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School Grade Level & Section 4

Teacher Quarter 1
Learning English Teaching Dates & Week 3 – 5 days
Area Duration
Content Standards Demonstrate an understanding of various linguistics nodes to
comprehend various texts
Demonstrate an understanding that English is stress-timed language
to achieve accuracy and automaticity
Performance Standards Use linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a variety
of texts for a variety of purposes
Read aloud text with accuracy, automaticity, and prosody
Learning Competencies/Code Note significant details of various text types

● Knowledge Note important details by answering wh-questions and identifying the
characters, setting, and plot of the story
● Skills Write simple wh-questions of various text types
● Attitude Share the importance of learning how to note important details

II. CONTENT Noting Significant Details of Various Text Types


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages English IV Teacher’s Guide, pp. 225-226

2. Learner’s Materials pages English IV Learner’s Material, pp. 236-239
3. Textbook pages English for You and Me, Reading Textbook Grade Four, pp.31-32
4. Additional Materials from SDO NegOr Self-Learning Module - Quarter 1 - Module 3: Note
Learning Resource (LR) portal Significant Details of Various Types, written by Susana P. Marcelino

B. Other Learning Resources slide deck presentation, pictures/illustrations, video clip, copies of
C. Supplies, Equipment, Tools, etc. television, laptop, letter cards, task cards, flaglets, bell

A. Review/ - The teacher reviews the class on using various resources to find meaning of words.
Introductory - The class is divided into four for this group activity.
- Each group will be given a flaglet. When the bell rings, the first group to raise the flaglet
answers the question and will get the point if the answer is correct.

Directions: Study the sample page of a dictionary below and answer the questions that follow
in your notebook.

1. What is the first entry word on this page?

2. What is the definition of “pounce”?

3. What word means “continuing in a course of action without regard to opposition or

previous failure”?

4. What part of speech is “plankton”?

5. What is the meaning of the word “proficiency”?

B. Activity/ - The teacher shows to the class a video clip about a typhoon that struck the country.
- The teacher asks the learners these questions about the video clip they watched.
a. What is the video clip all about?
b. What are the things being reported as shown in the video?
c. When a typhoon strikes your place, where do you get information?
d. Is it important to listen or read news? Why?
e. What should you do when there is a coming typhoon?

C. Analysis/ - The teacher lets the class read the given news report.
- The learners will orally answer the questions that follow.
examples of the
new lesson
where the Good morning to all our radio listeners. This is Ann Mendoza for the weather
concepts are news.
clarified A powerful typhoon will enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on
Monday, June 15. PAGASA said, typhoon Pablo will pass through parts of Visayas and
Mindanao tomorrow at 8:00 o’clock in the morning and will possibly leave the country
on Tuesday evening. According to PAGASA, typhoon Pablo is a signal no. 2.
Classes from preschool to secondary levels will be suspended in all affected
areas. Alert is up for all those living near rivers and coastal areas. Evacuation is advised
to those in the danger zones because of possible floods and landslides due to the amount
of water typhoon Pablo is set to release.

1. Who is giving the news report?

2. What is the news report all about?
3. When will typhoon Pablo enter the country?
4. Where will it hit?
5. What might happen to the affected areas?
6. Why do you think there is a need to suspend classes?
7. If you were one of those living near the danger zones will you evacuate? Why?
8. As a Grade 4 learner how can you help the flood victims in your community?

D. Abstraction The teacher facilitates the class in discussing about noting significant details of various text

Some of the various text types are feature story, news report, biography, editorial,
and procedural. To consider the significant details of various text types is to answer the wh-
questions: who, what, where, when, why and how. Wh-questions are certain types of
questions we ask to get information about different things and are used frequently every day
at home and in the classroom. Asking wh-questions may promote the development of
children’s vocabulary and verbal reasoning skills, because these questions require children to
provide more complex verbal responses.

Who is used to ask about people.

What is used to ask about things.

Where is used to ask about places.

When is used to ask about time.

Why is used to ask about reasons/causes.

How is used to ask about manner/process.

Note: Go back to the news report of Ann Mendoza to discuss further on how to note
important details through answering wh-questions.

Noting details of various text types could also be done using the elements of a story
which are character, setting, and plot.
The characters are the people or animals in the story.
The setting talks about the place and the time that the events in the story happened
The plot is made up of the events that happened in the story. It consists of the
beginning, the middle, and the ending.


The teacher facilitates the class in completing the table below to note the significant details
of the story.

Jhunie and Julie

Jhunie and Julie are twins. One Tuesday morning, they planned to buy flowers.
They invited their friend Yumi to go with them, but Yumi refused.
When Jhunie and Julie entered the flower shop, they were amused to see flowers
of different colors and sizes. They bought a dozen huge tulips and sunflowers. They cut
the stems and gave the flowers to their mother as a birthday gift. Jhunie and Julie hugged
their mother.

Characters Setting Plot




E. Valuing: Finding Task 1 (Individual Activity)

Mayon Volcano
Practical Directions:Mayon
Read the selection
Volcano is onebelow. Then,volcanoes
of the active answer the questions
in our country.that
It isfollow in your
also a tourist
Applications of notebook.
spot found in Albay Province. It is noted for its perfect cone. Other volcanoes in our
Concepts and country have imperfect cones.
Skills in Daily Many tourists visit Albay province to see how the volcano actually looks. Its
Living slopes are covered with green plants. At the foot of the volcano are well-cultivated fields
planted with vegetables and other crops. Soil around the volcano becomes fertile because
of ashes and lava that the volcano throws out during eruptions. The volcano is a source of
income of farmers living near the areas. But at times, the volcano is unfriendly to people.
It destroys properties. When the volcano becomes active, people see black smoke coming
out from its crater and later it throws out lava, stones, and ashes. When this happens,
growing things around the volcano are covered with lava. Farmers have to replant
vegetables and other crops when the volcano calms.
1. What is the story about?
2. What did you learn about the volcano?
3. Do you like to live near a volcano? Why?
4. What is Mayon Volcano noted for?
5. Are the volcanic lava and ashes useful to people living near the volcano? What
benefits do people get from them?

Task 2 (Individual Activity)

Directions: Read and answer the questions below based on the selection on pinakbet recipe.
Pinakbet or Pakbet
(Northern Philippine Cuisine)

Pinakbet or pakbet is an Ilocano stewed vegetable dish. The usual vegetables

included in the dish are eggplant, bitter gourd (ampalaya), okra, and tomatoes. The dish is
seasoned with bagoong isda or (fermented fish paste).
The Ilocanos cook pinakbet simply by layering the vegetables in a pot with a
little amount of water and fish sauce in it. They set the pot on a low fire and let the food
simmer without stirring or mixing until the vegetables are cooked.
These days, many people come up with different versions.
Here is one way of cooking it.

Utensils: Pan, knife, chopping board, bowl, ladle, tablespoon/teaspoon

2 pieces ampalaya, cut into 2” length
1 medium onion, chopped
2 pieces eggplant, cut into 2” length wedge
1 tablespoon bagoong isda (salted fish sauce)
6-8 pieces okra, tops trimmed off or diagonally
112 cup shrimp, fish, or pork broth
2 pieces tomatoes, cut in wedges
2 tablespoons cooking oil for sauteing
1 teaspoon ground pepper pork slices

1. Saute the garlic, onions, and tomatoes in the oil. Add the pork slices and saute for a
2. Turn the heat down and layer the vegetables from the bottom of the pan in this
order: ampalaya, okra, eggplant.
3. Add the broth and bagoong. Cover, let it boil, then simmer for ten to fifteen minutes
until the vegetables are cooked but still firm.
4. Stir in the fish or shrimp. Season with ground pepper
5. Serve with rice.

1. Based on the recipe given, who usually cooks pinakbet?

2. What region does this recipe come from?

3. When do we add the ampalaya, okra, and eggplant?

4. What are the utensils used in cooking pinakbet?

5. Why do you set the pot on a low fire and let the pinakbet simmer without stirring or mixing
until the vegetables are cooked?

Task 3 (Pair Activity)

Directions: Read the biography of Randy Halasan. Write five (5) simple wh- questions based
on his biography. Write your answers in a paper.
Who is Randy Halasan?
Randy Halasan is a teacher in Pegalongan Elementary School. His school is in a
far village in Davao City, found in the mountain, where the Matigsalug Tribe lives.
In 2014, Randy was given the Ramon Magsaysay Award for caring for his
students and their community through teaching and helping out the whole village. The
Ramon Magsaysay Award is given to persons or group of persons who show good
examples in good government, courageous service to the people, and putting practical
principles to work in the society. The award is a very important honor. It is known world-
Randy was born in Davao City in 1982. He came from a poor family. However,
he worked part-time so he could finish his college education. He graduated in 2003 and
started to work on odd jobs. He became a substitute teacher in 2006.
In 2007, he started teaching fulltime at Pegalongan Elementary School. To reach
his school, Randy travels seven hours-two hours by bus, one hour by motorcycle, four
hours of walking, including the crossing of two rivers.
At first, he wanted to teach in a school that is closer to the city where his family
lives and longed for the chance to transfer. However, he cares so much for the children
who walk for miles aand cross rivers everyday just to get to school and learn, even
sometimes while hungry and tired. He also cares for the community and the people who
have limited means of livelihood to support the education of their children. He decided to
stay and help.
He helped the community improve their livelihood by bringing people to work
together and learn new ways to till their land. He appealed to the local government and
other groups and brought them in to provide more help or aid.
He worked hard to expand the school-from a two-room school house with two teachers to
a permanent school with nine rooms, eight teachers, and 210 students. In 2010, Randy
became the head teacher of the school.
He believed education is important to the Matigsalug’s survival in a changing
world and has convinced parents to keep their children in school. He went beyond
teaching his students and helped the village become more self-reliant. His efforts were
recognized when he received several awards, including the Ramon Magsaysay Award.

1. Who - ____________________________________________________________

2. What - ____________________________________________________________

3. When - ____________________________________________________________
4. Where - ____________________________________________________________

5. Why - ____________________________________________________________

Task 4 (Group Activity)

- The teacher divides the class into four (4).

- Each group is given a copy of the article titled “Travel Time” (refer to Learner’s
Material - Read and Learn, page 238).
- Each group works on a task specified in the task cards provided for them.

Group 1 - List down the landmarks mentioned in the article. Put them under
categories: Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao.

Luzon Visayas Mindanao

Group 2 - Show the location of the landmarks using the Philippine map.
Group 3 - Role play a scene showing your family’s journey to one of the mentioned
Group 4 - Through a poster, show a scenic or historical place you have been to.
Present to the class your experience in this place through your drawing.

- Each group presents their output within 2-3 minutes.

- Let other groups give comments to the performance of each group.

F. Generalization The learners complete the following statements orally.

1. The various text types that I learned from this lesson are

2. The five wh-questions I could use in noting details are _____________________________.

3. I can also note important details of the story by identifying the


4. Noting significant details of various text types is important because


G. Assessment Directions: Read the story carefully. Write the letters of the answer in your notebook.
Katrina’s Trip to the Ocean
As the alarm clock started with a loud ring, Katrina got out of her bed excitedly.
They were going to the beach today and she didn’t want to be late.
When Katrina went down for breakfast, Mother had already prepared 5 big picnic
baskets filled with all kinds of food.
“Do you have your things ready?” Mother asked.
“Yes, Mother. I packed my red bathing suit, my yellow pail and pink spade.”
After a hearty breakfast, Katrina and her parents piled into their car and headed
for the ocean.
Katrina watched the scenery as they went along. She saw many things. She saw
houses, rice fields and a funny scarecrow. She waved at some children playing by the
1. Who is the main character in the story?

a. Katrina b. Mother c. Shiela d. her sister

2. Where did Katrina go?

a. to the market b. to the movie c. to the beach d. to the zoo

3. What time do you think did Katrina wake up?

a. early in the afternoon c. early in the morning

b. late in the morning d. late in the afternoon

4. What did she bring?

a. blue bathing suit, red pail, and green spade

b. red bathing suit, yellow pail, and pink spade

c. green bathing suit, blue pail, and yellow spade

d. red bathing suit, pink pail, and yellow spade

5. What did she see on their way to the ocean?

a. cows, goats, and rivers

b. trees, houses, and tall buildings

c. flowers, people, and sari-sari store

d. houses, rice fields, and a funny scarecrow

6. Which of the following is the correct setting of the story?

a. in the house b. at the beach c. on the farm d. in the forest

7. What time did Katrina go home?

a. early in the afternoon c. late in the afternoon

b. late in the evening d. the next morning

8. How did Katrina feel about going to the beach?

a. glad b. excited c. surprised d. pleased

9. What things did she see at the beach?

a. starfish, crab, and different kinds of shells

b. crabs and different kinds of fish

c. fish and different kinds of corals

d. stones and different kinds of fish

10. Why do you think Katrina swam the whole day?

a. Because her mother told her.

b. Because she is trying to find a mermaid.

c. Because it is her choice.

d. Because she missed swimming in the beach.


A. No. of learners who learned 80% on
the formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:


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