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Application of internal corrosion direct

assessment in CO2 slug flow submarine pipelines

Shuai Zhao, Kexi Liao, Guoxi He, Tengjiao He, Di Chen, Min Qin, Qing Zou &
Nan Ye

To cite this article: Shuai Zhao, Kexi Liao, Guoxi He, Tengjiao He, Di Chen, Min Qin, Qing
Zou & Nan Ye (2021) Application of internal corrosion direct assessment in CO2 slug
flow submarine pipelines, Journal of Taibah University for Science, 15:1, 984-998, DOI:

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Published online: 17 Dec 2021.

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2021, VOL. 15, NO. 1, 984–998


Application of internal corrosion direct assessment in CO2 slug flow submarine

Shuai Zhao , Kexi Liao, Guoxi He, Tengjiao He, Di Chen, Min Qin, Qing Zou and Nan Ye
School of Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, People’s Republic of China


This paper aims to establish a direct method for evaluating the internal corrosion in subma- Received 27 July 2021
rine pipelines, including four steps: pre-assessment, indirect inspection, detailed inspection, Revised 18 November 2021
and post-assessment. The evaluation of corrosion severity and the determination of key mon- Accepted 19 November 2021
itoring points are particularly important in indirect detection. Taking CO2 gathering and trans- KEYWORDS
mission pipeline of an offshore oil field as an example, the overall internal corrosion rate of Multiphase flow; internal
the pipeline is calculated to be 0.253 mm/a. The 12–45 m long pipeline is selected as the corrosion direct assessment;
focus of corrosion monitoring. Through the comparative analysis of internal detection data submarine pipeline; CO2 ;
and loss wall thickness, it is found that the results of indirect evaluation and direct evalu- slug flow corrosion
ation are consistent, indicating the correctness of corrosion rate prediction model and loss
wall thickness calculation method. The pipeline reevaluation time is five years. The evaluation
method can accurately predict the corrosion status of multiphase flow pipeline and locate the

1. Introduction
distribution of phases in fluid, (2) mass transport of
Carbon steel pipelines and piping used in transporta- species, and (3) flow-induced corrosion [16]. Especially
tion of hydrocarbon products are prone to internal cor- the effect of slug flow on corrosion. Eilson and Wen
rosion when exposed to an aqueous CO2 environment (1981) proposed three types of flow corrosion: convec-
[1,2], especially at the riser [3]. The CO2 corrosion majors tive mass transfer corrosion, phase transition corrosion
affective factors are pressure and temperature, acid gas and erosion corrosion [17]. The above three corrosion
content, in-situ pH, flow regime and so on [4]. The gen- effects are fully reflected in slug flow corrosion. Sun
eral mechanisms of CO2 corrosion have been exten- and Jepson and Zhou and Jepson (1993) have proved
sively studied and are well understood [5–10]. López that in slug flow, there are often areas with high wall
et al. [11] showed that pearlite/ferritic steel (P/F steel) shear stress and high turbulence [18]. The combination
and quenched martensitic steel (TM steel) exhibit a bet- of slug flow and CO2 forms CO2 slug flow corrosion,
ter corrosion resistance. The total pressure has no direct which is the result of slug flow scouring wear (dynamic
impact on corrosion. However, it should be noted that action) and corrosion (electrochemical action). Yuhua
the total pressure is proportional to the partial pressure S. [19] and Mamdouh M. [20] respectively studied the
of CO2 , which has a major effect on corrosion [12]. Zhao effects of temperature, pressure, CO2 partial pressure,
et al. [13] researched that the 35MoCr steel corrosion corrosion product film, pH value, corrosion inhibitor
rate increases with the increase of CO2 partial pressure and other influencing factors on the corrosion rate in
(0.8MPa ∼ 1.6 MPa). With the increase of temperature the pipeline conveying moisture and multiphase flow
(60°C ∼ 120°C), the corrosion rate of the sample first through loop experiments. Jiabin H [21] studied the
increases and then decreases [14]. The corrosion resis- effect of corrosion product film on CO2 corrosion rate
tance of X70 decreases in the pH range of 5.5–6.5 at 65°C and corrosion morphology by autoclave experiment,
[15]. and obtained experimental results different from previ-
However, there is gas–liquid two-phase flow in sub- ous understanding, which provided a new idea for the
marine mixed transportation pipeline. The hydrody- study of CO2 corrosion product film. The influencing
namic characteristic of multiphase flow is correlated factors of CO2 corrosion in slug flow are mainly elec-
to the fluid properties (such as the density, viscos- trochemical factors and kinetic factors. Electrochem-
ity, and crude chemistry), the interfacial behaviour, the ical factors include temperature, pressure, pH value,
reactions at steel surfaces, and so on. Multiphase flow medium composition, etc. The dynamic factors include
affects internal corrosion through three aspects: (1) gas–liquid velocity and slug flow pattern. Overall, the

CONTACT Kexi Liao School of Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500, People’s
Republic of China
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

effects of kinetic factors on corrosion are mainly man- platform C. Figure 1 shows the geographical location of
ifested in mass transfer, diffusion and scouring shear. A the pipeline. The pipeline information is shown in Table
lot of research has been done on the mechanism of CO2 1.
slug flow corrosion, but there are still some problems in The geographical location of the pipeline is shown in
the research on the prediction model of CO2 slug flow Figure 2. The submarine pipeline has extremely severe
corrosion. What’s more, the question on whether these corrosion at 32 m, there is extremely severe corrosion
corrosion models are suitable for submarine pipelines on the inner surface of the pipe. According to the
still requires further verification [22,23]. qualitative classification of corrosion rate in NACE stan-
To clearly grasp the internal corrosion of CO2 - dard rp0775-2005, the CO2 partial pressure range of the
containing submarine pipelines, an OLGA model based pipeline is 0.03 MPa ∼ 0.06 MPa. Hence, the pipeline is
on the Multiphase Low Internal Corrosion Direct Assess- at risk of CO2 corrosion.
ment (MP-ICDA) Methodology for pipelines, released
in 2016 by the International Association of Corrosion
Engineers (NACE), is proposed in the current work.
3. Internal corrosion direct assessment for
This approach consists of collecting extensive design
CO2 multiphase flow submarine pipelines
and operation data, corrosion monitoring data and
any other related information. In particular, the perfor- Corrosion evaluation methods for CO2 -containing mul-
mance of relevant tests and calculations allows one to tiphase flow submarine pipelines include assessment of
establish whether the corrosion of the target pipeline feasibility and severity of corrosion and determination
is severe enough to affect the integrity of the latter, as of key monitoring points. In particular, the flow simu-
well as put forward the corresponding repair and pro- lated along with the elevation map of the pipelines is
tective measures against corrosion defects. According used to predict the internal corrosion possibility and
to the MP-ICDA requirements, the direct method for corresponding corrosion risks at each internal corrosion
multiphase flow internal corrosion evaluation of CO2 - evaluation area and provide data support for internal
containing submarine pipelines takes the following inspection and pipeline maintenance.
steps. First, the data are collected to determine whether
the target pipeline fulfils the demands for choosing this
approach. Then, the operating conditions are selected.
3.1. Evaluation of feasibility judgment
After that, the relevant specifications are formulated
using the established pipeline corrosion and node divi- 3.1.1. Collection of information related to the
sion coordinates, and the area under investigation is evaluation of the pipeline
divided into sub-regions for further assessment. The For each evaluated pipe segment, the data to be col-
pipeline flow is afterwards simulated to obtain the flow lected includes the information about the entire design,
parameters along the pipeline. Finally, the CO2 corro- construction, and operation stages of the pipeline, as
sion rate is predicted at each node of the pipeline and shown in Table 2 [24].
the key monitoring area is determined according to
the judging criteria. The proposed model is therefore
shown to be reliable for providing support and sugges- 3.1.2. Evaluation of internal corrosion of a
tions for the detection and monitoring of corrosion on multiphase flow containing CO2
the large pipeline networks during operation. The information for “Importance Level 1” is required.
Based on the collected data, the corrosion area in the
pipeline is pre-determined for evaluation. An internal
2. Pipeline information parameters
corrosion area is a part of any long pipe section, which
The submarine mixed transmission pipeline is a tee includes one or more internal corrosion pipe sections.
pipeline connecting platform A and the mixed Its total length is equal to a sum of the lengths of all the
transmission submarine pipeline from pipeline B to sections carrying out the internal corrosion assessment.

Figure 1. The geographical location of pipeline.

986 S. ZHAO ET AL.

Table 1. The basic information of pipeline.

Minimum yield
Medium Material External diameter/mm Wall thickness/mm strength/MPa Production Time Pipeline Length Corrosive Medium
Oil/Gas/Water X65 219.1 14.3 450 2014 75 m CO2

Table 2. Basic data.

Classification Collected data Level
Flow Flow at inlet and outlet at operating 1
Longitudinal section Elevation and buried depth along 1
the line
Gas composition At least C12 + gas components, 1
including CH4 , H2 S, CO2 , O2 , gas
Pressure and Operating pressure and tem- 1
temperature perature, design pressure and
temperature, soil/water ambi-
ent temperature, pressure and
temperature along the line
Points The current and historical position 1
of all pipeline input and output
Figure 2. Elevation map along submarine pipeline. Hydrocarbon API gravity, viscosity, bottom 1
Characteristics sediment and water (BS & W)
sulfur, acidic sulfur-containing
medium, etc.
Water composition and Physical-chemical parameters 1
3.1.3. Select typical working conditions water content (anion and cation content),
During the operation of the pipeline, there may be a dissolved oxygen, pH, dissolved
solids (TDS), water source
shutdown situation, which will cause changes in the Solid Amount of solid particles, 1
flow rate of the pipeline and thereby alter the corrosion characteristics (shape, size), etc.
Undercoat Location and condition of 1
behaviour. Furthermore, the operating pressure and undercoat
temperature of the pipeline will also affect the corrosion Pigging Pigging method (whether scraper 1
rate of the latter. procedures/history is used), solid pigging amount,
pigging cycle, pigging speed, etc.
Therefore, taking the less fluctuation periods in the Chemicals (corrosion The chemical type used, injection 1
operating conditions of the pipeline for assessment is inhibitors, bactericides) method and location, injection
volume, injection cycle, chemical
conducive to improving the prediction accuracy of the characteristics
corrosion rate and the accuracy of the evaluation. Leaks / Failures / Location and characteristics of 1
Defects leaks/failures (pits, troughs)
Repair/repair data Pipe repair, replacement, 1
non-destructive testing data, etc.
3.1.4. Division of the assessment pipeline Corrosion detection / Internal test data, non-destructive 2
Since the corrosion mechanisms and the severity monitoring data test data, corrosion monitoring
data (hanging piece, probe, etc.,
of corrosion impacting a pipeline vary under differ- location, time)
ent operating conditions, such as apparent gas/liquid Other data affecting Operator/producer identification, 2
internal corrosion such as the location of solids,
velocity, flow pattern, terrain, liquid holding rate, sludge, hydrates
and solid deposition, the internal corrosion evaluation
requires the knowledge of the hydrodynamic processes
in the pipeline. In this respect, the pipe section with a sub-segment and the use of a CO2 corrosion rate pre-
maximum corrosion rate was chosen as a priority assess- diction model to assess the corrosion rate and calculate
ment site. The risk-based method was used for the eval- the wall thickness loss distribution.
uation. For this, at least two pipe sections were selected
and at least four sections were less than 10 km (see
3.2.1. Multiphase flow pipeline simulation
Table 3).
OLGA software is the worldwide recognized industrial
standard multi-phase flow analysis software developed
by a ScandPower (SPT) group (Norway) [25]. The basic
3.2. Corrosion severity assessment
module of the software allows analysis of the multi-
The aim of corrosion severity assessment is to identify phase and single-phase flows such as oil and gas,
sub-segments in each evaluation area, which are prone oil–water, and oil and water [26]. In this model, the mul-
to corrosion or being under the internal corrosion, and tiphase flow simulation is based on a two-fluid physical
determine their relationship with a length and the ele- model composed of three continuity equations, two
vation of the pipeline. For this, multiphase flow simula- momentum equations, and a mixed energy equation
tion is required to establish the flow parameters of each [27], as was shown in Figure 3.

Table 3. Minimum number of evaluation sections.

Length of continuous pipe 21-40% loss in Severe wall Minimum number
sections in all evaluation Low wall thickness medium wall 41-60% high wall thickness loss of evaluation
areas and sub-areas (km) loss < 20% thickness thickness loss > 60% sections
0.1–10.0 1 1 1 1 4
10.1–50.0 1 1 2 2 6
50.1–100.0 1 2 2 2 8
100.1–500.0 1 2 3 4 10
> 500.1 2 3 4 5 14

The continuity equation of gas–liquid two-phase

flow is as follows:

(Vg ρg vg + VD ρL vD )
1 ∂ ∂P
=− (AVg ρg vg2 + AVD ρL vD2 ) − (Vg + VD )
A ∂z ∂z
1 Sg 1 Si
− λg ρg |vg |vg − λi ρg |vr |vr
2 4A 2 4A
+ (Vg ρg + VD ρL )g cos α
+ ψg va + ψe vi − ψd vD (4)
Liquid phase:
∂ 1 ∂ ∂P 1
Figure 3. OLGA dynamic multiphase flow simulation block dia- (VL ρL vL ) = − (AVL ρL vL2 ) − VL − λL ρL |vL |vL
∂t A ∂z ∂z 2
SL 1 Si
× + λi ρg |vL |vL
4A 2 4A
The model of OLGA software includes not only gas VL
+ VD ρL g cos α − ψg va − ψe vi
phase and liquid phase [28], but also a droplet field [11], VL + VD
which is an extended two-phase fluid model. ∂VL
Conservation equation of mass: + ψd vD − VL d(ρL − ρg )g sin α (5)
Gas phase:
where, α is the inclination angle between the pipe and
∂ 1 ∂ the vertical direction; P is pressure; vr is the relative
(Vg ρg ) = − (AVg ρg vg ) + ψg + Gg (1)
∂t A ∂z velocity; S is the wetted perimeter of each phase inter-
face; g is the acceleration of gravity; The subscripts g,
Liquid phase:
L and i represent the interfaces among the gas phase,
∂ 1 ∂ liquid phase and gas–liquid phase respectively.
(VL ρL ) = − (AVL ρL vL ) Energy equation:
∂t A ∂z
− ψg − ψe + ψd + GL (2) ∂ 1 2 1 2
VL + VD mg Eg + vg + gh + mL EL + vL + gh
∂t 2 2
Liquid drop: 1
+ mD ED + vD2 + gh
∂ 1 ∂   
(VD ρL ) = − (AVD ρL vD ) ∂ 1 2
∂t A ∂z =− mg vg Hg + vg + gh
∂z 2
− ψg + ψe − ψd + GD (3) 1
VL + VD + mL vL HL + vL2 + gh
where, V is the volume fraction of each phase; G is the  
1 2
possible mass source of each phase; ρ is the density; ν is + mD vD HD + vD + gh + HS + U (6)
the flow rate of each phase; A is the cross-sectional area
of the pipe;  g is the mass transfer rate between gas where: E is the internal energy of fluid per unit mass; h is
and liquid, and the conversion from liquid evaporation the elevation; HS is the enthalpy of mass source; U is the
to gas is positive;  e is the droplet entrainment rate;  d heat transfer of pipe wall.
is the droplet deposition rate; g, L and D respectively The above physical models generate a series of cou-
represent gas phase, liquid film and liquid drop. pled first-order nonlinear one-dimensional partial dif-
Momentum conservation equation: ferential equations with rather complex coefficients.
988 S. ZHAO ET AL.

Most of the two fluid models are solved by the In the De Waard 95 model, the effects of mass transfer
finite difference staggered grid contribution element and electrochemical kinetic reaction rate on the corro-
method. sion are described by the following expressions:
OLGA judges two flow patterns according to the
“minimum slip criterion”. The “minimum slip criterion” 1 1 1
= + (7)
refers to selecting the flow pattern with the minimum Vcorr Vr Vm
linear velocity difference between gas and liquid or U0.8
Vm = 0.245 PCO2 (8)
the highest gas velocity (so as to minimize the liquid D0.2
holdup) for a given pressure drop [29]. 1119
log Vr = 4.93 − − 0.58 log PCO2
t + 273
− 0.34(pHact − pHCO2 ) (9)
3.2.2. Determination of other factors that affect the
location of corrosion in the pipeline pHCO2 = 3.71 + 0.00417t + 0.5 log PCO2 (10)
During the startup process, it will run in a non-steady
state for a while. While executing temporary shutdowns where Vcorr is the corrosion rate (mm/a); Vm is the mass
and regular switching, the liquid stagnates in a lower transfer rate (mm/a); Vr is the reaction rate (mm/a); U is
position. After restarting, the gas either cannot take the liquid flow velocity (m/s); D is the pipeline diame-
away all the stagnant liquid or pour out the liquid to ter (mm); PCO2 is the CO2 partial pressure (MPa); t is the
a slug formed. A sudden increase or decrease in the temperature (°C); pHact is the actual pH value; pHCO2 is
production also affects the fluid. the pH value of CO2 saturated solvent.
Besides the frequency and effectiveness of pigging,
as well as the information on the location, frequency, 3.2.5. Corrosion severity evaluation in the pipe
and time of pigging; there are the data on sludge and section
liquid removed from liquid separators or pigging pro- To assess the corrosion-induced damages of the wall
cesses, hydration, etc., excluding the chemical proper- thickness at each sub-segment, the cumulative and
ties and corrosion severity reports. average wall thickness losses are calculated based on
the corrosion rates for the relevant time segments.

3.2.3. Identification and division of each evaluation

3.3. Identification of key monitoring points
area into the sub-segments
Since the distribution of a three-phase flow, whether The internal corrosion assessment of pipeline sections
it is oil, gas, or water, in the pipe is more complex, it ensures subsequent supervision and maintenance of
can be divided into several flow patterns according to a the pipeline by determining the key monitoring loca-
two-phase flow pattern classification method. The dis- tions, thereby providing a choice point for detailed
tribution and structural characteristics of each phase inspection.
composing the three-phase flow may vary. Since the According to the requirements of the code, the key
flow patterns possess different energy losses, the corre- monitoring points can be selected in obedience with
sponding formulas are applied to calculate the pressure the criteria below:
drop [30].
(1) Criterion 1: The corrosion rate of the node is greater
than the average corrosion rate.
3.2.4. Prediction of corrosion rate at each (2) Criterion 2: The obstacles causing unstable flow
sub-segment of the pipeline or exacerbating pipeline corrosion
Based on the CO2 corrosion prediction model estab- should be considered taking into account such con-
lished for the target pipeline, the flow parameters along ditions as excessive bending, isolation valve, oil
the pipeline calculated through the multiphase flow injection point, stagnation flow, and so on.
simulation are afterwards used to predict the corrosion
rate at each sub-segment of the pipeline. For this, a cor- The complete algorithm of corrosion evaluation in a
rosion module with three models, namely Norsok M506, submarine mixed pipeline is illustrated in Figure 4.
De Waard 95, and Top of Line [31] has been embed-
ded in OLGA software. Among these, the corrosion rate
4. Application of internal corrosion direct
predicted by De Waard 95 approach has the smallest
assessment method
error [32], allowing this corrosion model to be chosen
for the further assessment of pipelines. After that, the In this paper, a CO2 multiphase pipeline is taken as
average corrosion rate of the pipeline is evaluated to the research object, and the internal corrosion of the
see whether it exceeds the corrosion rate at each sub- pipeline is analyzed by using the direct evaluation
segment. method.

Figure 4. Corrosion evaluation algorithm in submarine pipelines.

4.1. Pre-assessment Since the operating temperature and pressure, as

well as oil and water flow, exhibit the same change
The main task of pre evaluation stage is to collect data
trend, the conditions to be evaluated are divided into
and determine ICDA evaluation area. The submarine
10 time periods (the pipeline is shut down in three
pipeline chosen for the analysis has a total length of
cases). The working conditions of a multiphase flow
75 m and undergoes the influence of a three-phase
were thus simulated according to the basic data. In
environment, including oil, gas, and water. The pipe
this respect, Table 5 shows the specific time divi-
steel grade is API X65, and the specification size is
sion and typical working conditions of the mixed
219.1×14.3 mm. The gas phase composition is shown
in Table 4.
990 S. ZHAO ET AL.

Table 4. Gas phase composition. divided into 62 sections with average length of 1.2 m
Sampling date CO2 vol% CH4 vol% C2 H6 vol% C3 H8 vol% (Figure 5(b)), thereby allowing more accurate visual-
2017.06.20 2.03 97.51 0.43 0.03 ization of the changes in flow parameters along the
2017.12.22 2.17 97.43 0.36 0.04 pipeline. A further division of the pipeline into 124 sec-
2018.06.18 2.13 97.41 0.42 0.04
2018.12.15 2.11 97.47 0.36 0.06
tions causes no visual difference between the plots in
2019.06.19 2.21 97.26 0.46 0.07 Figure 5(b) and 5(c), exhibiting only a few small fluctua-
2019.12.13 2.10 97.41 0.43 0.06 tions in Figure 5(c).
2020.06.17 2.01 97.49 0.47 0.03
2020.12.16 2.05 97.46 0.45 0.04 Therefore, considering the calculation accuracy and
the later application of multiphase flow simulation
results, the pipeline is divided into 62 sections to estab-
4.2. Indirect inspection lish the proper OLGA simulation model and calculate
the flow patterns and node parameters under 7 working
4.2.1. Model establishment and operation
conditions. Therefore, the requirement that the mini-
In OLGA calculation, PVTSim is used to store the physical
mum number of 10 km pipe sections be 4 is fulfilled.
property data of transported fluid in tab file which can
be recognized by Olga. In the process of generating tab
file with PVTSim, there are nine kinds of gas equation of 4.2.2. Results and analysis of multiphase flow
state, including SRK, SRK Peneloux, Srkpeneloux (T), PR, parameters
PR Peneloux, PR Peneloux (T), PR78, PR78 Peneloux and The multi-phase flow simulation results are afterwards
PR78 Peneloux (T). SRK Peneloux equation is used in this analyzed using the black oil model by choosing case 4.
calculation [33]. For this, the water content is 38%, and the gas-oil ratio is
The basic steps of OLGA algorithm for multiphase 186.32. The inlet boundary condition is MASSFLOW, and
flow simulation are the establishment of the pipeline the oil phase is selected as the standard phase state, at
geometric model, meshing, selection of the mathemati- which the oil delivery volume is 207.14 m3 /d, and the
cal model, setting of the boundary conditions, flow field inlet temperature is 67.5°C. The outlet boundary con-
initialization, and results output. The black oil model is dition is PRESSUREDRIV, and the pressure is constant
used. The heat transfer medium around the submarine at 1.43 MPa. Figure 4 displays the graphs of the multi-
pipeline is water, and the maximum ambient temper- phase flow simulation parameters along the pipeline,
ature of the seabed is 25.6°C. Table 6 shows the OLGA obtained at the given conditions [34].
input parameters taken for the simulation. The liquid holding rate along the pipeline cannot be
OLGA software meshing mainly uses its internal dis- measured directly. Therefore, the OLGA simulated tem-
cretization component, and the ratio of the lengths of perature values of the two pipelines are compared with
the adjacent two sections is between 0.5 and 2. The divi- the actual test values on site. As shown in Figure 6 and
sion of the grid length is the key to the process of model Table 7, the temperature error was controlled within 5%.
establishment. The pipeline length must be set accord- Due to the short pipeline length, the tempera-
ing to that in the calculation model. If the grid is small, ture and pressure fluctuations along the pipeline are
the calculation accuracy is high but the iteration time small, covering the ranges of 63.86°C–56.62°C and
is too long; otherwise the iterative calculation error is
Table 6. OLGA input parameters.
Using the data of the nodes along the mixed trans-
portation submarine pipeline, the latter is divided into Factors OLGA input parameters
7 sections whose average length is 10.7 m (see Figure CO2 partial pressure FA-models: CO2 FRACTION, Outlet: PRESSURE
Water content Black oil feed: WATERCUT
3(a)). However, due to the large grid division, the chang- Temperature Inlet: TEMPERATURE
ing trend of flow parameters along the pipeline cannot Fluid state Black oil feed: WATERCUT, Inlet: FEEDSTDFLOW
Flow rate Inlet: FEEDSTDFLOW
be accurately presented. In this respect, the pipeline is

Table 5. Time segmentation of mixed pipelines∗.

Daily gas Daily oil Water content CO2 volume
Case The period Inlet temperature (°C) Inlet pressure (MPa) production (m3 ) production (m3 ) (%) fraction (%)
1 2017.05.08 ∼ 2017.12.29 70.0 1.42 54764 143.92 6.4 2.530
2 2017.12.30 ∼ 2018.02.13 67.8 1.60 7529.0 110.53 24.5 3.475
3 2018.02.14 ∼ 2018.03.20 Shut down
4 2018.03.21 ∼ 2018.07.08 63.8 1.33 38574 207.14 38.1 3.475
5 2018.07.09 ∼ 2018.07.22 Shut down
6 2018.07.23 ∼ 2019.03.01 64.2 1.32 13287 101.96 35.1 2.130
7 2019.03.02 ∼ 2019.07.07 64.3 1.33 6154.7 73.02 28.4 2.130
8 2019.07.08 ∼ 2019.09.13 56.5 1.38 20596 111.56 39.8 4.270
9 2019.09.14 ∼ 2019.09.23 Shut down
10 2019.09.24 ∼ 2020.05.16 55.9 1.37 29583 100.51 48.0 4.270
∗ Data source: actual production data of submarine pipeline.

Figure 5. Gas flow velocity changes along the pipeline depending on the number of grids.

Table 7. Calculation error of multiphase flow in OLGA software.

Temperature-OLGA Operating
Pipeline length (m) (°C) conditions (°C) Error
0 63.86 65.16 2.00%
20 61.87 63.46 2.50%
41 59.75 61.25 2.44%
60 57.91 59.65 2.92%
75 56.62 58.15 2.62%

Figure 6. Temperature from OLGA results vs field condition


1.331–1.330 MPa (Figure 7), respectively. The pressure

and temperature simulation results of the model are
consistent with the actual situation, and can be used for
the calculation and analysis of node parameters along Figure 7. Temperature(TM) and pressure (PT) distribution
the pipeline. along the pipeline.
As follows from Figure 8, the fluid is characterized by
the stratified flow (ID:1) and slug flow (ID:3) [35], occur- of bubbles in the liquid phase of slug flow, which is easy
ring at 30 m of the pipeline. There are a certain amount to lead to the emergence and aggregation of bubbles in
992 S. ZHAO ET AL.

Figure 8. Flow pattern (ID) and HOL (liquid holding rate) distribution along the pipeline.

Figure 9. Profile of different regions of a slug [37].

Figure 10. Liquid velocity (UL) and Gas velocity (UG) distribution along the pipeline.

the change of pipe flow direction and turbulence area

[36]. With the emergence of slug flow, the gas flow rate
increases significantly, leading to an increase in the liq-
uid holding rate. At this time, more energy is required
to push the liquid forward, which increases the static
pressure loss in the pipeline. Accordingly, the pressure
distribution diagram (Figure 8) reveals the large pres-
sure drop gradient in the uphill section. However, due
to the lower pipeline pressure and the smaller fluid flow,
the pipeline pressure changes less. Figure 9 shows the
profile of different regions of a slug. The slug is com-
posed of liquid film, gas pocket, mixing zone, plug body
and front. Firstly, waves are generated on the surface
of the liquid film, which constantly fill the pipeline to
accelerate the liquid. When the liquid plug flows for- Figure 11. Corrosion rate distribution along the pipeline.
ward, the liquid plug will exceed the liquid film at the
front end and its propagation speed will increase. In Table 8. Location of key detection points.
this process, a gas–liquid mixing zone will be formed
Key monitoring
in front of the liquid plug, which will strongly scour the points
pipe wall, resulting in great shear force. At the same
Locations with
time, when the liquid inside the slug produces “cavita- Corrosion rate high corrosion
tion”, the front of the slug will move above the pipe and Case Number (mm/a) rates (m) Locations
absorb a large amount of gas, which makes the front 1 0.199–0.233 15–45 10 31–45
2 0.086–0.176 15–40 3 31–34
of the slug form a highly turbulent area. In the turbu- 4 0.173–0.219 15–40 15 16–45
lent region, liquid and gas will be continuously drawn 6 0.104–0.162 15–45 6 30–39
7 0.075–0.149 15–42 2 30–33
into the slug and accelerated to the propagation speed 8 0.200–0.253 15–59 2 12–45
of the slug. The rapid change of pressure and velocity 10 0.174–0.226 15–46 7 30–42
in the mixing zone causes bubbles to generate from it
and move to the bottom of the pipe, which has a strong
points were determined according to criteria 1 and 2
impact on the bottom of the pipe wall and burst, and
of the internal corrosion evaluation method (see Table
instantly produces high temperature and high pressure.
8). According to the multiphase flow simulation results
At the same time, the liquid film adjacent to the bubble
under various working conditions, the recommended
produces a great instantaneous shear force on the pipe
focus area is 12–45 m, and the predicted corrosion rate
wall. This comprehensive effect causes the corrosion
is 0.080–0.253 mm/a.
inhibitor film of the pipeline to be torn, and the metal
protective film may peel off and fail in a short time,
4.2.4. Cumulative uniform wall thickness reduction
resulting in sharp corrosion of the internal metal. There-
According to the division of time nodes of the evalu-
fore, according to the results of flow pattern, corrosion
ation pipeline and combined with the results of OLGA
is more likely to occur where slug flow exists.
multiphase flow simulation, calculated the average
The liquid velocity and gas velocity are found to be
corrosion thinning accumulation along the evaluation
within the ranges of 0.05–1.15 m/s and 0.16–1.01 m/s
pipeline, as shown in equation (11).
(Figure 10), respectively. There is a steep slope at 8 m
of the pipeline, and the liquid velocity of the pipeline 
ti+1 − ti
increases from 1.1 to 1.9 m/s. At 15 m of the pipeline, the tlosstotall = vcorri × (11)
liquid flow rate dramatically fell, and the gas flow rate
rapidly increased, which is testimony to the emergence where tlosstotal is Cumulative wall thickness reduction,
of multiple bubbles caused by a slug flow. At 30 m of mm; ti is the i-th time node; ti+1 is the i+1-th time node;
the pipeline, the liquid flow rate slightly rebounded, vcorri is the corrosion rate of the i-th time node.
stabilizing at a low value, and the gas flow rate gently Hence, the estimated loss uniform wall thickness of
decreased after the slug flow ended [38]. the pipeline from 2017 to 2020 is 5.0 mm ∼ 7.0 mm, as
shown in Figure 12.
4.2.3. Determination of corrosion sensitive area
Based on the multiphase flow simulation results and
4.3. Detailed examination
given the target pipeline CO2 corrosion rate, the aver-
age corrosion rate of the pipeline was calculated, to 4.3.1. Basic situation of the detector
predict the corrosion rate of each node. The results The pipeline was inspected with the In-line High Res-
are shown in Figure 11. For this, the key monitoring olution Metal Loss Detection and Sizing (RoCorr MFL-
994 S. ZHAO ET AL.

Figure 12. Pipeline uniform wall thickness loss ratio distribution along the pipeline.

A). One (1) RoCorr MFL-A run was performed during 30–40 m. Through this MP-ICDA inspection and evalu-
the inspection. The detection time is May 2020, the ation, it is determined that the results of indirect eval-
average running speed is about 0.53 m/s, and the maxi- uation and direct evaluation of seabed evaluation are
mum operating temperature during the running period consistent, indicating the effectiveness of this direct
is 28.2°C . Figure 13 is the operating speed, and Figure evaluation of internal corrosion.
14 is the magnetization level.
4.4.1. Evaluation of residual strength prediction of
4.3.2. Basic situation of test data
In this paper, the modified B31G evaluation method is
A total of 14605 metal loss anomalies that exceeded
used to evaluate the residual strength and predict the
the reporting threshold by 10% depth were detected in
residual life of metal loss. In the evaluation, only the
the pipeline. Most of these metal loss abnormalities are
influence of internal pressure on the pipeline is consid-
classified as internal corrosion, which is mainly detected
ered, and the influence of other loads is not considered.
at the bottom of the pipeline (between 5:00 and 7:00).
The pressure determination diagram shows the relative
Figure 15 shows the clock position of all metal corro-
severity of each internal corrosion defect. [39]. The esti-
sion defects. Figure 16 shows the depth distribution of
mated repair factor (ERF) is the ratio of the maximum
metal corrosion defects. The depth percentage of corro-
allowable operating pressure (MAOP) of the pipeline to
sion defects is 30%–49%, distributed in 0–5 m, 15–20 m
the safe operating pressure (PSW ) at the defect [40], as
and 30–40 m of the pipeline. The maximum loss wall
shown in equation (12)-(15).
thickness is 7.007 mm. The internal detection results are
consistent with the multiphase flow simulation results.
M = (1 + 0.8l2 /Dnwt )0.5 (12)
2nwt SMYS
4.4. Post-assessment SF = (13)
Pi D
Based on the collection and analysis of basic data of 1 − 2l/3nwt 2nwt · (SMYS + 68.94)
PSW = ·
submarine pipeline, it is inferred that the internal corro- 1 − (2l/3nwt )/M SF · D
sion type of pipeline is CO2 slug flow corrosion, and the (14)
internal corrosion degree is extremely serious. Through
multiphase flow simulation analysis, it is determined ERF = (15)
that the corrosion sensitive section in the submarine
pipeline is 12–45 m and extremely severe corrosion.
Based on the evaluation results of the detector, it is where l is the axial length of internal corrosion defects,
determined that the pipeline is extremely severe corro- mm; D is the outer diameter of the pipeline, mm,
sion, and the corrosion areas are 0–5 m, 15–20 m and D = 219.1 mm; nwt the nominal wall thickness of the

Figure 13. The operating speed.

Figure 14. The magnetization level.

pipeline, mm, nwt = 14.3 mm; M is the Folias coeffi- the condition of no large fluctuation of pipeline trans-
cient; MAOP is the maximum allowable operating pres- portation conditions (corrosive medium content, pres-
sure, MPa, MAOP = 2.0 MPa; SMYS is the rated mini- sure and temperature), the remaining life of
mum yield strength, MPa, SMYS = 450 MPa, PSW is the pipeline system is calculated as follows:
residual strength of pipeline, MPa. tmm − Rt · tmin
The higher the ERF value is, the higher the severity of RL = (16)
the feature is, and the farther the feature point is from
where RL is remaining life, a; Crate is predict corrosion
the curves [41]. The ERF distribution of the evaluation
rate, mm/a; tmm is measured average wall thickness of
pipeline is shown in Figure 17. The number of pipelines
pipeline, mm; tmin is minimum required wall thickness
evaluated is the largest at 5–15 m, which is why there is
of pipeline, mm; Rt is the residual wall thickness ratio
CO2 slug flow in this area, resulting in serious pipeline
can be obtained from the residual strength evaluation.
When the straight pipe section is uniformly corroded,
Rt is replaced by RSFa . When the straight pipe section
is locally corroded, the calculation formula of Rt is as
4.4.2. Evaluate the prediction of pipeline remaining follows (17):
⎧ ⎫
life and re-inspection period ⎪
⎨ 0.2 λ ≤ 0.354 ⎪

According to MP-ICDA, the re-inspection period should Rt = RSFa − RSF a
1 − RSFa
0.354 ≤ λ ≤ 20
be half of the remaining life. Combining with API 570 ⎪
⎩ Mt Mt ⎪

“Piping Inspection Code Inspection, Repair, Alteration 0.9 λ ≥ 20
and Rerating of In-Service Piping Systems [42]”, under (17)
996 S. ZHAO ET AL.

Figure 15. The clock position of all metal corrosion defects.

Figure 16. The depth distribution of metal corrosion defects.

Figure 17. ERF distribution of all metal loss anomalies.


Combined with the two criteria of key monitoring,

it can play a reference role for the internal corrosion
evaluation of similar pipelines.
(3) A submarine pipeline containing CO2 was selected
to verify the correctness of the above proposed
direct corrosion evaluation method.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (grant number 52174062).
Figure 18. Theremaining life curve of the pipeline.
Data availability statement
All datasets underlying the conclusions of the paper should
where Mt is Fourier factor, Mt = (1 + 0.48λ2 )0.5 ; λ is shell be available to readers. We deposit their datasets in publicly
parameters, λ = 1.285s×(Di ×tmin )−0.5 , if circumferential available repositories in the manuscript.
defects are evaluated, c replaces s; RSFa is the allowable
residual strength factor; Di is the pipe inner diameter, ORCID
mm; s is the measured axial length of local metal loss, Shuai Zhao
mm; c is the measured circumferential length of local
metal loss, mm.
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