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BY :



DECEMBER 15, 2021
Prisons and jails have been a central part of society for many centuries, and a
substantial body of work has been amassed on theories of punishment. Correctional
institutions serve many functions but generally serve to manage men and women who
have been accused or convicted of criminal offenses. Prison is an important
and integral part of the criminal justice system in every country. Used appropriately
it plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law by helping to ensuring that alleged
offenders are brought to justice and by providing a sanction for serious wrongdoing.
A prison also known as a correctional facility, jail is a facility in which inmates
are forcibly confined and denied a variety of freedoms under the authority of the state.
Prisons are most commonly used within a criminal justice system: people charged with
crimes may be imprisoned until their trial; those pleading or being found guilty of crimes
at trial may be sentenced to a specified period of imprisonment. In simplest terms, a
prison can also be described as a building in which people are legally held as a
punishment for a crime they have committed. In times of war, prisoners of war or
detainees may be detained in military prisons or prisoner of war camps, and large groups
of civilians might be imprisoned in internment camps. In American
English, prison and jail are usually treated as having separate definitions. The
term prison or penitentiary tends to describe institutions that incarcerate people for
longer periods, such as many years, and are operated by the state or federal
governments. The term jail tends to describe institutions for confining people for shorter
periods of time and are usually operated by local governments. Slang terms for
imprisonment include: “behind bars”, “in stir” and “up the river”.
This paper is done to know what are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the
Programs offered to inmates or prisoners in pakistan and Philippines. Firstly let's
discussed the Advantages which are Life skills classes in parenting, computer skills,
and finding and keeping employment, Education, General Educational Development
(GED) testing preparation, Basic adult education classes, The implementation and
evaluation of rehabilitation and reintegration plans, on the other hand, can be monitored
more closely as these are related to the offenders’ daily living in the community. Due to
this, re-planning can be easily resorted to, based on immediate feedback, From an
economic point of view, the burden of maintaining an entire prison bureaucracy is
eliminated in community based treatment. It is a fact that the cost of rehabilitation is
relatively cheaper outside of prison, where huge personnel complements, operating
costs, capital outlays and other costs have to be maintained. The cost of assisting and
supervising offenders is supplemented and complemented by existing community
resources and infrastructures, which are otherwise not present in institutional
arrangements. Moreover, community-based corrections offer opportunity costs that are
not present in most custodial-care arrangements. Examples of these opportunity costs
are the costs of income and productive efforts as head or a member of the family and
the community. State and federal prisons have long provided programming to inmates
during their confinement. Institutional programming encompasses a broad array of
services and interventions, including substance abuse treatment, educational
programming, and sex offender treatment. The objective of providing prisoners with
programming is to improve their behavior, both before and after release from prison.
Indeed, institutional programming is often intended to not only enhance public safety by
lowering recidivism, but also to promote greater safety within prisons by reducing
misconduct. Although U.S. correctional systems typically offer some programming
opportunities within prisons, research suggests many prisoners do not participate in
programming while incarcerated. This program provides an example of the institution
reaching out to a community program to arrange for transitional services. The program
is centered at a facility that provides assessment, referral, and residential treatment.
- Central Jail Sahiwal is an ancient Jail situated in Sahiwal, Pakistan. It is the largest jail in
Asia with regard to the area and agricultural land until construction of High Security Prison
and Punjab Prison Staff Training College adjacent to this jail.
- Central Jail Sahiwal is an ancient Jail situated in Sahiwal, Pakistan. It is the largest jail in
Asia with regard to the area and agricultural land until construction of High Security
Prison and Punjab Prison Staff Training College adjacent to this jail. Ziad Ahmad Kayla
Assistant Superintendent jail remained posted 2010 to 2015.


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