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How many utterances, sentences, and propositions can you identify in the following

spoken passage? Please explain briefly your answer.

JOHN: I'm really tired.
MARY: Well, then go to bed.

2 utterances:
JOHN: I'm really tired.
MARY: Well, then go to bed.

2 sentences
I’m really tired
Then go to bed (without well)

2 propositions

I Really tired (one predicator 1 participants)


1) Identify the metaphors motivating the use of the motion verbs for non-spatial
domains, and try and describe the parallelism of their grammatical behavior in the
source and in the target:

John (patient) went into engineering (change of activity) John (agent) went
(motion) into the club (destination) CHANGE IS MOTION

Some people fear that Spanish Universities may go private (CHANGE IS


Spanishc universities may go to a different country

We have come to an important agreeement (compare this sentence with its usual
Spanish translation)

A nice idea came to my mind (compare this sentence with its usual Spanish

John gave me a great idea

I tried to get the message across to them but I failed.

I want to share this good news with my friends

The American expression ‘dig it’ came into use long ago.

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