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March 22, 2023

Lesson Plan in 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Grade – 10
4 A’s Approach


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Discuss what is literature;
2. Identify the literary forms, and genres in literature; and
3. Apply literary genres, or forms on their own work or literacy.


Topic: Definition of Literature

Instructional Materials: Power point presentation
References: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Module – 2 Quarter 2
Strategies: 4 A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)

Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

I. Preliminaries
a. Prayer Kindly stand for the opening prayer. (Michael will lead the
Michael, kindly lead the opening prayer, opening prayer)
and after the class please also lead the
closing prayer

b. Greetings Good afternoon class! Good after noon, Sir!

Please sit down! Thank you, Sir!

c. Checking the Do we have any absentees this afternoon? (The class secretary will
attendance Ms. Secretary, please list down the names list down all the absentees.)
of the absentees, and please give it to me

d. Checking of Class, did I give you an assignment No, Sir!

Assignments yesterday?


A. Activity Before we proceed to our discussion for

(Motivation) today, I have prepared some pictures, and I
want you to guess, what type of literary
genres or form are these?

Are you ready class? Yes, Sir!

(The teacher will present the picture using a

power point presentation)


Sir, the answer is Epic
Class, can you guess what time of literary
genre or form is Biag ni Lam-ang?

Yes, that is correct.



Can someone guess what type of literary Sir, the answer is Legend.
genre or form is the second picture?

Yes, that is correct once again.



Now, can someone guess what type of Sir, the answer is Myth
literary genre or form is the last picture?

Yes, that is correct.

B. Analysis The teacher will ask questions to the

students about the literary forms and genres

1. What is the difference between Epic

and Myth?

Can someone want to answer the question? (The students will raise
If you want to answer the question just raise their hand)
your hand.
Epic are stories of a Hero
The teacher will call a student who raised
who successfully
their hand.
conquered his/her journey.
While Myth is a story on
how life begins.

Great, that was a very good answer!

2. What is Legend?

Can someone want to answer the question? Legend are stories of the
origin of things.
The teacher will call a student who is
raising his/her hand.

Great answer. That is Correct!

C. Abstraction
Our topic for today is about the 21st Century
Literature from the Philippines and the

But before we proceed, let us discuss first,

what is History and why do we need to
study History.

In the past activities and group reporting,

we have discussed and tackled the periods
of the Philippine history.
(To have a better
Why do you think we need to study the understanding of the past,
past? and to make an inspiration
for the future.)
That is true, we need to travel along the
timeline of the past. And before we discuss
the present we need to go back to our roots,
that is why history is important, because
history tells us where we should go and
history will serve as our guide.

And before we go ahead and discuss the

literary forms and genres.

Let us first know our subject. The 21st

Century Literature.
The 21st Century started
When do you think the 21st Century starts January 01, 2001 and will
and when it would end? end in December 31, 2100.

Very good, that is correct.

When we say 21st century, this is the period

of time that started in January 01, 2001, and
will end in December 31, 2100. Literature is a work of men
pass down through
Now what is Literature? generations to generations.

Very good, that is precisely what Literature


But in addition. Literature comes from a

Latin word Litera which Letter. Yes, Sir!

So, it means even a candy wrapper can be

considered literature?

Anything that has letter in it can be

considered literature as long as it gives
reflection of the lives of the people that is
living on that period.

And literature is also a form of writing, be it

handwritten or printed.

May also be in symbols or pictures

That gives people insights into their
behavior and experiences.

I have a picture here; can you please tell us

if this can be considered as literature?


Yes, Sir!

Does this picture can be considered as



Yes, Sir!

Can this also be considered as Literature?


Yes, Sir!

How about this one?

Very good class, all the pictures I presented

are all considered as Literature.

Now let us go ahead and discuss the Genres

and Forms used in a Literary piece.

There are a lot of genres and forms used in

literature, however this is the most common
and staple genres and forms used even
before the Pre-colonial period up unto the
present time. Except for those we will
discuss that are on the 21st century.

The first one we have is:

1. Riddle – relied on talinghaga or

metaphor. It is a guessing game of
objects represented by other objects.
The answer is T-shirt Sir!
Example: “Isa ang pasukan, tatlo ang

What do you think is the answer of this

Correct, the answer is T-shirt.

2. Proverbs – are statement of a

particular culture’s code of behavior
and beliefs and intended to teach
values. They are known as
kasabihan in Tagalog, panultihon in

Example: “May pakpak ang balita, may

tainga ang lupa”

3. Epics – were the most prominent

literary genre of the pre-colonial
period. It featured local heroes
taking on various adventures and
indeed succeeding the journey.

Example: The Epic from Iloco, Luzon: Biag

ni Lam-ang

4. Myths – served to explain how the

world was created.

Example: the story from the Bible: “Adam

and Eve”

5. Legends – Explain the origin of


Example: “Ang alamat ng Pinya”

6. Fables – Usually features animals

that could talk like humans and
teaches a valuable lesson to the
Example: The famous kids fable from The
“Si Pagong at si Matsing”

The next are both from the 21st century

genres, and this is a very timely and very
relatable genres that I’m sure you all know
and love.

7. Manga – This is a 21st century

literary genre and an umbrella term
for a wide variety of comic books
and graphic novels originally
produced and published in Japan.

Example: Example is the famous Shonen or

boys’ manga, Dragon Ball.

In this genre, manga has a lot of examples,

Shojo or girls’ manga, Seinen or Men’s
manga, Josei or women’s manga and
Kodomo the children’s manga.

And some movies and tv series were

adapted from manga.

8. Spoken Poetry – This is a 21st

century literary genre that is in a
form of art that transforms poetry
readings into theatrical events. This
is usually performed with a musical

Before spoken poetry was called


In this genre, this very relatable to the

youth, because it has all the elements and
themes that a youth would love, like friends,
family and love, even the timely
expressions and hugot are in this genre.
And for the forms of literature, this two are
the most staple of them all. That all of the
literary piece’s would be based on these

First, we have:

9. Fiction – A literary form that tells a

story of an imaginary people and
events, this is something told or
written that is not a fact.

Example: The famous movie that is adapted

from a comic, The Marvel Universe.

10. Non-Fiction – A literary form that

tells a story that is based on a real
events or situation.

Example: The famous movie, that was

based on a true event.

A. Application As an application to the discussion and to

test your learnings upon the lesson let us
have an activity.

Get a ½ crosswise


Directions: Make your own literary piece

using the genres and forms we discuss.

It may be a short poem, an illustration, or a

short story that is based on a true event.

I will give you ten minutes to finish your

literary piece’s. (The students will make
their own literary piece and
And pass it on the front if you are finished. pass it after the given time

Directions: In a ¼ sheet of paper, identify the literary forms or genres.

1. This literary genre features a local hero taking on various adventures and indeed succeeding the
journey. (Epic)
2. This literary genre relies on metaphor or matalinghagang salita and it is also a guessing game of
objects represented by other objects. This is also known as Bugtong-Bugtong. (Riddles)
3. Are statement of particular culture of behavior and beliefs and intended to teach values. They are
known as kasabihan is Tagalog, or panultihon in Cebuano. (Proverbs)
4. This literary genre explains the origin of things. (Legend)
5. This literary genre usually features animals that could talk like humans and teaches a valuable
lesson to the readers. (Fable)
6. A literary form that tells a story of an imaginary people and events, this is something told or
written that is not a fact. (Fiction)
7. A literary form and short metrical composition intended or adapted for singing, especially one in
rhymed stanzas; a lyric; a ballad, a musical piece adapted for singing or simulating a piece to be sung.
8. This is a 21st century literary genre and an umbrella term for a wide variety of comic books and
graphic novels originally produced and published in Japan. (Manga)
9. This is a 21st century literary genre that is in a form of art that transforms poetry readings into
theatrical events. This is usually performed with a musical background. (Spoken Word Poetry)
10. A literary form that tells a story that is based on a real events or situation. (Non-Fiction)

Directions: The class will group into 18 according to the regions of the Philippines. And each
group will be assigned to discuss only 1 canonical author from their assigned region.

Group 1 – National Capital region (NCR)

Group 2 – Region 1
Group 3 – Region 2
Group 4 – Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
Group 5 – Region 3
Group 6 – Region 4A-CALABARZON
Group 7 – Region 4B-MIMAROPA
Group 8 – Region 5
Group 9 – Region 6
Group 10 – NIR Negros Island Region

Group 11 – Region 7
Group 12 – Region 8
Group 13 – Region 9
Group 14 – Region 10
Group 15 – Region 11
Group 16 – Region 12
Group 17 – Region 13
Group 18 – Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Subject Teacher

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