Reading Comprehension Drill Tes Evaluasi Reading Comprehension 4

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UTBK - Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Reading Comprehension Drill

Tes Evaluasi Reading Comprehension 4
Doc Name:001819 Tes Evaluasi Reading Comprehension Version:202212120926

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materinya 001386.

This text is for question number 1 to 5.

Tech company Gogle’s popular word processing software, Gogle Docs, will be equipped with a feature that suggests ways
to improve the quality of your writing in addition to fixing straightforward grammar and spelling errors. A purple squiggly
line will helpfully appear under suggestions to help make your writing more concise, inclusive, active, or to warn you away
from inappropriate words.

“The feature will give you suggestions when there are opportunities to structure a sentence with an active voice or when a
sentence can be more concise, helping to make your writing more impactful. Potentially discriminatory or inappropriate
language will be flagged, along with suggestions on how to make your writing more inclusive and appropriate for your
audience,” reads the official blog post about the nifty addition.

These kinds of suggestions have long been available via third-party writing assistant applications like Grammarlee, which is
able to integrate with Gogle Docs and aims to help improve the quality of your writing. Depending on the quality of Gogle
Docs’s native suggestions, it could vastly reduce the need for these third-party services. This is not the first time that Gogle
has turned third-party services unnecessary, and it’s kind of awful of Gogle to keep doing that, but then again, fierce
competition is always to be expected in the world of tech.

The catch is that Gogle isn’t rolling out this assistive writing feature to all Gogle Docs users. It says that the feature, called
Tone and Style Assistant, will be available for subscribers of the enterprise and education plans, including “Business
Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, [and] Education Plus”. Gogle’s internal list of eligible users
has shown that more than ten million Gogle Docs users are subscribed to those plans, and therefore will get the upcoming
assistive writing feature. However, that means if you’re on a more basic plan like Gogle Workspace Essentials, you won’t
get this neat feature.


Source: (with modifications)

No. 1
What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Gogle’s word processing software

B. a replacement to third-party writing assistant applications
C. the Tone and Style Assistant
D. the features of Gogle Docs
E. improving writing quality

Halaman 1 Link pembahasan soal @zeniuseducation
UTBK - Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Reading Comprehension Drill
Tes Evaluasi Reading Comprehension 4
Doc Name:001819 Tes Evaluasi Reading Comprehension Version:202212120926

No. 2
What is the author’s attitude towards the upcoming writing quality improvement feature in Gogle Docs?

A. understanding
B. objective
C. critical
D. positive
E. uncertain

No. 3
From the information provided in paragraph 4, we know that if someone is in the list of users eligible for the upcoming
assistive writing feature, ….

A. they subscribe to the enterprise or education plan

B. they subscribed to the enterprise or education plan
C. they will subscribe to the enterprise or education plan
D. they would subscribe to the enterprise or education plan
E. they would have subscribed to the enterprise or education plan

No. 4
The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses ….

A. what makes an assistive writing feature good

B. third-party writing assistant applications
C. how to earn money to purchase the enterprise and education plans
D. how to improve tone and style in writing
E. what Gogle Docs’s upcoming assistive writing feature does

No. 5
What most likely motivates the author to write the passage?

A. Public awareness of Gogle Docs is low.

B. The author is an employee of Grammarlee.
C. People’s general writing quality is on the decline.
D. Gogle is receiving acclaim for releasing its word processing software.
E. There is a recent announcement from Gogle.

Halaman 2 Link pembahasan soal @zeniuseducation
UTBK - Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Reading Comprehension Drill
Tes Evaluasi Reading Comprehension 4
Doc Name:001819 Tes Evaluasi Reading Comprehension Version:202212120926

This text is for question number 6 to 10.

Elon Musk, the billionaire CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and a longtime Twitter provocateur, now owns a 9.2 percent share of
Twitter and has been offered a board seat at the company. Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s CEO, wrote a welcome post on the
platform today, noting that Musk is “both a passionate believer and intense critic of the service, which is exactly what we
need on Twitter, and in the boardroom, to make us stronger in the long-term.”

According to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Musk’s board term will expire in 2024. And as long as he
continues to serve on the board, he cannot own more than 14.9 percent of the company’s common stock. Twitter’s move to
appoint Musk a board seat may be a tactic to prevent him from taking over the company by buying a controlling share. 

As his investment was announced days after he publicly questioned the company’s commitment to free speech and
suggested that he might start his own social platform, several outlets are speculating that Musk could be preparing to take
on an activist investor role at Twitter. Activist investors buy big shares in companies to influence how they’re run. A
traditional activist investor takes an important position in a company, installs board members aligned with a certain point
of view, and uses their new power to make financial and operational changes with the goal of increasing the company’s
share price.

Musk might seek to use his position to change Twitter products, content moderation rules (what gets labeled and removed),
and enforcement practices (such as when to deplatform a user). In addition, he has also previously voiced his belief that
users should be allowed to choose what types of tweets they see and what order they see it in, challenging Twitter’s core
algorithm. This resonates with the interest expressed by many Twitter executives to decentralize the platform and enable
users to customize their own feed algorithms.

Adapted from  with modifications

No. 6
What is the main topic of the passage above?

A. changes in Twitter following Elon Musk’s appointment as a board member

B. Elon Musk’s views regarding how Twitter should run as a platform
C. appointment of Elon Musk as a strategy to prevent him from taking over
D. predictions around Musk’s appointment as a new board member of Twitter
E. Twitter’s transformation motivating Musk’s decision to be a board member

No. 7
“Twitter’s move to appoint Musk a board seat may be a tactic to prevent him from taking over the company by buying a
controlling share.” 
Which of the following uses the word “may” most similarly to the statement above?

A. If the anti-feminist candidate gets elected, he may use his power to abolish the law that protects women.
B. Whenever a student feels sick, they may get excused from coming to class by showing a doctor’s note.
C. I’m not sure where they will have their holiday this summer, they may go to Bali, or go on a Europe tour.
D. Nobody knows what makes her do that, it may be her way to seek revenge on people who betrayed her.
E. Since we are all done here, Jeno is asking if he may leave the party because he has another appointment.

Halaman 3 Link pembahasan soal @zeniuseducation
UTBK - Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Reading Comprehension Drill
Tes Evaluasi Reading Comprehension 4
Doc Name:001819 Tes Evaluasi Reading Comprehension Version:202212120926

No. 8
According to what Elon Musk believes mentioned in the text, Twitter users might be able to do the following, except ….

A. speak their stance on Russian-Ukrainian war, regardless of what their views might be on the matter
B. see the tweets on their feed in descending order according to the time the tweets are posted
C. filter out tweets related to K-Pop because they don’t want those to interrupt their anime-focused feed
D. not see the tweets coming from certain people who undermine the struggle of marginalized people
E. modify the layout theme of their Twitter feed to their favorite American series, Game of Thrones

No. 9
What is the relationship between paragraph 1 and 2?

A. Paragraph 1 states a situation, paragraph 2 explains the motive behind the situation.
B. Paragraph 1 states an argument, paragraph 2 gives statements that strengthen it.
C. Paragraph 1 states an opinion, paragraph 2 provides an argument that opposes it.
D. Paragraph 1 states a situation, paragraph 2 provides the details of the situation.
E. Paragraph 1 states a situation, paragraph 2 gives  the chronology of the situation.

No. 10
Suppose we are adding a new paragraph to conclude the passage. What could the paragraph be about?

A. Musk’s resolving a trouble for his past Tesla-related tweets on Twitter

B. The looming uncertainty about what Musk might do to the platform
C. Musk possibly making Twitter a platform with more freedom to its users
D. Musk’s next move to provide users with an edit button to their tweets
E. Twitter receiving criticism from lawmakers for restricting freedom of speech

Halaman 4 Link pembahasan soal @zeniuseducation

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