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Lecture 3: World of Jose Rizal

Life and Works of Jose Rizal

Ezekiel Guevarra
Quick History
• Homo Luzonensis lived in the island of Luzon
50,000 to 67,000 years ago.

• Laguna Copper Plate is the dated written artifact

in the Philippines. Dating 900AD. During this
time the Arab-Byzantine Wars was also

• In 1521 Ferdinand Magellan successfully

navigated towards west discovering a route
going to South East Asia. Giving the Spain an
access route going to the Island of Moluccas.

• Miguel Lopez de Legazpi successfully ceded the

islands of Marianas, Guam, and Cebu. Legazpi
placed the capital of the Spanish East Indies in
Manila in 1565.
Quick History
• Religious congregations managed the people in
the Spanish East Indies.

• The early polities leaders was given the

privileged to be Principalia. This is a type of
social class that govern certain areas in the
Philippines. They gained the titles of Cabeza de
Baranggay, Gobernadorcillo, and Alcalde.

• Claveria Decree was imposed throughout the

island. This decree in 1849 aimed to give
surnames to the Indios.
Instability of Colonial Administration
• The reign of King Ferdinand VII (1808-1835)
marked the political chaos in Spain.

• Years of struggle between liberalism and


• From 1834 to 862 Spain adopted four


• Same goes with the Philippine colonial

Philippine Representation to Cortes
• Ventura de los Reyes first representative of the
Philippines to Spanish Cortes in 1810.

• Successors made less impact in the legislation

until the Spanish Cortes was abolished in 1837.
Corrupt Colonial Officials

Rafael de Izquierdo Jose Malcampo Fernando Primo de Rivera

Corrupt Colonial Officials
• After the loss of Spain in Mexico, Guatemala,
Chile, and Argentina, Spanish officials came to
the Philippines to become as judges, provincial
executives, army officers, and empleados
(government employees)

• 1810, Tomas de Comyn, commented that

ignorant barbers and lackeys were appointed
provincial governors, and rough sailors and
soldiers were named district judges and garrison

Valeriano Weyler Camilo de Polavieja

• In 1812 Spain enjoyed the freedom of speech, freedom
of the press, freedom of association, and other human

• The Spaniards guarded this human rights ardently so

that no Spanish monarch dared to abolish these rights.

• But these rights was not enjoyed by the colonies in the

Spanish East Indies. Indios are regarded as inferior
being than Spanish-blooded citizens.

• Leyes de Indias was promulgated by the Spanish

monarchs to protect the natives of the Spanish

• Spanish Penal Code was enforces in the Philippines,

but imposed heavier penalties on native Indios.
Maladministration of Justice
• Real Audiencia serves and the supreme court in
the Philippines.

• Spanish judges, fiscals, and other officials were

oftentimes ignorant of law.

• Justice was costly, partial, and slow. Indios has

no access to the courts because they cannot
afford the expenses.

• Skin color, wealth, and social prestige were

predominant factors in winning a case in court.

• The case of Juan Dela Cruz of 1886 to 1889

• Unique in the Philippines

• Friars has the ultimate powers over the

Philippine governance

• Supervisor of local elections, inspector of

schools, and taxed, arbiter of morals, censor of
books and stage plays, superintendent of public
works, guardian of peace and order.

• Bajo el Son dela Campana

• Roman God Janus, two faced

Polo y Servicio
• Forced labor

• Males from 16 to 60 are obliged to render forced

labor for 40 days a year

• Also implemented on Spanish males but was

never implemented

• Falla was sum of money paid to the government

to be exempt from the Polo
Haciendas Owned by Friars
• Lands was owned by the Friar Corporations

• Titles was given by the Spanish crown

• Family of Rizal was one of the victims

• Sobre la Indolencia de los Filipinos (Indolence of

the Filipinos)
Guardia Civil
• Created in 1852 to serve as the constabulary

• Rendered meritorious service in handling bandits

• Officials were Spanish while the natives serves as the


• Become infamous for their rampant abuses,

maltreating of innocent people, looting of carabaos,
chickens, and valuable items, raping helpless women.

• Ill-trained and undisciplined unlike its counter parts in


• Elias of Noli Me Tangere “so much power in the hands

of men, ignorant men filled with passions, without
moral training of untried principles is a weapon in
hands of madman in a defenseless multitude”
In Summary
• Maladministration of Justice
• Instability of Colonial Administration
• Racial Discrimination
• Corrupt Colonial Officials
• Frailocracy
• Philippine Representation in Spanish Cortes
• Forced Labor
• Human Rights Denied to Filipinos
• Haciendas Owned by Friars
• No Equality before the Law
• Guardia Civil

Life and Works of Jose Rizal

Ezekiel Guevarra

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