Ex. 15.13

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Stoichiometric Rxn:

C2H4 + x1 (O2 + 3.76N2) → x2 CO2 + x3 H2O + x4 N2

C: 2 = x2
H: 4 = (2) x3 → x3 = 2
O: (2) x1 = (2) x2 + x3 = 2(2) + 2 = 6 → x1 = 3
N: (3.76) x1 = (3.76)(3) = x4 → x4 = 7.52
C2H4 + 3 (O2 + 3.76N2) → 2 CO2 + 2 H2O + 7.52 N2

The Actual Rxn. At 400% Theoretical Air is then

C2H4 + (4)3 (O2 + 3.76N2) → 2 CO2 + 2 H2O + x5 O2 + (4)(3)(3.76) N2

O: (4)(3)(2) = 2(2) + 2(1) + x5(2) → x5 = 9

C2H4 + 12 (O2 + 3.76N2) → 2 CO2 + 2 H2O + 9 O2 + 45.12 N2

The reversible work is

= [ nC2H4 (hof + ∆h – Tos)C2H4 + nO2 (hof + ∆h – Tos)O2 + nN2 (hof + ∆h – Tos)N2 ] -

[ nCO2 (hof + ∆h – Tos)CO2 + nH2O (hof + ∆h – Tos)H2O + nO2 (hof + ∆h – Tos)O2 + nN2 (hof + ∆h – Tos)N2 ]

Sensible enthalpies,
The sensible enthalpy ∆h is zero for reactants and products because they are at 25°C.

Calculating the absolute entropies,

→ the third term is zero because reactants and products are modeled as ideal gases
→ the second term is zero because P=Po for the reactants and products
→ only the first term (standard state entropy) remains for the reactants and products

Wrev = [ nC2H4 (hof)C2H4 - nCO2 (hof)CO2 - nH2O (hof)H2O ]

- To [ [ nC2H4 (soT)C2H4 + nO2 (soT)O2 + nN2 (soT)N2 ]R - [ nCO2 (soT)CO2 + nH2O (soT)H2O + nO2 (soT)O2 + nN2 (soT)N2 ]P ]

= [(1)(+52,467) – (2)(-393,522) – (2)(-241,826)]

– (298.15) [ [ 1(219.330) + 12(205.148) + 12(3.76)(191.609)] – [ 2(213.794) + 2(188.843) + 9(205.148)
+ 12(3.76)(191.609)] ]
= 1,314,367.575 kJ/kmol C2H4
= (1,314,367.575 kJ/kmol C2H4)/(28.054 kg C2H4/kmol C2H4)
= 46,851 kJ/kg C2H4

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