Lagan 2020

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Received: 16 October 2019    Revised: 19 December 2019    Accepted: 2 January 2020

DOI: 10.1111/apa.15153


Multiorgan involvement and management in children with

Down syndrome

Niamh Lagan1,2  | Dean Huggard1 | Fiona Mc Grane1,2 | Timothy Ronan Leahy3 |

Orla Franklin4 | Edna Roche1,5 | David Webb1,6 | Aengus O’ Marcaigh7 | Des Cox8 |
Afif El-Khuffash9 | Peter Greally1,10 | Joanne Balfe1,2 | Eleanor J. Molloy1,2,11

Paediatrics, Academic Centre, Tallaght
Hospital, Trinity College, The University of Abstract
Dublin, Ireland Aim: To review multiorgan involvement and management in children with Down syn-
Department of Neurodisability and
drome (DS).
Developmental Paediatrics, Children’s
Health Ireland at Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland Methods: A literature review of articles from 1980 to 2019 using the MEDLINE in-
Immunology, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital terface of PubMed was performed using the following search terms- [Down syn-
Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland
drome] or [Trisomy 21] AND [Cardiology] or [Respiratory] or [neurodevelopment] or
Cardiology, Children’s Health Ireland at
Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland [epilepsy] or [musculoskeletal] or [immune system] or [haematological] or [endocrine]
Paediatric Endocrinology, Tallaght or [gastrointestinal] or [ophthalmological] or [Ear Nose Throat] or [dermatology] or
University Hospital Dublin, Ireland
Department of Neurology, Children’s
Health Ireland at Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland Results: Congenital heart disease particularly septal defects occur in over 60% of
Department of Haematology & Oncology, infants with DS and 5%-34% of infants develop persistent pulmonary hypertension of
Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin, Dublin,
the newborn irrespective of a diagnosis of congenital heart disease. Early recognition
Department of Respiratory, Children’s
and management of aspiration, obstructive sleep apnoea and recurrent lower res-
Health Ireland at Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland piratory tract infections (LRTI) could reduce risk of developing pulmonary hyperten-
Department of Neonatology, Rotunda sion in later childhood. Children with DS have an increased risk of autistic spectrum
Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
10 disorder, attention deficit disorder and epilepsy particularly infantile spasms, which
Department of Paediatric Respiratory
Medicine, Children’s Health Ireland at are associated with poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. Congenital anomalies of the
Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland
gastrointestinal and renal system as well as autoimmune diseases, coeliac disease,
Neonatology, CHI at Crumlin, Dublin,
Ireland arthropathy, thyroid dysfunction fold diabetes mellitus and dermatological conditions
are more common. Hearing and visual anomalies are also well recognised association
Niamh Lagan and Eleanor Molloy, with DS (Table 1).
Department of Paediatrics, Trinity Centre Conclusion: Children with DS are at an increased risk of multiorgan comorbidities.
for Health Sciences, Tallaght University
Hospital, Dublin 24, Ireland. Organ-specific health surveillance may provide holistic care for the children and fami-
Emails: (NL); Eleanor.molloy@ lies with DS throughout childhood. (EM)

Funding information
National Children's Hospital Fund, Tallaght

Abbreviations: AAI, Atlanto-axial instability; AAP, American Association of Paediatrics; A-DS, Arthropathy of Down Syndrome; ALL, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia; AML, Acute
Myeloid Leukaemia; ASD, Atrial Septal Defect; AVSD, Atrioventricular septal Defect; BMI, Body Mass Index; BMI, Body Mass Index; CAKUT, congenital anomalies of the kidney and
urinary tract; CHD, Congenital Heart disease; CVID, Common Variable Immunodeficiency; DA, Duodenal atresia; DSMIG, Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group; ECG,
Electrocardiogram; EEG, Electroencephalogram; ENT, Ear, Nose and Throat; GI, Gastrointestinal; HLA, Human Leukocyte Antigen; ID, Intellectual disability; IgA, Immunoglobulin A; IS,
Infantile spasms; LRTI, Lower Respiratory Tract Infections; MCV, Mean Red Cell Volume; ML-DS, Myeloid Leukaemia of DS; OAHI, obstructive apnoea hypopnoea index; OIDSC, Oxford
Imperial Down Syndrome Cohort; OME, Otitis media with effusion; PFA, Plain Film Radiograph; PGALS, Paediatric Gait, Arms, Legs and Spinal; PH, Pulmonary Hypertension; PPHN,
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn; PSG, Polysomnography; SDB, Sleep Disordered Breathing; SNHL, Sensorineural Hearing Loss; T1D, Type 1 Diabetes; TAM,
Transient Abnormal Myelopoiesis; TFT, Thyroid Function Testing; TPO AB, Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies; tTG, tissue transglutaminase; VSD, Ventricular Septal Defect.

1096     © 2020 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica. Acta Paediatrica. 2020;109:1096–1111.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
LAGAN et al. |

University Hospital, Dublin & National

Children's Research Centre, Crumlin,
Dublin, Ireland. down syndrome, health surveillance guidelines, multiorgan Involvement, screening, Trisomy

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N
Key notes
Down syndrome (DS) or Trisomy 21 is the most common chromo-
somal abnormality accounting for 8% of all registered cases. The in- • Down syndrome (DS) is associated with over 80 con-
cidence of Down syndrome is every 1 in 700 live births in the United ditions such as congenital anomalies, sleep disordered
States, with an overall prevalence of 10 per 10 000 births in Europe. 1 breathing, autoimmune conditions and neurodevelop-
DS is caused by the presence of all, or part of a third copy of chromo- mental disorders.
some 21. This extra genetic material is responsible for the classical • Individuals with DS have an increased risk of respira-
facial characteristics, multiple malformations, intellectual disability, tory infections, with 30% higher risk of mortality with
immune and endocrine dysfunction associated with DS. sepsis secondary to anatomical differences and immune
Although DS has a variable phenotype there are many com- dysfunction.
mon physical manifestations such as hypotonia, epicanthic folds, • Comprehensive management guidelines should be de-
flat nasal bridge, single palmar crease and sandal toe gap.1 Children veloped to ensure standardised holistic care for the chil-
with DS have an increased risk of congenital anomalies includ- dren and families with DS.
ing congenital heart defects and abdominal wall abnormalities.
Secondary to the differences in their anatomy and hypotonia chil-
dren with DS are at increased risk of hearing loss, ophthalmological
problems, obstructive sleep apnoea as well as hip dysplasia and pes 2 | C A R D I AC I N VO LV E M E NT
planus.3 In addition, DS is the most common recognisable genetic
syndrome associated with abnormal immune function and immune Congenital heart disease (CHD) is frequently diagnosed in infants
defects. Individuals with DS have a higher incidence of autoimmune born with DS. It has significant impact on morbidity and mortality.
disorders.4 The increased susceptibility to infections has been as- In infants born with DS, 54%-66% will have a diagnosis of CHD.15-17
sociated with atypical immune function in conjunction with various Recommendations from the AAP and DSMIG UK and Ireland include
non-immune related medical and anatomical comorbidities. 2,5 The cardiology review and echocardiogram in the first 6  weeks of life,
prevalence of leukaemia is estimated to be up to 15-20 times more however, in most tertiary level centres, this occurs within the first
frequent in children with DS and although leukaemia treatment is few days of life.13,14 Timely surgical correction is necessary to pre-
improving, it is still a major cause of mortality in children with DS. vent the development of Eisenmenger syndrome and pulmonary hy-
The life expectancy of people with Down syndrome increased pertension. There has been a significant shift in the attitude towards
dramatically between 1960 and 2007, from 10 to 47  years old. the treatment of children with DS and together with the improve-
Recent decades have seen a substantial increase in the life expec- ments in early initiation with corrective surgery the life expectancy
tancy of children with DS, this has been primarily associated with of children with DS has dramatically increased from 12 years in 1940
advances in successful early treatment of CHD.1,9 Presence of a to over 60 years of age today.9,15 Recent studies have shown a de-
heart defect increases the risk of death in the infant period by nearly cline in the incidence of CHD over time, which have been suggested
fivefold and continues to be one of the most significant predictors to be related to increased prenatal detection of CHD with a resultant
of  mortality  until the age of 20  years.10 The implementation of increased number of selective terminations.15,16,18
medical guidelines with preventative health care programmes will In unselected populations, septal defects are most commonly as-
continue to help improve life expectancy and quality of life. Young sociated with DS, particularly atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD),
people and adults with DS are at markedly increased risk of early-on- followed by ventricular septal defects (VSD), and atrial septal defect
set Alzheimer's disease and by 55-60 years of age 40% will develop (ASD). In a recent population-based cohort study of infants born
dementia.11 After age 35, mortality rates double every 6.4 years in with DS and CHD, AVSD was diagnosed in 42%, VSD in 22% and
DS as compared to every 9.6 years for people without DS. The ASD in 16%.16 In countries were termination occurs, a shift in the
implementation of medical guidelines with preventative health care incidence of complex CHD has been recently noted, with AVSD and
programmes screening for associated multiorgan involvement con- VSD occurring in similar frequency, 30% and 31%, respectively.16
tinues to help improve life expectancy and quality of life.1 Paediatric Martin et al reported 66% (n = 80/121) of live birth infants born with
healthcare guidelines have been well established internationally via DS had CHD in a region were prenatal screening is not routinely of-
the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG) and American fered and termination is restricted.17
Association of Paediatrics (AAP), and there is now a growing move- Patent ductus arteriosus and tetralogy of Fallot are associ-
ment for the development for same for the adult population.13,14 ated with children with DS. The rate of conotruncal defects is only
1098       LAGAN et al.

TA B L E 1   Review of multiorgan involvement in children with Down syndrome

Organ Issues Management

Cardiac • Septal defect • Cardiovascular examination within 24 hours of birth including
Involvement a. AVSD-42% pulse oximetry
b. VSD-22% • ECG for superior axis
c. ASD-16% • Cardiology review with echo as soon as possible, no later
• Pulmonary hypertension than 6 weeks of age, even if foetal echo performed.
a. PPHN • If corrective cardiac surgery long term cardiology follow-up
▪. 5%-34% of DS population, no difference between needed
infants with and without CHD9,17 • Early recognition and management of aspiration, obstructive
b. PH in childhood sleep apnoea and recurrent LRTI could reduce risk of
▪. Associated with CHD in 44.8% and respiratory developing PH in later childhood
causes in 17.9%23 • Regular cardiovascular assessment for young people and
adults to exclude valvular dysfunction
Neurological Issues • Epilepsy • Low threshold for referral for EEG if any unusual flexor
1. Infantile spasms 2%-13%38 movements to assess for hypsarrhythmia
▪. Lower risk of developing subsequent epilepsy40 • Evidence of repetitive play, limited social communication
▪. Associated with poor neurodevelopmental and other behaviours should prompt interprofessional
outcomes.36 assessment for presence of a comorbid neuropsychiatric
2. Increased risk of other seizure types disorder
3. Association with autistic spectrum disorder (10%-
18%) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder28
Gastrointestinal • Structural issues- • Comprehensive new-born examination and history
Issues 1. Congenital anomalies • The following should prompt urgent assessment:
▪. Duodenal atresia ( 3%-13%) 45 a. Meconium < 48 hours
▪. Anal Stenosis/ atresia (1%-4%) 47 b. Bilious vomiting
▪. Oesophageal atresia/ Tracheoesophageal atresia c. Increased secretions
(0.3%-0.8%) 47 d. With abdominal distension
▪. Hirschsprung's Disease (1%-3%) 48 • Consider PFA, contrast study, surgical review and possible
• Functional biopsy
1. Constipation • Constipation is prominent issue:
2. Gastro-oesophageal reflux a. Initially should be combatted with dietary changes
3. Coeliac Disease-(5%-7.5%)52,53 b. Addition of medication-macrogols or lactulose if necessary
c. If refractory consider late diagnosis of Hirschsprung's
• GOR occurs frequently in infants < 12 months;
a. Advise on feeding position and pacing.
b. Medication such as H2 blocker or proton pump inhibitor
may be required
• Coeliac disease may have insidious presentation (abdominal
pain, constipation, behavioural changes, weight loss)
a. Low threshold for investigation with IgA and TTG.
b. Establishing HDL status and elimination of those who do
not carry HLA-DQ2 /8 will reduce the numbers needed to
screen by 60%
Endocrine & • Hypothyroidism • Routine newborn screening will detect congenital
Growth a. Congenital thyroid disease hypothyroidism.
▪. 26-fold increase compared with general • DSMIG UK and Ireland recommend annual TFT & TPO Ab
population55,139 antibody levels until age 5 years and at least biannually
b. Autoimmune hypothyroidism thereafter13
▪. Associated with TPO Ab • AAP recommend annual TFTs14
c. Subclinical hypothyroidism (25%-60%)57,139 • If symptoms of polydipsia, polyurea and weight loss perform
▪. Tends to be transient and self-limiting urinary dip stick for glycosuria and random blood sugar level
• Hyperthyroidism (0.65%-3%)57 • Use DS specific growth charts
• T1DM
a. 4-fold increase28
b. High prevalence of anti-islet antibodies
• Growth
a. Lower height of 2 standard deviations below
general population
b. Reduce height velocity22

LAGAN et al. |

TA B L E 1   (Continued)

Organ Issues Management

Respiratory issues • Recurrent lower respiratory tract infection • Immunisations up to date in accordance with local guidelines
a. 42% of all admissions72-74 • Recommend pneumococcal23 and annual influenza
▪. More severe illness vaccination
▪. Prolonged hospital stay • Consider prophylactic antibiotic if recurrent chest infections
▪. Increase risk of ICU • RSV prophylaxis specially if other comorbidities77
▪. Requiring ventilatory support with RSV • Feeding Eating Drinking Swallow (FEDS) assessment if
• Chronic Rhinitis persistent respiratory symptoms
• Pulmonary aspiration
Ear, Nose and • Hearing loss −38%-78%84 • Neonatal Hearing screening for sensorineural hearing loss
Throat issues a. OME most common cause of conductive loss • Audiology assessment annual until 5 years of age followed by
▪. 93% of children age 1 year biannual assessment-AAP & DSMIG13,14
▪. 68% by 5 years85 • Chronic rhinitis—steroid therapy and a course of antibiotic
b. Sensorineural hearing loss therapy
▪. 60% unilateral88 • Stridor or recurrent episodes of croup warrant Ear Nose and
▪. 4% infants Throat Specialist review.
▪. 20% in young persons and adults88
• Chronic Rhinitis
a. Secondary to anatomical differences84,86
• Structural anomalies
a. Subglottic stenosis
▪. Lead to recurrent episode of croup
b. Laryngomalacia
c. Tracheomalacia
d. Bronchomalacia
e. Tracheal bronchus (20%)72
Sleep Disordered • Increased incidence 20%-80% • Polysomnography for every child with DS by age 4-AAP14
Breathing • Myriad of symptoms-snoring, restless sleep, flexed • Annual screening of children from infancy to 3-5 years with
forward position, daytime somnolence, behavioural pulse oximetry-RCPCH
changes • Low threshold for investigating old children if symptomatic
Haematology and • Neonatal • Full blood count (FBC) and smear are performed in the
Oncology a. Thrombocytopenia neonatal period
b. Polycythaemia(99 • Annual FBC and ferritin to assess for iron deficiency
c. TAM 10%-15%7 annually-AAP14
▪. Clinical features; hepatosplenomegally, bleeding,
petechiae, pericardial and pleural effusion, and
▪. >10% blasts and GATA1 mutation7
▪. >80% undergo spontaneous remission
▪. 20% will develop AML100,102
• Childhood
a. AML
▪. Presents < 5 years
▪. Preceded by slowly progressive myelodysplastic
▪. GATA1 mutation
▪. Acute megakaryoblasts responsive to
▪. 5-year survival rate at 80%
b. ALL
▪. No associated preleukaemic phase
▪. Profile of ALL in children with DS does not differ
▪. Precursor B cell ALL is the predominant form
▪. Hypodiploidy and chromosomal translocations are
less common (~ 20%)

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TA B L E 1   (Continued)

Organ Issues Management

Immune function • Children with DS are an increased risk of infection • If history of recurrent infection low threshold for immune
a. Particularly by respiratory tract infections, work up including:
▪. high incidence of hospitalisations, a. T/B cell subset
▪. prolonged duration b. Vaccination titres
▪. increased severity c. Immunoglobulins
b. Mortality from sepsis is > 30%71 d. Immunology review
c. 12 times increased risk for mortality104 e. Prophylactic antibiotics
• Adaptive immunity dysfunction • Immunisation is up to date with local schedule
a. Reduced ranges of T and B cell lymphocytes
subsets from infancy 106
b. A smaller thymus size
c. Reduced naïve T-cell and regulatory T-cell
numbers noted 107
d. Suboptimal antibody response to vaccinations

e. Pro-inflammatory cytokines are

• Innate immune dysfunction
a. Abnormal neutrophil chemotaxis
b. Defective phagocytic activity have been
Renal Issues • Renal impairment not been a typical association. • Renal imaging if
• Congenital anomalies (4%) a. abnormal antenatal imaging
a. 4-5 times higher121 b. evidence of recurrent urinary tract infections
b. Frequent abnormalities include: c. abnormal urea and creatinine
▪. posterior urethral values
▪. pyelectasis and mega ureters,
▪. renal hypoplasia,
▪. horseshoe kidney or renal ectopia122
• Renal function lower than the general population123
a. Prevalence of chronic renal failure 4.5%122
Musculoskeletal • Arthropathy of Down syndrome (A-DS) • Paediatric Gait, Arms, Legs and Spinal (pGALS) assessment
issues a. Prevalence of A-DS is 8.7-20/1000, 6 times higher part of the routine paediatric assessment.
than JIA.124,125 • Laboratory markers may be normal or elevated.
b. Proximal interphalangeal joints, wrists, • MRI with gadolinium may aid diagnoses if there is clinical
metacarpophalangeal joints and knees are most uncertainty
commonly affected • Evaluating a child for the development of signs and symptoms
c. 30% will respond to first-line therapies124 of AAI
d. High index of suspicion—due to poor verbal skills a. Comprehensive history
and altered pain expression b. Neurological examination
• 20% will experience orthopaedic problems c. Flexion extension lateral C spine radiography for
secondary to joint laxity and hypermobility.44 symptomatic children
• Atlanto-axial instability (AAI) • Orthotic supports to prevent the consequences of pes planus
a. Symptomatic AAI occurs when a displaced • Low threshold for preforming hip x-ray
odontoid process impinges on the spinal cord. a. Limp ( also consider FBC)
b. Can present with significant neurological findings b. Refusing to weight bear
including spinal compression or death128 c. Not walking by 2 years
c. AAI occurs in 1%-2%
• High incidence of other orthopaedic problems
secondary to joint laxity
a. Foot deformities
▪. Pes planus 70%-90%125
▪. Hallux valgus
▪. Syndactyly
b. Scoliosis-5%,125
c. Hip instability 1%-7%130
▪. Evolve into habitual dislocation to persistent
subluxation and eventually fixed dislocation.
d. Patellofemoral instability
e. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis

LAGAN et al. |

TA B L E 1   (Continued)

Organ Issues Management

Ophthalmology • Increase risk of ophthalmological issues with age • Neonatal examination to rule out congenital anomalies•
a. 38% of children less than 1 year Ophthalmological assessments from 2 years of age
b. 80% aged 5-12 years.3 biannually-AAP, DSMIG13,14
▪. Increased incidence of refractive errors • Prior to age 2, frequent assessment assessing visual
▪. Oblique astigmatism behaviour and strabismus
▪. Esodeviation strabismus
▪. Poor visual acuity
▪. Cataracts
▪. Blepharitis
▪. Nystagmus 30% 133
Dermatology • Increased prevalence of • Systemic examination to include careful examination of the
a. 36% of seborrheic dermatitis.136 skin and refer to dermatology as required.
b. pityrosporum folliculitis
• Alopecia areata ranges from 1% to 11%137
a. associated with other autoimmune conditions
including vitiligo
• Oral manifestations including macroglossia, fissured
tongue and geographical tongue occur in 80% of
• Increased risk of oral candida infections.
• Syringomas occurs 30 times greater
• Other rare conditions such as milia like calcinosis
cutis occur on the hands and feet

Abbreviations: ALL, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia; AML, Acute Myeloid Leukaemia; ASD, Atrial Septal Defect; AVSD, Atrioventricular septal
Defect; CHD, Congenital Heart disease; ECG, Electrocardiogram; EEG, electroencephalogram; OME, Otitis media with effusion; PFA, plain film
radiograph; PGALS, Paediatric Gait, Arms, Legs and Spinal; PH, Pulmonary hypertension; PPHN, Persistent Pulmonary hypertension of the newborn;
TAM, Transient abnormal myelopoiesis; TFT, Thyroid function testing; TPO AB, Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies; VSD, Ventricular Septal Defect.

marginally increased compared to the general population.16 CHD in morbidity and mortality. 23 Children with uncorrected septal de-
DS is more commonly associated with females particularly AVSD fects will develop shunting of systemic blood to the pulmonary
and VSD. Where CHD is present the five-year survival rates in circulation leading to pulmonary arterial hypertension. This oc-
children with DS is 92% compared to 94.2% in children with struc- curs post-surgical correction in some complex cases. Bush et al
turally normal hearts. Mortality was highest for those with CHD and reviewed the risk factors for developing later PH in children with
other extra-cardiac malformations, with 93% of deaths occurring in DS (n = 284), 44.8% were associated with CHD, 17.9% by respira-
the first year of life. Mortality of children with DS and CHD com- tory causes. 23
pared to children with normal chromosomes and CHD was similar. The high incidence of PPHN and PH in infants and children
Visootsak et al compared the neurodevelopment of children at two with DS is likely secondary to abnormalities in pulmonary vas-
years of age with DS and AVSD compared to age-matched controls culature development, impairment in regulation of vascular tone
with DS without AVSD and a delay in all domains was noted, only the and impaired vascular endothelial function. 2,17,23 In CHD there is
motor domain was statistically significant. increased exposure to left to right shunt flow which can cause a
Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) sheer stress on the endothelium and induce endothelial dysfunc-
has an incidence of 5%-34% in the DS population compared to tion. Children with DS and CHD have an increased preponderance
0.1% in the general population. Bush et al reported PPHN in to develop PH than children with CHD without a background of
over 9% (n  =  1242) of infants born with DS, 5% had persistent DS. 22
pulmonary hypertension at one year. In this study, PPHN was con- Adults with DS have a low incidence of atherosclerotic disease
sidered to occur in children in the absence of CHD. Weijerman and appear to have a reduction in the development of atheroma
et al reported an incidence 5.2% (n = 482) of PPHN and 36% had and atherosclerosis. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures are
no associated CHD.9 Martin et al described an incidence of 34% measured to be lower in the DS population. With adults >30 years
(n  =  121) of PPHN, with no difference between infants with DS the diagnosis of hypertension and use of antihypertensive medica-
and without CHD. 22 PH was associated with a longer duration of tion is much lower than the general population. Hence, the rates of
hospital stay, increased need for ventilation and requirement for coronary artery disease in this population are significantly lower
nitric oxide therapy. 22 than the general population. 2,24 However, adults with DS and with
The presence of CHD increases the likelihood of developing and out CHD are at increased risk of valvular disease. Adults who
pulmonary hypertension (PH) and is associated with increased have previously had a surgical repair for AVSD are at increased
1102       LAGAN et al.

risk of Eisengmenger syndrome and/or left ventricular outflow DS and idiopathic IS have relapse rate of 10%-20%. However,
obstruction with Aortic valve dysfunction. Serial cardiology fol- Sanmaneechai et al noted an increased relapse rate in the DS pop-
low-up postcorrective surgery is essential. 25 Vis et al, noted 77% ulation (57% (n  =  12)) which they suggested may be related to a
(n = 138) adults without CHD had mild to moderate regurgitation long time to initiation of treatment.41 Beatty et al found children
in one or more valves; therefore, it is important for opportunistic with DS and IS were diagnosed and treated similar to patients with
cardiovascular examination at medical reviews with prompt refer- idiopathic IS, with no statistical differences in age of onset, timing
ral for echocardiogram if necessary. 26,27 of diagnosis and acute treatment response. However, the DS co-
hort had a lower risk of developing subsequent epilepsy.40 When
neurodevelopmental outcomes were compared in children with
2.1 | Neurodevelopmental DS and IS group scored lower on all developmental domains when
compared to children with DS without IS. 36 Sanmaneechai et al
Down syndrome is the most common single cause of intellectual reported 5% (n = 8) of their cohort had comorbid autistic spectrum
disability, and there is an association with neurodevelopmental disorder (ASD).41
disorders such as autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention Children and adults with DS are at increased risk of other sei-
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The prevalence of ASD in zure types as well as IS. This may be related to hypoxic ischaemic
children with DS is significantly higher in the DS population (10%- events in those with significant CHD or from perinatal insults
18%) compared to 1% in the typically developing population. 28 on a background of an increased genetic susceptibility.40 Elderly
Although likely to be more evident in individuals with severe intel- patients with DS particularly with Alzheimer Diseases have an
lectual impairment, all children with DS are an increased risk of increased susceptibility to develop late-onset myoclonic  epi-
ASD. It has been suggested individuals with DS and autism spec- lepsy  (LOMEDS). The association of generalised  epilepsy  with
trum disorder have a different phenotypic presentation; with less elderly DS represents an epiphenomenon in evolution which is
social withdrawal. Intellectual disability (ID) is synonymous associated with a progressive deterioration of cognitive and motor
with DS; however, levels of impairment can vary from a mild in- functions.42
tellectual disability to severe or even profound, Van Wouwe An increased prevalence with Moya-Moya syndrome in indi-
et al reviewed the cognitive ability of children with DS in Dutch viduals with Down syndrome has been noted of up to 26-fold.43
schools, the level of cognitive disability was mostly moderate, Moya-Moya is a chronic, occlusive, cerebrovascular disorder char-
43%; however, the distribution was wide with 30% severe, 10% acterised by the progressive stenosis of the internal carotid arter-
profound and 17% mild. 31,32 Genetic and environmental factors ies and circle of Willis, with concomitant formation of tortuous
must be taken into consideration. However, further mechanisms arterial collateral vessels at the base of the brain. It can present
must exist. Over eighty conditions are associated with trisomy with cerebral ischaemia and stroke. Therefore, it is imperative
21, but all do not occur within the one individual thus epigenetic prompt assessment of patients presenting with new focal neu-
differences are likely to be involved. 33,34 Visuo-spatial processing rological deficits, even if transient, to be assessed by MRI and
and perception are relative strengths in people with Down syn- MRA.43 The association between Moya-Moya and DS is poorly
drome, where verbal short term memory appears to be an area of understood. It is hypothesised it may be secondary to a genetic
difficulty. 22,35 This variation in the level of intellectual disability predominance to abnormal vasculature or to an autoimmunolog-
can prove challenging when counselling families. A few studies ical pathophysiology.44
have looked at the impact of congenital heart disease, structural
GI abnormalities and infantile spasms on the neurodevelopmental
outcome on children with DS. 34,36,37 Studies are small in number. A 2.2 | Gastrointestinal
diagnosis of CHD and infantile spasms appears to have a negative
impact on all domains of development. Children with DS are at an increased risk of structural and func-
Epilepsy, particularly, infantile spasms have an increased prev- tional abnormalities of the gastrointestinal (GI) system. After con-
alence rates of up 2%-13% 38 in children with DS compared to 1% genital heart disease (CHD), congenital anomalies of the GI system
in the general population. It has been hypothesised the increase are most frequently reported with a prevalence of 3%-13%.45
in seizure susceptibility is secondary to genetic changes to ion Duodenal atresia (DA) is the most common GI anomaly and 25% of
channel and neurotransmitter function. Infantile spasms (IS) or infants born with DA also have a diagnosis of DS and other anoma-
West syndrome is the most common epilepsy associated with DS lies in 68%.46 The prevalence of DA in children with DS has been
occurring in 2%-5%. West syndrome is an early epileptic en- estimated as 1%-5%, this is supported by a large study of 1892
cephalopathy characterised by epileptic spasms, hypsarrhythmia infants born with DS in North America.47 Anal stenosis/atresia
pattern on EEG and development regression, typically present- has been documented to be found in 1%-4% of infants with DS.
ing at 6-8  months of age. The first line of treatment in children Oesophageal atresia and trachea-oesophageal fistula is less com-
without Tuberous sclerosis is high dose prednisolone. Early treat- mon in the DS population but has a higher prevalence than in the
ment is associated with improved outcomes. Children without general population of 0.3%-0.8%.47
LAGAN et al. |

Hirschsprung's disease is also commonly associated with DS oc- is associated with the presence of Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) anti-
curring in 1%-3% of infants with DS, and 5% of Hirschsprung's dis- body. As TPO antibodies increase with age, autoimmune hypothy-
ease is associated with DS.48 Hirschsprung disease can present with roidism is more common after the age of 8 years. The presence of
severe constipation, abdominal distension and acutely with signs of antibodies increases the likelihood that clinical hypothyroidism will
obstruction, or in the newborn period with delayed passage of me- develop over time57,58 Children with DS can also develop AI hyper-
conium. There is some evidence that children with Hirschsprung's thyroidism more frequently than the general population although
disease and DS will have persistent bowel dysfunction postcorrec- much less commonly than hypothyroidism. 59 Hyperthyroidism oc-
tive surgery with removal of the aganglionic bowel segment with curs in DS population at an increased incidence (0.65%-3%). It is
faecal incontinence and diarrhoea. Short segment Hirschsprung's more commonly seen in adulthood and is a result of autoimmune
disease may be more difficult to diagnose and many not be clinically process. 57
symptomatic until after 2 years of age. Subclinical hypothyroidism with elevated levels of thyroid stim-
Constipation is commonly reported in the DS population ulating hormone and normal levels of thyroxine (T4) is the most
through childhood and adulthood likely as a consequence of hypo- common thyroid abnormality noted in children with DS, estimated
tonia, poor diet and a reduction in physical activity. Constipation between 25.3% and 60%57,60 It tends to be transient and self-lim-
may be a sign of hypothyroidism. An adult survey identified unex- iting.61 Gibson et al performed a longitudinal study of thyroid func-
plained severe constipation in 19% of responders, but this is likely tion in 103 patients with DS which showed, 70% of children with
to be under estimated in clinical practise.49,50 Gastro-oesophageal evidence of subclinical hypothyroidism had resolved on subsequent
reflux and feeding difficulties are common in infants with DS due to testing.62 Claret et al, reviewed the progress of 53 patients with
lower truncal tone and oral motor function. Varying rates in breast- subclinical hypothyroidism, the absence of a goitre and thyroid anti-
feeding have been reported and maybe relate to societal norms. bodies was associated with a greater rate of spontaneous remission
Weijerman et al noted a 30% reduction in breastfeeding rates in but the pathophysiology behind this is unclear.61 Tenenbaum et al
the Dutch population whilst Ergaz-Shaltiel et al reported 84% of reported subclinical hypothyroidism may have clinical sequalae such
infants were fed human milk. 51 Breastfeeding due to its advantages as hypotonia.63Trials of early thyroxine treatment in children with
in stimulating oro-motor development as well as immune properties DS have not shown improvements in neurodevelopmental outcomes
should be encouraged in infants with DS.31 Martin et al reported later on in life.64
high proportion of infants admitted to the postnatal ward will need The current recommendation from the DSMIG UK & Ireland
admission to the neonatal unit for feeding concerns (18% n = 54)).17 guidelines is a TSH  <  10  mU/L or the presence of TPO antibodies
Coeliac disease is estimated to have a prevalence of 5%- in the presence of normal FT4 and in the absence of clinical symp-
7.5% in the DS population, a ten-fold increase on the gen- toms does not warrant treatment, but may require more frequent
eral population. It presents more insidiously with abdominal pain, monitoring of thyroid function. Differing recommendations from
bloating, constipation and behavioural difficulties. The recom- the AAP guidelines and DSMIG UK & Ireland exist, the AAP recom-
mendation from the AAP is to review for symptoms of coeliac dis- mend annual TFTs, whilst the European group recommend annual to
ease at each visit, and if indicated investigated with human tissue 5 years followed at least biannually.13,14 No recommendation on the
transglutaminase (tTG) and endomysial antibodies, with a serum appropriate course of action or treatment threshold for subclinical
Immunoglobulin A (IgA).14 However, as constipation is a common hypothyroidism exists in the AAP guidelines.14 Due to the frequent
complaint in children with DS and a single negative coeliac screen blood sampling required in monitoring TFTS, a group from Scotland
will not out-rule coeliac disease for life, repeated screening has have developed an algorithm using capillary TSH screening which
been recommend every 2-3 years. Interestingly, by establishing could be performed in the community.65 However, capillary blood
HDL status and elimination of those who do not carry HLA-DQ2 sampling will not detect hyperthyroidism.
/8 which occur in 95% and 5% of patients with CD, respectively, Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) has been shown to be more common in
will reduce the numbers needed to screen by 60% by identifying those with DS in a number of studies.66,67 A Danish study showed
these high-risk groups. 52-54 4-fold increase in the DS population than general population, with a
peak incidence at a younger age of 8 years compared with 14 years.68
There is also increased onset of T1 Diabetes in early childhood (be-
2.3 | Endocrine and Growth fore age 2 or 3 years) in children with DS.4 Better glycaemic control
and lower rates of diabetes-related complications have been re-
Both acquired and congenital thyroid disorders are associated in ported in those with DS.4,69
individuals with DS. Infants born with DS have a significant in- Children with DS tend to have a lower frequency of the high-risk
creased incidence in congenital thyroid disease, with one study HLA genes compared to the general population with T1DM. Aitken
estimating it to be 26 times higher than the general population. 55 et al showed high prevalence of anti-islet antibodies in the DS pop-
Neonates with DS tend to have higher levels of Thyroid Stimulating ulation and increased co-occurrence of autoimmune disorders with
Hormone (TSH) and lower thyroxine. 56 Autoimmune thyroid dis- diabetes and thyroid dysfunction in 74%, and coeliac disease and
ease has a high prevalence in the Down syndrome population and diabetes 14% in their cohort.4
1104       LAGAN et al.

Children with DS follow a different growth pattern, presenting and treated unsuccessfully as asthma.74,81 The high incidence of
with a lower height of approximately of two standard deviations wheeze in children with DS is likely to be related to the associated
below the mean, and reduce growth velocities. 22 Growth charts structural abnormalities as it is recognised children with DS have less
have been developed for monitoring height and weight of children atopy. It may be associated with gastro-oesophageal reflux.
with DS.70 Growth should be monitored on these specific growth There is an increased prevalence of pulmonary aspiration in
charts which are essential to highlight changes in growth velocity the DS population which has serious medical consequences and in-
which may be a consequence of underlying medical problems, such creases the likelihood of developing a lower respiratory tract infec-
as, feeding difficulties, thyroid dysfunction, coeliac disease and ob- tion. It is commonly associated with infants and young children but
structive sleep apnoea. Growth parameters are ideally monitored at is likely to be persistent and under recognised. Pulmonary aspiration
each point of contact with the health surveillance team. can lead to chronic respiratory symptoms and pulmonary hyperten-
The UK and Irish DS specific growth charts clearly reflect the sion. Chest radiographs may be normal or show mild bronchial wall
tendency of excessive weight gain in this study sample particularly thickening with significant consolidation or atelectasis. Jackson et al
in later childhood. Clinical assessment and monitoring of body mass reviewed 158 patients with DS, 56.3% had evidence of aspiration of
index (BMI) are recommended from the age of 2  years. There is a which was silent in 90.2%. Thickened liquids were the most effective
high prevalence of overweight and obesity in those with DS with change to feeding technique.82
its resultant complications, such as, increased type 2 diabetes, but
this is not inevitable. Thyroid dysfunction should be excluded in
those with marked weight gain. Early and regular guidance regarding 2.5 | Ear, Nose and Throat
healthy dietary practices, physical activity and avoidance of seden-
tary behaviours should be put in place. Children with DS have a high prevalence of ear, nose and throat
abnormalities (ENT) which can have a significant impact on quality
of life. Issues can vary from recurrent rhinorrhoea to otitis media
2.4 | Respiratory Problems with effusion, obstructive sleep apnoea and hearing loss. This is
secondary to a combination of low tone, small mid face, narrow ear
Respiratory problems are common in children and adults with DS canals, macroglossia, adenotonsillar hypertrophy as well as immune
due to suboptimal immune function, structural abnormalities and dysfunction.83
congenital abnormalities. Children with DS have a 30% increased Hearing loss and recurrent ear infections are the primary reason
risk of sepsis.71 Respiratory tract infections are the most common for referral to the ENT services. Overall children and adults with
cause of admission in children with DS (42% of all admissions) and DS have a significantly higher incidence of hearing loss (38%-78%)
the most common cause of mortality after CHD. Children with than the general population (2.5%). 84 Otitis media with effusion is
DS have a higher incidence of acute lung injury with lower respira- the most common cause of conductive hearing loss in children. Barr
tory tract infections compared to controls.72 LRTI and CHD remain et al note 93% of children with Down syndrome had otitis media
important causes of mortality and morbidity in children with DS.75 with effusion (OME) aged 1 year and decreased to 68% by the 5th
A recent metanalysis by Beckhaus et al, highlighted children with DS year of life. 85 The high prevalence of OME is felt to be related to the
had a significantly higher risk of severe RSV infection compared to difference in Eustachian tube length. A more cylindrical shape and
children without DS with a longer and more severe illness with pro- smaller in width and that can be associated with an abnormal inser-
longed hospital stays and increase risk of ICU admission and requir- tion point. Secondary to the generalised hypotonia in children with
ing ventilatory support. This and other recent studies suggest the DS can have poor function of the tensor veli palatine muscle of the
introduction of RSV prophylaxis in this high-risk population.77 The palate, which is responsible for opening and closing the Eustachian
risk of hospitalisation with RSV of children with DS is at a 6.1-8.7- tube resulting in the development of otitis media with effusion. 86
fold increase in comparison to children without DS.78 Stenotic ear canals can occur of up to 40%-50% of infants with DS
Tracheal bronchus is a common congenital abnormality in chil- and 80% are associated with OME. 84,86 The treatment of OME is
dren with DS occurring in up to 20% of patients. This occurs when the placement of positive pressure equalisation tubes (grommets)
the right bronchus develops from the trachea leading to persistent and or hearing aids. 87 Many children will need recurrent grommet
right upper lobe atelectasis and pneumonia.74 Tracheomalacia and insertion (>50%). 84 Grommets can be complicated by small narrow
bronchomalacia are common in DS and can cause noisy breathing, ear canals and otorrhea and are extruded at an increased rate to the
wheeze and stridor which may mimic asthma and croup.74 Bertrand general population. Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) occurs in 4%
et al found 50% of children with DS undergoing a fibre-optic bron- of infants on newborn hearing screening, 88 and 60% are unilateral.
choscopy had laryngomalacia, and many had associated CHD.79 However, the incidence of SNHL increases with age, with a preva-
Increased rates of subglottal stenosis are also recognised. lence of 20% in young people and adults with DS. 83 Children with
Chronic rhinitis is commonly seen in patients with DS; however, DS due to their cognitive delay are at an increased risk for speech
atopic conditions such as eczema, food allergies and hay fever are and language delay therefore it is important to assess and monitor
less frequently diagnosed. Wheeze is commonly reported by parents for hearing loss and treat as appropriately.
LAGAN et al. |

Children with DS have an increased incidence of chronic rhinosi- Screening for OSA using ambulatory pulse oximetry has a sensi-
nusitis. This is felt to be related to the anatomical differences with tivity of 96% and specificity of 52% in children with DS. This has the
mid face hypoplasia and narrow nasal passages which leads to mucus potential to greatly reduce the number of children needing full PSG
pooling and stagnation which drives infection only to increase mu- in order to make the diagnosis.94
cous production in addition to a dysfunctional immune function.86,88 The treatment of OSA in children remains difficult. AAP rec-
Treatment may involve trial of nasal wash outs, nasal steroids, an- ommends adenotonsillectomy in first instance for all children with
tihistamine, topical decongestants and antibiotic therapy. If there OSA and tonsillar hypertrophy. A surgical approach is successful in
is evidence of adenoid hypertrophy, adenoidectomy may improve up to 80% of children. However, in a chid with DS there are many
symptoms.86,88 confounding variables including the midfacial anatomy and tonal
An increased incidence of subglottic stenosis is recognised in problems which add to the aetiology of OSA. Maris et al reviewed
children with DS. It is generally mild or asymptomatic but may pres- the outcomes of adenotonsillectomy in children with DS and OSA
ent as recurrent episodes of stridor and croup or as a difficult in- and although significant improvement in OAHI was noted, persistent
tubation. A smaller endotracheal tube is often required in children OSA was found in 47%.89 Continuous positive airway pressure ven-
with DS. tilation is used in children with severe OSA which is persistent after
adenotonsillectomy or who surgery is not feasible. This is tolerated
poorly with estimated compliance rates of approximately 50%.96,98
2.6 | Sleep disordered breathing and Mild OSA is often medically treated with intranasal steroids and
Down syndrome Montelukast but the true efficiency of medical management has not
been established.98
Incidence of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) in the general pae-
diatric population is estimated to be 2%89 and associated with
detrimental effects on behaviour and cognition. However, there is 2.7 | Haematology and oncology
a higher incidence in the DS population throughout all ages.90 The
increased incidence maybe related to anatomical differences with Children with DS have an increased risk of myeloid leukaemia and
midface hypoplasia, macroglossia, adenotonsillar hypertrophy and other haematological problems.99 They may not always be sympto-
muscle hypotonia as well as with an increased prevalence of phar- matic so a full blood count in the first few days of life is important.
yngo-laryngomalacia stenosis. Comorbidities such as obesity, hy- Thrombocytopenia and polycythaemia are commonly seen in the
pothyroidism and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease increase the neonatal period. Thrombocytopenia is not always an indicator of se-
likelihood of developing sleep disordered breathing.91 The preva- rious illness but rather a feature of DS but sepsis must be outruled
lence of sleep disorders is 20%-80% in children with DS. Maris as these infants have are at increased risk.5 Neonatal polycythaemia
et al in 2016 showed a prevalence of OSA of 66.4% in their cohort of occurs with a 20-fold excess in DS than the general population.99 It
children with DS who were referred with clinical concerns. Hill occurs independently of cyanotic heart disease and often resolves
et al performed polygraphy on 188 children with DS under the age by the 8th week of life. Polycythaemia is almost three times more
of 4 as per the AAP guidelines and estimated a prevalence of 44%, likely to occur if thrombocytopenia exists.99
of which 14% had severe OSA. Severity was not predicted by Transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM) is one of the most clini-
age, tonsillar size or BMI centile. cally significant abnormalities to occur in the neonatal period in DS
Symptoms of sleep disordered breathing in children with DS with an incidence of 10%-15%.7 TAM is characterised by increased
can present with a myriad of symptoms such as heavy breathing, circulating blast cells which contain a mutation in the key haemato-
snoring, restless sleep, unusual sleeping position including sleep- poietic transcription factor GATA1. TAM may be asymptomatic in si-
ing flexed forward, frequent waking and daytime somnolence.96 lent TAM or be symptomatic with a mortality rate of up to 20%.6,7,100
Although it is important to note child may have no sleep symp- Clinical features of TAM include hepatosplenomegaly, bleeding and
toms but display changes in behaviour, attention and academic petechiae, effusions (pericardial and pleural) and skin rash and can
performance.97 Children with DS are at increased risk of devel- lead to significant hepatic fibrosis. TAM may present in foetal life
oping adverse complications of OSA and 60% have a congenital with hydrops fetalis.6,7 TAM is characterised by an increased number
heart disease increasing the likelihood of developing pulmonary of blast cells in the peripheral blood. However, many asymptomatic
hypertension. The AAP recommend universal screening for ob- children with DS with have occasional blasts on blood film as a ne-
structive sleep apnoea (OSA) with a polysomnography by age 4 in onate. There is poor consensus internationally on the percentage
all children with DS regardless of symptoms.14 There is a poor cor- blast threshold for a diagnosis of TAM. The Oxford Imperial Down
relation between parental reported symptoms and PSG results14 Syndrome Cohort (OIDSC) defined TAM as >10% of peripheral blasts
leading the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health to rec- and a GATA1 mutation7 and had an incidence of 8.5% (n  =  200).
ommend annual screening of children from infancy to 3-5  years The criteria identified all neonates with clinically significant TAM.
with pulse oximetry.13 Silent TAM was regarded as <10% blasts cells and a positive GATA1
1106       LAGAN et al.

mutation and these infants were asymptomatic. The majority of increased risk of infection, particularly by respiratory tract infec-
cases (>80%) will undergo spontaneous resolution of both clinical tions, with high incidence of hospitalisations, prolonged duration
and laboratory abnormalities by 3 months of age.6,7,100 Those infants and increased severity.73 Mortality from sepsis is 30% greater in
with severe or life threatening symptoms may be treated with low patients with DS in comparison to the children without DS who
chemotherapy, cytarabine 1-1.5 mg/kg/day either intravenously or are admitted for treatment of sepsis.71 Hill et al noted a 12 times
subcutaneously. increased risk for mortality due to infections in individuals with
Retrospective studies estimate that 20% of neonates with clin- DS.104 The increased susceptibility to infections in children with
ically significant TAM will develop myeloid leukaemia of DS (ML- DS is associated with anatomical factors such as airway and ear
DS).6,100,102 In most cases, there is an apparent remission before the anomalies and gastro-oesophageal reflux, as well as immune fac-
development of ML-DS. All cases of ML-DS have a GATA1 mutation, tors thus often manifest as recurrent respiratory tract infections.
therefore TAM is clonal neonatal preleukaemic disorder. The fac- Respiratory tract infections are associated with more severe ill-
tors which predict the development of ML-DS from TAM are un- ness in individuals with DS suggesting dysfunction in the adaptive
known. However, as silent TAM can also progress, it is unlikely to immunity.105 Immune dysregulation has been noted with reduced
be related solely to the size of the clonal mutation. Hence children ranges of T and B cell lymphocytes subsets from infancy.106 A
who have had neonatal TAM are monitored for evolving clinical and smaller thymus size in comparison to age-matched controls with re-
laboratory signs of ML-DS. There is no evidence to support the use duced naïve T-cell and regulatory T-cell numbers noted.107 Kuster et
of cytarabine in neonates solely to prevent later development of al found a suboptimal antibody response to vaccinations. 108-110 Pro-
ML-DS and is not recommended. inflammatory cytokines are dysregulated in patients with DS.111,112
ML-DS is a classified subtype of acute myeloid leukaemia The innate immune system also appears to be dysfunctional in in-
which only occurs in children with DS. It typically presents in the dividuals with DS. Abnormal neutrophil chemotaxis and defective
first five years of life and is preceded by a slowly progressive my- phagocytic activity have been reported.113,114
elodysplastic prodrome of 4-24  months, a GATA1 mutation and Immune dysregulation is important feature of DS such as reduced
megakaryoblastic lineage. These blasts have a similar immuno- T and B lymphocyte counts,105,115 altered serum cytokines111,116 and
phenotypic profile with typical megakaryocytic morphology and suboptimal antibody responses to immunisation108,109,117 Hence, a
co-expression of stem/progenitor markers of those seen in TAM. diagnosis of DS implies a primary immunodeficiency and children
ML-DS blasts are highly sensitive to cytarabine with 5-year sur- should receive annual influenza vaccination as well as 23-valent
vival rates at 80%. 6,7,99,100,102 pneumococcal vaccination from 2  years with consideration to the
Children with DS have a 20-fold increased risk of developing Meningococcal ACWY should be given in addition to the recom-
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL). There is no associated pre- mended immunisation guidelines.118 The longer term immunogenic-
leukaemic prophase in DS-ALL and the profile of ALL in children with ity of vaccinations is unclear at present, boosters maybe required.
DS does not differ from that of the general population. However, Paliviziumab prophylaxis in children with DS under 2  years of age
children with DS-ALL have poor outcomes compared to the general may be efficacious and safe in preventing RSV related complications
population.6 Precursor B cell ALL is the predominant form and T-cell in this vulnerable population.75,77
ALL is very rare. Hypodiploidy and chromosomal translocations are The phenotype of immunodeficiency most often resemble com-
less common in the DS children (~20%) as compared with the gen- mon variable immunodeficiency (CVID) with sinopulmonary infec-
eral paediatric population (60%).6,99,102 Although children with DS tions and hypogammaglobulinaemia. Individuals with DS have been
are at an increased risk of leukaemia, solid tumours are much less noted to have low numbers of memory B cells with reduced prolif-
common. eration similar to that of CVID.119 The defects in B cell memory may
In older children, DS is associated with increased mean red offer an explanation to why children with DS have recurrent infec-
cell volume (MCV) and haematocrit. There are generally normal tions to the same pathogen. Therefore, some patients with DS and
B12 and folate levels. There is some data that haemoglobin levels recurrent infections warrant treatment with long term prophylaxis
maybe higher in children with DS. It has been hypothesised that and a small proportion of patients ultimately need immunoglobulin
it may be a reflection of enhanced erythropoiesis in response to replacement therapy. The presence of immune dysfunction, particu-
impaired oxidative metabolism.99 Due to poor dietary habits, iron larly B cell, in children maybe responsible for the increased associa-
deficient anaemia is common in children and young people with tion with autoimmune dysfunction.120
DS and may have a negative impact on development and general
well being.103
2.9 | Renal

2.8 | Immunology Renal impairment in children with DS has not been a typical associa-
tion. It has been reported 4% of children with DS will have congeni-
DS is the most common genetic syndrome associated with abnor- tal anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT). There is an
mal immune function and immune defects. Children with DS are an increased prevalence CAKUP in the DS population, up to 4-5 times
LAGAN et al. |

higher compared to the general population.121 The most common findings including spinal compression or death.128 AAI occurs in
urinary anomalies generally are obstructive in nature. Frequent ab- 1%-2% of individuals with DS. AAI occurs due to an increased
normalities include posterior urethral values, pyelectasis and mega laxity of the muscles and ligaments, especially the transverse alar
ureters, as well as renal malformations such as renal hypoplasia, ligament, between C1 and C2 vertebrae. Symptomatic AAI occurs
horseshoe kidney or renal ectopia.122 as well as hypospadias, cryp- when a displaced odontoid process impinges on the spinal cord.
torchidism and a smaller penis. Renal imaging is generally reserved Permanent or sudden damage to the spinal cord rarely occurs
for those children with abnormal antenatal imaging, evidence of without previous neurological symptoms. Treatment for AAI is
recurrent urinary tract infections or abnormal urea and creatinine. limited to surgical stabilisation of the atlanto-axial complex and is
Even in the absence of renal anomalies, the renal function in chil- recommended for patients with an atlanto-axial distance greater
dren with DS is assumed to be lower than the general population. than 10 mm. Red flags for symptomatic AAI include as follows: de-
Yamakawa et al report children with DS (n  =  108) had 80% the velopment of neck pain, torticollis, reduced range of neck move-
kidney function of health Japanese children. Although a variety of ments, deterioration of gait, frequent falls, increased fatigability
urological abnormalities and glomerulopathies have been report in on walking, deterioration of manipulative skills, change in sphinc-
children with DS, no specific glomerulopathy has been associated. ter control and positive findings on neurological exam suggestive
However, some autopsy studies in patients with DS found typical of an upper motor neurone lesion including increased tone and
findings such as glomerular microcysts, tubular dilation and imma- deep tendon reflexes.125,128 Previously, radiological screening was
ture glomeruli.123 Metabolic abnormalities such as hyperuricosuria considered to be the best tool for the early detection of AAI; how-
and hypercalciuria have been noted. The prevalence of chronic ever, it is now recognised that x-rays are unreliable and have a low
renal failure has been reported at 4.5%.122 Cases of end-stage renal correlation with clinical indicators of AAI, low reproducibility and
failure have been documented.122 poor sensitivity. A normal radiography does not out-rule a child
will not develop AAI in the future, nor does a positive radiograph
guarantee an actionable level of risk. Evaluating a child for the de-
2.10 | Musculoskeletal velopment of signs and symptoms by comprehensive history and
neurological examination is now the mainstay of screening for AAI
Children with DS have an increased association with autoimmune with symptomatic children being assessed further with flexion ex-
disorders and an association with arthropathy. The term arthropa- tension lateral C spine radiography.125
thy of Down syndrome (A-DS) has been coined to describe the Children with DS have a high incidence of other orthopaedic
unique musculoskeletal and immunological features associated with problems including foot deformities, scoliosis and hip instability sec-
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) in children with DS. Prevalence of ondary to joint laxity. Historically, 70% of the DS population have
A-DS is 8.7/1000, 6 times higher than JIA. However, Foley et al re- evidence of pes planus, but Foley et al report a nearly universal inci-
cently documented a prevalence of 20 per 1000 in a cohort of 503 dence(91%).129 Other foot problems include hallux valgus and syn-
children with DS, 7% had A-DS. At present guidelines do not dactyly. 1%-7% of children have hip instability.130 Hypermobility of
screen for arthropathy; however, there is a movement to include a the joint can evolve into habitual dislocation to persistent sublux-
Paediatric Gait, Arms, Legs and Spinal (pGALS) assessment as part ation and eventually fixed dislocation which can result in the loss
of the routine paediatric assessment. Children with A-DS initially of independent mobility. Surgical intervention is recommended for
present with a polyarticular, or oligoarticular disease, with joint patients with evidence of dislocation and subluxation. It can be dif-
swelling, and functional limitation of both small and large joints in a ficult to manage surgically given to the underlying pathophysiology.
symmetrical fashion. The proximal interphalangeal joints, wrists, International guidelines from the United States and Netherlands
metacarpophalangeal joints and knees are most commonly affected. recommend annual hip screening to enable early detection of hip
Laboratory markers may be normal or elevated. MRI with gadolin- involvement.131
ium may aid diagnoses if there is clinical uncertainty. There is a poor Scoliosis may also occur in adolescence with DS with an inci-
association with ocular complications. Although most children will dence 5%,125 an association with previous thoracotomy for treat-
need therapy with second line disease modifying agents, approxi- ment of congenital heart disease has been noted. Patellofemoral
mately 30% will respond to first-line therapies alone.124 Foley et al instability and slipped capital femoral epiphysis occurs more
reported a delay in diagnosis, therefore children were presenting often in children with DS. Early detection and treatment prevents
with significant joint damage and disability at time of diagnosis, with complications.125
bone erosions evident on x-ray in 42% of patients. A high index of
suspicion is required as children with DS may have poor verbal skills
and altered pain expression. 2.11 | Ophthalmology
Approximately 20% of children with DS will experience or-
thopaedic problems127 as a consequence of joint laxity and Children with DS are prone to a number of ophthalmological
hypermobility. Atlanto-axial instability (AAI) is one of the most se- disorders which tend to increase with age ranging from 38% of
rious complications as it can present with significant neurological children less than 1 year to 80% aged 5-12 years. 3 Children with
1108       LAGAN et al.

DS, in contrast to the general population will have increased in- an important cause of mortality in this population international con-
cidence of refractive errors as a consequence of a failure of em- sensus is required, together with continual research and develop-
metropisation. Oblique astigmatism occurs more frequently in ment into the implications of having a third copy of chromosome
DS and may increase with time as consequence of the palpebral 21. Expansion of guidelines to include the growing adult population
fissures. Esodeviation strabismus is common in children with with trisomy 21 is being undertaken to continue the high quality care
DS. Poor visual acuity is associated with DS. Ocular pathology being delivered.
should be outruled. Cataracts and blepharitis are common also.132
Nystagmus is present in 30% of patients.133 Keratoconus occurs C O N FL I C T S O F I N T E R E S T
in an increased incidence in young people with DS. Detailed cor- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
neal examinations should be completed in patients with DS to de-
tect keratoconus earlier, implement treatment and avoid further ORCID
visual impairments.134Hence, regular ophthalmological assess- Niamh Lagan
ments are necessary as outlined by the AAP guidelines and the
DSMIG Uk and Ireland annually to 5  years followed by biannual REFERENCES
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