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Sheil, B. & Templeman, J. Géotechnique [https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.21.


Bearing capacity of open caissons embedded in sand


Open caissons are an increasingly common means of constructing underground storage and attenuation
tanks as well as launch and reception shafts for tunnel-boring machines. The caisson walls typically
feature a tapered base, referred to as the ‘cutting face’, to aid the sinking process by reducing the vertical
soil reaction. The primary aim of this paper is to explore the influence of the caisson cutting face
inclination angle on the vertical soil reaction in sand. Both finite-element limit analysis and finite-
element analysis are adopted for this purpose. The effects of cutting face roughness, external
embedment depth and caisson radius are also investigated. The results show that the influence of the
cutting face inclination angle on the bearing capacity is highly dependent on both the soil friction angle
and the roughness of the cutting face. A reduction in the caisson radius is also shown to cause a
significant increase in the vertical soil reaction. The numerical output is used to inform the development
of a new closed-form analytical approach amenable for use in routine design. The design method is
shown to provide a high-fidelity representation of the numerical output.

KEYWORDS: bearing capacity; caissons; finite-element analysis; sands; shafts

INTRODUCTION finite-element limit analysis (FELA; Merifield et al., 1999;

Deep shafts and caissons have a wide range of geotechnical Salgado et al., 2004; Lyamin et al., 2007; Sloan, 2013).
applications, including foundation solutions, storage and Equation (1) is typically extended to footings founded
attenuation tanks (e.g. Royston et al., 2020; Sheil, 2021), and below the ground surface and/or subjected to oblique loads
launch and reception shafts for tunnel-boring machines (e.g. through the use of additional depth and load inclination
O’Dwyer et al., 2018, 2020; Phillips et al., 2019; Cheng et al., factors, respectively – for example, Meyerhof (1951, 1963),
2020). A common construction procedure is to ‘sink’ Hansen (1970), De Beer (1970), Vesic (1973), Sastry &
monolithic reinforced concrete caissons into the ground Meyerhof (1987) and Van Baars (2014). Similarly, ‘shape’
using the self-weight of the caisson walls. A key feature of the factors have been used to compute the bearing capacity of
caisson wall cross-section is a tapered base, typically known foundations with alternative geometries – for example,
as the ‘cutting face’. This resembles an inclined ring footing Michalowski (2001), Lyamin et al. (2007), Gourvenec
and is used to promote sinking by reducing the vertical (2007) and Taiebat & Carter (2010).
bearing resistance of the soil (Royston et al., 2021). An The vertical bearing capacity of ring footings has been
accurate estimation of this resistance is an essential element studied using various experimental and numerical techniques
of the design process: overestimation can lead to uncontrolled in both cohesionless (e.g. Saha, 1978; Boushehrian & Hataf,
and dangerous sinking, whereas underestimation can result 2003; Saran et al., 2003; Kumar & Ghosh, 2005; Zhao &
in failure to reach formation level (Sheil et al., 2018). Wang, 2008; Choobbasti et al., 2010; Benmebarek et al.,
The widely used Terzaghi (1943) bearing capacity theory 2012) and cohesive soils (e.g. Lee et al., 2016; Benmebarek
provides the following expression for calculating the bearing et al., 2017). However, the influence of the footing inclination
capacity of a strip footing angle on the bearing capacity has received much less
attention. Hansen (1970) documented one of the earliest
1 uses of ‘base factors’ to modify the Terzaghi bearing capacity
V =A ¼ cNc þ qNq þ γBNγ ð1Þ
2 equation to account for the influence of an inclined footing
where V is the vertical bearing capacity force; A is the footing base. More recently, Royston et al. (2016) and Chavda et al.
area; c is the soil cohesion; q is the surrounding surcharge; γ is (2019) have explored the influence of the base inclination
the unit weight of the soil; B is the width of the footing; and angle on ring footings embedded in sand for open caisson
Nc, Nq and Nγ are the dimensionless bearing capacity factors applications, using small-scale laboratory testing. While
providing the contributions of c, q and γ, respectively. Many Royston et al. (2021) presented updated design calculations
investigators have sought to develop more accurate solutions for the bearing capacity of a caisson cutting face in
for the bearing capacity factors using numerical techniques clay, similar design methods for cohesionless soils do not
such as finite-element analysis (FEA; Goss & Griffiths, 2001; exist.
Gourvenec, 2007; Georgiadis, 2010), method of character- To address these uncertainties, the current paper presents
istics (e.g. Houlsby & Martin, 2003; Smith, 2005) and the results of a suite of FELA calculations of the vertical
penetration behaviour of a caisson cutting face in drained
soil. Parameters considered in the modelling include the soil
friction angle, the inclination and roughness of the caisson
cutting face, the external embedment depth and the caisson
Manuscript received 4 May 2021; revised manuscript accepted
radius. A limited number of FEA calculations were also
20 August 2021. undertaken to explore the influence of soil non-associativity
Discussion on this paper is welcomed by the editor. on the vertical bearing capacity. The FELA output is used to
 Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, inform the development of closed-form analytical
Oxford, UK. expressions amenable for use in routine design.

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PROBLEM DEFINITION mesh reflects the characteristics of the soil failure
Figure 1 defines the problem and notation for this study. mechanisms.
The geometry of the caisson cutting face is described by the
angle of inclination, β, embedded width, B, which is equal to
the total wall width, and internal radius, R. The caisson is FINITE-ELEMENT ANALYSIS
considered embedded in homogeneous drained soil with unit Finite-element model
weight γ′, friction angle ϕ′, dilation angle ψ′ and cohesion A limited number of FEA calculations were also com-
c = 0. In this study, the internal soil level is assumed to always pleted to explore the influence of soil non-associativity on the
remain at the top of the taper face to reflect the soil excavation bearing capacity of the cutting face using the commercial
process inside the caisson. The external embedment depth, software Abaqus/Standard (Simulia, 2020). The soil is
relative to the internal soil surface level, is given by h. The defined as a two-dimensional (2D) domain meshed with
cutting face roughness is defined by a roughness factor, α, such six-node quadratic plane-strain triangular elements (CPE6).
that the interface friction angle, δ, is given by tan δ = α tanϕ′ The caisson section is defined using a separate body meshed
(Cassidy & Houlsby, 2002) where values for α of 0 and 1 with two-node rigid (R2D2) elements tied to a reference node
denote a fully smooth and fully rough interface, respectively. to create a rigid body. The interaction between the soil and
The vertical reaction force exerted by the soil on the cutting caisson section is modelled using a surface-to-surface
face is V and the bearing capacity results are presented in the finite-sliding formulation. The shear strength of the interface
form of a dimensionless factor, N′, henceforth is defined using classical isotropic Coulomb friction with
zero dilatancy.
V =A
N′ ¼ 2 ð2Þ
Material model
FINITE-ELEMENT LIMIT ANALYSIS The constitutive model adopted is linear isotropic elas-
The majority of the numerical analyses described in this ticity with perfect plasticity, governed by a rounded approxi-
paper were performed using the FELA software package mation to the MC yield surface. The yield criterion used in
Optum G2 (Krabbenhoft et al., 2016). In these analyses, the this study is based on the MC approximation presented by
soil was modelled as a rigid-plastic material obeying the Abbo et al. (2011), as shown in Fig. 2. This surface uses
Mohr–Coulomb (MC) failure criterion, while the caisson hyperbolic rounding in the meridional plane to eliminate the
was modelled as a rigid body. For each problem, an analysis tip discontinuity (Fig. 2(a)) and trigonometric rounding in
was conducted using strict lower-bound (LB) and upper- the octahedral plane to smooth the yield criterion in the
bound (UB) plasticity solutions. The LB analyses used vicinity of the edge discontinuities (Fig. 2(b)). This gives a
triangular elements with a linear variation in stresses conservative approximation that is continuous in both its
between corner nodes such that yield conditions were gradient and gradient derivative at all stress states and
enforced at the three corner nodes. The UB analyses used therefore provides a robust numerical implementation. The
triangular elements with quadratic interpolation of displace- closeness of fit between the approximate surface and the
ments and linear interpolation of stresses within each ‘parent’ conventional MC surface (i.e. for the same c and ϕ′
element. This process allows a rigorous bracketing of the values) is governed by (a) the meridional rounding par-
exact collapse loads where the error can be defined as follows ameter, a, which defines the distance between the tip of the
MC criterion and the hyperbolic approximation (see
UB  LB Fig. 2(a)), and (b) the transition angle, θT, which is the
Errorð%Þ ¼ + ð3Þ
ðUB þ LBÞ Lode angle that defines the transition from exact MC
behaviour to trigonometric rounding in the octahedral
In all analyses the error was less than ± 5% and the final plane (see Fig. 2(b)). The plastic potential of the constitutive
collapse loads were obtained by averaging the LB and UB model in this study is assumed to be of the same form as the
collapse multipliers at the end of the analysis. Each model yield function, except that ϕ′ is replaced with ψ′.
was initially uniformly discretised with 1000 elements. The The soil material model is implemented in
total number of elements at the end of the analysis varied up Abaqus/Standard using a user-defined material subroutine
to a maximum of 50 000 elements after seven rounds of (UMAT) written in Fortran. The numerical stress integration
adaptive remeshing, based on the distribution of plastic shear approach adopted is based on the explicit modified Euler
dissipation. The resulting concentration of elements in the scheme, with adaptive sub-stepping and error control,
presented by Sloan et al. (2001). The present approach uses
the algorithms proposed by Sloan et al. (2001) to identify
External yield surface intersection during elastic-to-plastic transitions
Internal and to handle elastoplastic transitions. Stress correction is
side B
also performed to return the updated stresses to the yield
surface after each sub-step if the yield tolerance is exceeded.
R In this study the tolerances on the yield function evaluation
and stress error (FTOL and STOL, respectively, in Sloan
et al. (2001)) were both taken to be 1  106.

Smooth- Adaptive remeshing

sided wall The FEA calculations in this study were performed using
Homogeneous V an adaptive mesh refinement process, as described in Martin
drained soil (2011) and summarised in Fig. 3. The initial iteration
Cutting face
roughness, α analysis starts with the creation of a planar straight-line
graph (PSLG) that represents the specified geometry of the
problem. The open-source program Triangle (Shewchuk,
Fig. 1. Problem definition 1996, 2002) is used to generate a uniform 2D unstructured

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σ− Mohr–Coulomb
θ = –30°
θ = −θ T

c Hyperbolic approximation

θ = θT
σ3 σ2 θ = 30°

(a) (b)

Fig. 2. Smooth approximation to the Mohr–Coulomb (MC) criterion superimposed on the conventional MC surface. (a) Meridional section
showing the hyperbolic approximation to eliminate the tip discontinuity. (b) Octahedral section showing the trigonometric rounding to smooth the
edge discontinuities

triangular mesh of the PSLG using conforming constrained

Delaunay triangulation; these mesh details are extracted and
incorporated into an Abaqus input file. The modelling
procedure then enters a series of remeshing iterations, in
Start which the soil domain mesh is progressively refined based on
the previous FEA results. In this work, the remeshing scheme
seeks to equalise the integral of the maximum principal
Initial iteration mechanical strain rate over all elements in the mesh. In each
Create PSLG iteration, Triangle is called to remesh the previous mesh
based on calculated target area values, before a new FEA
input file is generated and supplied to Abaqus; in this study,
four rounds of remeshing were deemed sufficient for the FEA
Run Triangle (uniform calculations.
mesh generation)

Abaqus FEA Modelling preliminaries
In all analyses, the soil domain was sized such that it
comfortably contained the soil failure mechanism for all soil
and caisson parameter combinations considered. The lateral
Remesh iteration
boundaries were restricted from movement normal to the
Read previous respective surface, whereas the bottom boundary was
analysis output restrained from movement in all directions. The analyses
assume that the space above the cutting face is occupied by a
rigid, smooth-sided wall due to the use of interface lubrica-
Target area value tion during caisson sinking (Royston et al., 2016, 2020,
calculations 2021). Therefore, only the roughness of the cutting face is
considered in the subsequent analyses. The following stages
of analysis were adopted in the modelling.
Run Triangle
(a) Stage I: initialisation of soil stresses. This was achieved
through the application of gravity in the FELA
Abaqus FEA
calculations; the FEA involved application of a negative
body force to the soil domain in the vertical direction
followed by a geostatic step to equilibrate soil stresses.
(b) Stage II: wished-in-place installation of a weightless,
rigid cutting face to an embedded width of B = 2 m in
Is mesh
No drained soil with γ′ = 1 kN/m3, friction angle ϕ′, dilation
refined? angle ψ′ and external soil depth, h. Additional
parameters used specifically in the FEA modelling
include the soil Young’s modulus, E = 5  107 MPa,
Poisson’s ratio, ν = 0·3, and rounding parameters
a = 0·1c/tan(ϕ′) and θT = 29° selected based on
recommendations in the papers by Abbo & Sloan (1995)
and Abbo et al. (2011). Note that an unrealistically large
Fig. 3. Overview of the adaptive remeshing FEA procedure E is chosen to approximate rigid-plastic soil behaviour

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and the exact value of E does not influence the resulting
collapse load. A small value for c (typically
5  104 kPa) was adopted for numerical stability in the
FEA calculations. The footing was restrained in all three
degrees of freedom during this calculation phase.
(c) Stage III: application of a downward load multiplier
(FELA) or prescribed displacement (FEA) until failure
is achieved. During this step, only vertical movement
was allowed. The treatment of the penetration problem
in this way tacitly assumes that the caisson behaves as a Fig. 5. Exemplar finite-element meshes obtained for a conventional
rigid body and remains vertical during the sinking smooth flat strip footing on a level bed of ϕ′ = 30° soil after four rounds
process. of adaptive remeshing (7000 elements): (a) FELA UB analysis
(based on shear dissipation rates); (b) FEA (based on maximum
principal strain rates); ψ′ = ϕ′
A validation exercise was undertaken to confirm that the
adopted FELA and FEA modelling procedures produced After several iterations of adaptive refinement, the elements
correct results for the vertical bearing capacity of a surface become increasingly refined in regions where the intensity of
strip footing with no applied ground surface pressure. Fig. 4 maximum principal strain rate is greatest. This results in
plots the FELA- and FEA-calculated values of N′, as defined velocity discontinuities appearing as dark bands of high
by equation (2), as a function of ϕ′. Solutions reported by concentration of small elements, regions of diffuse plastic
Hjiaj et al. (2005) are also plotted for comparison. The shearing undergo intermediate levels of refinement and rigid
present FELA and FEA solutions are in excellent agreement blocks remain largely unrefined (Martin, 2011).
with the solutions of Hjiaj et al. (2005), giving confidence in
the present modelling. Fig. 5 also compares the mesh
generated using the custom FEA adaptive remeshing strategy Overview of numerical study
described by Fig. 3 with the mesh generated using Optum’s All 6300 combinations of the following five dimensionless
adaptive mesh implementation. It can be qualitatively parameters were explored using FELA
observed that both meshes are in very good agreement.
(a) soil friction angle, ϕ′: 15°, 20°, 25°, 30°, 35°, 40°, 45°
(b) cutting face inclination angle, β: 90°, 75°, 60°, 45°, 30°
1000·0 (c) cutting face roughness, α: 0, 0·25, 0·5, 0·75, 1·0
(d )dimensionless external embedment depth, h/B: 0, 2·5, 5,
7·5, 10, 15
(e) dimensionless caisson radius, B/R: 0·5, 0·4, 0·3, 0·2, 0·1,
Bearing capacity factor, N'

0 (plane strain).

In addition, a limited number of FEA calculations were

10·0 undertaken to explore the role of soil non-associativity on the
FELA LB bearing capacity of a caisson cutting face; parameters specific
FELA UB to the FEA modelling are listed in Table 1.
1·0 FEA
Hjiaj et al. (2005) LB
Hjiaj et al. (2005) UB NUMERICAL RESULTS
0·1 Influence of cutting face inclination
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 The FELA-calculated influence of β on N′ is presented in
Soil friction angle, φ': degrees Fig. 6 considering both a rough (α = 1) and smooth (α = 0)
(a) cutting face and values of ϕ′ ranging between 15° and 45° for
a level soil surface (h/B = 0). Considering first the results for
100·0 α = 1, a reduction in β causes an increase in N′ for all values
of ϕ′, where an approximately log-linear relationship can be
observed (see Fig. 6(a)). These data are re-plotted in Fig. 6(b)
Bearing capacity factor, N'

except that values of N′ have now been normalised by

10·0 their corresponding flat footing values, N′β=90°. It can be
seen that the gradient of N′/N′β=90° with respect to β is a
function of ϕ′: β has less of an influence on the vertical
FELA LB bearing capacity for high-ϕ′ soil.
1·0 FELA UB Similar observations may be deduced from the correspond-
FEA ing figures for α = 0 (Figs 6(c) and 6(d)). In this case, the
Hjiaj et al. (2005) LB
Hjiaj et al. (2005) UB
Table 1. Parameters adopted for the limited number of FEA
0·1 calculations
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Soil friction angle, φ': degrees
Parameter Value

Cutting face inclination, β 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°

Fig. 4. Validation of bearing capacity calculations determined using
Cutting face roughness Fully rough
present FELA and FEA models through comparisons to FELA
Soil friction angle, ϕ′ 40°
solutions previously documented by Hjiaj et al. (2005) for a flat strip
Soil dilation angle, ψ′ 40°, 20°, 10°
footing with (a) rough and (b) smooth interface; ψ′ = ϕ′

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1000·0 7

Normalised capacity, N'/N'β = 90°

φ' = 45°, 40°, 35°,
Bearing capacity factor, N'

5 30°, 25°, 20°, 15°


φ' = 45°, 40°, 35°,
30°, 25°, 20°, 15° 1

0·1 0
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 90 80 70 60 50 40 30
Cutting face inclination, β: degrees Cutting face inclination, β: degrees
(a) (b)

1000·0 7

Normalised capacity, N'/N'β = 90°

Bearing capacity factor, N'

5 φ' = 45°, 40°, 35°,
30°, 25°, 20°, 15°

φ' = 45°, 40°, 35°,
30°, 25°, 20°, 15°

0·1 0
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 90 80 70 60 50 40 30
Cutting face inclination, β: degrees Cutting face inclination, β: degrees
(c) (d)

Fig. 6. FELA-calculated influence of the cutting face inclination angle on vertical bearing capacity for values of ϕ′ ranging between 15° and 45°:
(a) N′ (rough cutting face); (b) N′ normalised by corresponding flat footing values, N′/N′β=90° (rough cutting face); (c) N′ (smooth cutting face); (d)
N′ normalised by corresponding flat footing values, N′/N′β=90° (smooth cutting face); h/B = 0 (flat surface), B/R = 0 (plane strain), ψ′ = ϕ′

relationship between N′/N′β=90° and β is slightly non-linear. features of non-associated flow behaviour are well documen-
Interestingly, a steepening of the cutting face (reduction in β) ted and do not undermine the validity of the present FEA
causes an increase and reduction in the bearing capacity for results (De Borst & Vermeer, 1984; Vermeer, 1990; Drescher
small and large values of ϕ′, respectively. To further explore & Detournay, 1993).
the source of this incongruity, soil failure mechanisms For the non-associated flow analyses, collapse loads are
corresponding to β = 90°, 75° and 30° and ϕ′ = 15° and 45° selected as the maximum load that occurred during the
are presented in Fig. 7. It can be seen that for ϕ′ = 15° a analysis, in accordance with the approach taken by Loukidis
reduction in β causes an increase in the size of the failure & Salgado (2009). These values are plotted as a function of β
mechanism due to the greater embedded depth of the in Fig. 9. Selected FELA results from Fig. 6 have also been
caisson vertex (see Figs 7(a)–7(c)). Conversely, while a plotted for comparison. It can again be seen that there is
reduction in β from 90° to 75° causes an increase in the good agreement between the FEA and FELA results for the
size of the failure mechanism on the internal side for ϕ′ = 45°, associated flow analyses (ψ′ = ϕ′). For non-associated flow
this is balanced by the reduction in the mechanism on the (ψ′ , ϕ′), there is a significant reduction in N′, particularly for
external side (see Figs 7(d) and 7(e)). A further reduction in β smaller values of ψ′. From the FEA calculations presented in
to 30° causes the failure mechanism to move entirely to the Fig. 10, a reduction in ψ′ causes a change in the shape of the
internal side. failure mechanism as well as a reduction in their size.
Another important consequence of non-associativity is the
presence of thin localised shear bands.
Influence of soil non-associativity
In Fig. 8, the role of soil non-associativity on the
non-dimensional load–displacement response of a β = 75° Influence of external embedment depth
rough cutting face is investigated using FEA. Also super- The FELA calculations of the influence of the caisson
imposed on this plot are the corresponding FELA results external embedment depth, h, on the vertical bearing
(ψ′ = ϕ′ only). It can be seen that, for the associated flow capacity are plotted in Fig. 11, where N′ is normalised by
analyses, there is good agreement between the FELA and the corresponding flat surface values, N′h=0. For the sake of
FEA calculations (5% difference). A reduction in ψ′ clarity, only salient values of β and ϕ′ are considered in this
(non-associated flow) causes oscillations in the vertical and subsequent figures. It can be seen that the influence of
load, which is exacerbated by an increase in ϕ′. These h/B on the vertical bearing capacity is highly dependent on

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 7. FELA-calculated influence of β on soil failure mechanisms for a smooth cutting face using mesh refinement from the UB analysis to reveal
slip line fields; h/B = 0 (flat surface), B/R = 0 (plane strain), ψ′ = ϕ′: (a) β = 90°, ϕ′ = 15°; (b) β = 90°, ϕ′ = 45°; (c) β = 75°, ϕ′ = 15°; (d) β = 75°,
ϕ′ = 45°; (e) β = 30°, ϕ′ = 15°; (f) β = 30°, ϕ′ = 45°

150 250
ψ ' = φ ' = 40° (FELA)
ψ ' = φ ' = 40°
ψ ' = 20°, φ ' = 40°
Bearing capacity factor, N'

Bearing capacity factor, N'

ψ ' = 10°, φ ' = 40°


50 ψ ' = φ ' = 40° (FELA)

ψ ' = φ ' = 40° 100
ψ ' = 20°, φ ' = 40°
ψ ' = 10°, φ ' = 40°
0 2 × 10–9 4 × 10–9 6 × 10–9 50
90 80 70 60 50 40 30
Dimensionless vertical displacement, u/B
Cutting face taper angle, β: degrees

Fig. 8. FEA-calculated influence of soil associativity on the dimen-

Fig. 9. FEA-calculated influence of soil non-associativity on the
sionless load–displacement response of a β = 75° rough cutting face;
relationship between N′ and β; for a rough cutting face, h/B = 0 (flat
h/B = 0 (flat surface), B/R = 0 (plane strain)
surface), B/R = 0 (plane strain)

both the cutting face inclination angle and the soil friction capacity for high-ϕ′ soil and flatter cutting face angles (high
angle. For example, an increase in h/B causes a signficant β). For the ϕ′ = 45° analyses, there also appears to be a critical
increase in bearing capacity for ϕ′ = 45° and β = 75°, whereas embedment depth, hcrit, beyond which a further increase in h
the ϕ′ = 20° analyses show a negligible influence of h/B has a negligible effect on N′. The value of hcrit appears
regardless of the adopted value of β. These results indicate independent of β where a value of hcrit/B of approximately 10
that an increase in h/B has a significant influence on bearing is obtained for ϕ′ = 45°. Moreover, h has a much greater

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(b) (b)


Fig. 10. FEA-calculated influence of non-associativity on soil failure

mechanisms for ϕ′ = 40°: (a) ψ′ = 40°; (b) ψ′ = 20°; (c) ψ′ = 10°;
β = 75°, rough cutting face, h/B = 0 (flat surface), B/R = 0 (plane

β = 30°, φ' = 20° β = 75°, φ' = 20°
Normalised capacity, N'/N'h = 0

β = 30°, φ' = 45° β = 75°, φ' = 45°

Fig. 12. FELA-calculated influence of the external embedment depth
on soil failure mechanisms using the refined mesh from an UB analysis
3 (ii) to reveal slip line fields: (a) h/B = 0; (b) h/B = 5; (c) h/B = 15; ϕ′ = 45°,
β = 75°, rough cutting face, B/R = 0 (plane strain), ψ′ = ϕ′
influence on bearing capacity for α = 1 (Fig. 11(a)) compared
(i) to α = 0 (Fig. 11(b)).
1 The underpinning mechanism for the occurrence of hcrit is
0 5 10 15 explored by way of the soil failure mechanisms presented in
Dimensionless embedment depth, h/B Figs 12(a)–12(c), corresponding to points (i)–(iii) marked on
(a) Fig. 11(a). Aside from increasing the confining stress acting
1·03 on the soil shear failure planes, an increase in h/B from 0 to 5
β = 30°, φ' = 20° β = 75°, φ' = 20° also causes an extension of the soil failure mechanism to the
Normalised capacity, N'/N'h = 0

β = 30°, φ' = 45° β = 75°, φ' = 45° external side of the caisson wall. However, it can be seen that
an increase in h/B from 5 to 15 causes the soil failure
1·02 mechanism to become confined to the internal side only, thus
any further increases in embedment cause a negligible
increase in capacity (as the internal soil surface remains at
the top of the taper face).

Influence of caisson radius

Figure 13 presents the FELA-calculated vertical bearing
1·00 capacity normalised by the corresponding plane-strain
0 5 10 15
values, N′/N′R¼∞, plotted as a function of the reciprocal of
Dimensionless embedment depth, h/B
the dimensionless caisson radius, B/R. In general, the
development of the logarithm of N′/N′R=∞ appears to be a
Fig. 11. FELA-calculated influence of external embedment depth on linear response to an increase in B/R for both α = 1
the vertical bearing capacity normalised by the corresponding flat (Fig. 13(a)) and α = 0 (Fig. 13(b)). In all cases, an increase
surface values, N′/N′h = 0 for (a) rough and (b) smooth cutting faces; in B/R causes an increase in the normalised bearing capacity
B/R = 0 (plane strain), ψ′ = ϕ′ due to an increase in radial stress and therefore confining

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100 it is most representative of geometries likely to be encountered
β = 30°, φ' = 20° β = 75°, φ' = 20° in practice (Nonveiller, 1987; Royston et al., 2020, 2021). It is
β = 30°, φ' = 45° β = 75°, φ' = 45°
noteworthy that any resulting bias is on the conservative side
Normalised capacity, N'/N'R = ∞

for this problem. It is found empirically that the following

expression can be used to capture the bearing capacity factor
for a plane-strain cutting face
10 ′
NR¼1 ¼ 1366  tanh ð942x  7683y þ 6743Þ  102 þ 28
x ¼ tanh ð282α  147β  2179ϕ′Þ  103 þ 1087
y ¼ tanh ð258α  β  1458ϕ′Þ  102 þ 862

1 where both β and ϕ′ are defined in degrees and tanh functions

0 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5 are used to capture the non-linearity in the data. Equation (4)
Reciprocal of dimensionless radius, B/R was used to re-calculate the bearing capacity of all plane-
(a) strain analyses considered in the preceding parameteric
study; the results are compared to the FELA output in
β = 30°, φ' = 20° β = 75°, φ' = 20° Fig. 15, where good agreement can be observed.
β = 30°, φ' = 45° β = 75°, φ' = 45° Recognising that the logarithm of N′/NR=∞ ′ had been
Normalised capacity, N'/N'R = ∞

shown to vary approximately linearly with B/R (see Fig. 13),

the following expression was used to extend equation (4) to
axisymmetric conditions
N′ ¼ exp m ′
NR¼1 ð5Þ
where the curve-fitting parameter m represents the gradient
of the data in the parameter space shown in Fig. 13. An
expression for m was developed by fitting a linear relation-
ship to these data and further regressing the fitted slope on
0 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5
the parameters α, β and ϕ′. This exercise yielded the following
Reciprocal of dimensionless radius, B/R
m ¼ exp ð789ϕ′ þ 327α  2301Þ  103 ð6Þ
Fig. 13. FELA-calculated influence of the dimensionless caisson Figure 16 compares calculations determined using
radius B/R on the vertical bearing capacity normalised by the
′ equations (4)–(6) to the FELA output for all 708 parameter
corresponding plane-strain values, N′/NR=∞ for (a) rough and
(b) smooth cutting faces; h/B = 15, ψ′ = ϕ′ combinations at h/B ¼ 15, including both plane-strain and
axisymmetric conditions. While there is generally good
agreement between both sets of calculations, the present
stress. However, the gradients of the curves presented in analytical approach provides a slight over-prediction at low
Fig. 13 appear to be dominated by ϕ′: high-ϕ′ soil causes a bearing capacities compared to the FELA output. While this
significant dependency of N′ on B/R regardless of cutting agreement can be improved further by introducing additional
face roughness. In contrast, β has less of an influence on this non-linearity in the present analytical equations (particularly
relationship. For smaller caisson radii (larger values of B/R), equations (5) and (6)) this leads to a significant increase in
an increase in β from 30° to 75° causes a reduction in model complexity. The proposed model was therefore adopted
N′/N′R=∞ for α = 1. From the corresponding failure mechan- as a reasonable balance between fidelity and complexity.
isms presented in Figs 14(a) and 14(b), respectively, it can be
observed that (a) both failure mechanisms now extend to the
external side (cf. Fig. 12(c)) and (b) the mechanism Limitations of method
corresponding to β = 30° extends further downwards into Modelling of drained materials is a complex problem and
stronger soil, causing a greater contribution to the bearing assumptions imposed in the present modelling have important
capacity. Conversely, an increase in β from 30° to 75° causes a implications for future applications of the proposed design
marginal increase in N′/N′R=∞ for α = 0 due to the flatter method. First, the authors recognise that a non-linear failure
inclination angle (see Fig. 13(b)). envelope provides a better prediction of the shear strength of
sands, particularly at low confining pressures (Bolton, 1986).
The FEA results show that soil associativity has a significant
DESIGN CALCULATION FOR CAISSON SINKING influence on the bearing capacity for this problem. The use of
IN SAND associated flow is likely to provide an overestimate of the
Design method development bearing capacity when applied to practical problems (e.g.
While direct numerical analyses of geotechnical problems Loukidis & Salgado, 2009); in the case of caisson bearing
are becoming more commonplace, simplified design resistance, this may lead to uncontrolled sinking or ‘runaway’
approaches remain an integral part of preliminary design. (caisson sinks too far ahead to place the next level of wall
This is particularly the case for the design of large-diameter shuttering). These risks can be managed on site by, for
open caissons where the selection of the cutting shoe geometry example, flooding the caisson to make use of additional
is a construction detail and therefore most commonly rests buoyant uplift forces or deploying ‘brakes’ on the top
with the contractor. The FELA results presented in this paper supporting ring beam. However, the primary risk in caisson
were therefore used to inform the development of closed-form construction is failure to sink to formation level arising from
analytical equations amenable for use in routine design. Only an underestimate of the soil penetration resistances (to the
the deep condition (h/B = 15) is considered for this purpose as point where they exceed the self-weight of the structure). The

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 14. FELA UB calculations of the soil failure mechanisms for a small-diameter caisson (B/R = 0·5): (a) β = 30° and α = 1; (b) β = 75° and
α = 1; (c) β = 30° and α = 0; (d) β = 75° and α = 0; h/B = 15, ϕ′ = 45°, ψ′ = ϕ′

100 000
Equation (4) calculated N'R = ∞

10 000
Equation (5) calculated N'

100 R2 = 0·927
1000 R2 = 0·932


Equity line 10
Equity line
1 1
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 10 000 100 000
FELA calculated N'R = ∞ FELA calculated N'

Fig. 15. Comparison between calculated values of the plane-strain Fig. 16. Comparison between calculated values of the bearing

bearing capacity factor, NR=∞ , determined using equation (4) and capacity factor, N′, determined using equation (5) and FELA for all
FELA (h/B = 15 only); σ = standard deviation analyses with h/B = 15; σ = standard deviation

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resulting bias of the present calculations is therefore on the safe H horizontal reaction force
side for this problem, such that these results may be transferred h external embedment depth relative to the internal soil
to practice with confidence. surface level
hcrit critical embedment depth
Finally, several authors have reported scale effects (due to m curve-fitting parameter
the pressure dependence of the bearing capacity on ϕ′) and N′ caisson bearing capacity factor
therefore a dependence of the bearing capacity on the width Nc, Nq, Nγ dimensionless bearing capacity factors providing for
of the foundation (Griffiths, 1982; Cerato & Lutenegger, the contributions of c, q and γ, respectively
2007), which has not been considered here. The design N′h=0 bearing capacity factor for footing in flat soil
method described in this paper assumes that an adequate N′R=∞ bearing capacity factor for plane-strain footing
assessment of these issues has been completed. N′β=90° bearing capacity factor for an equivalent flat footing
q surrounding surcharge applied to the soil surface
R caisson internal radius
CONCLUSIONS V vertical bearing capacity force
This paper has described a numerical study of the vertical α roughness factor
bearing capacity of a caisson cutting face embedded in β cutting face inclination angle
cohesionless soil. FELA calculations were used to explore the γ total soil unit weight
role of the cutting face inclination angle, roughness, external γ′ soil unit weight
δ caisson–soil interface friction angle
embedment depth and radius on the vertical soil reaction. A
θT transition angle parameter (used in constitutive model)
limited number of additional calculations were completed ν soil Poisson’s ratio
using FEA to assess the role of soil non-associativity on the ϕ′ soil friction angle
vertical bearing capacity. ψ′ soil dilation angle
The parametric study revealed that the influence of the
cutting face inclination angle on the bearing capacity is
highly dependent on both the soil friction angle and the REFERENCES
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