Gender and Society

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INSTRUCTION: Interview your mother or aunt, as well as your grandmother or an elderly

woman and ask them what they consider the most pressing problems of women in their
generation. Also, think about the pressing issues faced by women today. Write your

When I ask my mother about this matter, she paused and think for a moment. She said
that in her time, his former partner doesn’t want her to apply for a job. That she supposed to be
at home and doing some chores. Though the guy is very caring and loving, my mom doesn't
want to be treated like that. So, in the end they got separated.

My grandmother told me that, her mother, my great grandmother, told her that, in their
time, most of the women are unprivileged. Not only in the field of career, but also on different
fields like, politics, education and even inside the house. Also, the services and laws are more
favorable to men.

As I observe in this generation, the most pressing problem is the violence against
women. Violence could be done throughout out the whole aspect such as, physical, mental,
spiritual, and emotional. And this could be done no matter what their age is.

But right now, the government are doing an action about this cruelty. Even though it's not
yet that resolved at least progress is present. My suggestion to the parents, is that teach your
child as early as possible, the good manner so that the things that happened before will not

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