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The History of Medan

1. Tanah Deli, Medan

Long time ago, Medan was known with name Tanah Deli and its soil with marshy about as large as 4000
Ha. Some rivers crossing Medan and all they flow toward Malaka Strait. Those rivers are Sei Deli, Sei Ba-
bura, Sei Sikambing, Sei Denai, Sei Putih, Sei Badra, Sei Belawan and Sei Sulang Saling/Sei Kera. (*sei is
river). For the first time, Guru Patimpus opened Medan Village which located in Tanah deli, therefore since
colonialism era; people always connected Medan with Deli (Medan – Deli). After freedom, from time to ti-
me the term Medan-Deli disappeared gradually then at last became unknown.

At past time people called Tanah Deli began from Sungai Ular (Deli Serdang) until Sungai Wampu in Lang-
kat whereas Sultanate of Deli who powered at the time, his powered region did not involve region among
the two rivers. Wholly the kinds of soil in Deli Region consisted of clay, sand soil, mixture soil, black soil,
brown soil and red soil. This case was observation by Van Hissink in 1990 which continued by observation
by Vriens in 1910 found that besides kinds of soil above there found two specific clay anymore. This clay
was at the time Holland colonials in Bakara Batu (now more known as Southeast Medan or Menteng) pe-
ople at the time burnt high qualified brick and one of fabric brick at the time was Deli Klei.

Talking about downpour in Tanah Deli categorized two kinds they are Maksima Utama and Maksima Tam-
bahan. Maksima Utama occurred on October-December whereas sedang Maksima Tambahan betwe-
en Januari-September. In detail the downpour in Medan averages 2000/year with average intensity 4.4
mm/hour. According to Volker in 1860 Medan was still wilderness and everywhere especially in mouths of
river varied by society settlements coming from Karo and Malaya Peninsula. In 1863 Holland began ope-
ning tobacco plantation in Deli which ever became pride of Tanah Deli. Since the time economy kept pro-
gressing that Medan became center city of government and economy in North Sumatera.

2. Kampung Medan and Deli Tobacco

At the beginning of its development, Kampung Medan was a small village called "Medan Putri". The deve-
lopment of "Medan Putri" could not separated from its strategic position as it locates in the joint
of Deli and Babura rivers, not far from Putri Hijau street now. The two rivers at the last time were trans-
portation lane of crowded enough trade, that’s why "Medan Putri"which was the background of Medan qu-
ickly developed becoming transit harbor considered very important. The longer time passed the more pe-
ople came to this village and Guru Patimpus wife who pioneered Kampung Medan gave birth her first son
and called Kolok. The source of economy in Medan which people called Sepuluh Dua Kuta at the time
was plant pepper.

It was not long then Guru Patimpus’ wife gave birth the second son and called Kecik. At the time, Guru
Patimpus was categorized as progress minded. This case could be proved by asking his son studied rea-
ding Alqur’an to Datuk Kota Bangun and then deepened studying about Islam to Aceh. The strengthened
information that Kampung Medan according to H. Muhammad Said who quoted from Deli In Woord en
Beeld book written by N.Ten Cate. The information said that long time ago Kampung Medan was a bull
and others consisting of two layer-wall formed round which were in joint of Deli and Babura rivers.

Administration house located in front of the rivers in Kampung Medan. If we see the location of this Kam-
pung Medan is Benteng Hall (Wisma Benteng) and the administration house which now known as PTP IX
Tembakau Deli. It was about 1612 after twenty years Kampung Medan opened, Sultan Iskandar
Muda who powered in Aceh sent his commander whose title was Laksamana Kuda Bintan became leader
who presented Aceh Kingdom in Deli region. Gocah Pahlawan opened new state in Lalang River (Sungai
Lalang) Percut. As higher civil servant and representative of Sultan Iskandar and also make use of Aceh
Imperial power, Goyah Pahlawan succeeded enlarging his region, therefore involved which now known as
Percut Sei Tuan District and Medan Deli Serdang District. He also opened Gunung Klarus villages, Sampa-
li, Kota Bangun, Pulau Brayan, Kota Jawa, Kota Rengas Percut and Sigara-gara.

By the leadership of Gocah Pahlawan became the beginning of development of Deli Kingdom and in 1632
Gocah Pahlawan got married with Datuk Sunggal. After the marriage of Gocah Pahlawan made the kings
in Kampung Medan gave up to Gocah Pahlawan. Gocah Pahlawan passed away in 1653 and his leaders-
hip continued by his son Tuangku Panglima Perunggit, who next proclaimed Kesultanan Deli freedom
from Aceh Sultanate in 1669, with its capital was about 20 km from Medan. Jhon Anderson, a British did
visiting to Kampung Medan in 1823 and wrote down in his book Mission to the East Coast of Sumate-
ra that Kampung Medan society at the time were still 200 people but he only saw the society who living ne-
ar the joint of the two rivers. Anderson said in his book that “Mission to the East Coast of Sumatera“ (pub-
lished in Edinburg 1826) along Deli river to the wall of Kampung Medan Mosque built with granite stones
formed rectangular. These stones taken from an ancient temple in Java.

The fast development of Kampung "Medan Putri", could not separated from the very well-known tobacco
plantation with its Deli tobacco, which was known as the best tobacco cigar wrapper. In 1863, Sultan
Deli gave Nienhuys Van der Falk and Elliot from Firma Van Keeuwen en Mainz & Co, terrain as large as
2.960 hectare in Sepassi Peninsula, near Labuhan. March in 1864, the product of tobacco from tobacco
plantation sent to Rotterdam in Holland in order to be tested its quality. As a matter of fact the tobacco lea-
ves has high quality as the cigar wrapper. Then in 1866, Jannsen, P.W. Clemen, Cremer and Nienhuys ope-
ned De Deli Maatscapij in Labuhan. Next, they did the new plantation expansion in Martubung regi-
on, Sunggal (1869), Sungai and Klumpang rivers (1875), so its total reaches 22 plantation companies
in 1874. Remembering the trade activity of tobacco which was selling well and developed fast, Nien-
huys moved his company office from Labuhan to Kampung "Medan Putri". Thus, "Kampung Medan Put-
ri" became more crowded and then developed with the more known name as "Kota Medan”.

3. Legend of Medan

According to legend long time ago, living a very beautiful lady in Old Deli Sultanate about 10 kilometers
from Kampung Medan which now known as Deli Tua and because of her beauty, she was called Putri Hi-
jau. The beauty of this lady was known everywhere began from Aceh to end of North Java Island. Sultan
Aceh fell in love with her and proposed her as his wife. His propose then refused by her second brot-
her. Sultan Aceh was so angry because of his proposing refusal, he thought that the refusal was humiliation
for him. So the Great War occurred between Aceh and Deli Sultanates.

According to legend above, by using mystic power one of Putri Hijau’ brother incarnated becoming a dra-
gon and other became a cannon which shot Aceh Armies aggressively until died with unstoppable sho-
ot. Deli Sultanate defeated in war and because disappointed to prince royal who incarnated becoming can-
non exploded a part, its back thrown to Labuhan Deli and its front thrown to Karo highland about 5 kilo-
meters from Kabanjahe. Putri Hijau was kidnapped and put into a glass coffin kept in ship which next wo-
uld be brought to Aceh. When the ship arrived in Ujung Jambo Aye, Putri Hijau requested in order to hold
one ceremony for her before the coffin taken out from the ship. In order her request made real, the great
number of rice, thousands eggs should be given.

However, not long when the ceremony began, great typhoon blown suddenly which then followed by high
waves. From sea bottom Putri Hijau’ brother who had incarnated becoming a dragon came out and by
using his big jaw the coffin taken by him in which Putri Hijau caged then he brought into the sea. This le-
gend is still well-known until now in Deli society conversation and even in Malay in Malaysia. In Deli Tua
there was still the bull’ collapse pieces and castle at the time Putri Hijau era, whereas the pieces of incarna-
tion cannon of Putri Hijau’ brother can be seen in front of Maimun Palace Medan.

4. Holland Colonia in Tanah Deli

Holland colonized Indonesia more than a half century however to dominate Tanah Deli they faced so many
challenges. They face war in Java with Diponegoro prince about 1825-1830. Holland got so much loss
whereas in order to dominate Sumatera, Holland also got war to fight Aceh, Minangkabau, and Sisinga-
mangaraja in Tapanuli region.Holland colonized Indonesia about 78 years since 1864 to 1942. After Java
war ended then General Governor of Holland J.Van den Bosch sent his armies to Sumatera and he dan in-
tended to power the whole Sumatera needed 25 tahun years. Subjection of Holland to Sumatera occurred
on the plan only because colonized Minister of Holland J.C.Baud asked Holland armies went down in Su-
matera although they had defeated Minangkabau which more known perang Paderi (1821-1837).

Sultan Ismail who powered in Riau suddenly attacked by British troop with its leader Adam Wilson. Due to
his strength at the time was limited so Sultan Ismail asked help from Holland. This became the beginning of
the chance for Holland to dominate Siak Sri Indrapura Kingdom which leaded by Sultan Ismail. On Febru-
ary, 1 1858 Holland obliged Sultan Ismail in order to sign letter of agreement in order that subjected regi-
ons of Siak Sri Indrapura Kingdom including Deli, Langkat, and Serdang in East Sumatera belong to Hol-
land. Because of Deli region had belonged to Holland, Kampung Medan automatically became Holland

In 1858 Elisa Netscher was also appointed as Riau Region Resident and since the time he appointed him-
self becoming defender of Sultan Ismail who dominated in Siak Kingdom. Netscher intended that he beca-
me defender of Sultan Ismail eased him politically dominate the dominated regions of Siak Kingdom na-
mely Deli in which Kampung Medan Putri was included within it. The development of Medan Putri became
trade center had supported Medan Putri became governmental center. In 1879, the capital of Deli Residen-
ce Assistant moved from Labuhan to Medan, on March 1 1887, the capital of East Sumatera Residence
was also moved from Bengkalis to Medan, the palace of Deli sultanate which was the first in Kampung Ba-
hari (Labuhan) also move by the time the completing of Maimoon building on May 18 1891, thus the ca-
pital of Deli had been officially moved to Medan.
In 1915 the position of East Sumatera Residence was heighten became Gubernemen. In 1918 Medan offi-
cially became Gemeente (Praja city) with Mayor Baron Daniel Mac Kay. Based on "Acte van Schenking"
(Hibah diploma) Number 97 Notarist J.M. de-Hondt Junior, November, 30 1918, Sultan Deli gave Me-
dan terrain to Gemeente Medan, so officially became domination of Hindi Holland. At the time Kotapraja,
Medan still consisted of 4 villages, namely Kampung Kesawan, Kampung Sungai Rengas, Kampung Peti-
sah Hulu dan Kampung Petisah Hilir.

In 1918 the society of Medan considered as many as 43.826 persons which consisting of Eropa 409 per-
son, Indonesia 35.009 persons, Cina 8.269 persons and other Foreign 139 orang. Since then Medan de-
veloped faster. Various facilities built. Some of them were Try Station Office AVROS in Kampung Baru
(1919), now RISPA, route of Api Pangkalan Brandan - Besitang (1919), America Consulate (1919), Te-
acher school Indonesia H.M. Yamin Street which now recognized (1923), Mingguan Soematra
(1924), Swimming Association Medan (1924), Market center, Elizabeth Hospital, Eye Clinic and Sport Fi-
eld of Kebun Bunga (1929). Historically, since early the development of Medan had made itself became
trade center (export-import) since long time ago. By the time Medan became the capital Deli also made
Medan as governmental center. So far besides Medan as one of big city, it is also as the capital of North
Sumatera Province.

5. Medan in Japan Colonialism Era

In 1942 Holland colonialism ended in Sumatera at the time Japan landed in some regions of Indonesia such
as Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and especially in Sumatera Japan landed in East Sumatera. Japan armies
landing in Sumatera was XXV Armies which anchoraged in Shonanto which more known Singapore, exac-
tly they landed at 11 night, March, 12 1942. This troop consisting of The Second Empire Division Guard
with The Eighteen Division leaded by General Lieutenant, Nishimura. There were four landings namely Sa-
bang, Ulele, Kuala Bugak (near Peurlak, now East Aceh Timur) and Tanjung Tiram (now Batubara Regi-
on). This troop of Japan landing in Tanjung Tiram Region entered to Medan, they cycled their bicycles
which bought from society by barter. They had motto that they helped Asian because they were elder brot-
hers and sisters of Asians so they were applauded for welcoming their attendance.

At the time the transfer of governance from Holland to Japan, Medan was confused, native Indonesian ma-
de use of this situation to revenge at Holland. This situation immediately controlled by Japan troops which
known as “Kempetai “ (Japan Military Police). By the attendance of Japan In Medan, the conditions imme-
diately changed especially civil government at Holland era called “Gemeente Bestuur “ changed by Japan
became “Medan Sico“ (Urban Municipality Government). Hoyasaki occupied as Civil Government in Me-
dan Urban Municipality until the end of Japan Colonialism. For residence level in East

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