. Listen to my news!
5. See you
e. Send me an email.
f. Goodbye

214 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

Order the words to make a short email.

heard / you / have / Andy / from/?

hospital / he‟s / in / had / because / an / he‟s / accident

fell / he / hit / head / off / and / his / his I bike

they‟re / remember / so / he / anything / doing / some / couldn‟t / tests

soon / write / news / I‟ll / with / more

love / see / Petra / you

Hi Claire,

I. Complete the sentences with the words below.
renewable options solar spacious heavier-than-air wonderful
panels convenient wind farms economical amphibious
Hundreds of sailors loaded supplies aboard the _______________________ ships
We could take the train, but it‟s more __________ ________ to go by car.
We had a _____ _____________ time at our home village last summer.
There is increasing demand for cars which are more _________________ on fuel.
_____ ____ located in sunny areas work very well.
The Wright brothers flew the first flight of a________________________ machine
that took off into the air carrying a person.
Companies that are trying to protect the environment often use ________________
energy sources.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 8:1 believe I can fly - 215
You see a lot of _____________ on hills in that region, where it is very windy.
The car has _________________ room for legs.
Choosing between the available __________________ in mobile phones is very

Language focus
Read the situations. Then write sentences with I decide ............ and I think I
will... for each situation, using your own ideas.
It‟s very hot in the room.
You are very tired and it‟s quite late.
A friend of yours offer to take you on his or her bike to school, but you want some
You wanted to buy a new T-shirt, but now you think it‟s not necessary.
You have arranged to play football with your friends today, but you have a lot
of homework to do today.
in. Complete the sentences with and, but, or, although, or however.
I use my computer a lot, _____________ I like writing my letter by hand.
____________ the sun is behind the clouds, it is still hot.
We know only one answer to the problem; ________________ , maybe there are
more than one answer.
Grapes are green _____________ red.
She picked the toys __ ____ _ put them in the box.
I invited everyone in my class to my party, ________________ only ten came.
____________ the kitchen is small, it is very nice.
I like my visit to your house a lot, ___ __________I can‟t stay longer.
9. Sit down_____________ tell me all about it.
They don‟t have a car ____________ a motorbike.
IV. Complete the dialogue with the correct words.
Phong Hi! Are you new to this village?
Jane Yes, I am. We only moved here ‟some / lots of days ago.
Phong What do you think of it?
Jane It‟s very quiet. There isn‟t a lot / any to do at weekends.
Phong No, you‟re right. I usually go into town with ‟some / much friends.
Jane But there aren‟t lots of / any buses after 7 p.m.
Phong We get a taxi. It only costs a lot of / some money.
Jane That‟s a good idea. So, where do you go in town? Are there any / much good
7 8
Phong Yes, there are lots of / much good ones. My favourite is Galaxy. They show a
lot of / any great films there.

216 - Lưu Hoang Tri

Read the text, and choose the correct answers.
Cities Going Green
When many people move to cities, governments are looking for ways to make cities
become better living places. They try to create more public parks that are both beautiful
and green, but it seems to be difficult.
Some cities follow the idea of a green city as the goal. Masdar City in the United Arab
Emirates (UAE) aim to become a model for other cities to follow. The city mostly us es
renewable sources such as solar energy to provide all of its energy needs. Moreover, it
will be a zero waste city in which everything that is used can be recycled. Masdar City
will also do an experiment for environmentally-friendly ideas.
From energy consumption and waste disposal to green public transportation, the lesson to
be learned from Masdar City is very important.
What is one way governments create better living places?
They provide more public parks.
They tell people to move.
They plan a beautiful and green city.
D. They throw away waste.
What makes Masdar City special?
It is much larger than other cities.
It is created by a computer.
It has more people in it than other
cities. D. Its goal is to become a green city.
Which statement is true?
Masdar City does not recycle.
The lessons learned from Masdar City might be very valuable.
c. All green ideas must be forgotten.
To get its goal, Masdar City will stop allowing people in.
How is Masdar City going to do with garbage?
A. It is going to bum it. B. It is going to bury it.
c. It is going to recycle it. D. It is going to sell it.
What does the word “model” in paragraph 2 mean?
A. a small copy B. a product
c. a good example to follow D. a person in a fashion show

VI. Complete the dialogues.
o '
A Good morning.1 _________________________ _ _____ ___
B To Ha Noi.
A 2____________ ;

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (không đáp án) - Unit 8_ REVIEW - 217
B Yes, here‟s my ticket and my passport.
A Thank you. ____________________________________ _
B Yes, I have a backpack.
A _________ _______________ _ ________________________
B I‟d like a window seat, please.
A OK, you seat 6A, near the front.
B Thank you.
A Are you wearing a belt or a watch?
B I‟m wearing a belt.
5 6
A Please ________________________and put it in the tray. __________________
B Yes, I have a bottle of soda.
A OK, please put it in this tray. ________________________________
B Yes, I have some coins and my keys.
A Please ________ _ ________________________ •

VII. Complete the sentences with so or because.
I have a phobia of heights, ___________ I‟ve never been mountain climbing.
I know Mike will win this match ____________ he‟s really good at table tennis.
Amy loves roller coasters, , _____________ she‟s enthusiastic about going to
Alton Towers.
Isaac‟s skin bums easily, ____________ he‟s not interested in a beach holiday.
We need to go to hospital ___________ Nina‟s broken her ankle.
Ana has spent all her money on DVDs, _________ _ she can‟t afford to come out.
VIII. Write two sentences to link the events, one with so and one with because.

I‟ve written a letter of complaint. I thought the food was terrible.

I‟ve _______________________________________________________ .
I thought __________________________ ________________________ .
2. I was too tired. I fell when I was running.
I fell ___________________________________________ gY / - . ;/
I was _____________ _ .
They‟re finishing the tennis match. One of the players is injured.
They‟re y / : 7 • : .
One \ 7 :; ___ •
1 ‟vé broken my leg. We‟re going to hospital.
I‟ve ______ __________________________ . We‟re '

___________________ _ _____ __ ______________________ _•

218 - Lưu Hoang Tri
Lời nói đầu ...................................................................................................... . .............. .... 3
Starter unit: ................................................................................................... ......................... 5
Unitl: MYTIM E ......... ........ ........ ....... ........ .... : ....................................................................... 14
Review Unit 1 ............................................................................ ....................................... 37
Unit 2: COMMUNICATIO N................................................................................................. 43
Review Unit 2 ........................................................................... ........................................ 58
Unit 3: THE PAST ............................................................................................................ ..... 64
Review Unit 3 .............................................................. ..................................................... 86
Unit 4: IN THE PICTURE .................................................................................................. 93
Review Unit 4 .......................................................... ....................................................... 109
Unit 5: ACHIEVE ............................................................................................................. ... 113
Review Unit 5 ............................................... .................................................................. 136
Unit 6: SURVIVAL ............................................................................................................ . 146
Review Unit 6 ...................................... ........................................................................... 166
Unit 7: MUSIC ............................................................................................................... ..... 173
Review Unit 7 ................................................................................................................. 192
Unit 8:1 BELIEVE I CAN FLY .......................................................................................... 199
Review Unit 8 ................................................................................................................. 216

Cuốn sách có sử dụng một số bài luân và hình ảnh trên các trang mạng với mục
đích giúp học sinh có cách tiếp cận trực quan và làm cho nội dung b ài học thêm phần sinh
động hon. Do điều kiện có hạn chúng tôi chưa thể xin phép các tác giả, rất mong nhận
được sự thông cảm và lượng thứ. Nhà sách Hồng Ân xin chân thành cảm ơn sâu sắc đến
tất cả các tác giả có hình ảnh mà chúng tôi đã suư tầm và sử dụng trong phạm vi cuốn
sách này!
Also, Lucy was frightened of the clown - she thought he was .
Our cousin, Daniel, is at the back. He was feeling because nobody played with
him. He was __________________ too because he doesn‟t like meeting new people.
5 6 7 8 9 10
That‟s me in the front. I look really ____ _________ in that dress! 1 was the
________________ one that day -1 had a great time.
• Common verbs

219 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

V. Choose the correct verbs, and then write their past simple form.
Example: have / get / feel lunch —* have lunch had
1. graduate / win / get a job ____________________________
2. leave / go / do to school ____________________________
3. have / go / start a child ____________________________
4. go I leave / do school ____________________________
5. do / win I go an exam ____________________________
6. buy / do / go a house ____________________________
win / get / graduate a competition ________________________________
8. start / do / go a company ____________________________
9. get / do / go married ____________________________
10. become / go / have rich ____________________________
to an acting school for three years.
Are Mai and Laura friends? - Yes, they are.
Complete the questions with the words given below. Then ask and answer the
questions with your partner.
What was What were When was
Were you Was the Where were
_________________ weather good last Friday?
_________________ in a school play or concert when you were young?
_________________ the names of your first school friends?
A. Jane liked the statues.
VIII. Complete the text using the past continuous form of the verbs given below.
VI. Complete the email with the words given below.
so heard see back because
so going guess interviewed been
Hi Emily,
How‟s it _____________ ? I‟m fine, but I‟ve got some news. Have you
2 _____ _____ __ __ _ _ from Peter this week ? _____ __ __ _ ____ __ _ what? He‟ s
4 ______________ on TV! It rained a lot here last week, ______ __th e
river got very high yesterday. Some people were in their cars in the water. They were
very scared ________________ they couldn‟t get out. Peter rescued a woman
and her baby, _______________ now he‟s a hero! Lots of reporters have
_________ him and he‟s been on the TV news. Wow!
9 10
Write _______ _____ soon, Emily, and tell me your news.
______________ you,
VII. Use the notes and the model in Exercise VI to write an email.

220 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

People: Charlie, writing to Claire, about Alice
Situation: Alice / climb up a tree / fall off
Problems: break leg I cut head
Help: phone the police
Now: in hospital until Sunday

221 - Lưu Hoằng Trí

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