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Mark Nhel P.

Buelva HUMSS 12 - A Practical Research 2


The students will write an essay explaining the importance of quantitative research
across their field of specialization guided by the given criteria.

Content – 30 points
Grammar – 20 points
Mechanics – 20 points
Vocabulary – 20 points
Total: 100 points

Doing research study has been a primary obstacle or challenge during senior high
school years. It is a crucial part in which in any way we must accomplish. There are various
kinds or research being used depending on the field of specialization or strand of students. I
am a student of Humanities and social sciences, and quantitative research is one of the most
common type of research method we use in our study especially in the field of social science.
We in the academic track strand of Humanities and Social Sciences commonly known
as HUMSS strand as defined by System Plus College Foundation it is a strand that equip
students with a wide range of discipline with the use of their experiences and skills into the
investigation and inquiry of human situations by studying its behavior and social changes
using empirical, analytical, and critical method techniques. HUMSS will give every learner a
deeper understanding of culture, politics, literature, arts, and society - how these factors'
complexity is appreciated during the pressing issues concerning them. On the other hand,
quantitative research is a study that uses statistical treatment and quantifying the collection
and analysis into numerical data to get more accurate and reliable results or findings. It is
empirical that while HUMSS studies sociology, quantitative research is a vital method to use
to have a more reliable and accurate study since the study of humanity and society is a broad
field of study. We in the HUMSS strand that deals with wide range data in terms of doing
research topic under sociology in the help of quantitative research we can gather data faster
and accurate through quantifying them into numerical data and using statistical treatments.
To sum up everything that has been stated, HUMSS deals with wide range studies and
with the help of quantitative research we can have a study feasible, faster, accurate, and
results that has clarity. Doing research has never been easy it requires a lot of time and effort
especially in terms of gathering data. This has also been the major challenge to every SHS
students not just for HUMSS strand, but we must always remember that no matter how hard
it is when we focused and give time for it every challenging part becomes easy. Life is a
continuous learning, there so much to learn and know despite of countless research studies
there is you still need to use your own intelligence and judgement. As quoted by American
author, Alvin Toffler “You can use all the quantitative data you can get, but you still have to
distrust it and use your own intelligence and judgement”.
Write your research topic related to your field of specialization and formulate at least three
(3) questions

Research topic – Importance and effectiveness of senior high school program in the
Research questions:
1. How does SHS program benefit students who pursue early employment?
2. How does SHS program prepare students for higher education?
3. Does SHS program sufficiently equip students in preparation for higher education or in early

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