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Cisco Router CNS 540 and CNS 560

step : Taking back up file
2nd Step : Software Upgrade
3rd step : Restore back up file
Agenda of work :
- Login to router (Transport B.O team should prepare user name & password for this
- Take backup from router and save it in laptop using FileZilla.
- Transfer the S.W. from USB Flash to hard disk of router
- Activate / Run new S.W inside the Router hard disk
- Configure username & password for the router (mostly used at least 6 characters)
- Configure IP for management port & configure SSH so as we can transfer data between
router & laptop.
- Copying the backup from laptop to router.
- Transport B.O team will complete the rest.
We need below tools and program app:

- Programs :we should have Putty & FileZilla.

- Cables : console cable (same as R6K Cable) & Ethernet cable.
- USB flash capacity 2G (we can use up to 4G but it recommended to use 2G)
- Software file(iso type) Size nearly 1G and put it into the USB flash.
- Backup file or configuration file(clear text ) Size nearly 13KB according to site
configuration (we will extract it from Cisco router before S.W. upgrade)
taking back up

1st step: Taking back up

Connect console cable with console port

Console port is using to configuration and copy

the software file from USB flash to Hard disk on
router through putty
taking back up

Open putty App and set up the console port like R6K

PC COM port
taking back up

using user name and password to login

the router
field Engineer need to login to the router by using the user name and password of router
that Transport B.O team will give to the flied engineer
For example as you can see in screen shoot :
User: link
Password :linklink
Transfer backup file from router to our
laptop(taking backup file ) needs below steps :
1- Create Configuration file inside hard-disk of router so as we can
transfer it . using putty Application

2- Then we can transfer a new configuration that created inside the

hard disk through FileZilla app after putting IP , username and
taking back up
1- Create Configuration file inside hard-disk of router so
as we can transfer it . using putty Application

*login to the router by using username and password then we use below
commands :
#dir harddisk: : (we show the content of router’s hard-disk-optional)
#show running-config ( show the configuration data (backup file with clear text)
inside the router hard disk )
#copy running-config harddisk:XXXX (saving configuration of router into file
named XXX inside hard-disk of router)
Then enter to create the backup file inside harddisk
#dir harddisk:>>>>show the back up files that created(saved) inside the hard disk
2- Then we can transfer a new configuration
that created inside the hard disk through
FileZilla app after putting IP , username and
password that we get it from Transport B.O
team as follows :
taking back up

Connect RJ to RJ cable with MGMT port

on the router
MGMT port use to
transfer backup file
from router to our
pc and vise versa
taking back up

Change IP of our PC to the IP that configured

on the router for example:
You can use below command to now the
router IP interface :
Show ip int br
Open FileZilla and put ip address( ,user
name and password (port 22)
we put user and password of router from B.O
taking back up
From right side is router and left side is our pc (from
router side and at remote site we delete /home/test
then put / instead of , then enter
taking back up

Select hard disk folder from router side and open it then
transfer backup file from router hard disk into our PC by drag
drop (taking backup file )with name Mustafa in that case( you could rename for what you do )
software upgrade

2nd step: Cisco router software upgrade

software will upgrade in two way:

*locally by field Engineer

*remotely by Korek IT team
software upgrade

locally by field Engineer as below:

*put software file(iso file) into USB flash
*connect USB flash to the USB port (MGMT) on the router
*login to router through console cable and putty app
*using user name and password

Console port is using

software file from USB
disk on router thro
USB MGMT port for USB
software upgrade

Below commands use for the process

#show version >>show version label of software
#show media >>show the partitions of router(like harddisk ,disk2 ….etc)
#dir disk2:>>>>show all file and folder inside USB flash ( disk2 = our USB Flash )
#dir disk2:/YYY >>>YYY is a folder inside USB flash and software file(iso file) has inside the folder
#copy disk2:/YYY/name of iso file harddisk: (copy from memory stick to hard-disk of router)
Then enter to continue the process

Name of iso file

(ncs5401-x64-7.3.2.iso )
The copy process from USB flash to hard disk software upgrade

need (1 -2 min) till appear the number of

copied bytes
To certain that the process is done without corruption we should software upgrade

compare the number of copied bytes with the number of bytes inside
the hard disk(should the same size ) by using below commands :
# dir harddisk:
software upgrade

We can use below command for more

certain after copying the software
#verify /md5 disk2:path of image file >>show specific no and compare it with software no(MD5)
that we can get it from cisco website
software upgrade

Now we have to activate this new S.W. using below

command (will take between 10 to 15 minutes)
cd /harddisk:
Pkg/bin/reimage_from_disk ./ncs5401-x64-7.3.2.iso reload

You can get this name through

command dir hard disk: inside the
-incase you have use router be aware that all configuration data (backup file ) will delete after using above commands and th
router restore to default
3rd step: restore back up file ( after SW upgrade )
restore back up

Log in to the router after deleting the

configuration due to SW Upgrade
- User name :any name or Korek IT B.O give us / you should keep it from your
- Password : any password (at least 6 character) or Korek IT B.O give us // you
should keep it from your side
- After all of Process are done Korek IT B.O will change the user and password
to secret.
- We will do all process with Korek IT B.O as a support.
restore back up

configure the ip interface and SSH between

router and laptop by using below commands :
#show int br ( show ip state up or down)
#configure (config the MGMT port on router )
#int Mg0/rp0/cpu0/0
#ipv4 address (Korek IT team give us the IP address)
#no shutdown
#show ip int br Config file(clear text)
#ssh server v2 ( this command get inside config file that we received from Korek B.O or we can take it )
#ssh server vrf default (this command get inside config file that we received from Korek B.O )
restore back up
Open FileZilla and put ip address( ,user
name and password (port 22)
we put user and password of router
taking back up
From right side is router and left side is our pc (from
router side and at remote site we delete /home/test
then put / instead of , then enter
restore back up

Select hard disk folder and open it then transfer backup file
from our laptop into router hard disk by drag drop
(restore backup file )with name Mustafa ( you could rename for what you do )
restore back up

Then we use below commands inside

putty so as to run the backup
#dir harddisk:
#copy harddisk:/Mustafa running-config
#install commit

Backup or config file name

Cisco router software upgrade and restore
back up by Korek IT B.O remotely
steps on the site by field team :
- Connect USB flash to USB MGMT port on the router (Software file should have inside the USB flash ).
- After software upgrade and reboot the router (by Korek IT B.O ) ,field engineer just need to configure IP
address and ssh for router and the rest will complete by Korek IT B.O.
For new Cisco Router ( not used Router )
1- all applications and Cables ( Putty , FileZilla , Console cable and Ethernet cable )
2- SW file on USB Flash 2G
3- Backup / configuration file that related to the site
4- Step of work is :
- login to the router by using username and password that you need ( but you must keep them )
(mostly used at least 6 characters)
/ see slide 23
- Cisco router software upgrade / see slide 15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21
- Restore Backup / slide 25,26,27
Thank you

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