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Extract from Eurocode 0 – Basis of structural design (Load combinations) and the

National Annex to Eurocode: Basis of structural design

Ultimate limit states (Eurocode 0 DK)

Deformation of the structure or structure members

Verification of ultimate limit states – STR/GEO (Page 42)

Deformation of the ground

Ed ≤ Rd Ed the design value of the effect of actions

Rd the design value of the corresponding resistance.

Variable load dominant

Ed = KFI . γG . Gk + KFI . γQ,1 . Qk,1 + KFI . γQ,2 . Ψ0 . Qk,2 + KFI . γQ,3 . Ψ0 . Qk,3

KFI Consequences class (See table B1 below)

γ Partial coefficient (Safety factor)

Ψ combination Value of variable load (See table

A1.1 below)

Gk Characteristic dead load (calculated)

Qk Characteristic variable load (Snow calculated,

Imposed load look-up)

Ed = KFI . 1 . Gk + KFI . 1,5 . Qk,1 + KFI . 1,5 . Ψ0 . Qk,2 + KFI . 1,5 . Ψ0 . Qk,3

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Extract from Eurocode 0 – Basis of structural design (Load combinations) and the
National Annex to Eurocode: Basis of structural design

From National Annex to Eurocode 0: Basis of structural design, page5

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Extract from Eurocode 0 – Basis of structural design (Load combinations) and the
National Annex to Eurocode: Basis of structural design

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Extract from Eurocode 0 – Basis of structural design (Load combinations) and the
National Annex to Eurocode: Basis of structural design

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