The Traits or Qualities Approach: - Managerial Grid by Blake and Moton's

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• The traits or qualities approach

- Trait theory takes the view that leaders are born and not made , and that leaders are born with
characteristics that remain stable over time . Some of the qualities he identified are :

1. Decisiveness
2. Adaptability
3. Persistence
4. Self-confident
5. Dependability

The Big 5/5-factor model of personality

- The five factors or traits are broad categories of personality traits.

- five primary factors which can be remembered by the acronym OCEAN:

1. Openness
2. Conscientiousness
3. Extroversion
4. Agreeableness
5. Neuroticism

• Action-centred leadership - Page 39

- Leader can be learned and developed.

- the functional approach examines how the leader's behavior affect and is affected by the group of

- Managerial Grid by Blake and Moton's

1. Country club style

2. Impoverished style
3. Middle-of-the-road style
4. Produce-or-perish style
5. Team style

Action-centred leadership model by Adair

- This model concentrates on what the leader does and the importance of balancing the needs of the
team, individual and the team.
- According to Adair balancing task, team and individual is vital to ensuring the successful
achievement of the task.

1. Task

2. Team

3. Individual

• Styles of leadership
Leadership styles relates to the methods used by an individuals to manage a group of individuals
when leading, guiding or influencing them towards the achievement of a certain goal. According to
Lewin, there are different leadership styles such as authoritarian, autocratic, democratic and laissez-

1. Authoritarian
2. Autocratic
3. Democratic
4. Laissez-faire

The characteristics of authoritarian leaders

- self-confidence
- Taking action
- Desire to succeed
- Willing to learn
- Empowering

• Contingency theories for leadership such as the path-goal theory

Vroom-Yetton contingency model of leadership

- Relates to quality and acceptable by the followers of the leader's decisions and the time the leader
needs to make decisions.

1. The quality of the direction is about the effect the decision has on the group performance.

2. Acceptance refers to the motivation and commitment of the group members in implementing the

Path goal theories

- House and Dessler

- It is based on the belief that the performance by the subordinates is affected by the extent to
which the leader satisfies their expectations.

- The subordinates uses the behaviour of the leader as influencing their motivation.

They identified four types of leadership behaviours:

1. Directive
2. Supportive
3. Participative
4. Achievement-oriented

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