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Jakarta, Mediaperkebunan.




The area of coconut in Indonesia in 2022 will reach 3,391,993 ha with 99.09% farmer ownership. The
condition of 75.3% of the plants were mature plantations, 13% were immature plantations and 11.7%
were old/damaged plants. Production reached 2,589,515 tons of copra equivalent. This was explained
by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Plantations, Heru Tri Widarto, at the International
Conference on Trade and Marketing of Coconut Products in India at the end of last February.

Exports of coconut products are 28% to China, 22% to Malaysia, 8% to South Korea, 7% to the United
States, 5% to the Netherlands and 30% to other countries. Export 18% in the form of coconut, fried,
dried with skin; 18% fraction of coconut oil, other; 16% coconut meal. Copra; 14% coconut fruit; 13%
other coconut oil and 21% other products.

The government policy for coconut development is to develop coconut intercrops; building superior
varieties of coconut seedling centers that have been stipulated by the Minister of Agriculture; determine
selected mother trees and high-producing blocks for local varieties of high-yielding coconuts;
development is directed to the eastern region of Indonesia; optimizing cultivation, technology,
empowering farmers, processing and marketing; collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

In 2010-2022 rejuvenation, expansion and intensification will reach 222,148 ha while in 2023 it is
planned to cover 10,500 ha. The government program to increase farmers' income so that the
sustainability of coconut production is maintained is the intercropping of coconut with cocoa, coffee,
rice, corn, bananas, peanuts, sweet potatoes and others.

The government also supports the development of the coconut processing industry to produce high
added value products such as nata de coco, coconut chips, coconut shell charcoal briquettes, coconut
fiber, coconut flour. The main problem is the lack of integration between plantations and mills. This is
trying to be overcome by partnerships between coconut farmers and processing factories. To support
food security and improve the welfare of farmers, the government is also developing early maturing
coconuts with the early maturing varieties of nias, musk and fragrant pandanus.

R,R Shrinivasan, Managing Director of APEX, the largest coconut processing company in India, stated
that Indonesia is the largest coconut producer in the world, followed by the Philippines and India. The
world coconut market is expected to increase from USD 10.5 billion in 2021 to USD 18.1 billion. In 2020-
2025 the market for desiccated grated coconut will increase by 3.2%, VCO 2.4%, coconut water 18.6%,
coconut sugar 5.6%, coconut flour 6.6%, coconut milk 9% and nata de coco 21, 3%.

The cause of the growth of the coconut market is the shift in world consumption from products of
animal origin to products of plant origin, the growth of the bakery and cake industry as well as the
growing consumption of Asian ethnic communities in developed countries; the increasing demand for
non-dairy products; nutritional value; use in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Coconut is very
suitable as food of plant origin, increasing consumption of vegetarians, gluten and dairy free products.





Luas kelapa di Indonesia  tahun 2022 mencapai 3.391.993 ha dengan kepemilikan

99,09% petani. Kondisi tanaman 75,3% merupakan tanaman menghasilkan, 13%
tanaman belum menghasilkan dan 11,7% tanaman tua/rusak. Produksi mencapai
2.589.515 ton setara kopra. Demikian paparan Sekretaris Ditjen Perkebunan Heru Tri
Widarto pada International Conference on Trade and Marketing of Coconut Products di
India akhir Pebruari lalu.

Ekspor produk kelapa 28% ke China, 22% ke Malaysia, 8% ke Korea Selatan, 7% ke

Amerika Serikat, 5% ke Belanda dan 30% ke negara-negara lain. Ekspor 18% dalam
bentuk coconut, fried, dried with skin; 18% fraction of coconut oil, other; 16% coconut
meal. Copra; 14% coconut fruit; 13% other coconut oil dan 21% produk lain.

Kebijakan pemerintah untuk pengembangan kelapa adalah mengembangkan tumpang

sari kelapa;  membangun sentra perbenihan kelapa varietas unggul yang sudah
ditetapkan Menteri Pertanian;  menetapkan pohon induk terpilih dan blok penghasil
tinggi untuk kelapa unggul varietas lokal;  pembangunan diarahkan ke kawasan Timur
Indonesia; optimalisasi budidaya, teknologi, pemberdayaan petani, pengolahan dan
pemasaran; kerjasama dengan pemangku kepentingan terkait.

Tahun 2010-2022 peremajaan, perluasan dan intensifikasi mencapai 222.148 ha

sedang tahun 2023 direncanakan 10.500 ha. Program pemerintah untuk meningkatkan
pendapatan petani sehingga keberlanjutan produksi kelapa terjaga adalah tumpang sari
kelapa dengan kakao, kopi, padi, jagung, pisang., kacang tanah, ubi jalar dan lain-lain.
Pemerintah juga mendukung pengembangan industri olahan kelapa sehingga
dihasilkan produk bernilai tambah tinggi seperti nata de coco, chip kelapa, arang briket
tempurung kelapa, sabut kelapa, tepung kelapa. Masalah utama yang dihadapi adalah
kurangnya integrasi antara kebun dengan pabrik. Hal ini coba diatasi dengan kemitraan
antara petani kelapa dengan pabrik pengolahan. Untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan
dan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani, pemerintah juga mengembangkan kelapa
genjah dengan varietas genjah nias, entog dan pandan wangi.

R,R Shrinivasan , Managing Director APEX, perusahaan pengolahan kelapa terbesar di

India menyatakan Indonesia merupakan produsen kelapa terbesar di dunia disusul
Filipina dan India. Pasar kelapa dunia diperkirakan akan meningkat dari USD10,5 miliar
tahun 2021 menjadi USD18,1 miliar. Tahun 2020-2025 pasar kelapa parut kering naik
3,2%, VCO 2,4%, air kelapa 18,6%, gula kelapa 5,6%, tepung kelapa 6,6%, santan 9%
dan nata de coco 21,3%.

Penyebab tumbuhnya pasar kelapa adalah beralihnya konsumsi masyarakat dunia dari
produk asal hewan ke produk asal tumbuhan, pertumbuhan industri roti dan kue juga
semakin berkembangnya konsumsi masyarakat etnis Asia di negara-negara maju;
semakin meningkatnya permintaan produk non susu; nilai nutrisi; penggunana untuk
kosmetik dan industri farmasi.  Kelapa sangat cocok dijadikan pangan asal tumbuhah,
konsumsi kaum vegetarian yang semakin meningkat, produk bebas gluten dan susu.

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