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ABE Board Exam Reviewer

Part II
Copyright © 2022 by Arthur It. Tambong, FPSAE
All Rights Reserved.


Soil and Water Resources Development and Conservation,

Irrigation and Drainage, and Allied Subjects


I. Hydrology (10%) – Page 3

II. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (45%) – Page 8
III. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (30%) – Page 20
IV. Mathematics, Agricultural Statistics and Operations Research (10%) – Page 28
V. Agricultural and Fishery Sciences (5%) – Page 32



Easy – 40%
Moderate – 30%
Difficult – 30%



Select the best answer.

Shade the corresponding box of your answer in your answer sheet (provided during the exam).
Give only one answer for each question.
Do not make any unnecessary marking in your answer sheet.

I. Hydrology (10%)

Easy Questions

1. Area which contributes runoff or drains water into the reservoir (PAES 609:2016).

A. River basin B. Runoff reservoir C. Watershed D. Drainage divide

Answer: C

2. A thermometer that has a constriction above the bulb that permits the mercury to rise in the
capillary tube but does not allow it to descend the capillary tube unless the thermometer is
reset (PAGASA, 2022).

A. Minimum thermometer B. Maximum thermometer C. Air thermometer D. Constrithermometer

Answer: B

3. The science that encompasses the occurrence, distribution, movement and properties of the
waters of the earth and their relationship with the environment (USGS, 2022).

A. Meteorology B. Hydrometeorology C. Hydrology D. Limnology

Answer: C

4. The study of the biological, chemical, and physical features of lakes and other bodies of fresh
water (Oxford Languages, 2022).

A. Meteorology B. Hydrology C. Hydrometeorology D. Limnology

Answer: D

5. A branch of meteorology and hydrology that studies the transfer of water and energy between
the land surface and the lower atmosphere (Wikipedia, 2022).

A. Meteorology B. Hydrometeorology C. Hydrology D. Limnology

Answer: B

6. Heavy rainfall or rain that accumulates at a rate of 3 tenths of an inch (0.3 inch or about 7.5
mm), or more, per hour (US National Weather Service, 2022).

A. Storm B. Typhoon C. Torrential rain D. Heavy rain

Answer: C

7. Dominant form of precipitation in the Philippines.

A. Flood B. Rainfall C. Runoff D. Evaporation

Answer: B

8. Kind of thermometer with pin inside its tube which does not go with the expanding liquid when
temperature increases.

A. Maximum thermometer B. Minimum thermometer C. Air thermometer D. Soil thermometer

Answer: B

9. Method of areal rainfall determination done by computing the weighted average.

A. Averaging method B. Polygon Method C. Arithmetic method D. Isohyetal method

Answer: C

10. An instrument to measure depth of rainfall.

A. Rainfall dip stick B. Rain gage C. Bucket D. Rainfall meter

Answer: B

11. Part of rainfall which runs off the soil as surface or subsurface flow.

A. Flood B. Runoff C. Percolation D. Infiltration

Answer: B

12. Ratio of runoff over rainfall.

A. Runoff ratio B. Runoff/rainfall ratio C. Rainfall ratio D. Runoff coefficient

Answer: D

13. The part of rainfall that is stored in the root zone and can be used by the plants (FAO, 2022).
This excludes rainfall that does not reach the soil and percolation below the root zone. For
grassed soil surface, it is estimated that this rainfall is greater than 0.5 mm/day.

A. Atmospheric rainfall B. Effective rainfall C. Precipitation D. Torrential rainfall

Answer: B

14. The inverse of the probability of exceedance of a certain hydrologic event.

A. Hydro probability B. Probability of inceedance C. Return period D. Event probability

Answer: C

15. Airmass lifting process which is mountain-facilitated.

A. Natural B. Convective C. Mountain lifting D. Orographic

Answer: D

16. Airmass lifting process facilitated by sunlight or heating.

A. Natural B. Convective C. Mountain lifting D. Orographic

Answer: B

17. Indicates to what depth liquid precipitation would cover a horizontal surface in an
observation period if nothing could drain, evaporate or percolate from this surface
(Graf-Water, 2022).

A. Precipitation B. Precipitation depth C. Rainfall depth D. Water depth

Answer: B

Moderate Questions

18. The precipitation depth that corresponds to a liquid quantity of 1 liter falling into a 1 square
meter of ground area.

A. 0.5 mm B. 1 mm C. 2 mm D. 2.5 mm

Answer: B


Precipitation = (1 liter x 1,000,000 mm3/liter) / (1 m2 x 1,000,000 mm2/m2)

= 1 mm

19. Probability of occurrence in any year of hydrologic event recurring once in 4 years.

A. 40% B. 25% C. 20% D. 50%

Answer: B


Probability = (1/Return Period) x 100% = (1/4) x 100% = 25%

20. What is the probability of occurrence in any year of a hydrologic event recurring every year?

A. 100% B. 10% C. 20% D. 50%

Answer: A


Probability = (1/Return Period) x 100 = (1/1) x 100% = 100%

Difficult Questions

21. Rainfall depths recorded were as follows: 8mm and 2mm for 8:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M.,
respectively on 7-7-2022 and 5 mm and 9 mm for 8:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M., respectively on
7-8-2022. What is the total rainfall depth on 7-7-2022?

A. 0.5 mm B. 1 mm C. 2 mm D. 2.5 mm

Answer: C

The rainfall recorded at 8:00 AM of any day is counted as part of the total rainfall for the
previous day.
Rainfall on 7-7-2022 = Rainfall at 2:00 P.M. on 7-7-2022 + Rainfall at 8:00 A.M. on 7-8-2022
= 2 mm + 5 mm
= 7 mm

22. The agrometeorological station uses electronic rain gage. The rainfall depths were recorded on
June 1, 2022 as follows: 2 mm from 6:00 to 8:00 A.M., 7 mm from 8:00 to 10:00 A.M., 9 mm
from 12:00 noon to 2:00 P.M. and zero rainfall for all other times of the day and the previous
day. What is the rainfall intensity recorded on June 1, 2022?

A. 0.75 mm/hr B. 2 mm/hr C. 4 mm/hr D. 3 mm/hr

Answer: C

Intensity = Depth/Time, time is from 8:00 AM of current day to 8:00 AM of the next day
= (7mm from 8:00 to 10:00 A.M. + 9mm from 12:00 noon to 2:00 P.M.)/(2hr +2 hr)
= 4 mm/hr

23. Estimate the time of concentration of a certain watershed having a time lag of 1 hour.

A. 1.43 hours B. 1.34 hours C. 14.3 hours D. 13.4 hours

Answer: A

Using the formula for time of concentration from PAES 609:2016,
TC = TL / 0.70
= 1 hr / 0.70
= 1.43 hrs

II. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (45%)

Easy Questions

1. The maximum permissible water velocity for clay loam canal surface based on PAES

A. 1.2 m/s B. 1 m/s C. 0.9 m/s D. 0.80 m/s

Answer: D

2. The minimum permissible velocity for water with sediments in lined canals based on PAES

A. 1.2 m/s B. 1 m/s C. 0.9 m/s D. 0.80 m/s

Answer: C

3. Application of water in the soil to supply moisture needed for plant growth.

A. Flooding B. Sprinkling C. Irrigation D. Diverting

Answer: C

4. Loss of water from a channel during transport due to seepage and percolation.

A. Channel loss B. Seepage loss C. Percolation loss D. Conveyance loss

Answer: D

5. Depth of water flow where the energy content is at minimum hence, no other backwater forces are

A. Minimum depth B. Critical depth C. Energy depth D. Normal depth

Answer: B

6. Ratio of the actual crop evapotranspiration to its potential evapotranspiration.

A. Crop ratio B. ET ratio C. Crop coefficient D. Evaporation ratio

Answer: C

7. Moisture content of the soil when gravitational water has been removed.

A. Soil capacity B. Gravitational moisture C. Field capacity D. Specific capacity

Answer: C

8. Number of days between irrigation applications.

A. Irrigation interval B. Application interval C. Dry interval D. Node interval

Answer: A

9. Removal of excess water.

A. Squeezing B. Run off C. Discharging D. Drainage

Answer: D

10. Elevated section of open channel used for crossing natural depressions.

A. Parshall flume B. Flume C. Siphon D. Elevated channel

Answer: B

11. Surveying instrument used for determining land areas in a topographic maps.

A. Aerometer B. Erometer C. Planimeter D. Lysimeter

Answer: C

12. Elevation of water surface in a stream with reference to a certain datum.

A. Stage B. Surface elevation C. Contour D. Water elevation

Answer: A

13. Facility for determining water consumptive use of crops in an open field.

A. Planimeter B. Lysimeter C. Consumeter D. Crop meter

Answer: B

14. Time required to cover an area with one application of water.

A. Irrigation interval B. Irrigation period C. Supply duration D. Application time

Answer: B

15. At optimal emitter spacing, drip emitter spacing is ___ of the wetted diameter estimated from
field tests.

A. 100% B. 90% C. 80% D. 85%

Answer: C

16. Reference crop evapotranspiration is the rate of evapotranspiration from a reference surface
which is a hypothetical reference crop with an assumed crop height of 0.2 m and an albedo of
_______ (AMTEC, 2020).

A. 0.23 B. 0.25 C. 0.30 D. 0.32

Answer: A

17. Manufacturer’s coefficient of variation is the measure of the variability of discharge of a random
sample of a given make, model and size of emitter, as provided by the manufacturer and before
any field operations or aging has taken place determined through a discharge test of a sample of
50 emitters under a set pressure at ___ ºC.

A. 200 B. 100 C. 50 D. 30

18. Which one is the flattest canal side slope?

A. 1:1 B. 1:4 C. 4:1 D. 2:1

Answer: C

Moderate Questions

19. Determine the side slope angle Ө with the horizontal plane of an unlined canal with side
slope ratio (run: rise) z of 2:1.

A. 16.6º B. 26.6º C. 45º D. 60º

Answer: B


tan Ө = rise /run

Ө = arctan (rise /run)
= arctan (1/2)
= 26.6º


In specifying side slope, run is written first, ex. 4:1 means horizontal run is 4.
In computing angles whether bed slope or side slope, rise is the numerator.
Some fluid mechanics and hydraulics books use Ө symbol for side angle with the vertical plane, not
with the horizontal. In this case subtract Ө from 90° to get angle with the horizontal plane.

20. If the most efficient concrete canal has its side angle Ө with the horizontal plane equal to 60º,
what is the z value of the canal sides or the side’s horizontal run in meters per 1 meter rise?
This value is commonly used in designing most efficient concrete canals.

A. 0.775 B. 0.757 C. 0.577 D. 1/0.577

Answer: C


tan Ө = 1 / z
tan 60º = 1 / z
1.732 = 1 / z
z = 0.577

Difficult Questions
First, review the criteria and formulas below for open channel design.

21. What is the top width at water surface level of the most efficient concrete open channel if the
design depth is 5 meters? The design discharge is 100 m3/s and velocity is 2 m/s.

A. 1.29 m B. 9.12 m C. 12.9 m D. 19.2 m

Answer: C


If the canal is a trapezoidal concrete and side angle is not given, then it is a Most Efficient
Canal (in which Ө=60º and z=0.577). Specifying it as most efficient canal is often omitted in
the board question.

Q = AV
100 = A (2)
A = 50 m2

tan Ө = 1 / z
tan 60 º = 1 / z
1.732 = 1 / z
z = 0.577

A = bd + zd2
A-zd2 = bd
b = (A-zd2) / d
= [50 – 0.577(5) 2] / 5
= 7.12 m

t = b + (2d / tan Ө)
= 7.12 m + [2(5) / 1.732]
= 12.89 m

Checking 1:
A = bd + zd2
50 = (7.12)(5) + 0.577(5)2
50 = 35.6+14.4
50 = 50

Checking 2:
A = d [(t + b)/2]
50 = 5 [(12.89+7.12)/2]
50 = 5[10]
50 = 50

22. What is the total top width of the most efficient concrete open channel if design depth is 5
meters? Design discharge is 100 m3/s and velocity is 2 m/s. Use 15% freeboard.

A. 12.9 m B. 13.8 m C. 18.3 m D. 8.13 m

Answer: B


Use the Design Criteria: Most Efficient Canal (Ө=60º and z = 0.577)

Q = AV
100 = A (2)
A = 50 m2

A = bd + zd2
A-zd2 = bd
b = (A-zd2) / d
= [50 – 0.577(5) 2] / 5
= 7.12 m

t = b + (2d / tan Ө)
= 7.12 m + [2(5) / 1.732]
= 12.89 m

D= 1.15d
= 1.15(5)
= 5.75 m

T = b + (2D / tan Ө)
= 7.12 + [2(5.75) / 1.732]
= 7.12 + 6.64
= 13.8 m

Checking 1:
A = bd + zd2
50 = (7.12)(5) + 0.577(5)2
50 = 35.6+14.4
50 = 50

Checking 2:
A = d [(t + b)/2]
50 = 5 [(12.89+7.12)/2]
50 = 5[10]
50 = 50

23. What is the base of the most efficient trapezoidal concrete open channel if discharge is 100
m3/s and velocity is 2 m/s?

A. 6.14 m B. 12.8 m C. 7.21 m D. 14.6 m

Answer: A


Use the same approach as the previous problem but find the canal base.

Q = AV
100 = A (2)
A = 50 m2

A = 1.732 d2
50/1.732 = d2
d = 5.4 m
A = bd + zd2
b = (A-zd2) / d
= [50 – 0.577(5.4) 2] / 5.4
= 6.14 m

Checking 1:
A = bd + zd2
50 = (6.14)(5.4) + 0.577(5.4)2
50 = 33.2+16.8
50 = 50

24. What is the bottom width for the best hydraulic cross-section (best proportion) of concrete
open channel if design depth is 5 meters and side slope is 45º?

A. 3 m B. 4 m C. 5 m D. 6 m

Answer: B


Since the concrete canal has a side angle other than 60°, then use the design criteria: Best
Hydraulic Cross-Section and use the formula for concrete canals (coefficient of d is 2).

b = 2 d tan (Ө/2)
= 2 (5) tan (45/2)
= 2 (5) tan (22.5)
= 2 (5) (0.41)
= 4.1 m

25. What is the bottom width for best hydraulic cross-section of unlined open channel for
minimum seepage if design depth is 5 meters and side slope is 45º?

A. 3.15 m B. 4.15 m C. 8.15 m D. 6.15 m

Answer: C


Since the canal is unlined or not concrete, then use the design criteria: Best Hydraulic Cross-
Section and use the formula for unlined canals (coefficient of d is 4).

b = 4 d tan (Ө/2)
= 4 (5) tan (22.5)
= 8.2 m

26. What is the bottom width for best hydraulic cross-section of unlined open channel with
minimum seepage if design depth is 5 meters and side slope is 2:1?

A. 4.72 m B. 7. 42 m C. 2.47 m D. 7.24 m

Answer: A


Compute for the side angle then use the design criteria: Best Hydraulic Cross-Section and
then use the formula for unlined canals (coefficient of d is 4).

Ө = arctan (rise /run)

= arctan (1/2)
= 26.6º

b = 4 d tan (Ө/2)
= 4 (5) tan (26.6/2)
= 4 (5) tan (13.3)
= 4 (5) (0.236)
= 4.72 m

27. Estimate the width and depth of concrete-lined rectangular open channel for water velocity of
2 m/s and discharge of 10 m3/s.

A. 6.1 m, 2.3 m B. 3.2 m, 1.6 m C. 2.5m, 5.0 m D. 13.6 m, 3.1 m

Answer: B


It is specified that the concrete canal is rectangular. Hence, it cannot qualify for Most
Efficient criterion. Use the design criteria: Efficient Canal and then use the formula for
concrete-lined rectangular open channels.

Expressing b in terms of d:
b = 2d

Determining A:
A = Q/V
= 10/2
= 5 m2

Solving for b and d:

A= bd
5 = (2d)d
d2 = 5/2
d = 1.58 m
b = 2 (1.58)
= 3.16 m

28. What should be the base and depth of concrete-lined rectangular open channel for a cross-
sectional area of 50 m2? Design for efficiency over proportion.

A. 10 m, 5 m B. 12 m, 6 m C. 2.5 m, 5 m D. 3 m, 6 m

Answer: A


From this item until Item 32 in Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, determine what criteria
to apply and what formulas to use as part of your practice in board problem analysis.

A = 2 d2
50 =2 d2

b = 2d
b = 2(5)
b = 10 m

A = bd
50 = (10)(5)
50 = 50

29. What should be the depth and side angle with the horizontal of concrete-lined triangular open
channel for a cross-sectional area of 50 m2?

A. 5 m, 16.6º B. 6 m, 26.6º C. 7 m, 45º D. 8 m, 60º

Answer: C

A = d2
50 = d2
d = 7.1 m
Ө = 45º for efficient triangular canals.

30. What design depth of open channel would you recommend to carry 100 cumecs or cubic
meters/sec with a velocity of 5 mps? Use the most efficient of all trapezoidal cross-sections.
A. 1.4 m B. 2.4 m C. 3.4 m D. 1.3 m
Answer: C
A= Q/V
= 100/5
= 20 m2

A = 1.732 d2
20 = 1.732 d2
d = 3.4 m

31. If the most efficient of all trapezoidal cross-sections can be used, what actual depth of open
channel would you recommend to carry 100 cumecs with a velocity of 5 mps? Use 15%
A. 3.9 m B. 3.5 m C. 3.6 m D. 1.3 m
Answer: A
A= Q/V
= 100/5
= 20 m2
A = 1.732 d2
20 = 1.732 d2
d = 3.4 m
D = 1.15 d
= 1.15 (3.4)
= 3.91 m

32. If an unlined trapezoidal canal with best hydraulic cross-section can be used, what actual
depth of open channel would you recommend to carry 10 cumecs with a velocity of 1 mps?
Use 2:1 side slope and 15% freeboard.

A. 1.12 m B. 2.12 m C. 21.2 m D. 2.21 m

Answer: B


A = Q/V
= 10/1
= 10 m2

Ө = arctan (rise /run)

= arctan (1/2)
= 26.565º

b = 4 d tan (Ө/2)
= 0.944 d

A = bd + zd2,
10 = 0.944d + zd2 but z = 2
10 = 0.944d + 2d2 but z = 2
10 = 2.944d2
d = 1.84 m

D = 1.15 d
= 1.15 (1.84 m)
= 2.12m

tan (26.565º) = 0.5
b = 0.944 d
= 0.944 (1.84m)
= 1.74 m

t = b + (2d / tan Ө)
= 1.74 + [2(1.8 4) / 0.5]
= 9.11 m

A = d [(t + b)/2]
10 = 1.84 [(9.11+1.74)/2]
10 = 10

III. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (30%)

Easy Questions

1. Slope of the upstream face of the embankment.

A. Downstream slope B. Outside slope C. Inside slope D. Upstream slope

Answer: C

2. Inside bottom or sill of the conduit.

A. Invert B. Inside base C. Inside sill D. Bottom sill

Answer: A

3. Closed conduit designed to convey canal water in full and under pressure running condition, to
convey canal water by gravity under roadways, railways, drainage channels and local depressions.

A. Close siphon B. Pressurized conduit C. Siphon D. Inverted siphon

Answer: D

4. __________ water requirement is the amount of water required in lowland rice production which
includes water losses through evaporation, seepage, percolation and land soaking.

A. Land preparation B. Irrigation C. Crop D. Field

Answer: A

5. _________ water requirement is the amount of water required in lowland rice production which is
a function of the initial soil moisture and the physical properties of the soil.

A. Land preparation B. Irrigation C. Crop D. Land soaking

Answer: D

6. Spacing between irrigation laterals.

A. Ditch spacing B. Lateral spacing C. Horizontal spacing D. Irrigation spacing

Answer: B

7. Deep percolation of water beyond the root zone of plants, resulting in loss of salts or nutrients.

A. Vertical percolation B. Root zone percolation C. Leaching D. Salt leaching

Answer: C

8. Canal with impermeable material (usually concrete) for channel stabilization and/or reduced

A. Line canal B. Lined canal C. Unlined canal D. Impermeable canal

Answer: B

9. Allowable pollutant-loading limit per unit of time, which the wastewater generator is permitted to
discharge into any receiving body of water or land.

A. Pollutant limit B. Loading limit C. Allowable limit D. Wastewater limit

Answer: B

10. Portion of the pipe network between the mainline and the laterals.

A. Diversion pipe B. Manifold C. Main-lateral pipe D. Reducer

Answer: B

11. Spillway which is not excavated such as natural draw, saddle or drainage way.

A. Surface spillway B. Flood spillway C. Natural spillway D. Earth spillway

Answer: C

12. Constant flow depth along a longitudinal section of a channel under a uniform flow condition.

A. Critical depth B. Constant depth C. Laminar depth D. Normal depth

Answer: D

13. Maximum elevation of the water surface which can be attained by the spillway-type dam or
reservoir without flow in the spillway.

A. Normal storage B. Maximum Storage C. Critical elevation D. Design depth

Answer: A

14. Maximum elevation of the water surface which can be attained in an open channel without
reaching the freeboard.

A. Normal storage B. Maximum Storage C. Critical elevation D. Design depth

Answer: D

15. In what condition is the open channel freeboard used for water conveyance?

A. Maximum flow B. Emergency flow C. Inundation D. Rainy days

Answer: C

16. The primary purpose in limiting water flow not to go below minimum velocity.

A. Avoid percolation B. Avoid sedimentation C. Avoid critical depth D. Optimize flow

Answer: B

17. Open channel flow is water flow that is conveyed in such a manner that top surface is exposed to
the atmosphere such as flow in canals, ditches, drainage channels, culverts, and pipes under
_____ flow conditions.

A. Full B. Partially full C. Normal D. Critical

Answer: B

18. Part of the system that impounds the runoff.

A. Storage B. Reservoir C. Impounding D. Runoff collector

Answer: B

19. Slope at the downstream face of the embankment.

A. Outside slope B. Inside slope C. Side slope D. Soil gradient

Answer: A

20. Ratio between reference evapotranspiration and water loss by evaporation from an open water
surface of a pan.

A. Pan coefficient B. Evaporation ratio C. Reference pan ratio D. ET ratio

Answer: A

21. Rate of water loss by evaporation from an open water surface of a pan.

A. Surface evaporation B. Sunken evaporation C. Pan evaporation D. Evaporation loss

Answer: C

22. Vertical flow of water below the root zone which is affected by soil structure, texture, bulk
density, mineralogy, organic matter content, salt type and concentration.

A. Leaching B. Percolation C. Infiltration D. Seepage

Answer: B

23. Vertical flow of water to carry salts contained in water.

A. Leaching B. Percolation C. Infiltration D. Seepage

Answer: A

24. Method to determine the rate of flow under laminar flow conditions through a unit cross sectional
area of soil under unit hydraulic gradient.

A. Permeability test B. Laminar test C. Flow test D. Hydraulic test

Answer: A

25. The process by which the soil is removed from its natural place.

A. Soil removal B. Runoff C. Soil erosion D. Leaching

Answer: C

26. A kind of terrace which consists of a series of flattened areas.

A. Broad-base terrace B. Bench terrace C. Conservation terrace D. Rice terrace

Answer: B

27. The practice where legumes are plowed or incorporated into the soil.

A. Legume incorporation B. Legume manuring C. Green manuring D. Manuring

Answer: C

28. Farming practice where plowing and harrowing are done along the contour.

A. Contouring B. Strip cropping C. Crop row aligning D. Contour plowing

Answer: A

29. The simplest method of determining soil erosion over a period of time.

A. Catchment method B. Erometer method C. Plumb bob method D. Pin method

Answer: D

30. Advanced form of erosion.

A. Rill erosion B. Gully erosion C. Sheet erosion D. Advanced erosion

Answer: B

31. Dam which resists water flow of water by its weight.

A. Resisting dam B. Buttress dam C. Gravity dam D. Arc dam

Answer: C

32. Dam consisting of stones enclosed in cyclone wires which allows water passage.

A. Gabion dam B. Stone dam C. Cyclone dam D. Interlink dam

Answer: A

33. Material used to cover the soil to minimize evapotranspiration.

A. Plastic B. Mulch C. Leaves D. Soil cover

Answer: B

34. Geological formation shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually
carbonate rocks such as limestone or dolomite.

A. Geological layer B. Dissolved layer D. Soluble layer D. Karst topography

Answer: D

35. Scientific name of carabao grass commonly used in vegetated open channels.

A. Glerisedia sepium B. Paspalum conjugatum C. Cyperus rotundos D. Leucaena leucocepala

Answer: B

Moderate Questions

36. Philippine geographical constant for determining terrace vertical interval.

A. 0.5 B. 0.8 C. 1 D. 1.5

Answer: A

37. Constant for soil erodibility and cover conditions for erodible soil and poor cover.

A. 0.5 B. 0.8 C. 1 D. 1.5

Answer: C

38. Estimate the peak runoff rate from a 20-hectare drainage basin if rainfall depth for 6 hours
reached 60 mm. Use typical runoff coefficient of 0.35.

A. 2 cms B. 0.02 cms C. 0.2 cms D. 2.2 cms

Answer: C


I = 60 mm/6 hrs = 10 mm/hr

q = 0.0028 CIA = 0.0028 (0.35)(10 mm/hr)(20 has) = 0.2 cms

39. Estimate the runoff volume from a 20-hectare drainage basin if rainfall depth for 6 hours
reached 60 mm and duration of runoff is about 3 hours. Use typical runoff coefficient of

A. 1,080 cms B. 1,800 cms C. 1,008 cms D. 8,100 cms

Answer: A


I = 60 mm/6 hrs = 10 mm/hr q = 0.0028

CIA = 0.0028 (0.35)(10 mm/hr)(20 has) = 0.2 cms
Q = 0.5qT = 0.5 (0.2 cms) (3 hrs) (3600 s/hr) = 1,080 cms

Difficult Questions
40. A trapezoidal concrete gravity dam has vertical upstream wall. Water depth in the upstream
side is 50 meters above the dam base. Freeboard of 15% based on design depth. What is the
force of water exerted against dam per meter of dam width at deepest section?

A. 1,100 tonnes B. 1,150 tonnes C. 1,200 tonnes D. 1,250 tonnes

Answer: D


P = 0.5 x Water density x H2 = 0.5 x1 tonne/m3 x (50 m)2 = 1,250 tonnes

41. A trapezoidal concrete gravity dam has vertical upstream wall. Water depth in the upstream
side is 50 meters above the dam base. The base of dam is 78 meters along water flow. What
is the uplift force of seepage water below the dam per meter of dam width at deepest section?

A. 1,900 tonnes B. 1,950 tonnes C. 2,000 tonnes D. 2,050 tonnes

Answer: B


U = 0.5 x Water density x H x B = 0.5 x 1 tonne/m3 x 50m x 78m = 1,950 tonnes

42. A trapezoidal concrete gravity dam has inclined upstream wall. Resisting moment relative to
the dam toe is 263,953.2 tonne-meters while overturning moment is 96,233.3 tonne-meters
per meter of dam width at deepest section. What is the safety factor against overturning? Is it

A. 0.36, unsafe B. 2.74, safe C. 3. 96, safe D. 5.48, excessively safe

Answer: B


FSo = RM/OM = 263953.2/96233.3 = 2.74

IV. Mathematics, Agricultural Statistics and Operations
Research (10%)

Easy Questions

1. Based on PhilMech’s 2011 and 2012 agricultural statistics of Asian countries, the Philippine
farm mechanization showed an upswing trend which recorded an average mechanization
level of 1.23 hp/ha; rice and corn farms registered the highest level of available farm power
at 2.31 hp/ha (Philippine Official Gazette, 2013). For the Philippines to level up with Japan,
the leader in Asia, agricultural and biosystems engineers should know Japan’s statistics.
What was the average level of farm mechanization in Japan as of 2012?

A. 7 hp/ha B. 8 hp/ha C. 9 hp/ha D. 10 hp/ha

Answer: A

2. Based on the agricultural statistics survey of PhilMech in 2011 and 2012, ____ percent of the
total farm power is available for use in production operations while the remaining percentage
is used for postharvest operations.

A. 60 B. 70 C. 80 D. 90

Answer: B

3. An applied science that is concerned with quantitative decision problems that generally
involve the allocation and control of limited resources (IEOR-Columbia, 2022).

A. Operations research B. Management C. Control D. Decision making

Answer: A

4. You are the project engineer of an ABE company having a project involving 3 constraints, 5
stages and 18 locations. To minimize project duration, which technique will you use?

B. Dynamic programming B. Linear programming C. PERT/CPM D. GANTT Charting

Answer: C

5. The equivalence of ln e(y+z)/2.

C. 0.5(y+z) B. (ey+ez)/2 C. log 2 x e(y+z) D. ln [(y+z)/2]

Answer: A


From the rules on natural logarithm, ln ex = x

ln e(y+z)/2 = (x+y)/2
= 0.5(x+y)

6. The factorial of 10 less factorial of 9.

A. 3,628,800 B. 362,880 C. 3,265,902 D. 3,265,920

Answer: D

10! - 9! = 3,628,800 – 362,880
= 3,265,920

7. In an experiment, the total degrees of freedom increase as ___________ increases.

A. Level of significance B. Replication D. Error D. Mean square

Answer: B

8. In a rice yield experiment, pre-experiment data shows varying soil fertility in the field. What
experimental design should be used such that the effects of blocking can be determined?

A. RCBD B. CRD D. Latin square D. DMRT

Answer: A

9. A ranch is composed of 2,500 heads of Holstein-Friesian and 7,500 heads of Brown Swiss
cattle. Thirty representative heads are to be selected at random for use in an experiment. What
is the probability that a Brown Swiss will be randomly picked up at first selection?

A. 25% B. 50% D. 75% D. 100%

Answer: C


Probability = Number of heads of Brown Swiss / Total Number of Heads x 100%
= 7,500 / (2,500+7,500) x 100%
= 75%

Moderate Questions
10. A single-factor experiment using completely randomized experimental design results to the
following statistical values: treatment sum of squares of 2,510.5, error mean square error of
13.4, error degrees of freedom of 12 and total degrees of freedom of 14. How many treatments
are involved?

A. 3 B. 4 D. 5 D. 6

Answer: A

Tr DF = Total DF – Error DF = 14-12 = 2
No. of treatments = Tr DF + 1 = 2+1 = 3

11. In random sampling for the location of different treatments in the field, the labels for
Treatments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were placed inside a box. Treatment 3 came out in the first pick.
What is the probability that you can pick Treatment 1 in the second pick?

A. 20% B. 25% D. 33.3% D. 50%

Answer: B

Probability = 1/No. of Treatments Left Unpicked = 1/(5-1) = 0.25 = 25%

12. The return period of a flood stage of 5 meters or more is 2 years. What is the probability that
this event will be reached next year?

B. 2% B. 20% D. 50% D. 75%

Answer: C

Probability = 1/ return Period = ½ = 0.5 = 50%

Difficult Questions
12. In Analysis of Variance, what is the F value of an experiment having treatment sum of
squares of 2,510.5, error mean square error of 13.4, treatment degrees of freedom of 2 and
error degrees of freedom of 12?

A. 15.61 B. 15.16 D. 93.86 D. 93.68

Answer: D


Tr MS = TrSS/Tr DF = 2510.5/2 = 1255.25

F = Tr MS/MSE = 1255.25/13.4 = 93.68

13. You need to present a graph of x values vs. y values. The x values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The
y values are ln 0, ln 1, ln 2, ln 3, ln 4 and ln 5, respectively. Since ln 0 results to a
mathematical error, what value will you use for ln 0? Use 2 decimal places in your

A. -6.91 B. -4.61 D. Infinity D. 6.91

Answer: B

Solution: Since infinity cannot be used for graphing and computation is limited to 2 decimal
places, use ln 0.01 (closest to ln 0) instead of ln 0, then ln 0.01 = -4.61

14. In a regression equation Y = 2.5 + 3X, where X is the flood stage in meters at a certain
location and Y is the estimated amount in million Php of damaged crops downstream. If
flood stage is 20 meters, what is the estimated amount of damaged crops in million Php?

A. 62.5 B. 65.2 D. 26.5 D. 25.6

Answer: A


Y = 2.5 + 3X
= 2.5 + 3(20)
= Php62.5 million

V. Agricultural and Fishery Sciences (5%)

Easy Questions

1. Per Department of Agriculture Administrative Order No. 4, series of 2022, the minimum
inorganic fertilizer rates should be ___ bags/hectare (3 bags urea plus three bags 14-14-14 or
three bags urea plus two bags 16-20-0 and one bag 0-0-60).

A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

Answer: B

2. Per BFAR standard, the intensive stocking density of tilapia is __ heads per square meter.

B. 3 B. 4-8 C. >8 D. 3-5

Answer: C

3. Intensive fish stocking density needs _________ feeds.

A. Natural feeds B. Commercial C. Organic feeds D. Plankton

Answer: B

4. Per BFAR standard, the extensive stocking density of tilapia is __ heads per square meter.

A. 3 B. 4-8 C. >8 D. 3-5

Answer: A

5. Tilapia fingerlings need feeds equivalent to ____% of body weight.

A. 2-5 B. 5-10 C. 10-15 D. 15-30

Answer: C

6. Tilapia feeding frequency.

A. Once in 2 days B. Once daily C. 2-3 times daily D. 3-4 times daily

Answer: C

7. A marketable size tilapia weighs ___ grams/head.

A. >76 B. >81 C. >86 D. >91

Answer: D

8. Tilapia fry needs feeds equivalent to ____% of body weight.

A. 2-5 B. 5-10 C. 10-15 D. 15-30

Answer: D

Moderate Questions
9. How many mango seedlings are needed to be purchased for 1 hectare area if the planting
density is 10 meters by 10 meters. Give 5% allowance in the number of seedlings purchased.

A. 100 B. 105 C. 150 D. 525

Answer: B


No. of Seedlings = Safety Factor [Area in ha x 10,000 m2/ha / Planting Density in m x m]

= 1.05 [1 ha x 10,000 m2/ha / (10 m x 10 m)]
= 105 seedlings/hectare

10. If the recommended rate of nitrogen is 90 kg/hectare, how many kilograms of urea fertilizer
are to be applied per hectare using 46-0-0 urea fertilizer alone?

A. 195 B. 196 C. 198 D. 200

Answer: B


Computation procedure: To determine the fertilizer rate for a particular nutrient, multiply the
rate of the desired nutrient by 100 and divide by the percentage of the nutrient in the fertilizer
(Manitoba Soil Fertility Guide, 2022).

Fertilizer rate = (Rate of Desired Nutrient x 100) / Percentage of the Nutrient in the Fertilizer
= (90 kg/ha x 100) / 46
= 195.65 kg/ha

11. Based on the experimental field’s soil analysis, the recommended fertilization rate for P2O5 is 45
kg/ha. What should be the fertilization application rate of P2O5 in kilograms/hectare if using 0-22-0
fertilizer alone?

A. 200 B. 202 C. 205 D. 207

Answer: C


Fertilizer rate = (Rate of Desired Nutrient x 100) / % of the Nutrient in the Fertilizer
= (45 kg/ha x 100) / 22
= 204.5 kg/ha

12. Based on the farm’s soil analysis, the recommended fertilization rate for K2O is 16.8 kg/ha. What
should be the weight per unit area in kilograms/hectare of K2O to be applied if using 0-0-60 fertilizer

A. 28 B. 82 C. 2.8 D. 8.2

Answer: A


Fertilizer rate = (Rate of Desired Nutrient x 100) / % of the Nutrient in the Fertilizer
= (16.8 kg/ha x 100) / 60
= 28 kg/ha

Difficult Questions
13. If the recommended rate of nitrogen is 90 kg/hectare, how many bags of urea fertilizer are
needed per hectare using 46-0-0 urea containing 50 kilograms per bag?

A. 195 B. 196 C. 198 D. 200

Answer: B

Computation procedure: To obtain the number of bags of fertilizer, divide the fertilizer
requirement in kg/hectare by the number of kilograms contained per bag, then round up (not
round off) to the nearest integer.

Fertilizer rate = (Rate of Desired Nutrient x 100) / % of the Nutrient in the Fertilizer
= (90 kg/ha x 100) / 46
= 195.65 kg/ha

No. of Bags = Fertilizer Requirement in kg/hectare / No. of Kilograms Contained per Bag
= 195.56 kg/ha / 50 kg/bag
= 3.91 bags/ha, round up to 4 bags/ha

14. If tilapia stocking relies only on natural food source, how many tilapia fingerlings should be
stocked in each of 50 experimental cages, each cage has a diameter of 1 meter and depth of 1
meter? Mortality safety factor is 7% for small cages.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 126 D. 162
Answer: B

Tilapia extensive stocking density (relies only on natural food source): 3 heads/m2
Area of cage = 3.14 (1 m)2/4 = 0.785 m2
Stocks = Density x Area x [1+ safety factor in ratio] = 3 x 0.785 x (1.07) = 3 heads/cage

1. Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards - PAES 601:2016 to PAES 615:2016
2. BFAR-CAR Reading Guide for Tilapia, Latest Edition
3. Varied Statistics Books Used in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
4. Varied Math Books Used in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
5. ABE-Related Online Learning Materials (Sources Indicated in the Review Questions)

This material was sourced from

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Through Payhip in London, England, United Kingdom

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